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Author: AeriSha


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Post time 22-3-2021 03:22 PM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 21-3-2021 07:16 PM
Haaa kannn memang rasa nak tampo jah tv kalau keluar iklan tu..Jantan2 ni memang suka amek mudah m ...

kaka br perasan animax ada letak 4 anime rupanya
rsnya 2 tu okaylah girls power

tp yg 2 tu cam hareyyy hanat sgt
satu yg group music
dan satu lg tu yg asyik berangan aje, ya ampunnn apa kebenda girl powernya
baik bubuh aje card captor sakura x pun sailormoon ke
mmg rs nak carut sesgt
vongok sgt yg kategorikan 2 anime tu sebg girl power


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Post time 22-3-2021 03:24 PM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 21-3-2021 07:12 PM
Haha..Iols pun belum tengok lagi filem2 Akira Kurosawa yg legend tu..Susah betul nak ada mood nak  ...

kaka x igt blog mana hr tu ada upload satu cerita dia dan mmg cerita lama
anak kaka kata ni dah cam cerita seblm WWII aje
tp mmg susah nk cari cerita2 lama jepun ni


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Post time 22-3-2021 03:28 PM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 21-3-2021 07:09 PM
Ehhhh serius kaka maki Astro kat MatArof GV tu?Dlm forum ke,kat luar irl? Sape heols tu dlm Astro? ...

haah kaka maki dlm thread GV aje lps tu ada sorg poremer sama naik hantu cam kaka
so mat aroff cuma mampu minta maaf dan kata dia x terlibat dgn susunan cerita kt anime dan rangkaian lain
dia staff astro utk astro ria dan channel melayu aje

kaka subscribe astro yg ada decoder dan box tu
astro Go tu anak perempuan kaka yg install sbb nk tgk kuriya
kaka kata kat dia asyik tgk kuriya smp otak pun sempit dan senget cam drama kuriya juga
yealah x hbs2 kuriya dia, dgn install viu ler dan entah apa lg
lps tu dok promote kat kami tp x dilayan
kaka kata enuff ler kuriya ni, klu kaka nk tgk kaka tgk aje xdenya nk tunggu dia promote ke apa
kuasa sgt


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Post time 22-3-2021 03:30 PM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 21-3-2021 07:02 PM
Atharvaa tu memang best gak.. Tengok cite heols dgn Nayanthara hari tu,Imaikka Nodigal,sampai sk ...

x semua cerita tamil byk lagu tp ada bbrp cerita Vijay yg byk lagu
maklumlah kaka kan byk tgk cerita dia
tp Atharvaa tu mmg smartlah
kaka suka jer dia berlakon dlm cerita polis sbb tgk muka selamba dia tu mmg mantap

cerita Bahubhali tu kan kaka x tgk pun lg
entah cam x smp seru


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Post time 22-3-2021 03:33 PM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 21-3-2021 06:53 PM
Cite Anjeli yg pasal budak kecik ada penyakit apa tu? Lupa plak...Tapi oh tidaakkk memang sedih gi ...

1st time citer anjeli ni ditayangkan ms deepavali dlm tahun 1991
ms tu kaka kat uni, kaka mmg mereput depan TV tgk cerita tamil dgn bbrp senior yg x blk kg
dan mmg tiap kali ending kaka akan menangis

x bolehlah sedih sgt taw cerita dia
bdk tu cacat dan memula dia disisihkan
bila abg kakak dah syg kat dia huhuhuhu sedihnya bila igt


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Post time 22-3-2021 03:36 PM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 21-3-2021 06:50 PM
Kaannnn..Yuki tu terlampau sempurna,bosan betul..

Eh kaka,kalau irl di Jepun memang macam tu ke ...

kaka dah hbs tgk season 1 & 2
kata season 3 utk 1st episode dah tayang

kaka ada tgk kt YT tp bkn sub sebaliknya dub
so nk tunggu few episodes boleh marathon br syok
for now kaka ulang tgk coz it's really awesome, love it

jujur kata kt manga/anime jer camtu
irl xde maknanya
kebykan girls akan pandang yg macho/handosme dan smart
kecuali klu itu idol then different stories
tp klu kt school kebykan msh suka yg nampak macho
cam Yuki tu nmpk girly jd kt Jepun biasa idol aje yg camtu


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Post time 22-3-2021 03:38 PM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 21-3-2021 06:44 PM
Habis tu takdek cara ke kaka,nak mintak Astro amek ch.GEM tuh? Mencikkkk..
Geram okay nampak  ...

kenalah reramai tulis kt Astro dan minta channel GEM tu
tp yg kaka risau karang dah ada GEM kt astro dia bg lg slot kuriya
betullah kaka nk sgt tgk legal heart
hrp Netflix amiklah


