The megalodon shark is one of the most mysterious and elusive prehistoric animals in the world. The megalodon fossilized bones and teeth give scientists major clues about what the creature was like and when it died off. Here are 5 facts about the Megalodon Shark. (Subtitle B.melayu terdapat di dalam video ini)
1-Giant Teeth.The teeth of the megalodon were over 7 inches long, serrated, and roughly heart-shaped. By comparison, the biggest teeth of the biggest great white sharks are only about three inches long.2-Had The Most Powerful BiteResearchers estimate the Megalodon’s bite force between 24,000 to 40,000 pounds. This is 6-10 times that of the Great White shark and modern crocodiles. This is also 2-3 times that of the estimated bite force of 12,800 pounds for T-Rex and the large Mosasaurs.3-Lived All Over the WorldMegalodon fossils have been found throughout many areas of the world, including North America, Europe, Africa, and Australia. And while the megalodon greatly enjoyed warmer, subtropical climates, it was could tolerate water as cold as 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
Memang takwujud lagi sekarang ni. Even if kan, I don’t think megalodon ni can survivedalam masa ini sebab there won’t be enough food for it to live off.