Reply 2479# queenhua
tp date yg cha nk mhal laaa... |
Kenapa lin masuk website aa xde promo tu yer? bukan arini ker? |
Reply rosequeen
bila dah buat web cek in pastikan anda print boarding pass tu...
pastu jika ad ...
mijot Post at 18-10-2010 18:41
o.k thks mijot, paham lah rasanya.... |
Kenapa lin masuk website aa xde promo tu yer? bukan arini ker?
lynalin10 Post at 19-10-2010 10:29
Semalam ada... Arini pun ada tp untuk arini hanya Indonesia/Cina/India selain Penang dan langkawi.. |
masuk website AA tadi.... flight pi Singapore tuk bulan 3 (cuti sekolah)... RM4 hengget aje... pegi balik campur sumer dalam RM100 lebey sket sorang.. kira oklah tu kan... |
masuk website AA tadi.... flight pi Singapore tuk bulan 3 (cuti sekolah)... RM4 hengget aje... pegi ...
zafira Post at 19-10-2010 12:43
Zafira ok sgt tu mcm naik bas express je.. |
Reply 2507# dannyl
tulah, rasa pun macam murah... tenkiu... |
Limited check-in counter
Effective 1 November 2010, there will be a VERY LIMITED NUMBER OF AIRASIA CHECK-IN COUNTERS within Malaysia, as most of our Check-In Counters will be converted into Baggage Drop-off Counters.
To ensure a queue-free and faster Check-In process, Self Check-In by utilising our Web before you arrive at the airport. Web Check-In will be available from 7 days and up to 4 hours before your scheduled flight departure.
If both your departing and return flights are within 7 days from the time you Self Check-In then both your departure and arrival boarding passes can be printed.
The following guest(s) will NOT be able to utilise our Web Check-In services:
1.Expectant mothers
2.Guest(s) travelling with infant(s)
3.Guest(s) with reduce mobility and those with special needs
4.Guest(s) travelling to Australia (guests will require pre-immigration clearance)
5.More than 9 guest(s) under one booking number
6.Guest(s) who have purchased ticket(s) under our flight transfer service
7.Credit card & EGV voucher bookings made via internet or call centre, departing within 24 hours from the time of booking
more info : http://www.airasia.com/my/en/cci.html |
cuma apa yg aku harapkan banyak kaunter baggage drop dibuka...
masa aku gi kuching, kaunter buka 3 buah jer sedangkan pax beratur panjang giler....
tahu nak menyenangkan diorg tp menyusahkan kita... |
anybody ada tips & tricks tak macam mana nak rembat tix yang promo2 ni?
selalu bila dah dapat, sela ...
cn7 Post at 19-10-2010 08:47
rasanyakan jgn guna cc beli masa promo ni.
convinience fee tu blh memahalkan rega tiket, lagi pulak part payment selalu sangkut.
tp klu guna direct debit akaun....senang je. ni pengalaman masa 0 fare last year dgn rm1 baru ni. |
rasanyakan jgn guna cc beli masa promo ni.
convinience fee tu blh memahalkan rega tiket, lag ...
dee556 Post at 19-10-2010 19:12
tengkiu dee... |
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