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Author: peningsokmo

[Dunia] Putin dah marah.. keluarkan ayat paling power dalam sejarah

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Post time 18-11-2015 05:20 PM | Show all posts
yelah..."sending to God is up to me"............kalau tersalah hantar..mcm mana?? who is going to responsible?? boleh si putin tanggung/ jawab?

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Post time 18-11-2015 05:30 PM | Show all posts
xde plak isis ni mintak nk set up kerajaan kat mana2 kawasan

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2015 05:42 PM | Show all posts

kalau maksud putin ni memang betul tuju pada IS terrorist aku sokong. tapi kalau main pukul rata pada semua mujahiden dan muslim...

aku doakan moga mujahiden hantar dia kepada Tuhan secepat mungkin kalau dia serang

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Post time 18-11-2015 06:11 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
kudajantan77 replied at 18-11-2015 04:49 PM
Pejuang Fisabilillah tulin tidak pernah minta untuk hidup apabila melangkah ke medan perang....pilih ...

Sejarah perang islam x pernah menunjukkan asimilasi penganut berjaya. Contoh di eropah mcm spain, italy. Sekejap je.

Di Tanah Melayu, asia timur, kesan dia lebih berkekalan. Sekarang tanpa perang di eropah mcm england dan France, fastest growing religion. Without a single bloodshed.

Tapi apa pejuang2 yg kununnya islam ni buat? Orang awam Xperlu bom dan kaslanikov utk convert, mereka perlu kan assurances, ketenangan. Zaman peluru diganti dgn komputer. Sumpah aku cakap, zane dari one direction tu lagi banyak convert pemudi2 dari panji hitam. Zakir Naik dan saluran TV nya lagi berkesan convert ilmuan2 dari guna Toyota Hilux dan speaker takbir kehulu kehilir.

Mana otak? Allah letak organ tu paling dekat dgn mata, telinga dan mulut. Guna 3 organ tu utk berdakwah. Sedang Allah letakkan tangan dekat dgn hati. Ikut rasa binasa ikut hati mati.

Jihad bukan dgn peperangan saje. Ibu yg mati melahirkan anak juga jihad, pelajar yg mati dalam perbelajaran juga jihad. Dalam damai berapa banyak para penjihad boleh dilahirkan? Dalam perang, hanya satu kaum. Orang yg angkat senjata saja. Kenapa pilih jalan yg untungkan satu puak saje kalau ada jalan yg boleh untungkan banyak pihak?

Laungan takbir tu lagi merdu bila 1000 orang yg dengar tau di akan ke masjid utk solat dari laungan takbir dari 8 orang utk memberi tahu 1000 org awam disekililing mereka yg mereka mungkin akan mati ditembak.

Kalau kamu gembira nampak 1000 org kafir ketakutan kenapa xboleh gembira nampak yg mungkin 1000 orang tu mungkin bakal mualaf?

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Post time 18-11-2015 06:32 PM | Show all posts
jap jap....

isis ni pejuang ke tak ni???

apa hak korang nak kata cara perjuangan dorang tak islamik??

korang keyboard warrior ni islamik sangat ke???

ngaku jela isis tu islam

malu pulak

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Post time 18-11-2015 06:34 PM | Show all posts
Sejak keruntuhan sistem khalifah Islam..memang terdapat kecenderungan dikalangan umat Islam untukm bangun dan membentuk semula sistem tersebut.

Ditinjau dari aspek global...hasyrat kump Al Qeeda dan ISIS itu adalah ke arah itu...ideologi barat dilihat sebagai ancaman dan halangan...

Isu Palestine dan penindasan barat tersebut hanya lah faktor penggalak sahaja untuk kump. Al Qeeda dan ISIS itu...matlamat utama mereka adalah mewujudkan sistem khalifah dan menghancurkan ideologi barat...

itulah cita2 dan harapan mereka termasuk penyokong2 ISIS dari Malaysia...

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Post time 18-11-2015 06:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
buat sistem khalifah, negara islam tanpa sempadan. dan non muslim akan ditindas nanti, mereka akan kerap berperang, mereka nak satu dunia ni adalah muslim

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Post time 18-11-2015 06:45 PM | Show all posts
Edited by cmf_shalom at 18-11-2015 06:48 PM
sekngucing replied at 18-11-2015 06:39 PM
buat sistem khalifah, negara islam tanpa sempadan. dan non muslim akan ditindas nanti, mereka akan k ...

Kalau ikut tasfiran kumpulan ini...dunia ini dipecahkan kepada dua..satu dunia islam...satu dunia kafir (saya lupa istilah dalam arab)

dunia Islam/sistem Islam harus menguasai dunia ini...sementara dunia kafir harus tunduk kepada dunia islam..iaitu sama ada peluk islam atau bayar ufti...jika enggan..harus diperangi...

isu utama sekarang ini adalah pertembungan dan peperangan ideologi...yang menang akan menguasai yang kalah...

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Post time 18-11-2015 06:48 PM | Show all posts
Rosmah hantar pesan pada Putin: Telefon Najib ... -putin-telefon.html

jangan lupa Big mama yang paling power

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Post time 18-11-2015 06:50 PM | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 18-11-2015 06:34 PM
Sejak keruntuhan sistem khalifah Islam..memang terdapat kecenderungan dikalangan umat Islam untukm b ...

