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Suami tak hargai isteri,

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 Author| Post time 29-6-2018 02:21 PM | Show all posts
winsonyu replied at 29-6-2018 02:18 PM
U should ask him to read about my thread....hahhaha..maybe he can improve

https://mforum.cari.c ...

Tq bagi link. appreciate sgt.
Sy akn baca.

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Post time 29-6-2018 02:29 PM | Show all posts
XXSHUSHUXX replied at 29-6-2018 02:19 PM
Sy mmg xkisah bila xromantik. tapi at least bagi "perhatian". dengar luahan isteri pun ok.
Klw bo ...

Being romantik does not mean candlelight dinner or flowers aje.
But being romantik is to have the heart of caringness...and that kind of man will shower u with attention and love. I should have been there for u before u get married. At least I can advice u.

Dah agak dah sex mcm tu...itu just fxxx and go....banyak isteri di sini pun komplain pasal ni. I always say this. When there is great love making, there is a strong bond between and  u can live a happy married life.

Well, sad to say that after married, there is nothing for him to fight for coz ure already his, nothing to worry about for him and he just become who he is May be hard to change a person's character, especially men.

Just do ur best in taking care of the kid and the house.Maybe, just maybe one day he will see ur sacrifice bila dia dah bertambah matang.A women who tries to co trol the husband is askingmfor more trouble.

Ignore his habits coz all guys like to cuci mata anyway. You can do that pun and see if he mind...kalau tak mind. Then u enjoy cuci mata as well.

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Post time 29-6-2018 02:34 PM | Show all posts
XXSHUSHUXX replied at 29-6-2018 02:19 PM
Sy mmg xkisah bila xromantik. tapi at least bagi "perhatian". dengar luahan isteri pun ok.
Klw bo ...

nk borak dgn suami, time makan... jgn time dia tgh tgk bola.. time dia main hp...x pun time dia tgh drive... masa tu telinga dia mendengar... time lain... lupakan je lah.. ibarat mencurah air ke dalam kolam gitu... dan 1 lg, relax... jgn duk pikir sangat... kalau dia tgk pompuan lain, u pun tgk je la lelaki lain... usha macam mana dia buat... biar dia perasan... nanti dia tersedar sendiri la... x pun dlm rumah puji2 pelakon drama skg ni... entah apa la nama yg ensem2... minta tolong sekali x jalan... x pe.. minta tolong 2 3 kali... x jalan jugak, balas balik time dia minta tolong... jgn susahkan bende yg senang...

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Post time 29-6-2018 02:39 PM | Show all posts
Edited by carly_lah at 29-6-2018 02:41 PM
winsonyu replied at 29-6-2018 02:29 PM
Being romantik does not mean candlelight dinner or flowers aje.
But being romantik is to have the ...

mmg tabiat lelaki utk tgk pompuan cantik... selalunya kalau suami carly tgk awek2 cun, pakai skirt.. carly akan komen jugak... cantik ke x, kurus ke x etc... x kan nak cucuk bijik mata suami semata2 dia tgk pompuan lain... kita pun kalau nampak lelaki hensem, mesti pandang jugak... x kira la bangsa apa pun... pemandangan yang indah gitu... .. dan lelaki yg romantik ialah.. dia terima diri kita seadanya kita... sanggup jaga anak etc... kalau asyik2 candle light dinner aje x guna... anak semua, bini yg handle... lg makan hati....

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 Author| Post time 29-6-2018 02:41 PM | Show all posts
winsonyu replied at 29-6-2018 02:29 PM
Being romantik does not mean candlelight dinner or flowers aje.
But being romantik is to have the ...

@winsonyu... awak betul2 faham sy..

ape yang awak bgthu tu betul sgt. itu lah yg sy pikir,
sy nak buat je macam biasa - jaga rumah jaga anak.
(walaupun sbnrnya sy nak buat semua tugasan tu dgn hati yg gembira)

mungkin bila dah selalu hadapi perasaan nie, lama2 dah xrasa ape2.

xde perasaan ape dah. sy tunggu je perasaan tu dtg..


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Post time 29-6-2018 02:43 PM | Show all posts
1) saya tak pernah nampak dia macam cemburu kalau laki lain pandang/ cuba nak ngorat bini dia
Kalau dia cemburu pon dia buat2 tak. Ego.