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Post time 22-3-2021 03:39 PM | Show all posts
AeriSha replied at 21-3-2021 06:38 PM
Choyyy iols baru nak hasut kaka tengok Alice In Borderland tu.. Tapi tunggu 2nd season lah hehe..: ...

alah citer Liar games lakonan erika toda pun kaka x tgk
apa lg citer alice tu mmg kem salam ajelah


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Post time 22-3-2021 03:43 PM | Show all posts
likecandy replied at 17-3-2021 09:25 PM
Masalahnya lakinya dulu I suka jugak, walaupon berlakon minor character tapi tetap jadi scene stea ...

laki dia berlakon mmg okay
antara cerita yg laki dia berlakon, Bitter Blood then Spec dan ada few
tp geramlah bila dia mencurang
sbb x nmpk apa kurangnya si nakama

silalah research dan baca blog yg pernah travel ke Jepun
ada yg rajin update pengalaman dan buatkan itinery
seronok dpt berendam dlm onsen


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Post time 22-3-2021 03:50 PM | Show all posts
likecandy replied at 17-3-2021 09:22 PM
Si Kimura Takuya mmg semua dramanya top ke?
Baru2 ni I tgk Kyojo, not bad jugak, x sangka laki tu ...

kimutaku byk berlakon dr dulu
dan peminat dia mmg ramai
same goes dgn matsujun
tp sbb kaka cam xleh lah dgn matsujun maka kaka mmg akan elak utk tgk
kang tgk mulalah rs nak mencarut aje
Kimutaku plk utk cerita Mr Brain sbb ada 2 org pelakon peberet kaka berlakon jd gigih jugalah kaka tgk
dan kaka tgk cerita Bodyguard season 1 dan 2 kt Netflix


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Post time 22-3-2021 03:52 PM | Show all posts
belum ada mood nak update drama peberet kaka
actually some of it kaka dah lupa jln cerita
yg kaka igt utk cerita tamaki adalah career, asa ga kita dan satu cerita detective x igt tajuk tp igt nama watak dia iaitu Ukai San

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Post time 23-3-2021 02:06 PM | Show all posts
since tuan tanah dah suruh kaka bubuh ikut pelakon so hr ni kaka mulakan dgn Tamaki Hiroshi

1. Offbeat Chief Police

Toyama Kinshiro is a 36-yaer-old newly-appointed police chief at Kitamachi Police Station who firmly believes his mission as a policeman is to listen to every voice of innocent citizens and protect the peace in the community. He comes off as aloof and a bit quirky at first, but in fact he has brilliant investigative instincts and spots clues that no one else can detect. Unlike his elite career bureaucrat colleagues, Kinshiro doesn't dress or act like a stereotypical Chief Police. Rather than sitting behind a desk, Kinshiro leaves the office and literally goes around town to do the investigation work, and go the extra mile to solve any crime regardless how small or trivial. However, his unorthodox approach generates a lot of antagonism from his subordinates at Kitamachi Police Station.

antara drama tamaki yg kaka ulang tgk, love dgn karisma dia dlm cerita ni, sentiasa cool aje bila berdepan dgn chief bhg investigate, selalunya dia yg dpt clues penjenayah dan dia jugalah yg membantu menyelesaikan satu2 kes. Walau dia x disukai oleh org bwhan dia tu tp dia ttp layan baik aje cuma tuelah dia ttp akan investigate walau dilarang, 2nd last episode tuelah br terbongkar ttg skandel birokrasi dlm bdn kepolisan dan sedih tgk dia ms tu, like he thought that he's alone gitu tp sebenarnya org bawahan dia semua support dia. Lastly dia sungguh ensem

2. Addicted To Mystery

Morio Ukai is an odd private investigator that tends to take cases involving marital affairs or missing pets instead of the lower-paying murder investigations. One day, he sees an ad for cheap office space and visits the building. There he meets Akemi Ninomiya, a young woman that looks nothing like a building owner.
Ukai decides to move into Akemi’s building because of the cheap rent. Little did he know that the owner had a passion for mystery. Once he moves his office into the building, Akemi starts tagging along on all of his investigations and causes him problems by coming up with far-flung theories.

ni salah satu drama tamaki yg kaka kerap gak ulang tgk, suka tgk si Ukai San ni yg bg kaka cam anti climax , yealah lps dia buat deduction kan biasa kita akan disajikan as why si offender ni commit the crime tp dia xnak dgr what's happened sbb dia dah selesai tugas so dia xnak tahu knp dan mengapa culprit tu membunuh. Dgn si landlady yg kaya dan suka mengekor si Ukai san dan polis yg bg kaka cam va aliff ngang yg berhrp Ukai san utk settle semua kes . Oh yea si ukai san ni walau terror dlm menyelesaikan misteri tp dia seorg yg sengkek dan byk lglah incident yg buat kaka akan tgk lg dan lg

