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Love ourselves more, ladies...

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Post time 8-2-2021 12:57 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by green~tea at 10-2-2021 09:28 PM

Disebabkan ramai kengkawan request iols utk buat thread khas utk kebahagiaan wanita...  so here it is, a few compilation about how you can love yourself more dari segenap aspek  

this thread shall cover the following topics and tips

1. Physical beauty - korang bleh share about your diet.. your exercises... your skincare... your hair care.... apa yang korang buat demi cantik.. perlu ke spend berratus ringgit setiap bulan... betul ke berkesan??? gittewwwwwww

2. Your " XXX" pleasures - you must know your body well girls.... kat sini i will sexplain a bit on how touch yourself... alat apa yang virgin ladies boleh pakai.. alat apa cannot use or tak perlu use/buy pun......  errr... kalo nak mengecam kasi ceramah agama, sila rujuk pada board muslimin muslimat ya... sama juga menggosip retis celebrity, sila refer ke sana je, tak perlu semak dan being judgemental di sini.. di sini tempat menimba dan sharing ilmu...

3. finding the right partner - yes setiap aspek korang bleh bincang, termasuk how to detect his p*nis size tanpa perlu menyeluk dan bukak baju, and we shall discuss all the tips how to make your partner also happy.... tips ni khas utk yang bakal berkahwin dan telah berkahwin... jangan buat dosa yang bukan2 yachh.. we can be naughty, but we're only naughty dengan yang halal sahaja...


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 Author| Post time 8-2-2021 12:59 PM | Show all posts
@anony-mous @sarah82 @KIM.K and gosh who else, i dah lupaaaaaa sbb dah lama sangat duk borak2 nak bukak this compilation thread...

iols letak tajuk murni2 sikit kali ini supaya tidak dihumban ke arkib

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Post time 8-2-2021 01:02 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sejak balik alor setar.. I dah keluar dgn 2-3 lelaki..
1. MO
2. PTD
3. MA

Minggu depan ada date lagi.. abam polis pulak..

Iols rasa ni masa utk cari lelaki berkualiti dari semua segi utk dijadikan suami..

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 Author| Post time 8-2-2021 01:16 PM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 8-2-2021 01:02 PM
Sejak balik alor setar.. I dah keluar dgn 2-3 lelaki..
1. MO
2. PTD

aktif ko yaaaaaa  skang!!! nasib baik MCO, if not, buleh la mak hayam and mak kuntum tolong scan pakej2 bakal suami chuolz...

welcome2... i park dulu topik ni.. pasni i bukak topik mukadimah dalam ni : orgasm.. gituhh

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Post time 8-2-2021 01:16 PM | Show all posts
wow...tajuk best.. please start the conversation first..nanti i sampuk

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 Author| Post time 8-2-2021 01:18 PM | Show all posts
KIM.K replied at 8-2-2021 01:11 PM
Yeay favourite topic from favourite mahayam

Iols lately ada persoalan, macamana nak kendalikan se ...

dear, being naughty dengan partner doesnt mean that kita should tolerate sexual harrasment dgn bakal suami ke or potential bakal suami ke BF ke... before ada hubungan.. each kena respect each other... but yes, lelaki kalo dia suka kita, and of course ada horny... so kita laa kena pandai control dia... sbb straight guy mmg gatal ya... kalo dia takde gedik dgn kita that means dia asexual atau gay...
even penunggang agama yang straight pun tetap gatal ya.. nak wat camne.. men being men... tp diorang and kita pun kena pandai2 jaga batas pergaulan.. just tegur secara jujur.. dont scold.

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 Author| Post time 8-2-2021 01:20 PM | Show all posts
hidet replied at 8-2-2021 01:16 PM
wow...tajuk best.. please start the conversation first..nanti i sampuk

yes2.. sabar sis.. i tengah cari compilation topic discussion dalam grup telegram... wakakakka...

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Post time 8-2-2021 01:21 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 8-2-2021 01:16 PM
aktif ko yaaaaaa  skang!!! nasib baik MCO, if not, buleh la mak hayam and mak kuntum tolong scan p ...

Hahaha.. Sia2 kan masa 5 tahun dgn berhenti datingkan.. Jadi tgh cari yg baik. X kisah kerja apa.. Janji bukan bewak..

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Post time 8-2-2021 01:22 PM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 8-2-2021 01:02 PM
Sejak balik alor setar.. I dah keluar dgn 2-3 lelaki..
1. MO
2. PTD

wow semuanya background nice2.. masuk baitulmuslim ke tu

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Post time 8-2-2021 01:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
awanysss replied at 8-2-2021 01:22 PM
wow semuanya background nice2.. masuk baitulmuslim ke tu

Hihihihi.. Bukan...yg MO tu kwn ex bf iols.. Erk.. Yg lain.. Iols kenal kat tagged..