2) mata selalu tengok bini orang, perempuan2 lain walaupun saya dalam kategori "ada rupa"
Penyakit org lelaki dik. Tak boleh nak larang. Just mampu berdoa je supaya Allah tolong jaga suami dr segala maksiat

3) selalu buat ape2 hal tak inform bini - hidup macam orang bujang
Tak semua org lepas kahwin terus transform. Ada yg perlukan masa. Cakap baik2 dgn dia. Jangan arah2 sbb takut lagi tak bagi lg dibuatnya

4) kalau tengok bini macam muram/merajuk memang suami buat tak peduli macam xde ape yang berlaku.
Clueless kot nak respond mcm mana. As husband & wife, jgn harapkan pasangan faham kalau tak cakap. Org laki2 punya common sense tak sama mcm kita. Bg la tau dia 'i merajuk, kenapa tak pujuk?'
Kalau tak menjadi jugak, u pujuk la hati sendiri, gi shopping ke? or mcm i layan korea drama lepas tu wallpaper laptop & phone letak gamba park seo joon. Saje je nak channel kan rasa merajuk tu ke tmpt lain.

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Post time 29-6-2018 02:44 PM | Show all posts
XXSHUSHUXX replied at 29-6-2018 06:19 AM
Sy mmg xkisah bila xromantik. tapi at least bagi "perhatian". dengar luahan isteri pun ok.
Klw bo ...

Baru kahwin pun twice a month ke.... u n suami umur berapa?

Anyway, lelaki in general mmg sikap cam tu. Part tgk perempuan tu mmg nature depa kot. Cuma, antara depa jenis terang-terangan atau tgk sorok2.

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 Author| Post time 29-6-2018 02:53 PM | Show all posts
Minami2013 replied at 29-6-2018 02:44 PM
Baru kahwin pun twice a month ke.... u n suami umur berapa?

Anyway, lelaki in general mmg sikap ...

i umur 26

husband umur 37.

Tu la, dah la xjaga pndangan. layan isteri pn jarang.
Memang rasa xdihargai sangat.

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Post time 29-6-2018 02:56 PM | Show all posts
XXSHUSHUXX replied at 29-6-2018 02:41 PM
@winsonyu... awak betul2 faham sy..

Bukan cuma paham perasaan u aje babe, bahkan semua kaum wanita dan lelaki maukan kasih sayang dari partner mereka.
We are all humans. Humans are not born to live alone. We all need love, affection, attention, someone to hug and cuddle, someone to make love to us, someone who accepts us as who we are.

Paham semua ni? This is ideal of what we need. But reality is that our emotions control us and not our brains that does the logical thinking, and thus, we may make a wrong decision and choice. But most important. Once we make a decision, we will have to stick to it, even if it may be a wrong one.


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 Author| Post time 29-6-2018 02:56 PM | Show all posts
emily.topaz replied at 29-6-2018 02:43 PM
1) saya tak pernah nampak dia macam cemburu kalau laki lain pandang/ cuba nak ngorat bini dia
Kalau ...

Tq bagi advise.

Mungkin betul suami Ego sangat.

Lepas nie kena cari something yg bleh happykn diri sendiri..

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Post time 29-6-2018 02:58 PM | Show all posts
carly_lah replied at 29-6-2018 02:39 PM
mmg tabiat lelaki utk tgk pompuan cantik... selalunya kalau suami carly tgk awek2 cun, pakai skirt ...

You got what i mean babe. And Im happy you are thinking this way. There is a saying, if you can't beat him, join him. Turn the situation around...Join him and cuci mata pretty women and comment together...or diam2 enjoy life of looking at handsome man or man with nice ass or body


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Post time 29-6-2018 03:15 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
XXSHUSHUXX replied at 29-6-2018 02:19 PM
Sy mmg xkisah bila xromantik. tapi at least bagi "perhatian". dengar luahan isteri pun ok.
Klw bo ...

Selalu kita dengar org ckp “asal berlaki” Dlm kes ni akak tgk mcm “ asal berbini”
Cuba tt attract attention dia bila nak berbual. Husband akak pernah jadi x blh nak berbual sbb kilang byk problem. Sudahnya akak ckp selamba.. “Dinding, kau dengar tak apa aku cakap ni?” Dua tiga kali cakap baru dia beri tumpuan kat akak! Skrg ni ada la juga kadang2 gitu. Penyebabnya sama aje. Byk sgt mikir masalah negara! Hahaha!!!!