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Post time 23-3-2021 02:25 PM | Show all posts

3. Asa ga kita

Towards the end of the Edo era, in the town of Kyoto, there lived a wealthy merchant by the name of Imai Tadamasa. He was blessed with 3 children, Hatsu, Asa and Kyutaro. His eldest, Hatsu, was a traditional girl who loved to play the koto and sew. Whilst his second daughter, Asa, was an impish hoyden who loved sumo wrestling. Asa was engaged to be married to the second son of a distinguished family who ran a money changer business in Osaka, Shirooka Shinjiro. Although Asa was furious when she had first heard about the betrothal, when she met up with Shinjiro for the first time, his charisma greatly attracted her and she fell in love with him in no time.
After their marriage, at the cusp of the Meiji era, the Shirooka's found themselves in dire financial straits, as money changing was no longer a lucrative business anymore. Shinjiro deemed himself not suited to making money and devoted his time to playing the shamisen and pursuing other refined cultural activities. As they neared bankruptcy, Asa decided to turn to coal mining, as that is the much-needed commodity at that time. She set off to Kyushu by herself, to talk to the coal miners to talk about coal supply

cerita ni ttg asa yg dr sorg tomboi lps tui jd fine lady, dia juga pelopor universiti wanita di Jepun dan byk lg lah ttg dia, okay dia kawen dgn shinjiro iaitu tamaki so nampaklah berbeza sgn deme berdua ni, yg lawak 1st time diaorg jumpa tt time asa umur dlm 10 tahun ke lg muda then dia asa kena pukul kt bontot so shinjiro ni punyalah concern psl tunang dia ni tanya so indecent bg org jepun sbb dia tanya psl bontot, actually shinjiro nk tanya sakit x sbb br lps kena pukul kan then satu lg ms diaorg nk kawen, shinjiro boleh terlupa, ya ampunnnn, mmg kaka gelak ms tu, last yg kaka rs lawak bila shinjiro rs sedih bila anak dia tegur knp shinjiro x kerja cam ayah kwn2 dia, smp sekrg kaka leh terigt reaksi muka dia
cuma tuelah dia ada dlm 150 episode kot tp kaka berjaya hbskan

4. Shikaotoko Aoniyoshi

Forced out of his research group after conflicts with his colleagues, Ogawa Takanobu takes up an offer to teach at a girls' high school in Nara. When taking roll call on the first day one of his students, Hotta Ito, sneaks into class late, claiming a bogus excuse--that she got a ticket after trying to park her deer in front of the train station. He makes immediate enemies with Hotta when he tells his superiors about her tardiness and attitude. In the following days, he begins to notice something unusual about Hotta, but he can't seem to put his finger on it.
With an odd group of colleagues who live together with him, Ogawa slowly accustoms to life in slow-paced Nara, where there seem to be as many deer as people. Walking through Nara Park one day, he begins to befriend the local deer population, feeding them rice wafers. After being confronted by a talking deer who commandeers him to prevent the destruction of Japan, he fails in his first mission and the talking deer exacts punishment--looking into the mirror the next day, he discovers he has turned into a deer from the shoulders up. Ogawa slowly begins to piece the puzzle together: the talking deer, the mysterious student, and a recent series of earthquakes that could spell doom for Japan..

kaka tgk cerita ni sbb tamaki dan tabe mikako dlm cerita ni walau bit slack sbb ada ayase tp pejam ajelah mata coz ada 2 pelakon yg kaka suka dlm tu, ms Ogawa lps disentuh oleh rusa tu tetiba muka dia klu tgk kt cermin mmg muka rusa gitu juga dgn Hotta tp ending dia mmg terkejut jugalah camner nk break the spell pd Ogawa tu, terkejut badak even badak pun x terkejut camtu

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Post time 23-3-2021 02:36 PM | Show all posts

5. Hoshi Hitotsu

The story unfolds as Hiroji Nonoyama,a loner staff of a janitorial services, finds a coat with 500,000 yen in a concert hall. He eventually finds the owner of the coat and they become friends. As they get to know each other, Nonoyama reveals why he became the person like he is now

ni bukan drama tp TV movies dan antara yg kaka suka tgk, Hiroji sebg ex convicts bekerja sebg cleaner dan Iwasaki daiki (tamaki) dia main forex/saham gitulah. Iwasaki tertinggal coat dan dlm coat tu ada duit jd si Hiroji yg jujur pulangkan dan Iwasaki ni bglah some of money sebg saguhati gitulah. Adalah sebab knp Hiroji ni membunuh dan dihukum, at one point kaka igt si Hiroji dan Iwasaki adalah gay