Baitulmuslim x sesuai dgn i yg penuh kesetanan.. Hahahaha.

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Post time 8-2-2021 01:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 8-2-2021 01:02 PM
Sejak balik alor setar.. I dah keluar dgn 2-3 lelaki..
1. MO
2. PTD

Kakak kenal dari mana lelaki2 itu? Sila bagi tips. Hehehe

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Post time 8-2-2021 01:33 PM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 8-2-2021 01:27 PM
Hihihihi.. Bukan...yg MO tu kwn ex bf iols.. Erk.. Yg lain.. Iols kenal kat tagged..

Baitulm ...

mana tau baitulmuslim akan menundukkan kesetanan kaka itewwww

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Post time 8-2-2021 01:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 8-2-2021 01:27 PM
Hihihihi.. Bukan...yg MO tu kwn ex bf iols.. Erk.. Yg lain.. Iols kenal kat tagged..

Baitulm ...

Waa bagus kak sarah.. semoga berjodohan la ye. Actually tagged ni 50-50 orang nye.. tp sy rase kak sarah pandai observe so harap jumpa yang baik2.. sy kenal suami pun kat tagged zaman muda2 dulu.. hehe
Baitulmuslim tu nama je muslim kak tp yg dlm tu lebih kurang je dengan yang kt dalam tagged.. tak pukul rata semua tapi yg mcm syaitonn pun ade.. huhu.. awal2 je assalamulaikum.. dh chat 2-3x keluar sisi gelap.. huuu.. ni sy dengar dari kawan baik saya sendiri ya..

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 Author| Post time 8-2-2021 01:35 PM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 8-2-2021 02:15 PM

Okay.... first issues for further elaboration, clarification and discussion... gittchewwwwwwwwwww


1. Clitorial
     Ni standard lah. orgasm paling senang nak sampai... sbb ia hanya di bibir farah sahaja location nya... biasanya.. clitorial ni lah yang kita stimulate semasa foreplay (partner akan buat cunnilingus, dalam bahasa mudahnya fingering and lick...) and kalo nak masturbate pun, paling mudah nya nak just stimulate clit je lah, pakai je vibrator... selamat masturbate dengan cara ni... sbb tak perlu masukkan apa2 alat dalam vagina pun, so anak2 dara pun masih selamat...  i mmg tak galakkan pakai dildo sbb hygiene issues & risiko luka & inflammation & kena guna lots of lubricants.. and using dildo lg susah nak orgasm sbb dia nak kena cari gspot kat dlm... sakit je yg dpt nnti...

2. Squirt
when you orgasm, not necessarily you will squirt... and vice versa... guys suka laa kalo dpt buat their partner squirt sbb they always think bila squirt je, it means orgasm for them... ye la, mcmamana the guy nak tau partner orgasm melainkan squirt yang bleh lihat and detect dgn mata kasar... cara mudah nak explain about this, is gambarajah di bawah... mmg optimum lah kalo dpt achieve the red zone tu, where you simultaneously orgasm and dapat squirt... mcmana nak squirt? first u must understand yang squirt ni is produced by Skene's glands are located in the posterior portion of the female urethra and the anterior portion of the vagina. so nak stimulate squirting, kena angle kan d*ck to pada location tu la, usually doggy haha.. tp yang paling penting sebenanrnya... is banyakkan minum air... so that skene's gland to activated... maybe you can ask your partner to improve their cunniligus skills dgn fingering utk dptkan squirt...

3. Gspot
kalo dah kawen, ur partner sebenarnya boleh explore your gspot, selain dari clitoris tu... usually gspot just located 2 inch ke dalam sahaja and ur partner boleh detect gspot tu dengan ada surface yang sedikit menggerutu as compared to other surface dalam vagina tu

4. Cervical (ultimate)
Orgasm yang paling best adalah  cervical... tp kalo suami pen*s kecil setakat 2-3 inci tak yah la kot usaha nak dapatkan orgasm ni.. jgn la kecewa sangat.. boleh cuba cara lain.. pakai dildo ke ape.. tp kena explore sama2 dengan husband lah... tp kalo pen*s husband dah cukup size 5-7 inci... go ahead explore this type of orgasm... dia kena ada cara, angle, teknik kemut (bagi lelaki) utk bantu your wife dapatkan this type of orgasm (anterior fornix orgasm)... bleh rujuk gambar di bawah juga utk compare

5. Deep vagina
yang ni mmg tak dapek la ye.. mmg kena husband size 6 inch ke atas je baru dpt this posterior fornix orgasm.. and usually woman on top and kena explore dan tahu cara, angle, teknik pernafasan & kemut yang betul...

