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Streetsmart vs Booksmart, match anyone???
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Edited by seribulan at 7-9-2017 01:07 PM
The Apprentice, pertembungan antara Streetsmart vs Booksmart...should we burn our books?
menarik bulan:ah:....tu sebab bila me dah makin tua berkawan dgn ramai manusiaa yg genius2 makin yakin, bukan kepandian yg buat seseorang berjaya...
attitude kena btol ...dan lagi satu rezeki kita, tuhan dah tetapkan... |
Dua dua orang nie musti wujud dalam dunia, kalau salah sorang takde, maka hancurlah kehidupan...... |
ada pelbagai variable yg kita lihat kan - based on the APPRENTIC well kita faham yg streetmasmart memonopoli bidang Frontliners yak ni kerja kat counters etc mana bdak MAgna CUM LAUDE ni nak buat kerja tuh ..similarly when you asked the surgeon to well..i dunno buat pulut kacau kot....
so given the familiarity of the ttask, the nature of the job , then streesmart menang sebba banyak hads kerj abercorak hands on depa mmg pandai berpengalaman dan amat efisyen
tapi deep dowm i percaya yg ALLAh tu MAha ADIL ...di atak akan lose out satu kelompok Manusia yg dia jadikan yg non - academics ITu jugak KEADILANNYA dia bagi depa kemahiran menimba ilmu dgn hands on - turun padang... tapi ikonwlah yg book smart ni dep alebih suka sdudk ..and think..maleh sikit
well it's somewhere in between depending on the siatuation ramai org ambil
Willian Henry GAtes Junior ( bill gates) sebagai cth- well he is pretty genius lah to start with dia drop out pun well tak per ( sbb dia pernah diassess oleh psychologist kekanak - mak dia MAry seorg akuantan ? kerani bank risau anak dai ni pelik - but one day pakar choild psikologis tu cakap - " MARY i know that you are going to lose some day _ your child is damn smart" ..well..
CT Nurhaliza- well tulah ALLAh mAhda ADIl - she may never be booksmart but yeah
dia prodigy...
but at then end of the day those yg BOLEH INTEGRTED seuatu keadaan komplkesk to menjadi yg lebih manageable yg berjaya
regardless whoever they are...
trak der clear CUt lorr...banyak gray areas may be... |
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degree tuh like a passport ...boleh bawak kita ke mana-mana kita nak pergi...
tapi nak berjaya....attitude kena betol.....setuju ngan alja
both goes hand in hand ..ilmu diiringi ngan attitude yg betol..kena pandai tackle people around u and at the same time u must have the knowldge...and of course not forgetting HIS blessings....
pernah keje ngan one lady...she's student....keje pun bagus...super duper efficient...but berlagak sikit...dia sorang jek yg bagus..suka guna ayat2 yang memperlekehkan orang...last2 sume tak nak keje ngan dia....:kant:...sah2 kalau masuk apprentice....kena buang dulu...:lol |
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masalah booksmart ni go everything by the book...tak fikir nak estimate problem tu macamana...mmg ade byk cara nak settle satu masalah tu..tapi bila kita jadi bookworm ni macam kita perlu satu instruction pulak nak buat apa...and jawapan pun ikut apa yg diorg penah baca..taknak explore or risk on solving trial and error..this usually happens in real life situation...
whereas streetsmart ni dia semua depend on life experiences...been there done that..tau camner nak handle situation Pronto!! takde nak rujuk2 mana reference whatsoever because life itself is a reference!!
tapi betul tuu...attitude adalah masalah pertama...especially for these booksmart people...i dont know much about streetsmart la...these bookworm skills mmg tak berapa ....they dont open up i guess..cerewet also got...dan besar kepala adelah masalah utama...where got teamwork?? |
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I dont care jika staff aku booksmart atau streetsmart, apa yang penting bagaimana dorang berfikir hehehe
Seriously, my company perlukan kedua duanya...... |
well..hmm interesting...
i tak tahu nak kata apa tapi in medical lines - you need to have that booksmart plus the ability TO BECOME STREET SMART i think - since most doctors will say alot to gain from experience true- about the attitude too well yeah i think booksmart ni depa bukan nak ata berlagak have few acquaintance tapi they just being very like what is necessary to say and say it...really ...and i think if they have the attitude problem then surely that cannot be considered as " smart " is it? boleh ker?
how about the question of certain situations ? ni yg i rasa the apprentice ni menarik....i nak tengok bagaiman one used the experience to win - based on knowledge and books ....semua kena goes hand in hand betul tu.... |
hmm..aah..thsi is nice...
pernah keje ngan one lady...she's student....keje pun bagus...super duper efficient...but berlagak sikit...dia sorang jek yg bagus..suka guna ayat2 yang memperlekehkan orang...last2 sume tak nak keje ngan dia.......sah2 kalau masuk apprentice....kena buang dulu...
- becoz - she is a lady how about a guy? apa pendapat../ i pulak lain being working witha smart lady/ known a few... before hmm lain ler puiak she gets around well with everybody her member of the team ...hmm..may be tengok situasi kot..hmm..but if you could learn a few of her good skills then yu can be successful too i guess..kan? I rujuk pada that lady with attititude problem tu....kalau dilihat dari sudut yg berbeza?