Oh my Dinding!

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Post time 29-6-2018 03:19 PM | Show all posts
winsonyu replied at 29-6-2018 02:58 PM
You got what i mean babe. And Im happy you are thinking this way. There is a saying, if you can't  ...

kan... dari kita asyik duk marah2... elok joint sekali... mmg memula x biasa, tp biasakan diri... dari makan hati, lebih baik gembirakan hati sendiri...  

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 Author| Post time 29-6-2018 03:20 PM | Show all posts
sebenarnya ada satu lg masalah husband sy nie. pernah kantoi surf pornsite sambil m******p.
U guys know what i mean..

Sedih sangat.nak luah dlm forum nie pasal masalah nie pn malu sangat.

Suami korang ade x kantoi pasal hal yg satu nie? (p*rn)

semua benda ni menghantui fikiran hanya dalam setahun perkahwinan.
macamana nak survive sampai tua?

Klw conclude kn semua masalah husband nie. Macamana nak jadi kuat.

Anyway, still sy akn ikut nasihat korang2 semua tadi. cuma perlu sentiasa ada motivation

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Post time 29-6-2018 03:22 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
emily.topaz replied at 29-6-2018 02:43 PM
1) saya tak pernah nampak dia macam cemburu kalau laki lain pandang/ cuba nak ngorat bini dia
Kalau ...

No. 4 tu mmg sgt betul. Kadang2 kita merajuk dia perasan dan dia pujuk kita especially kalau berkaitan dgn ahli keluarga lain @ sahabat rapat. Kalau pasal dia, dia say sorry and buat muka cumi cumi dia! Cair la kita dibuatnya! Kalau akak, akak kabo je akak merajuk sbb bla bla bla.. Lepas tu dia pujuk & buat kita gelak. Kejap je merajuk.. Akak rasa tt patut inform dia kalau tt merajuk. Tinggalkan sticky  note le..

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Post time 29-6-2018 03:24 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
XXSHUSHUXX replied at 29-6-2018 02:53 PM
i umur 26

husband umur 37.

Elok tt ajak suami berbincang kenapa 2 kali sebulan je.. Akak dah 25 tahun pun lebih byk dari tt. Something  is not right.. kena bawa bincang ni!

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Post time 29-6-2018 03:25 PM | Show all posts

2) selalu buat ape2 hal tak inform bini - hidup macam orang bujang

-cemana nak inform, u kuat sentap... bgtau kang, merajuk punya lama, susah nak pujuk... lepas tu sikit2 merajuk, sikit2 merajuk... sekali dua boleh pujuk... tp kalau dh selalu... sila pujuk diri sendiri.. btw, u tahu ke dia merajuk ke x dgn u? pernah pujuk dia balik??? huhu....

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Post time 29-6-2018 03:29 PM | Show all posts
carly_lah replied at 29-6-2018 03:19 PM
kan... dari kita asyik duk marah2... elok joint sekali... mmg memula x biasa, tp biasakan diri...  ...

You got it babe...and fyi im back aktif in this forum selapas hilang sekian lama


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Post time 29-6-2018 03:33 PM | Show all posts
winsonyu replied at 29-6-2018 03:29 PM
You got it babe...and fyi im back aktif in this forum selapas hilang sekian lama

carly pun baru nk aktif balik... lama x borak dgn u... skg bz uruskan hal anak2 sekolah etc... dh jarang ada masa utk berforum...

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Post time 29-6-2018 03:36 PM | Show all posts
XXSHUSHUXX replied at 29-6-2018 03:20 PM
sebenarnya ada satu lg masalah husband sy nie. pernah kantoi surf pornsite sambil m******p.

Babe....zaman apa u ni babe?

So what kalau lelaki tengok porn dan melancap ni? u ingt lelaki aje ke yang tengok porn...perempuan jugak tau...and glad to know dia ada perasaan horny nya. U use this to ur advantage babe....u tengok porn jugak, yang homemade..tengok how ordinary ppl make love, u learn and give him a surprise by ur skills....i can bet u dia akan syiok dan akan mulalah enjoy having sex with u dan tak akan makan luar(kalau lah dia ada)

A way to a man's heart is through his batang....a way to a women's heart is through her heart

*fyi my advice are very much different with other ppl coz its out of the box thinking


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