6. Anal
i never explored this and am not eager to explore this at all.. but there's some of my female friends claiming anal orgasm ni best la jugak... but the husband said its just for curiousness je, kalo compared to vagina penetration, is better sbb vagina is muscular, boleh kemut and elastic... kalo anal usually tpt nak masuk tu je ketat, kat dalam dah loose... cumanya yang receiving party tu je yang buleh orgasm, sbb both my gay friends and female yang experience anal orgasm mmg cakap ada gspot kat dalam tu.. i cant imagine how it feels, maybe sedap cam nak berak je la kot.. huhuhu

7. Core orgasm (exercise)
yang coregasm ni iols penah experience 5-6 kali lah.. masa exercise dekat gym.. usually jadi kalo i tengah buat extreme cardio exercise or bila i buat stepboard class.. and this kind of orgasm mmg membuat all body goosebumps, and orgasm dia takde laa intense mcm sexual tu, tp cukup utk buatkan nipple keras and goosebumps. and usually this orgasm plateau lama... so kita nak kena stop exercise kejap by just walking around or minum air... biar heart rate tu turun and cramp dekat abs/core berkurangan...

8. Nipple
orgasm mild2 by nipple stimulation.. both men and women boleh experience this orgasm tp tidak la best sgt mcm orgasm kat clit or cervical tu... to achieve this boleh belajar laa teknik and bg feedback pada pasangan semasa giving or receiving this nipple stimulation

9. Sleep orgasm
ni mimpi lah... yang mcm orang citer pasal jin asyik tu kan or some people experience mimpi basah... i semenjak berkahwin degnan husband ni, i no longer experience sleep orgasm not even once.. dulu sblm kawen or semasa kawen 1st husband, yes i do experience sleep orgasm.. i rasa sbb sexless masa tu, and i am active regularly work out so the body naturally kena find ways to lepaskan keperluan ni.. dulu2 i used to masturbate untuk fulfil my needs dan mengelak berlaku curang..

10. Blended orgasm
ni  usually woman boleh experience blended orgasm semasa intercourse... usually clitorial and cervical /gspot orgasm at same time.... mmg nikmat lah, and usually disusuli dengan squirt...

11. Multiple orgasmsame as above

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 Author| Post time 8-2-2021 01:36 PM | Show all posts
i will edit above posting to explain each

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Post time 8-2-2021 01:41 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
putu replied at 8-2-2021 01:30 PM
Kakak kenal dari mana lelaki2 itu? Sila bagi tips. Hehehe

Hahaha.. Kak sarah manja2 sikit.. hhahah

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Post time 8-2-2021 01:56 PM | Show all posts
sarah82 replied at 8-2-2021 01:27 PM
Hihihihi.. Bukan...yg MO tu kwn ex bf iols.. Erk.. Yg lain.. Iols kenal kat tagged..

Baitulm ...

baru tahu kewujudan tagged.. iols perlu consider tagged pulak..


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Post time 8-2-2021 02:01 PM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 8-2-2021 01:18 PM
dear, being naughty dengan partner doesnt mean that kita should tolerate sexual harrasment dgn bak ...

Tulah..kadang kita nak sekolahkan depan2..tak kena dengan masa dan suasana
Orang yang buat sexual harassment ni biasanya jenis bodoh2 cerdik tau kaka. Careful sebab orang macamni yang duk cabul anak kita
Diorg ni taktau kita rasa tak selamat, tengah berasap ke or that shit's ackward

Kut ye pon sangap batang, takkan batang kau kut..kepam busuk
Bahaya betol

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Post time 8-2-2021 02:10 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
biskutraya replied at 8-2-2021 01:34 PM
Waa bagus kak sarah.. semoga berjodohan la ye. Actually tagged ni 50-50 orang nye.. tp sy rase kak ...

Hihi.. Kak sarah nak cari yg boleh terima kak sarah seadanya.. Dan paling penting bukan bewak..kalau kerja hebat tu kira bonus la.. Hihi

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Post time 8-2-2021 02:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hidet replied at 8-2-2021 01:33 PM
mana tau baitulmuslim akan menundukkan kesetanan kaka itewwww

Hahahaha..payah.. Hahahaha..

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