Originally posted by mysara at 11-2-2006 11:31 PM
mmg kebanyakan org yahudi tampan dan jelita joe.. walaupun mereka hanyalah seorang buruh kasar atau maid
tapi pesai pa maid dimesia ramai putih putih tak kelabu asap cam tuan puah depa cigu?:gila: bab idung tu sama le master and servant idung pesek kembang cam yasin.:cak: |
Reply #21 ajinomotonosuga's post
tak paham nak baca bahasa tulisan onyang |
hmm bukan sekadr itu shj...
Originally posted by mysara at 11-2-2006 11:31 PM
mmg kebanyakan org yahudi tampan dan jelita joe.. walaupun mereka hanyalah seorang buruh kasar atau maid
reply -
mereka talah banyak belajaq dari Adolf Hitler -
yes that holocaust thingy had made learnt how to be on top of other in a very hard way...
they are not just handsome - like Mr Duchovny but clever indeed.. |
saya kurang faham soalan saudara...bab apa yg sdr maksudkan 'sangkaan atau dari penyelidikan'....
yg saya maksudkan askar2 yahudi ni nampak muka mereka cernih2, kacak 2 dan yg perempuan nya pun sama... so saya terasa hairan ...adakah orang macam ni sanggup membunuh?....(so saya fikir... mereka pun duduk dalam suasana dan tanggunggjawab mereka untuk mempertahankan apa yg mereka fikir hak mereka... so mereka pun buat apa saja tugas yg di tugaskan kepada mereka ...just unfortunate that mereka dan kita duduk di sebelah pihak yg bertentangan... |
sayer menyangkal dalam kenyataan awk bercakap yg yahudi mempertahankan hak mereka....pader pendapat sayer mereka yg merampas hak orang lain...iaitu hak palestin... |
Reply #25 joe1983's post
kalau ikut persepsi barat... tanah itu hak milik 3 agama --- Yahudi, Kristian dan Islam cthnya spt yg diungkap mereka dlm filem Kingdom of Heaven |
something Jewish these few weeks...SALOME by Oscar Wilde... |
ying05 This user has been deleted
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 22-12-2005 12:06 AM
well i think they too had faced this "punishment" probably at Nangking ? when the Japs killed those Chinese countrymen? ? soldiers probably - In addition, it had severely offended the C ...
The Chinese soldiers were not the only ones being butchered by the Japanese. Every single person they set their eyes upon, including women, children, old folks, and the physically handicapped, was brutally murdered and women were raped before being killed. Even babies, born or unborn, suffered the same fate. The Japanese soldiers stuck their blades into pregnant women's wombs and pulled the fetuses out. And Nanking was not the only city which was being 'punished'. It was not the first time the Japanese attempted to conquer China. The idea of invading China had been in existence for hundreds of years, as you can see from the article below. Actually it was not the first time the Chinese were conquered by the other races. The Chinese fell under the rule of Mongols (who established the Yuan dynasty) from 1368 to 1479. The Manchus took over China in 1644 and established the Qing dynasty, which lasted until the overthrow of Puyi in 1911.
The founder of Choson Dynasty, King T'aejo distinguished himself in his resistance to Japanese marauders. After the latter's depredations had ceased, Korea opened three ports for trade with Japanese feudal lords, giving investiture to the Tsushima lord who had been engaged in lucrative trade with other ranking Japanese. The Japanese liaison officers staying at these ports caused trouble at times, however, and the amount of Choson's grant was reduced.
After the assassination of Oda Nobunaga, who temporarily called a truce among Japan's warring lords, Toyotomi Hideyoshi rose to power in 1590. Hideyoshi's problem was to find a way to weaken the powerful feudal lords of the western part of Japan. In this explosive domestic situation, he looked abroad and decided that an invasion of China would provide the outlet needed for a peaceful solution at home. When Choson rejected Hideyoshi's request for aid in attacking China, he ordered his general to invade Ming and Choson in 1592. The Japanese army, armed with matchlock guns with which Choson soldiers were not familiar, reached Hanyang within two weeks. They had attempted to invade the granary Cholla-do province, only to meet the strong resistance of the people led by General Kim Shi=min at Chinju. They then turned back toward Hanyang.
King Sonjo and the royal princess fled to the northern provinces and appealed to the Ming Emperor for aid against invaders. The Japanese generals squabbled among themselves, while Choson's Admiral Yi Sun-shin conducted a brilliant series of operations in the South Sea, destroying many Japanese ships. The ironclad Kobukson (turtle ships), which Admiral Yi improved with plated armor resembling a turtle shell, protected the sailors and marines, and were more than a match for anything else afloat.
With the appearance of the allied Ming contingents, the Japanese were forced to fight a combined Ming-Choson allied army. Cut off from supplies and reinforcements owing to Admiral Yi's control of the sea, the Japanese were severely weakened. A Choson volunteer army organized in the southern provinces them with guerrilla tactics, while disease and malnutrition took its toll. Peace negotiations were held between the Ming general and the Japanese, who had by then lost the will to fight and started to retreat, stalked by volunteer peasant forces and contingents of Buddhist monks.
Peace negotiations dragged on for five years but proved fruitless, and Hideyoshi sent his army to Choson again in 1597. The invasion this time encompassed only Kyongsang-do province and part of the Cholla-do province, as the invaders were harassed by the volunteer army.
