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Author: rotibakar2006

Al-Quran mengandungi petunjuk saintifik

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Post time 13-1-2007 12:13 PM | Show all posts


:lebai: Dia yang menjadikan malam dan siang, matahari dan bulan, setiap mereka berenang di falak (tempat peredarannya). (Surah al-Anbiya; 33)

Dan matahari beredar di tempat peredarannya. Demikianlah ketetapan yang maha Perkasa dan maha Mengetahui. (Surah Yaasin;38)

Fakta yg dikemukakn dlm Al-Quran ini tlh ditemui melalui pemerhatian astronomi hr ni.Brdsrkn kpd kiraan pakar2 astronomi,matahari brgerak dlm kelajuan yg besar selaju 720, 000 km sejam mngarah ke bintang Vega dlm 1 orbit trtentu dlm sistem Solar Apex.Ini bererti matahari brgerak sejauh 17,280,000 km sejam scr anggaran.Brsama2 dgn matahari,n smua planet n satelit yg berada dlm lingkungan sistem graviti matahari (sistem solar) jg turut brgerak pd jrk yg sama.Sbg tmbahan,smua bintang dlm alam semesta adlh berada dlm 1 prsamaan prgerakn yg tlh ditentukn.

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Post time 13-1-2007 03:22 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by carpet at 13-1-2007 12:01 PM
carpet pn bukan doktor saudara/i me... carpet nk jd doktor satu hari nnti...InsyaAllah..
ni mengikut apa yg penah carpet baca..

berperingkat-peringkat yg dimaksudkan dlm ayat itu i ...

hmmm, bukan kah anda post kan ayat ni "Dalamtiga suasana yang gelap-gelita".

dan juga, adakah quran menyatakan dengan terperinci peringkat-peringkat tersebut, sebab manusia dah lama tahu yang kejadian manusia mengambil masa, dan pastinya mempunyai peringkat-peringkat yang tertentu.

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Post time 13-1-2007 04:31 PM | Show all posts

Reply #42 me's post

Dalam tiga SUASANA yang gelap-gelita..
bukan tiga PERINGKAT...

carpet kurang paham soklan Me kt bwh tu..
mengenai 'secara terperinci' yg Me ckp tu...
inilah yg berlaku dlm satu pndebatan antara ulamak Islam dgn paderi Kristian satu masa dulu..
paderi bertnya kpd si alim..
"jika benar Al-Quran itu lengkap..tunjukkan saya cara2 mmbuat roti dlm Al-Quran itu.."
si alim mengemukakan 1 ayat..
carpet x pasti ayat mna tp maksudnya lebih kurang gini..
~kalau kita x tahu apa jua bentuk ilmu..rujuklah org yg lebih mengetahui...~
secara x langsung...lengkaplah jawapan kpd pertanyaan paderi dan Me td...:lebai:

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Post time 13-1-2007 08:07 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by carpet at 13-1-2007 04:31 PM
Dalam tiga SUASANA yang gelap-gelita..
bukan tiga PERINGKAT...

carpet kurang paham soklan Me kt bwh tu..
mengenai 'secara terperinci' yg Me ckp tu...
inilah yg berlaku dlm satu pndebatan an ...

perkara ini adalah sama dengan ramalan-ramalan nostradamus. mereka yang mempercayai ramalan nostradamus hanya dapat menerangkan tentang ramalan beliau apabila telah berlalu sesuatu perkara. bermakna, mereka dapat menyesuaikan fakta dengan ramalan-ramalan tersebut dengan memilih ramalan-ramalan yang sesuai atau pun yang hampir sesuai.

sebab itulah saya  memerlukan  penyataan yang lebih terperinci tentang bagaimana proses tersebut berlaku. jika hanya seperti ayat yang anda berikan, itu terlalu umum...

dan rasanya, manusia 10000 yang lampau pun mengetahui yang perut mereka yang mengandung akan membesar secara berperingkat.

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Post time 14-1-2007 12:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by carpet at 13-1-2007 12:01 PM
berperingkat-peringkat yg dimaksudkan dlm ayat itu ialah..
peringkat pertama 'nutfah' (setitik air..air mani)..kedua 'alaqah (menyerupai lintah)..ke3 'mudghah' (sesuatu yg seperti dimamah)..ke4 peringkat pmbtkan tulang..dan pembungkusan tulang dgn daging..

1)mane ade perbentukan janin secara berperingkat peringkat??? Perbentukan janin adalah satu process yg berterusan tanpa pertukaran tiba-tiba.

Embryo delevopment is a continuos process. We humans have breakdown this continuous process into stages.

Basically the development is like this . the development is devided in 2 period. Embryonic development and Fetal development. The embryoic period is 8weeks and its divided into 23 stages called carnegie stages. The Fetal development is the period from 9 to 36 weeek of the embryo development.

2) nak jadi doctor tapi tak tau ker perbentukan tulang dan daging pada janin berlaku pada masa yg sama. Bukan tulang dulu kemudian dibungkus dengan daging. :malu:

takpayah jadi doctor.. jadi aje lah uztaz.. bleh cari makan dgn cerita2 temberang dari quran ko tu.

