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[Tempatan] Di mana Ustazah Nur Farhana?.

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Post time 17-1-2019 10:55 AM | Show all posts
haryatie replied at 17-1-2019 10:34 AM
kenpa yer..bila da kawin istri kena berkorban lebih dr suami
byk kes istri yg asyik berulang jauh d ...

sebab melayu kita yang ajar camtu...  semua letak kat pundak bahu isteri...

ko kawen la man, baru terjaga makan pakai ko...
ko ni bila nak kawen mat, baru terurus hidup ko...
kawen la jusoh, ada juga yang boleh menjaga membela kamu...

sepatutnya ayat2 tu diberi pada perempuan, sejajar dengan islam dan tanggungjawab dalam islam...



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Post time 17-1-2019 10:55 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki replied at 17-1-2019 10:43 AM
Dia blh naik ktm komuter. Kawan i pun mcm tu jugak. Berulang daily. Siap ada kereta 2nd hand yg pa ...

mmg boleh noks. tp masalahnye balik pulau tu jauh ke belakang pulau tu. kalau naik komuter, turun naik feri, nk ke balik pulau tu plak either ko naik bas atau ko kene naik uber. dahla ustazah ni cikgu bknnye punch in pkl 8 mcm kite. opismate aku yg duk jelutong nk pegi keje kt georgetown pun 2-3 bas gak la nk kene naik.

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Post time 17-1-2019 11:00 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by scorpionkiki at 17-1-2019 11:02 AM
annehuda replied at 17-1-2019 10:55 AM
mmg boleh noks. tp masalahnye balik pulau tu jauh ke belakang pulau tu. kalau naik komuter, turun  ...

Sbb tu I sebut pakai kereta 2nd hand yg parking di komuter tu ...tak perlu guna bas . Kereta tu dia blh guna ke Balik Pulau dan bila balik ke kedah nanti  Dr rumah suami blh hantar dan ambik di station ktm alor star

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Post time 17-1-2019 11:01 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Takde cctv ke kat kawasan sekolah tu?

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Post time 17-1-2019 11:02 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki replied at 17-1-2019 10:43 AM
Dia blh naik ktm komuter. Kawan i pun mcm tu jugak. Berulang daily. Siap ada kereta 2nd hand yg pa ...

ye tp i rasa die taknak naik ktm sbb
1. ktm kt utara ni 2 jam skali. u terlepas mmg u lewat la.
2. u pegi keje naik komuter, then u naik feri, then u nak pegi balik pulau. i rasa yg susah tu kalau nk pegi balik pulau. sbb balik pulau tu jauh dah mcm kawasan kampung dah.
3. mcm org lain tu kalau lewat ok takpe la fleksibel skit sbb bukannye ada jadual waktu kelas.
4. u nak parking kat mana? sbb kawasan ktm butterworth tu die dekat dgn stesen bas. mmg sibuk tp kawalan keselamatan tu takde. silap haribulan keter kene curik plak. sbb tu i rasa ustazah ni berani parking kt tol sg 2 sbb tmpt tu 24jam ada orang.
5. ok  bleh parking kt area jeti, tp kat area jeti tu parking berbayar. i think mmg kt town tu i tak jumpe lg parking yg tak berbayar. and takde lg parking lot yg byr bulan2. (source dr kawan i yg nk carik gak parking bayar monthly, tp mmg jauh dan mahal. so end up die naik motor gak dr alor setar. )



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Post time 17-1-2019 11:06 AM | Show all posts
jadi cikgu ni memang kena bersedia je la posting ke mana-mana..
beliau boleh kata bertuah la 100km tempat kerja dengan rumah..
cumanya dorang laki bini tak bijak mengatur kehidupan..
kalau kena hantar ke pedalaman, mau masuk tanjung rambutan dua-dua..


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Post time 17-1-2019 11:08 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eyansss replied at 17-1-2019 10:55 AM
sebab melayu kita yang ajar camtu...  semua letak kat pundak bahu isteri...

ko kawen la man, ba ...

