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Author: Buntatt

Thread Gosip Para Kerabat, Royal,VVIP & Social Climber Version 7

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Post time 18-4-2017 10:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sharlenetexas replied at 18-4-2017 08:40 PM
@Buntatt uols tau tak siapa vvip yg jd customer arwah norita?
Other than dua org yg selalu didengar  ...

Alamak. The 2vips tu i need more clue pls u  

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Post time 18-4-2017 10:49 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by samisfar at 19-4-2017 05:26 AM
FARRAZOOL replied at 18-4-2017 10:00 PM
Owh ok..Hrp2 mlm nnti dpt tido mcm biasa.

Ni tengah sambung balik


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Post time 18-4-2017 10:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kamexkame replied at 18-4-2017 10:45 PM
byk btul u u ku inah

Ok ni kelakar.  

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Post time 18-4-2017 10:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
311gurl replied at 18-4-2017 10:45 PM
tu sebab kena berjodohan dengan anak raja perak u

Untuk repair keturunankan?   Rasanya kalau Raja Nazim u rasa  sesuai dgn which  one of them?

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Post time 18-4-2017 10:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
311gurl replied at 18-4-2017 10:36 PM
makin menjadi2 perangai mengadu tu farra.

sampai adik beradik tmj dah menyampah.

U rasa siblings tmj menyesal x tmj x jd ngn fazura?

Sbb eventhough faz sombong dedulu tp still penampilan dia wangi and i rasa mmg dia x segan pn nak belajar psl protokol..nk jaga imej dia jgk kan?at least org boleh la puji2 dia cantik

Tp SIL ni dah la rempit, sombong,
Penampilan pn busuk memalukan family theyolls je   

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Post time 18-4-2017 10:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
annabellaruz2 replied at 18-4-2017 01:58 PM
ku inah tu petite...halus so sesuai untuk bersanggul tinggi...
jd, boleh kaver ke'petite' an dia. ...

Logic analisa u  

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Post time 18-4-2017 10:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
primadonia replied at 18-4-2017 09:43 PM
Tgok la komen 2 org 'princesses' tu..over

Mak yg princess kan? Perasan much

Ha i perasan jgk these 2 princesses kemain komen kt ig vivy aritu    

Igtkn i je yg berkata2 di dlm hati.

Btw avaafzan tu yg anak dia kena air panas dlu kan? Pnh keja fv jua? Dia ank siapa kt perlis nun?

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Post time 18-4-2017 10:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts

Selama ni klu org luar tnya CPK ok x?Semua ktorg bantai ckp lama2 CPK sendiri yg buat org luar fikir something mcm x kena dgn diri dia brdasarkn penampilan diri dll.


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Post time 18-4-2017 10:55 PM | Show all posts
personified replied at 18-4-2017 10:51 PM
Untuk repair keturunankan?   Rasanya kalau Raja Nazim u rasa  sesuai dgn which  one of them? :lo ...

he won't choose them(i hope not)

buttt maybe iman.. reason sbb pandai n dah kerja

still pasang harapan raja nazim jumpa dengan yasmine

mcm RN n TZ junior sgt nnti

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Post time 18-4-2017 10:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
311gurl replied at 18-4-2017 07:01 PM
second from left is iskandar moiz, suraiya's younger bro

Far left is Juliana Ali, also cucu SP.

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Post time 18-4-2017 10:56 PM | Show all posts
primadonia replied at 18-4-2017 10:53 PM
U rasa siblings tmj menyesal x tmj x jd ngn fazura?  

Sbb eventhough faz sombong dedulu tp st ...

dua2 hauk

fazura if jadi wife tmj akan jadi sgt sombong n boros..sebelum kahwin pun habis satu kedai dia borang.. tmj yg bayar ok


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Post time 18-4-2017 10:57 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
oak.balustrade replied at 18-4-2017 08:54 PM
Kalau i jadi cpk, i mintak izin dari tmj utk further study, pastu helokkan perangai at the same ti ...

takde nye dia nk further study even hubby dia and siblings pn tak further study

tp grooming class yesss bole sgt

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Post time 18-4-2017 10:59 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Cookeelaat replied at 18-4-2017 10:13 PM
Datuk norjan khan bahadar kan uolls
Her niece malu sangat about this case, takde org mengata pu ...

Was the dato norja* married before? I takde info about her.  Yg disyaki killed her tu lepas kan?
I x fhm, whats the modus operandi ?

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Post time 18-4-2017 11:00 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
samisfar replied at 18-4-2017 10:49 PM
Ni tengah sambung balik

Btw@FARRAZOOL mungkin CPK takde "penjaga"kot itupasal tak terserlah bil ...

Ishh..rasanya x ada kaitan penjaga dgn penampilan diri CPK..Penjaga tu lebih kpd keselamatan kerabat2 Sultan Jhr,keselamatan Istana2,tlg doakan utk tolak hujan sepanjang prog Kembara Mahkota Jhr,Coronation dll..

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Post time 18-4-2017 11:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kamexkame replied at 18-4-2017 10:45 PM
byk btul u u ku inah

Mak aihhh...x agak2 kamoooo   

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Post time 18-4-2017 11:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
311gurl replied at 18-4-2017 10:55 PM
he won't choose them(i hope not)

buttt maybe iman.. reason sbb pandai n dah kerja

Yeah knowing Iman has history with kerabat,maybe jugak

Tp tulah I think Yasmine tu lagi sesuai for him.unfortunately I cuba search more about her tapi x dapat apa2..not even socmed

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Post time 18-4-2017 11:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FARRAZOOL replied at 18-4-2017 10:29 PM
Pefeeling Kate Middleton uolss
Setiap kali ada event2 kat luar Istana,dorang gunakan d ...

personal fb acc u eh. mind to share? hihihiii

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Post time 18-4-2017 11:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FARRAZOOL replied at 18-4-2017 10:30 PM
Kuat mengadu tau dia tu..

Hmm tang tu memang dah boleh agak la.

Tengok la cara dia cakap macam mana  

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Post time 18-4-2017 11:07 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FARRAZOOL replied at 18-4-2017 11:00 PM
Ishh..rasanya x ada kaitan penjaga dgn penampilan diri CPK..Penjaga tu lebih kpd keselamatan kerab ...

Oh baru i tau....farra ni mcm bendahara Jhr je      

Farra CPK ni tan eh?


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Post time 18-4-2017 11:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
hunny_sapik replied at 18-4-2017 10:55 PM
Far left is Juliana Ali, also cucu SP.

Mak dia siapa ye u?

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