6. Top Caster

A woman newscaster, already a legend for her series of news scoops, and a newly arrived young woman newscaster whose values are diametrically opposed to the other one carry on a grand struggle in a curious three-legged race. Those women have a passion for work and love and compete against each other on the top anchor position and regarding the man whom they are both in love with. Here’s a light comedy that depicts life’s joys and sorrows and human events with a news program as the set in a bright and cheerful manner.The setting is the news bureau of a commercial television network. Haruka Tsubaki is the anchorwoman of a freshly launched evening news program. She’s what you call a darling of the news industry, dashing from one scoop to another. Although she appears to be cold and devoid of feeling, she has a surprisingly human side. The scenarist of such shows as Tokyo Love Story, Last Christmas and Journey to the West has interwoven unique warm touches into the plot, which depicts the real lives of Haruka and the other women, as well as the friendships and human stories of the news staff

dlm drama ni tamaki adalah rakan sekerja kepada haruka (Amami Yuki) dan juga boipren kpd Asuka yg juga rakan sekerja dan selalu report ttg weather, cerita ni mmg ada pelbagai perisa, Haruka actually agak snob juga tp itu adalah prinsip hidup dia so kaka mmg enjoyed drama ni

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Post time 23-3-2021 02:37 PM | Show all posts
okay cukuplah dulu 6 drama/TV movies tamaki
ada lg nnt dulu ek

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Post time 27-3-2021 07:54 PM | Show all posts
Edited by likecandy at 27-3-2021 09:03 PM
AeriSha replied at 20-3-2021 05:46 PM
Laaa susah sgt rupanya.. Hari tu godek2 kat FB pun ada jugak group Jdrama yg mmg konsisten upload  ...

Yg kat LJ pon kadang2 download video dari tempat lain, download subs kat tempat lain
I cuba cari kat telegram tapi xde pon yg upload jdrama
Cuma kdrama je kot yg senang nak cari
Sumber yg legal macam viu atau netflix plak x banyak sgt jdrama, itu pon drama lama
Jadi terpaksalah tgk kat dramacool / kissasian aja

Dragon Zakura season 1 x salah pasal budak high school nak masuk Todai, dorang budak bermasalah ke apa pastu watak Abe Hiroshi jadi cikgu baru yg tolong selesaikan masalah dorang sambil dorong dorang belajar
Yg season 2 ni x pasti high school jugak ke x, tapi sorang pelajar dari season 1 (Nagasawa Masami) datang balik jadi cikgu

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Post time 27-3-2021 09:05 PM | Show all posts
takayama replied at 22-3-2021 03:43 PM
laki dia berlakon mmg okay
antara cerita yg laki dia berlakon, Bitter Blood then Spec dan ada few ...

Tapi I perasan, ramai jugak pelakon top jepun kahwin dengan laki muka biasa2
Macam Horikita Maki pon lakinya xde lah hensem sgt
Jadi I anggap dorang semua dah jodoh gitu, si Nakama Yukie pon terpaksa akur dengan laki curang gitew

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Post time 27-3-2021 09:09 PM | Show all posts
takayama replied at 22-3-2021 03:50 PM
kimutaku byk berlakon dr dulu
dan peminat dia mmg ramai
same goes dgn matsujun

Yg cerita bodyguard tu best ke? Hati belom terbukak lagi nak tgk walaupon ada kat netflix
Dramanya Long Vacation pon ramai org recommend
Maybe kalau I ada masa baru tgk

Matsujun tu kalau watak pelik2 ok lagi kot, kat 99.9 Criminal Lawyer tu heols ok lagi pada I
Kalau cerita romance mungkin I akan skip hahaha

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Post time 27-3-2021 09:14 PM | Show all posts
takayama replied at 23-3-2021 02:06 PM
since tuan tanah dah suruh kaka bubuh ikut pelakon so hr ni kaka mulakan dgn Tamaki Hiroshi

1. Of ...

Yg dua2 I mmg dah letak dalam list I
Addicted to mystery dah lama I nak tgk dari 2014 tapi terlupa
Since chuolls recommend mungkin I akan tgk dalam tahun ni

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 Author| Post time 28-3-2021 08:14 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
r_innalif replied at 21-3-2021 09:10 PM
Iolls join yg membership tuk Arashi je. So LIve Journal yg i jd mmber tu utk dorama lakonan artist ...

Tadaima I'm Home ada kat situ?
Kalau ada,iols pikir nak register jugaklah..

Ntah kenapa iols malas betul nak amek Netflix..

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