[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 13-5-2005 at 06:29 PM ] |
dedua tak penting..
yang penting GET SMART jek.:lol |
itu bukan satu citer spy sit com kan?dedulu yg ala James bond? |
lupa nak kasik tahu satu lagik info menarik...
STREETSMART ni gaji derang 3 kali ganda gaji BOOKSMART... |
Mcm mana nak gain streetsmart eh?
Sumber2 yg sebagaimana diperlukan..
Baka yg baik?
Hmm... aper eh? |
streesmart kalo get smart dia jadik numero uno
booksmart kalo dia get smart dia pun jadik numero uno..not actually both but domination either one tuh 'balance'
bill gate booksmart ka streetsmart? kalo dia streesmart jek mustahil Microsoft pun US justice department kacau yer dak?
bill gates langgar be number one..main tu bersih kotor dia kan dulik as long Microsoft is numero uno, street rules bookrules seme2 dia balon.
tu pasal dia 'smart azz' :lol the first from nothing trillionaire, bukan keturunan ada minyak lam tanah cam hassan ke cam faisal ke , kalo booksmart jek dia end up dalam laboratory komputer godak godak mesin tup2 kup mesin baru, R & D jek.
macam mana NAK JADI tu tak cukup ummphhhhhh laa cikgu..susah nak buh faktor macam mana nak jadi..seme2 faktor ada..antara lain peluang or environment..tapi tokleh nak cakap gak..kalo bill gates lahir around 80s blej jadik lain pulak jadik dia so i think macam mana nak jadik tu kolektif kriteria so aku lai suke soklan nak jadik APA? ni lai tepat pada TUJUAN or GOAL.
Ko nak jadik apa? apa ko nak jadi? ko nak apa? kalo tadak apa so ko biasa je la..aa gitu ler kut cikgu. So once kita tau goal baru leh cek bab motivasi apa korban yang perlu apa tindakan yang perlu then review seme2 tuh ler..sibernetik gitu. Macam mana nak jadik tu soklan pemilihan option. To me any option is a good option tapi KITA ORANG ISLAM, masuk bab hukum jek dah mula gostan kendian malas nak fikir so last2 oang bukan islam yang menguasai seme kita duk main blame game tuuu yang ramai tak nampak kan? |
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Originally posted by seribulan at 14-5-2005 08:29 AM:
lupa nak kasik tahu satu lagik info menarik...
STREETSMART ni gaji derang 3 kali ganda gaji BOOKSMART...
biasa la beb....the more experience takes the cake...
hey maybe we could say BOOKWISE...STREETWISE...better isnt it :cak:
actually macam Bill Gates tu dropout...dia sebenarnya nak widen dia punya creativity..sbb kat sekolah kalau nak creative kena ikut peraturan...ade limitations..sementara creativity is limitations....BUT in his case dia dropout tak bermaksud dia less BOOKSMART...dia belajar out of school...taking is own time...his examination is his success in achieving what he wants...
darn i wish i had a passion like Bill Gates...he was into computers and went all the way to achieve his dreams...
[ Last edited by kulit on 15-5-2005 at 12:55 PM ] |
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Originally posted by fleurzsa at 14-5-2005 01:30 PM:
Mcm mana nak gain streetsmart eh?
Sumber2 yg sebagaimana diperlukan..
Baka yg baik?
Hmm... aper eh?
PASSION and the rest comes later.... |
Golongan booksmart ni terlalu follow the book卪engikut teori卲rotokol..
Golongan streetsmart pula sanggup berpanas berhujan卼ak follow the book |
semalam golongan mana yg menang ialah Magna ? aya tertidur ..tapi sempat tengok the last 10 minutes so apa isu kali ini ? apa yg saya dengar ialah poor judgement ? apakah sebenarnya actually..mahu penjelasan please...
[ Last edited by mbhcsf on 16-5-2005 at 09:04 PM ] |
i think magna ada chance utk menang kerana team networth ada conflict among themself, esp with their team leader. (aku tgk pon mcm nak muntah)
.besides i rasa kekalahan nie bagus jugak so that the team can dropout ppl wif less is such a burden to the team to have a ppl like ...alamak luper nama mat salleh gemok tue..
booksmart on the other hand gain advantge from the major conflict occured amg streetsmart. in fact...negro pompan tue (dusshh..i cannot remember her name tho) cannot handle her stress during competition...sampai sanggup nak quit in the middle of job task
my analysis however between streetsmart (who had conflict with their suxx leader) and booksmart (konflik iindividu perseorangan), i think lebe besar impact on team who had suxx leader, because the leader cannot lead the team efficiently to achieve team victory. rather to have one of team member who cannot cope with her stressful life...impact kepada team victory secara keseluruhan tak besar mana..
but ive been wonder, even booksmart sometimes cannot cope with their stress. i think back to the basis of living's individuality thing...... |
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Originally posted by seribulan at 2005-5-14 08:29 AM:
lupa nak kasik tahu satu lagik info menarik...
STREETSMART ni gaji derang 3 kali ganda gaji BOOKSMART...
thats why i been wondered...
if being booksmart can make someone rich (in terms of $$$) ..then all universities's professors shall be billionaires...but usually it turn out to be otherwise....hihihi :cak:
[ Last edited by tina^^ on 18-5-2005 at 03:42 PM ] |
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