The Japanese retreated and Hideyoshi's death forced the evacuation of his forces. Admiral Yi, in his attempt to smash the Japanese retreat, was struck by a stray bullet and killed during the climactic naval battle. The war ended at long last, with grave impact upon Choson, Ming China and Japan.
source: http://www.asianinfo.org/asianin ... y_choson_period.htm
[ Last edited by ying05 at 1-3-2006 05:59 PM ] |
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[quote]Originally posted by Greenbottle3 at 18-12-2005 12:57 AM
this will be posted in my blog soon, but you're the first to read it here....
I never thought I would ever say this |
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good comments!
but i don't know about god's retribution...we can say god retribution has occured to most people and nations...one way or another over the ages till present time........
look at the recent tsunami...majority affected are basically malays (orang acheh) and muslim... this may also be considered as god's retribution...why are they punished?
but not only muslims are affected... look at what happens to that whole village in the philippine that was completely wiped out and buried under tons of soil...look at all the earthquakes, katarinas and other disasters of the world....so i feel that jewish plight is not a unique situation...
in fact the attempt at mass extermination does not apply to jews alone... look at what the serbs tried to do to croats and muslim bosnians...and worse...what rawandans did to each other... or pol pot to his fellow khmers....etc...
and i don't know about jews being the chosen people... if they are so favored why are they hated so much?...why do many people have such negative prejudice against them??
but yes...taking everything into consideration they certainly are one of the most successful race of human beings around!! |
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greenbottle wrote:
but i don't know about god's retribution...we can say god retribution has occured to most people and nations...one way or another over the ages till present time........
Is it retribution? A banal question but no easy answer. We seek for the wisdom but there is no simple answer. The answer lies in the divine equation which we will never able to know. So I resign to faith after reading Billy Graham address at the Episcopal National Cathedral delivered on 14th September, Washington D.C. on the Occasion of the National Day of Prayer and Remembrance.
But how do we understand something like this? Why does God allow evil like this to take place? Perhaps that is what you are asking now. You may even be angry at God. I want to assure you that God understands these feelings that you may have. We've seen so much on our television, on our -- heard on our radio, stories that bring tears to our eyes and make us all feel a sense of anger. But God can be trusted, even when life seems at its darkest.
But what are some of the lessons we can learn? First, we are reminded of the mystery and reality of evil. I've been asked hundreds of times in my life why God allows tragedy and suffering. I have to confess that I really do not know the answer totally, even to my own satisfaction. I have to accept by faith that God is sovereign, and He's a God of love and mercy and compassion in the midst of suffering. :hmm::hmm: |
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Cannot agree with you more there,Greenbottle3.
As Noah, Eber and Lot were not Jews, I wasn't singling the Jews out if that's what you mean. Man's transgressions take different forms. In modern times it may take the form of "crimes" against nature/environment that was divinely created and others. The nations that perished before did not know why they did although some had warnings. Perhaps future generations would look back to the devastations that occur today and realise where our generations have gone wrong.
Sometimes, we made it easier for god by annihilating ourselves through our own follies.
I remember my guru once said that god would not destroy a nation as long as there is a single righteous man amongst it.:hmm::hmm: Still thinking about that.
About Jews being the chosen people ....that is just what they say about themselves to justify their policies. I believe every nation has been chosen for it's own purpose. Details on Rise and Fall of Nations from the Quran would make an interesting reading.
[ Last edited by hamizao at 8-3-2006 11:49 AM ] |
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hami wrote:
I remember my guru once said that god would not destroy a nation as long as there is a single righteous man amongst it. Still thinking about that.
This guru must beor I have gone :gila::gila: to accept his statement. |
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Originally posted by thamrong at 8-3-2006 12:43 AM
Is it retribution? A banal question but no easy answer. We seek for the wisdom but there is no simple answer. The answer lies in the divine equation which we will never able t ...
My humble thought on this, thamrong, is if there be no evil then it might be paradise itself. So, I feel that to know the divine equation one needs to know the purpose of life on earth. Only yesterday I heard someone said that life is everything all at once.......
[ Last edited by hamizao at 14-3-2006 12:09 PM ] |
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Originally posted by thamrong at 8-3-2006 01:01 AM
This guru must beor I have gone :gila::gila: to accept his statement.
I won't be so fast thamrong, as he usually quote his basis. My fault for not noting it down then. :stp: I shall try to follow up with him on this. |
I have said earlier:
I remember my guru once said that god would not destroy a nation as long as there is a single righteous man amongst it. Still thinking about that.
I won't be so fast thamrong, as he usually quote his basis. My fault for not noting it down then. I shall try to follow up with him on this.
It was actually regarding repentance. With reference to surah Al Anfil 8:33(Koran),
"But Allah was not going to send them a penalty whilst thou wast amongst them; nor was He going to send it whilst they could ask for pardon."
I seem to see a parallel with Luke 13:1-5(Bible),
"...Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered thus? I tell you, No; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen upon whom the tower (under construction) in Siloam fell, and killed them all, do you think they were worse offenders than all the others who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, No; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish."
We live in a world where many of the inhabitants are living life-styles of indifference to the design and plan and wishes of their Creator. They are "upsetting the divine equation" if I may say so. In such a world, innocent people suffer and die. It is likely that we would find trouble, adversity, opposition, and trials ....but the most important thing in life is to repent--that is, to be in a right relationship with God at all times.
Well....just to share my thoughts and my own search about such things...........
[ Last edited by hamizao at 14-3-2006 01:18 PM ] |
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