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1. Tiada sempadan jarak atau masa
2. Menghayati sesuatu yang di luar jangkauan kita
3. Mengetahui masa silam @ lampau
4. Membawa pelbagai budaya yang menjadi ikutan |
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yup..betul tu banyak change the world..
mcm2 ble berlaku dalam tv ni..
ada yg benar diputar belit menjd sebaliknya.. can change the world.. |
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kita bukan melihat DUNIA melalui kaca TV
we wacth the GAMES by people who own the TV station |
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Watching TV can influenced your life if you do not have one in the first place (couch potato)
Depends on the kind of programmes that you watch on telly ofcoz seri...for me nothing's changed it just that thru TV it brings the wide world closer to home, but as Alja has rightly pointed it out, it's manipulated by the biggies that are only out to max the entertainment value for whatever that it's worth
I prefer to watch 'educational' programmes on telly anyway, National Geographic Channel, Animal Kingdom, Lonely Planet |
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kadang tv ne beri impak - walhal ianya +
kadangkala menyiarkan siaran yang mengaburi mata rakyat..cuma menceritakan keamanan sedangkan kawa.tu bergolak.....kene tgk byk perspektif ne..
banyak memberi hiburan tanpa henti....mmg digemari remaja
satu aku tak puas hati bile hampir 96% ranc kartun adalah berbahasa melayu...tapi kerajaan mewar-warkan penggunaan bahasa what>>>> BILE anak nak maju? melalui kartun kanak2 banyak pendedahan.... |
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TV has definitely changed the way we look at the world.
We get to go to all places in the world even the far most remote places on Earth where men have never ventured before.
We get to visit people from various culture and understand them.
We even get to go to space. We don't need government to spend millions for us to travel to space.
All we need to do is to pay Astro about $100 per month and be a couch potato and you can travel to any part of the Universe you want including the sun.
Happy watching and traveling. |
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Reply #1 seribulan's post
i agree with you with this perpsective and i have to say watching TV gives so much exposures towards things we yet to know.
they also tend to follow what the media in general has set for them. in malaysia is the case of fair politics and democracy in terms of media expression.
in other parts of the world they were exposed to many more terrorism and citizens are -sort of- doctrinated by the whole idea of bombs and huge beard phobicism.
depends on where you put yourself in this case.
i rather not to engulfed myself with stories only on one side of the fence
u guys know what i meant kan? |
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tgk internet lagi byk info, tv hanyalah berita, drama2 dogeng, kartun2, nyayi2 yg artis wartawan cameraman2 pemuzik2 kuli2 cari makan |
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I've stopped watching TV since 2011. I've lost interest in keeping up with all the serial soaps and the time conditioning behind it. But during that time, I still go out and watch movie.
In 2015, I've completely stopped watching movie in cinema, especially right during the peak premier time but I do opt for streaming any particular movie I feel like watching at any time. Sometimes months after the release date.
Watching TV in my definitions:
During schooling time:
~As an escapism from mundane student life. I've learnt to have aspiration on what do I want to do when I grow up. The whole personification of stuff I watched on the telly, especially career, lifestyle, romance.. were my motivations in college as all three were the mold of a personality I wished to shape myself into becoming
When I'm all mature and grown-up:
~I realised that, the portrayal of stuffs and situation and TV were all altered with prejudice. Which is to aim for the highest rating. I learnt that contents aren't necessarily authentic, driving people to be in denial. I don't see myself as needing to be shaped by these standards from the programs I used to watch on Telly. I rather be raw and 100% myself rather than being subliminally programmed. I've ditched TV, and that seemed to be one of the best decision I've ever taken.
P/S: Unlike Suhaimy Saad the toss-medicine-away guy, I ditch TV not because I'm Zuhud or Alim, I'm just so done being programmed hehe |
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suka point no.2 tu.
ada sesetengah tv series or shows yg help to visualise our imaginasion. saya paling suka cerita fantasi sebab dia tolong kita bayangkan sesuatu yg out of this world.
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I baru on balik tv sejak lepas pru14. Sejak tun det balik memerintah. Zaman si polan tu ai tak tgk tv. Why... Berita nya sungguh tak berapa suka nak dengar |
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boleh tgk drama or konsert waktu rht atau teman anak2 tgk kartun.. paling best tgk tv masa sahur sekolah rendah.thn 90an ada tunjuk budaya dan makanan masa buka puasa sahur dan aktiviti diorg masa bulan puasa. sekrang masih ada lagi tapi tak best macam dl.rindu zaman kanak2. |
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mengetahui masa silam n lampau - terutama bila menonton history channel |
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Paling banyak tengok TV masa budak-budak dan masa belajar. Masa tu percaya yang Koboi lebih baik dari Red Indian, askar US menang perang Vietnam dan apa sahaja tentang US mmg hero dan baik belaka sedangkan yang Russia dan Jerman sejahat-jahat manusia.
Tapi bila dah pandai berfikir nampaknya TV telah digunakan untuk memanipulasi perasaan dan penerimaan serta cara berfikir manusia.
Contoh paling senang, kalau selalu tengok drama dan sinetron tentu percaya yang jodoh orang miskin boleh kahwin dengan anak bangsawan dan orang kaya terlajak. Pergi ofis naik kereta mewah dan cuma tengok laptop kat pejabat. Rasa susah hati terus bercuti sana sini.
Sebelum PRU tak larat nak tengok berita TV3 yang menghentam Tun tak sudah-sudah. Sekarang malu bila orang yang dihentam cukup-cukup tu ruapnya jadi PM balik.
Begitulah TV ada peranan negative dan positif. Terpulang kita nak lihat yang indah-indah sahaja atau yang jelik dalam masyarakat. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi