Post time 23-11-2017 08:58 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
BalangMerah replied at 23-11-2017 07:13 PM
Iolss pun rase faz tahan sabar je tu. Siap pegi umah nenek faz sume, mmg le sheolss xsuke. Xpe faz ...
Kejam kan petik nama abg dia sbb nak justify news tu sahih konnonya? Melampau giler kan jar? Isk! Hrp utusan meloya & harian merapu jgnlah sebar news yg misleading lg.
Post time 23-11-2017 08:59 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
lovezy replied at 23-11-2017 07:21 PM
kann kaka boo..iols rasa faz tahan perasaan je tadi..kalau iols mau iols nangis sebab marah sangat ...
Kan chuols? Mujur dia fazzy, so dia strong. Kalau dia is kaka boo, iols lahar reputz yg buat fitnah yg x nyabor siap update fesbuk status perliiii tp sambil mrh tu meols akan berjujuran airmata. Hahaha!
Post time 23-11-2017 09:02 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
riy replied at 23-11-2017 07:27 PM
kan..nampak sangat fazzy tgh geram jer. mencerobohi privasi keluarga dia.
lagi2 nenek faz.. tp se ...
Sbb dia mmg dah pesan, any good news dia akan inform. Utusan meloya being meloya, update status sarcasm sambil mengundang fitnah dan hencapan. Semoga Tuhan ampunkan sheols sbb buat status nikah tgh mlm dah tak in??? Apo???
Post time 23-11-2017 09:04 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
alex0991 replied at 23-11-2017 07:50 PM
Faz mmg pro handle reputz....dlm mgkin kecewa+marah ckit still sheols tegas tp dlm ...
Kan? I love the way she handle situation. Classy but reputz faham they shouldnt mess with this “soft spoken” lady. Dah sampai petik nama abg, kalau meols, harus jua meletop!
Post time 23-11-2017 09:05 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
separasedar replied at 23-11-2017 08:06 PM
Tak sihat ke boonga. Takpe. Byk je igers post nnti
Baru nak start tgk ulangan jap g kaka para. Meols terlewat bgun sbb mkn ubat demam. Pengsan even alarm pun x dgr. Kena letak bom gamaknya baru sedar. Hahaha!
Post time 23-11-2017 09:09 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
separasedar replied at 23-11-2017 09:07 PM
Fattzura yg nervous nk buat pc bertunang, chuols plk yg demam
Okay boong, makan ubat tu. Take c ...
Rugi cuti meols kaka para. Kalau tahu nak demam, meols g amek mc jer. Instead apply cuti. Bazir cuti meols. Hahaha! Anyway thanks kaka para atas doa tu. So, boleh dah kot start usha designer mana nak g tempah? Kata road to pekan? Eh ke PJ? Kekeke