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...on Ijtihad from YADIM Dr Yusri Mohammad
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Edited by mbhcsf at 17-10-2016 01:07 AM
Contemporary Ijtihad: An Analysis of Individual and Collective Approaches
Tajuk buku : Contemporary Ijtihad: An Analysis of Individual and Collective Approaches Pengarang : Yusri Mohamad Nama Penerbit : ISSI dan YADIM, 2016, Batu Caves, Selangor Nama Pengulas : Kamarun KH
Allah SWT memberikan jaminan bahawa syariat Islam yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW akan berkekalan sehingga hari kiamat. Persoalannya, ketika Nabi Muhammad SAW masih hidup, setiap permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh umat ditanyakan secara langsung kepada Baginda. Jawapan yang berbentuk hukum atau peraturan, akan diberikan secara langsung apa yang terkandung di dalam al-Quran. Jika tidak kedapatan, Baginda memberikan jawapan berdasarkan ketetapan yang kemudiannya disebut Hadis atau Sunnah.
Selepas Baginda wafat, para sahabat turut mencari setiap jawapannya di dalam al-Quran, merujuk kepada Hadis atau Sunnah. Jika tidak ditemukan jawapan, para sahabat menggunakan kaedah berfikir bersungguh-sungguh untuk memecahkan setiap permasalahan umat. Metode berfikir untuk mencari jawapan terhadap permasalahan umat itu dikenali sebagai ijtihad. Ketika berijtihad, para sahabat berusaha mencari titik persamaan dari sesuatu perkara, dan sentiasa mementingkan “kemaslahatan umat” termasuklah dalam penetapan hukum. Ini kerana kehidupan umat adalah bersifat dinamik, sentiasa terdedah kepada perubahan dan masukan baharu.
Setiap permasalahan baharu memerlukan kaedah penyelesaian yang lebih relevan dengan perkembangan semasa, apatah lagi, insiden yang berlaku adalah tidak sama atau belum terjadi ketika Nabi Muhammad SAW memimpin dakwah Islam.
Dalam memahami keperluan dan kepentingan ijtihad sebagai sumber perundangan Islam, Yusri Mohamad telah menyelusuri pengalaman orang perseorangan dan kumpulan dalam tradisi sejarah Islam. Kajian yang dilakukan itu akhirnya memberikan kita jawapan yang menarik dalam buku yang berdasarkan disertasi ijazah kedoktoran dari Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Malaysia.
By yadim
Buku Contemporary Ijtihad: An Analysis of Individual and Collective Approaches, terbitan Islamic and Strategic Studies Institute (ISSI) dan Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM) menepati keperluan semasa, bukan untuk membentuk undang-undang tetapi memberikan keseluruhan pengetahuan berguna dalam menentukan sikap, amalan dan keperluan berijtihad dalam menyelesaikan kemelut umat.
Seperti dijelaskan oleh Dr Yusri, kajian ini telah membantunya dalam menerajui pertubuhan bukan kerajaan, yang kadang-kala berkonflik dengan pelbagai institusi yang mengeluarkan fatwa. Tentunya, sudut pandangan berbeza dalam sesuatu perkara, termasuklah dalam menentukan sesuatu ketetapan hukum terhadap sesuatu perkara yang baru timbul dalam masyarakat.
Kandungan buku setebal 250 halaman ini dibahagikan kepada dua bahagian: keperluan dan panduan ijtihad semasa atau prasyarat berijtihad; dan pada bahagian kedua mengkaji amalan-amalan ijtihad yang dilaksanakan secara perseorangan dan institusi.
Menariknya, dalam kesimpulan dan cadangan, Dr Yusri menggariskan keperluan-keperluan yang wajar bagi membolehkan amalan berijtihad dilihat sebagai satu sumber hukum yang wibawa dan boleh diterima umum sebagaimana pada zaman keemasan Islam.
Cadangan-cadangan itu antaranya, mendokumentasi kod piawaian ijtihad, sumber rujukan utama, kod etika mujtahid, menginstitusikan mujtahid perseorangan, akreditasi mujtahid, dan perkongsian amalan terbaik dalam kalangan mujtahid.
Edited by mbhcsf at 17-10-2016 01:09 AM
Ijtihad term is defined differently, based on the viewpoint of the party making the interpretation and expertise available to it. The origin of the term from Arabic, from the word ijtahada, which comes from the word jahada, juhdan. (p.14). The origin of the word is considered to have given birth to the term jihad, which is misinterpreted as "war" or "hostile".
In its literal meaning, ijtihad means "to use the skills of thinking" to get a "decision on something", which will eventually become a conclusion of law (istinbat).
Imam as-Syaukani (died 1255H) defines ijtihad to "devote all ability to get results with Islamic law which are operational by istinbat. Imam al-Amidi (died 631H) felt that ijtihad is "devoting all ability to get results that are dhonni Islamic law" while Imam al-Ghazali (died 505H) extending the understanding that "no longer feels able to find additional". Al-Ghazali named this constraint named as al-ijtihad attaam.
Abu Zahrah affirms, ijtihad is to mobilize all existing capacity in expertise seseorng jurists for beristinbath to find a legal decision based on the arguments of the practice in detail.
In the view of the majority of Islamic scholars, ijtihad is sooth think of a jurist or a mujtahid to find a conclusion of law to Islamic law.
What would be obtained in ijtihad is a rule of law related to behavior or acts of an adult. Based on the understanding that, scholars have agreed to allow ijtihad while any difference of opinion about it tolerable. When the examination is carried out, it will give grace if done with sufficient conditions and in proper condition, majalul ijtihad.
According to Dr Yusri, ijtihad in modern times were obtained from three sources: statutes and regulations; fatwas by scholars and judges; and the writings of scholars. This is the result of different groups mujtahid along its responsibilities.
"We have on the one hand the legal ruling faqih who extracts from its source, the mufti who ruling applies to the particular context or situation and the judge who adjudicates between parties. Even though their roles are slightly different from one another, they contribute to the process of ijtihad and should be considered in presenting a representative picture of contemporary ijtihad. "(P. 26)
ADSL contemporary geographical boundaries and areas of specialization. For the sake of it, a collective effort is needed, though there is the case of a mujtahid was not eligible, he must be given some space to provide insights based on his expertise. This should be encouraged to help Muslims be able to change and move forward. It can solve many of the problems people present, and subsequently gave birth to a safer life, harmony and not kept cooped up in a cocoon of old-fashioned.
Islam strongly encourages change, but any changes will not negate the basic belief, does not slip out of moral rules. The difference in matters of twigs is not the cause of conflicts and disputes. What is happening now, action to defend opinions as the best cast discord among the Muslims, and of course, change the orientation of the society to the economy led to a dikendung dropout, who pursued can not.
I read diligently and open mind, this book helps Muslims to understand that dissent is not something dangerous and destructive. Instead, diversity of opinion can be utilized to the maximum if each of us to understand their order, and not too ego.
Background ijtihad and procedures that should be given attention by all parties, including the supreme leader, politician or social activist, for they are equally understood in life must exist a situation of "agree to disagree" and to respect the decisions made jointly. That's what they call the "collective responsibility" and the changes will lead to a positive, as is the purpose of reconciliation.
Dr Yusri should develop a dialogue more extensively to discuss the issue and the importance of ijtihad in Muslim communities in Malaysia due to its position as the Speaker YADIM, an organization trust established by the government to coordinate missionary movement. Therefore, he should act as a mujtahid in implementing ijtihaddengan missionary bodies, as part of the narrow political philosophy of Islam based on the memotorinya.
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