The Daily Gratitude thread... (read first post)
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Saya rasa bersyukur kerana masih diberi peluang utk hidup, bernafas, menggunakan semua pancaindera dgn baik, sihat, have a good job, wife and baby yg menyenangkan, rakan2 yg hebat2, masih berpeluang utk berforum dan banyak lagi.. |
i feel grateful today to still be able to breathe & be alive surrounded by people that matters the most in my life,grateful to be able to have a bunch of lovely cats & feed them,play with them & see the world from their perspective.And even feel grateful for being able to watch the stunning scenery of our mother nature & read a book or any writing that can inspired me in many ways..i do feel grateful.. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi