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Post time 5-9-2017 04:20 PM | Show all posts
atira replied at 5-9-2017 02:16 PM
ko tgh tgk show apa skarang?
kalau mcm tu nak try tgk mula dgn seckhies la...

kalo epi yg berkaitan lagu dan singers, epi TOTOGA plg legend (epi 409-411)..
epi back to 90's era..mmg sages epi ni..
lagipon epi2 ni hit highest rating dan start trend balik lagu2 90an kt sana,..

Jamaica's special.(ep 369-370)
gigih HAHA nk jumpa usain bolt kt sana
pastu siap jd guest kt tv show sana..kekeke..

epi war of money..
epi xtreme part time (ep406)..keja kt lombong bawah tanah
epi xtreme part time job oversea edition (430-431)
jaesuk kena hantar gi india cuci kain..
haha kena gi china..junha hantar gi

IC daycare centre pon best jgk (epi 418)
suma member jadi cikgu tadika tuk satu hari..
tgk cmna diorg melayan keletah budak2

epi plg touching and heartwarimg:

IC Express Delivery (epi 443-445)..
diorg hantar korean meals dr netizen2 terpilih tuk sedara diorg kt oversea..
-sorg cari parent kandung terpisah
-ada netizen soh diorg gi melawat and deliver meal kt satu2nya nenek yg masih hidup di utoro,jepun..
mmg sedih sgt dgr citer nenek ni ditawan dan dibawa keluar tentera jepun dulu2..

me bg list2 epi ni dulu..tak larat nak tulis
sbb ni antara epi2 memorable bg me setakat ni..


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Post time 5-9-2017 04:23 PM | Show all posts

IC taun 2017 ni tak byk epi2 yg best..
bg me, diorg agak slump la sbb xbyk BIG PROJECT diorg buat..

epi dgn CURRY BROTHERS tu pon tak sehit sgt..
termasukla projek diorg kt LA dgn jumpa Jack Black tuu..

yg recent epi me enjoy tu pon yg epi REAL MAN..
yg diorg kena gi army..

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Post time 5-9-2017 04:40 PM | Show all posts

epi diorg gi brazil sempena world cup tu pon best jgkk..
semangat tgk diorg sokong team bola diorg..
yg tak bole belah diorg baru terperasan diorg makan KFC versi braziil..
rupanya KFC diorg daging crocodile..


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Post time 5-9-2017 07:30 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
clara_nur replied at 5-9-2017 04:20 PM
kalo epi yg berkaitan lagu dan singers, epi TOTOGA plg legend (epi 409-411)..
epi back to 90' ...

Tq uols.. boleh la sku start dgn ep2 ni dulu.. tgk aku boleh gi ke tak dgn IC ni

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Post time 12-9-2017 11:49 AM | Show all posts
utk sapa2 y pelik kenapa variety MBC byk tak tayang minggu ni..

pendek cete: demi kebebasan media mbc bersuara coz president mbc ialah konco ex president korea y menapis berita dari mbc.. so dorg nak president mbc letak jawatan..  

panjang cete:

"For those who don't know about this strike, I'll do a brief explanation on what this strike is and why it's important.

Rewind back a year ago, to one of Korea’s darkest and yet the brightest
days. Korea finds out about the deeds of the infamous Park Geun Hye,
Korea’s first female puppet who became a president, and her controller
and shaman, Choi Soon Sil. Their deeds ignite the flames of ten million
candles, as the people peacefully march for the impeachment of the
puppet. Y’all probably know about this already.

Who was the legendary reporter to find out about this? Which
broadcasting station told it first? Surely it must’ve been KBS, MBC, or
SBS. Right? Wrong! The reporter to find out and broadcast this news was
the anchor and president of the news division of JTBC, Sohn Suk Hee.

JTBC was the first to find out, and one of the only networks to
broadcast the news. Why? Why didn’t the other stations feature the news?
It’s not that they didn’t, it’s that they couldn’t. Many reporters
wanted to investigate on the issue, but they didn't get the permission.

Even when the news was out, why didn’t the major networks broadcast the
news? This is where the problem of the strike begins. Censorship. The
process of choosing the president of MBC, or in fact any of the three
major networks, is very corrupt. 70% of the stocks of MBC is owned by an
organization called the Foundation for Broadcast Culture, so the
organization decides on who the president of MBC will be.

Nine of the highest members of the organization are appointed by the
agency, “Korea Communications Commision.” Therefore the government has a
lot of control in networks like KBS, SBS, and MBC. The major power in
the government at that time had been Grand National Party, or now called
Saenuri. The presidents of the networks forbid news that made Park Geun
Hye look bad. If the anchor or producer of the news tried to go against
them, they were fired or blacklisted.