Betul kata you...tepat sekali. Ayat ayat ni zaman dulu bolehlah pakai tp sekarang mmg tak tepat langsung

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Post time 17-1-2019 11:08 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki replied at 17-1-2019 11:00 AM
Sbb tu I sebut pakai kereta 2nd hand yg parking di komuter tu ...tak perlu guna bas . Kereta tu  ...

cikgu kan masuk awal. tgk jadual komuter plg awal pun pkl 6. smpi butterworth pkl 7. pkl 7 sepatutnye cikgu dah standby dh kat sekolah.

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Post time 17-1-2019 11:10 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
annehuda replied at 17-1-2019 11:02 AM
ye tp i rasa die taknak naik ktm sbb
1. ktm kt utara ni 2 jam skali. u terlepas mmg u lewat la.

Kesiannya....agaknya kawan i ada tmpt parkinglah tu...sbb tu dia bahagia saja dok berulang

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Post time 17-1-2019 11:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
*feel free to scroll down as this is a long post*

My heart goes out to this ustazah. I can relate. I travelled 50km one way everyday. Incomparable to what she’s  been through. But still.

My husband can’t apply for transfer until he served at least 2 years in Sarawak. 2019 is his final year. We’re praying to be together every single day. With occasional visits to Putrajaya of course.

Throughout my years as a government officer, I’ve developed anxiety disorder due to numerous misconducts (including sexual harassment) by fellow colleagues in my previous workplace. Those people involved were only given a slap on their wrists.

Society hasn’t been nice to people with mental health issues. For those who’ve been reading thread of me in a dilemma of quitting a government job in PP board, you’ll get the picture.

There’s also a lot of growing hostility towards government staffs. We were told to give up our positions if we’re complaining about PJJ. If we take that route, we’ll also be receiving critics from right and left especially our family. And then the new cycle continues. New government employees come in. S/he starts a family. S/he’s PJJ now. S/he’s stuck in a rut. Just like the resigned employee.

But I’ve to agree that support system plays an important role. I’m lucky that I’m in a better place now. Although I’m commuting, I come home to my loving parents. Whenever I miss my husband, he goes out his way to comfort me; in whatever way possible. And I’m continuing my passion for running. To get that endorphins balanced with my cortisol level. Work are more stressful compared to my previous workplace, but my colleagues here are a bunch of positive, helpful and supportive people

This is perhaps luahan hati, but it’s also my way of raising awareness towards mental health, the dilemma as a government employee as well the complexities of choices human made in their lives.



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Post time 17-1-2019 11:26 AM | Show all posts
scorpionkiki replied at 17-1-2019 11:08 AM
Betul kata you...tepat sekali. Ayat ayat ni zaman dulu bolehlah pakai tp sekarang mmg tak tepat la ...

zaman skang ni, sudah la kena membela menjaga jadi babu jantan padahal tu bukan tanggungjawab isteri dalam islam, pastu kena kerja jugak sebab dok tampung financial keluarga (which, again, bukan tanggunggjawab isteri dalam islam)...  pastu si jantan expect perempuan tabah menghadapi segalanya sendiri2 sambil layan diorang macam raja...

teringat kata2 ustaz (aku lupa maza ke asri), haram seorang suami suuh isteri share tanggungjawab dia (mostly kewangan), melainkan isteri sendiri ikhlas nak bantu...  ni dok suruh isteri keje pastu cakap, ayang kena keje pastu gaji ayang bayar rumah, abang bayar bil...  gaji ayang buat beli barang dapur, gaji abang bayar tenet...  paling sadis, isteri ikat perut sebab nak make sure anak2 terjaga, suami bersukaria beli barang dia memacam sebab isteri dah bayar almost all the expenses...

if you want to be treated like a king, treat her like a queen...  suruh isteri keje atas alasan tuntutan living expenses zaman sekarang, then keje kat rumah tu pun kena la share sesama...  pastu jangan lupa didik anak2 tu, jaga dan bela anak2...  ni bila anak ada masalah, tuding jari lagi kat isteri...  huhuhuu...

untung jadi lelaki melayu ni...

