Resort berusia hampir 25 tahun di Pulau Tioman
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Megikari replied at 24-2-2020 06:44 PM
Dekat salang tu paling best pada i ialah salang sayang resort. Sebab boleh terus snorkeling kat pant ...
Mmg best giler. Laut depan salang sayang ni cantik. Siap de coral ikan banyak.. Mmg orang dive pon dkt situ je. Xyah gi snorkel jauh2. Tapi tapi.. Tuh arr. Karen sehari 2 3 kali x dee.. Sbb x sampai kott.. Saborr je laaaa |
Aku stop minit ke 14+ yg dia jerit kecil tu. Haha |
Dia ada try nak pergi terjah malam, tapi tak berani katanya...one of the reason binatang buas aktif memalam.
Tapi bro ni memang kental gilerr, selamba jer redah sesorg. Dan yg paling kelakor, geli dgn labah2 ropenya, aku bantai gelak masa dia terkejut kan labah2 tu.
cantik tempatnya |
Every year p tioman.. Kalau dulu suka dok salang sayang.. Salang Indah pon pernah.. Tapi tak tahan kalau malam2 kuar p makan, balik nmpk banyak biawak.. Scary sebab biawak besar2.. Pastu dua tahun Lepas try duduk kat panuba Inn. Panuba best gak leh snorkeling kt jeti jer.. Tp seram sikit kt situ mlm2.. Pastu last p, duduk kt Kawasan kampung paya ke apa lupa dah sbb duduk chalet mak sedara member.. Dr situ kitrg naik basikal p ke tekek round2.. Dh last day duduk situ baru perasan ada kubur kt tempat kitrg lalu lalang.. Patut lah member beria bawak basikal laju2 tinggalkan kitrg.. |
umah bapak aku pon ade batu besa ni..siap wt katil lg gune batu tu..hahha..lebih kurg la design umah die ngan nadia inn..
tp mmg cantik kot view die klu dr resort tu..
Klu buka laa nadia inn ni, menangis sapa dpt bilik atas sekali. Dah naik mmg xturun dah. Tgk faizal naik pun mengah. Pehtu duk atas batu2 tu mmg xde la lubang najis ke apa. Ko nk buang ke mana najis penghuni?
Pehtu ada org komen chalet ats laut yg faizal duduk tu pun ada story.. Faizal reply kt dia.. Oh patut punn... Mesti dia kne kacau masa kt chalet tu 
Weols gi tioman duk kat salang apa ntah.. Tp masa sampai2 je jeti nmpk nadia inn tu mmg rasa cantiknyaaaa.. |
salang mmg sunyi sket
sesuai sgt utk privasi
tp aku lg suka duk tekek
byk kemudahan situ & happening
chalet ni belah mana?
masa round island dulu tak perasan la pulak |
Edited by SoFary at 1-3-2020 01:30 AM
It's terrible that such beautiful places can't be repaired to give people back a great place for a resort. It is very sad to see such a beautiful resort in desolation. And if this place continued to be exploited illegally, I hope that none of the people were injured. Well, I hope this will never happen to my favorite westgate lakes resort orlando. Because I get very used to the place and consider these hotels my second home, because we go there every year with our family to have a great vacation. Our children were happy and grew up there, so we wish our resort development and prosperity. |
mesti owner dia banyak duit sebab tak heran langsung duit yang rugi buat resort ni... sayang betul... |
nak naik ke sana kena naik tangga ke.. jenuh la kalau bawa nak kecik nak berangkutt.. |
SoFary replied at 25-2-2020 10:41 PM
It's terrible that such beautiful places can't be repaired to give people back a great place for a resort. It is very sad to see such a beautiful resort in desolation. And if this place continued to be exploited illegally, I hope that none of the people were injured. Well, I hope this will never happen to my favorite westgate lakes resort orlando. Because I get very used to the place and consider these hotels my second home, because we go there every year with our family to have a great vacation. Our children were happy and grew up there, so we wish our resort development and prosperity.
Agreed. This is a sad story.
Area salng ni ujungg nun tioman.
Tapi paling cantik laut n coral diaa..depn reaort dh boleh snorkell
Tp tuh la. Nk.menginap dkt situ pk 2 3 kai kalau bawa anak family.. Sbb sehari asik 2 3 kali blackoutt.. Kalo pg je X pe.. Kena malamm.. Memggagau gaakk |
Pernah stay dekat Berjaya & Tekek...Berjaya sangat2 private, sunyi, x ramai orang..Tekek sangat2 happening tapi banyak biawak besar2, mcm biawak komodo... |
ada link tak video tu??youtube ke......kt opis ni xboleh bukak plak |
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