Quran and hadis are wrong when it comes to embryology.

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Post time 14-1-2007 02:09 AM | Show all posts
the development is devided in 2 period. Embryonic development and Fetal development. The embryoic period is 8weeks and its divided into 23 stages called carnegie stages. The Fetal development is the period from 9 to 36 weeek of the embryo development.

"doctor" fakeHealer, the words divided and stages itself suggested that it is "berperingkat-peringkat". and of course it is a continuos process as in from one peringkat to one peringkat.

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Post time 14-1-2007 02:38 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hiburanmalam at 14-1-2007 02:09 AM

"doctor" fakeHealer, the words divided and stages itself suggested that it is "berperingkat-peringkat". and of course it is a continuos process as in from one peringkat to o ...

yes i know what divide and stages means o' fakefollower.

those divide and stages were given by man to identify the development stages at certain period. In reality there is no sudden stages as mention in your fake book. The fetus development is a continuous process.  No sudden changes from 'nutfah' to 'alaqah' to 'mudghah' .

Your fake holy book got it all wrong about human development.

[ Last edited by  FaithHealer3 at 14-1-2007 02:45 AM ]

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Post time 14-1-2007 03:07 AM | Show all posts
..those divide and stages were given by man to identify the development stages at certain ......

thats exactly what the verses intend to deliver. glad you actually agreed the Quran verses. sudden change? says who? come now.. you denied it was berperingkat and then agreed. and now this sudden change? nowhere did the Holy Quran mention sudden change. dont make that up.. poor pirate, he's lost

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Post time 14-1-2007 06:04 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hiburanmalam at 14-1-2007 03:07 AM

thats exactly what the verses intend to deliver. glad you actually agreed the Quran verses.
if the verse was correct then i will agree with the verse but unfortunately for you the quran verses are wrong.

Originally posted by hiburanmalam at 14-1-2007 03:07 AM
sudden change? says who? come now.. you denied it was berperingkat and then agreed. and now this sudden change? nowhere did the Holy Quran mention sudden change. dont make that up.. poor pirate, he's lost

see you ppl are so poor in understanding .

What i meant was.. embryo developement is a continuous process. This true statement still stands. From the moment of conception till the day the baby is born, the whole process is a continuous one.

The embryology stages are given by humans in respect with time. Todays embryology gives 23 stages split in 8 week followed by another gestation period of 28weeks. Hundreds of years before Muhammad, Galen the greek scientist gave 4 stages for the embryo developement.

Muhammad's Quran did not state the fetus development are continuous but gave the impression that the fetus changes are sudden. like a supernatural changes from 'nutfah' to 'alaqah' to 'mudghah'.   

Lets look at what the hadith hv to say wheather the changes from 'nutfah' to 'alaqah' to 'mudghah' is slow, gradual or sudden.. read it and weep boiiiissss

Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 55, Number 549:
Narrated Abdullah: Allah's Apostle, the true and truly inspired said, "(as regards your creation), every one of you is collected in the womb of his mother for the first forty days, and then he becomes a clot for an other forty days, and then a piece of flesh for an other forty days. Then Allah sends an angel to write four words: He writes his deeds, time of his death, means of his livelihood, and whether he will be wretched or blessed (in religion). Then the soul is breathed into his body. So a man may do deeds characteristic of the people of the (Hell) Fire, so much so that there is only the distance of a cubit between him and it, and then what has been written (by the angel) surpasses, and so he starts doing deeds characteristic of the people of Paradise and enters Paradise. Similarly, a person may do deeds characteristic of the people of Paradise, so much so that there is only the distance of a cubit between him and it, and then what has been written (by the angel) surpasses, and he starts doing deeds of the people of the (Hell) Fire and enters the (Hell) Fire."

Sahih Bukhari Volume 4, Book 55, Number 550:
Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said, "Allah has appointed an angel in the womb, and the angel says, 'O Lord! A drop of discharge (i.e. of semen), O Lord! a clot, O Lord! a piece of flesh.' And then, if Allah wishes to complete the child's creation, the angel will say. 'O Lord! A male or a female? O Lord! wretched or blessed (in religion)? What will his livelihood be? What will his age be?' The angel writes all this while the child is in the womb of its mother."
source :

:pmuka: :pmuka: :pmuka:

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Post time 14-1-2007 07:10 PM | Show all posts
if the verse was correct then i will agree with the verse but unfortunately for you the quran verses are wrong.

for me? or for you? i dont believe a word in the bible (even some might have been close to true) considering it have been manipulated by Paul. He even failed math.

i seriously dont understand what you're trying to point out here now.
What i meant was.. embryo developement is a continuous process. This true statement still stands. From the moment of conception till the day the baby is born, the whole process is a continuous one.