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Post time 17-1-2019 11:28 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
jazaa100 replied at 17-1-2019 08:21 AM
Laki dia keja kat kedah....
Mgkin dah beli rumah kat kedah

Sangka baiknya kau kat laki dia. Dah tu sohlag bini tu cuti tanpa gaji rehat jap. Dh tau bini kemurungan lagi nk soh dia kerja.

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Post time 17-1-2019 11:30 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
annehuda replied at 17-1-2019 08:45 AM
laki die peniaga takde majikan kot kaka
leh ja sacrifice duduk dekat skit
at least kt sp ka

Betul aku rasa mmg bini dia penat berulang tp balik rumah kena jaga anak ngan laki dia lagi. Masak apa semua.. Laki dia ngangkang jah

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Post time 17-1-2019 11:32 AM | Show all posts
Edited by eyansss at 17-1-2019 11:51 AM
QIsmail replied at 17-1-2019 11:23 AM
*feel free to scroll down as this is a long post*

My heart goes out to this ustazah. I can relate ...
Those people involved were only given a slap on their wrists.

dafuk...  dont mind my language because they deserve even more than this!!!  

be strong Qismail...  lucky for you to have a very strong support system compare to others that need to face the similar situation all alone...  and for those who making fun of you, due to your health issues, shame on them...  depression is real kot!

if you need other support system, just pm me...  we can talk about anything just to make u ok and comfortable...



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Post time 17-1-2019 11:34 AM | Show all posts
weezerfan replied at 17-1-2019 11:28 AM
Sangka baiknya kau kat laki dia. Dah tu sohlag bini tu cuti tanpa gaji rehat jap. Dh tau bini kemu ...

yup...  sebagai suami, kalau dah nampak isteri stress, do something la...  at least suruh isteri amek cuti n bawak berjalan...  atau, macam ko cakap la, amek cuti tanpa gaji...  biar dia berehat...  pastu memalam tu bawak2 la urut bahu isteri, peluk isteri tu...  isteri ni, kalau suami tak reti dengar keluhan dia, ko peluk pun jadi la...
ni time nak make love baru la peluk...  tu pun entah peluk entah tidak...

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Post time 17-1-2019 11:44 AM | Show all posts
runie replied at 17-1-2019 08:43 AM
Ada baca yg ustazah tu terjun dari tingkat 5 shopping complex kat ipoh, meninggal dunia..wallahualam ...

serious ke?  baca katne?

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Post time 17-1-2019 11:44 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kesiannya kat ustazah tu. Dah lah jalan nak pi balik pulau challenging nak drive. Dengan kerja lagi. Mau tak penat. Semoga baik-baik saja semua.

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Post time 17-1-2019 11:45 AM | Show all posts
kesian ustazah. stress sangat2.. xcukup rehat. ntah2 xde tempat nak mengadu pun. aku harap ustazah p lari berehat hp beg duit semua tinggal kan
salah laki dia. cakap la apa pun tetap nak salahkan laki dia.

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Post time 17-1-2019 11:46 AM | Show all posts
Edited by eyansss at 17-1-2019 11:48 AM

untuk sesiapa yang anggap depression ni menda biasa (dan ada yang cakap mengada2 je lebih)


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Post time 17-1-2019 11:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
eyansss replied at 17-1-2019 11:32 AM
dafuk...  dont mind my language because they deserve even more than this!!!  

be strong Qismail ...

Awww... thanks for the offer. Kindness is quite rare in Forum Cari these days. I blame the clown ministers in new government. Lol.

Biasala you. I dulu kerja dgn set2 Ustaz. I sorang je yg tak pakai tudung labuh & wear perfume in that department. Somehow they see it as invitations to harass me. Yg paling best, female employees tak defend I pun. Dok join gelak2 at their daily crass jokes.

Bawak pd HOD, siap suruh bersyukur ada org nk kat I. Siap tak percaya lg my complaint. Apa lg, I bawak my complaint to big boss. Teruk I kena pulau while waiting for my transfer.

Anywho - although I want to stay positive, things are not looking up for this ustazah. Semoga dipermudahkan usaha mencarinya.



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