Now that there is a new power in the government, the producers and
anchors are able to speak out. This strike is one of the many actions to
root out the leftover corruptions. The employees are trying to make the
presidents of the broadcast stations resign and hopefully make the news
broadcast the truth and only the truth.

Fun fact, Sohn Suk Hee used to be the Head of Department of Bureau of
Announcer at MBC for many years but he resigned because he said that the
news wasn’t the news he wanted to tell the people. So he signed with
JTBC in the conditions that they would never control or censor him. The
first broadcast of JTBC Newsroom by Sohn Suk Hee ran with him saying he
will create news that people with strength will fear.

Another fun fact, something similar to this happened back in 2012 where the ex-president of MBC was caused to resign.

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Post time 17-11-2017 11:57 AM | Show all posts
Hi you allss.

I peminat running man. Ada jugak nak layan IC ni tapi cam tak jumpa sebab nak layan. Boleh tak korang bagi pin point best tak IC ni. Bukan persoalkan k, tapi nak mntak korang point yang menyebabkan IC ni best

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Post time 6-1-2018 11:57 AM | Show all posts
ainothman replied at 17-11-2017 11:57 AM
Hi you allss.

I peminat running man. Ada jugak nak layan IC ni tapi cam tak jumpa sebab nak layan ...

Hai. Mungkin bukan taste u kot sebab i suka IC & RM tapi adik i suka RM je. Try bagi dia tengok IC tapi dia tak berapa berkenan.

For me, IC lagi best dr RM sebab projek dorang lebih menarik. IC ni per name Infinite Challenge so diaorang sentiasa buat projek yang mencabar diri mereka. Antaranya:

1. Bekerjasama dgn komposer/penyanyi tanah air utk cipta lagu dan buat konsert. GDragon mmg ada setiap tahun
2. Jalani latihan untuk ke angkasa lepas.
3. Sertai latihan ketenteraan.
4. Berlakon dalam produksi drama dan filem.
5. Bertanding dalam pertandingan masakan.
6. Misi menawan Bumi.

IC dia ada banyak projek berlainan. Satu projek mungkin akan ambil masa dlm 3 episod. Dari satu projek dia berpindah ke projek lain. Konsep dia sentiasa berubah. Ada episod yang best, ada yang tak best. Kalau u tertengok episod yang tak best, maybe u hilang minat. Kalau tengok episod yg org cakap best tapi u tak boleh layan jugak, kiranya IC bukan taste u but no problem sebab taste masing2. Adik i sampai skrg tak minat IC walaupun kdg2 i paksarela dia tengok. hee

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Post time 6-1-2018 11:59 AM | Show all posts
ainothman replied at 17-11-2017 11:57 AM
Hi you allss.

I peminat running man. Ada jugak nak layan IC ni tapi cam tak jumpa sebab nak layan ...

BTW, jgn tengok IC kat tv9 sbb translation ke BM tak besh. Tengok kat English translation oleh fans lebih accurate.

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Post time 9-1-2018 10:58 AM | Show all posts
nadeaosmand replied at 6-1-2018 11:59 AM
BTW, jgn tengok IC kat tv9 sbb translation ke BM tak besh. Tengok kat English ...

Hi dear thank you for the suggestion. Da boost up sket nak tengok IC ni haha bleh suggest episode mana yang best tak? Macam RM pun I tertengok episod best sebab tu drag terus sampai ep 384 ni. If tak, tak layan juga dari awal. ehhe

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Post time 15-1-2018 12:43 PM | Show all posts
clara_nur replied at 5-9-2017 04:20 PM
kalo epi yg berkaitan lagu dan singers, epi TOTOGA plg legend (epi 409-411)..
epi back to 90' ...

ok da save,

tingin sangat nak layan IC tapi tengah cari eps yang best supaya takde rasa cm bosan

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Post time 16-1-2018 10:09 PM | Show all posts
ainothman replied at 9-1-2018 10:58 AM
Hi dear thank you for the suggestion. Da boost up sket nak tengok IC ni haha bleh suggest episode  ...

I suggest episod berikut:
Episode 459, 460 & 461 > IC Wanted
Episod ni maybe closest to RM concept. Ada chasing game. Member IC jadi penjenayah yang sedang dikejar oleh pihak polis. Yang bestnya, diaorang guna khidmat anggota polis sebenar.

Episod 412 > Home Alone
Episod 488 > The Wailing
Kedua-duanya bertemakan filem.