..true from phase to phase and the Holy Quran has no contadiction to it.

how fast is your sudden change? youre illogical. the wordsand then totally suggest it is a countinuos process; indeed a change from one phase to phase. i just tought you've strenghten the idea of what the Quran verses trying to deliver. i thank you

btw do you understand what exactly 'nutfah', 'alaqah' and 'mudghah' means. dont take what your "Fathers" milkfeed completely. they're not even doctors to tell it all... and yeah they failed math.

[ Last edited by  hiburanmalam at 14-1-2007 07:11 PM ]

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Post time 14-1-2007 10:20 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hiburanmalam at 14-1-2007 07:10 PM
for me? or for you? i dont believe a word in the bible (even some might have been close to true) considering it have been manipulated by Paul. He even failed math.

i seriously dont understand what you're trying to point out here now.
of course you couldn't understand. if you did then you will be weeping already.

what the hell is wrong with you. whats has pauls failing math got to do with Muhammad'quran:gila:  

Originally posted by hiburanmalam at 14-1-2007 07:10 PM
how fast is your sudden change? youre illogical. the wordsand then totally suggest it is a countinuos process; indeed a change from one phase to phase. i just tought you've strenghten the idea of what the Quran verses trying to deliver. i thank you

you ppl are so blind.

every one of you is collected in the womb of his mother for the first forty days, and then he becomes a clot for an other forty days, and then a piece of flesh for an other forty days

The authentic hadiths explains the quran verse and its scientifically a nonsence. No embryo remains as a 'nutfah' for forty days. and then suddenly changes to 'alaqah' and remaind a "alaqah" for another 40days, and then suddenly changes its shape to 'mudghah' and remains a 'mudghah' for another 40days.. crazy and stupid indeed. but thats what your hadiths teaches you.

It teaches you to remains stupid with eyes close shut to the truth. let me shine some light.

According to Muhammad it takes 80days when the embryo goes into 'mudhah' stage and remains so for another 40days.

changes from 'nutfah( A drop of discharge (i.e. of semen), to alaqah' ( a clot/ a clot of blood/leeach like clot), mudhah (a piece of flesh/lump of flesh)..


Did any one muslim say .. a leeach? ha ha ha

weep boiiii weep

[ Last edited by  FaithHealer3 at 14-1-2007 10:30 PM ]

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Post time 15-1-2007 03:26 PM | Show all posts
jgn tafsir maksud ayat al-Quran kemudian memutarbelitkannya...
kamus dewan pn x cakap yg berperingkat-peringkat itu bermaksud berubah secara tiba2...
sebaliknya membawa maksud bertahap-tahap...
senang je nk paham...
bdk drjh 1,2,3 iaitu tahap 1 beransur-ansur mnjd bdk thp 2 iaitu drjh 4,5,6..
bukan bdk drjah 1(tahap 1) terus jd drjh 5(tahap 2)...

p/s:maaf kalau x paham sbb carpet pn bukan arif sgt...
tp at least, carpet tau yg ayat al-Quran mudah utk difahami...

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Post time 16-1-2007 01:03 AM | Show all posts
what the hell is wrong with you. whats has pauls failing math got to do with Muhammad'quran[quote]
im just stating my reason why i dont believe your paul bible.

[quote].... No embryo remains as a 'nutfah' for forty days. and then suddenly changes to 'alaqah' and remaind a "alaqah" for another 40days, and then suddenly changes its shape to 'mudghah' and remains a 'mudghah' for another 40days.....

okay then "doctor". i included below the explanation by Islamtoday for your proposition of contradiction. Its always understandable that youre not the first curious lamers out there to question about this. and glad you did your "google job" on the arabic words.

Copy the Code

cheers now goofie:nerd:

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Post time 20-1-2007 01:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hiburanmalam at 16-1-2007 01:03 AM

okay then "doctor". i included below the explanation by Islamtoday for your proposition of contradiction. Its always understandable that youre not the first curious lamers out there to question about this. and glad you did your "google job" on the arabic words.

[Copy to clipboard]

Ahem.. you giving me a website( that makes a fool of itself by denying hadiths that are clasified as authentic(sahih hadiths) by Imam Bukhari and quoting less detailed hadith from Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim... ha ha ha ha

Quoating hadiths that says angel come and determines what sex the embryo will be after 42 or 45 nights is stupid.. The sex of the baby is known at the moment of conception as the sex is determine by the mans sperm's X or Y chromosomes. This hadiths of Muhammad is totally go against reality and science.

weep boys weep

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Post time 20-1-2007 09:07 PM | Show all posts
i dont expect you to agree nonetheless the explanation is there. if youre against it, its your choice and your opinion. if you're proposing a contradiction to get explanation then there you are, but if youre just trying to make a fool of yourself, you wil never accept any explanation at the first place anyhow. just like us, we dont think prophet jesus pbuh, is god even if you did gave 1001 explanation. so i am not bothered. Salam.

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Post time 20-1-2007 09:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hiburanmalam at 20-1-2007 09:07 PM
i dont expect you to agree nonetheless the explanation is there. if youre against it, its your choice and your opinion. if you're proposing a contradiction to get explanation then there you are,  ...

i do believe faithhealer is not christian, but i could be wrong. and if he isnt, why always drag christian in?

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