Episode 443 -444 > Food Delivery (for Korean overseas)
Saya ni jenis emo cket so episod ni memang menyentuh hati. Kisah ibu yg ingat anak dia dh mati tapi rupanya masih hidup di US. Kisah nenek yg pergi ke Jepun utk cari ayah dia yg dibawa ke Jepun utk jadi buruh paksa.


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Post time 17-1-2018 10:49 AM | Show all posts
nadeaosmand replied at 16-1-2018 10:09 PM
I suggest episod berikut:
Episode 459, 460 & 461 > IC Wanted

yeayyy thankyouuuuu.

da saved!

Semalam layan episode 409. yang for zaman 90s tu. Okaylahh, dorang bertemu emula semua penyanyi zaman2 muda dorang kan. ada yang semput dah nak nyanyi balik. Paling surprise yang pasal turbo tu. KJK siap kata dia tak garang dan tak suka pukul orang, stesen tv tu yang menampakkan dia macam itu ahhaha

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Post time 17-1-2018 03:14 PM | Show all posts
Saya layan juga IC ni... start tengok masa mission hantar makanna pada korean overseas tu... Haha kena ke Japan jumpa bekas buruh paksa korea di sana... sedih woooo... second trip Haha bawak YJS sekali.

Kita tengok pun nangis... Nenek tu dah umur dekat 100 tahun.. IC offer nenek tu balik Korea, Nenek tu tolak sebab takut mati dalam kapal terbang

yang recent episode ni ... best masa members pergi kem tentera...  Myung Soo lawak habis..  HAHA


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Post time 17-1-2018 03:15 PM | Show all posts
BTW, tak boleh blah iklan kat TV9 ... Iklan Running Man... tapi footage IC masa mission diorang camping dengan fan tu.. hehe

Saya suka both series

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Post time 18-1-2018 11:59 AM | Show all posts
katana83 replied at 17-1-2018 03:14 PM
Saya layan juga IC ni... start tengok masa mission hantar makanna pada korean overseas tu... Haha ke ...

mission makanan tu mmg sedey. setiap kali tengok pun sebak lagi.

yg kat kem tentera tu mmg kelakar. myung soo punya "pilsung. yes I can!" tu memang lama gila gelak. dah berhenti gelak, ulang balik dan sambung gelak lagi.

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Post time 18-1-2018 12:12 PM | Show all posts
katana83 replied at 17-1-2018 03:15 PM
BTW, tak boleh blah iklan kat TV9 ... Iklan Running Man... tapi footage IC masa mission diorang camp ...

itulah. diaorang still play iklan tu. tajuk running man tapi video IC. tv9 tak monitor program diaorang sendiri ke apa?

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Post time 24-1-2018 03:28 PM | Show all posts
koranggg! guess what, i ols da layan IC hahahaha
hari2 duk tengok IC sekarang. Now tengah layan episode yang Kwanghee baru je join. Now dia takde da kan. Asal eh.
Myung Soo tu mmg lawak weyhh cam terbahak2 smlm hhahaha

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Post time 29-1-2018 11:02 AM | Show all posts
ainothman replied at 24-1-2018 03:28 PM
koranggg! guess what, i ols da layan IC hahahaha
hari2 duk tengok IC sekarang. Now tengah layan epi ...

Hi. I ols buat ID baru. Nak sambung cite.

I baru lepas tengok music festival 2015. Best jugak la. 435-440 and sambung 442.

paling suka tengok IU and Myung Soo, GD Taeyang and Kwanghee, and hyukoh dan donny.

Sekarang macam da minat dengar music hyukoh. Memandangkan I ols dlu peminat Indie. Tak sangka ada K-Indie haha

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Post time 6-2-2018 11:46 AM | Show all posts
berjaya tgk ic busan race tu..dgn yg latest ep yg myung soo re-enlist tentera, jae suk cuci jambatan bagai tu

yg lain2 ep bakal menyusul

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Post time 7-2-2018 02:21 PM | Show all posts
atira replied at 6-2-2018 11:46 AM
berjaya tgk ic busan race tu..dgn yg latest ep yg myung soo re-enlist tentera, jae suk cuci jambatan ...

Busan Race tu antara pebret epi chasing yg meolls suka..
plus diorg guna polis betul2 lagi tuu..

yg epi latest myungsoo re-enlist tu pon best..
kelakar dan agak intense diorg punya training tuu..
yelaa masuk kem yg dok jaga frontline negara diorg kann..
wlpon just training, agak berdebar2 jgk bayangkan yg tu real situation..
mau myungsoo meninggal kt situ sbb kena tembak berkali2..


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