Al-Qaeda n ISIS hanyalah ciptaan Israel laknatullah


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Post time 18-11-2015 08:39 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 18-11-2015 06:34 PM
Sejak keruntuhan sistem khalifah Islam..memang terdapat kecenderungan dikalangan umat Islam untukm b ...

Masalah IS, derang nak serang hizbullah. Ape logiknya di situ? Di Syria plak serang puak pemberontak Syria, di Iraq serang puak kurdistan. Apa logiknya?

ISIS berkerjasama dgn Boko Haram. Mana logiknya?

Selain US, Russia, French dan beberapa euro dia nak jihad, derang jugak nak serang UAE, Indonesia dan beberapa negara Islam lain, aku xpaham ape ISIS nak? Sistem khalifah?

Unless all recruitment/killing video tu propaganda musuh, aku xsetuju cara derang. Islam berkembang dgn pesat tanpa ISIS lepas War on Iraq tajaan US, kenapa ISIS keluar dan rosakkan semuanya?

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Post time 18-11-2015 08:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Memang betul. Isis dlm mata Russia, they r nothing, Russia kill them many times over.

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Post time 18-11-2015 09:20 PM | Show all posts
Nape puak2 binatang cam isis, al qaeda

J.i, abu sayap etc binatang2 yg sewaktu dgn nye nih tak sebok

nak serang bapak binatang pengganas zionis@israel ???

Aku taw jawapan nya tp saje tanye kapir2 laknat

especially puak jews si bangsa kerak neraka

Mane la taw kot2 kalo ade la dlm forum nih   Last edited by tagas on 18-11-2015 09:26 PM


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Post time 18-11-2015 09:25 PM | Show all posts
yang bestnye, Putin tak tau pon ISIS ni agen Israel...

mungkin meleis2 tanah melayu lebih mengetahui kerana Allah dah bagi petunjuk

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Post time 18-11-2015 09:26 PM | Show all posts
tagas replied at 18-11-2015 09:20 PM
Nape puak2 binatang cam isis, al qaeda

J.i, abu sayap etc binatang2 yg sewaktu dgn nye nih tak se ...

ko pulak???

nape jadi keyboard warrior je??

nape tak berjuang kat palestin?

islam ke ko ni??

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Post time 18-11-2015 09:29 PM | Show all posts
kemaruk posted on 18-11-2015 09:26 PM
ko pulak???

nape jadi keyboard warrior je??

Aku keyboard warrior ke

Pejuang palestin bagai pun ko pedulik hape


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Post time 18-11-2015 09:32 PM | Show all posts
tagas replied at 18-11-2015 09:29 PM
Aku keyboard warrior ke

Pejuang palestin bagai pun ko pedulik hape


mula la buat ayat camtu bila dah xleh jawab

abis tu yang ko sebok sangat persoalkan kenapa ISIS tak serang israel tu nape??

mungkin alasan dia sama gak macam ko

tak perlu la kengkunun nak kata ISIS tak mewakili islam

ngaku jela islam=isis

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Post time 18-11-2015 09:41 PM | Show all posts
JokesCop replied at 18-11-2015 08:39 PM
Masalah IS, derang nak serang hizbullah. Ape logiknya di situ? Di Syria plak serang puak pemberont ...

Jawapan ringkas ak (mbe x brapa tepat)

Sunni vs Syiah kot?

If ak x silap...Hezbollah tu syiah...ISIS tu sunni...pemberontak syria tu plak sekutu america...

sama gak kes ISIS (seorang rakyat palestine) yang pergi menyerang Beirut (kelompok syiah) baru-baru ini..

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Post time 18-11-2015 09:46 PM | Show all posts
Edited by cmf_shalom at 18-11-2015 09:47 PM
tagas replied at 18-11-2015 09:20 PM
Nape puak2 binatang cam isis, al qaeda

J.i, abu sayap etc binatang2 yg sewaktu dgn nye nih tak se ...

Ak tjumpa satu artikel yang ditulis pada tahun 2014.... alasan mengapa ISIS tidak/belum menyerang Israel...tapi x tau la..betul ke tipu alasan tersebut..just untuk pembacaan..

Why isn’t the Islamic State fighting Israel?

The relentless Israeli assault on Gaza has yet to stop. But even as the death toll has now surpassed 1,600, the Islamic State (IS) and its newly established “caliphate” has not moved a muscle, nor is it expected to do so anytime soon. So why is IS – formerly known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) – not fighting Israel? Would anything change if its fighters were to gain access to the borders with occupied Palestine?
While the Israeli military machine was massacring people in Gaza – and amid the euphoria among some jihadis over the news of the announcement of an “Islamic caliphate” – video footage of masked individuals firing rockets into Israel was posted online, and attributed to IS. Many cheered for what they saw as the “Muslim caliph’s” response to calls for succor from the people of Gaza, even believing the “caliphate” was very close to liberating Jerusalem. But the euphoria did not last very long.

The video turned out to be from an old footage dating back to 2012, recorded by the militant group known as the Mujahideen Shura Council, and was repurposed to be attributed to IS. IS-affiliated social media activists such as Turujman al-Asawirti were also quick to question the authenticity of the video attributed to their group.

Al-Akhbar had a number of questions for IS supporters from Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, including the following: Why has IS maintained its distance from the events in Palestine? Are the people of Gaza not Muslims after all? Does this posture not reinforce the premise that there is a hidden link between Zionism and Salafi-Jihadism that appeases Israel, or is geography alone to blame for their inaction?

In a speech by IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, after he installed himself as caliph of the Muslims, he spoke about the terror inflicted on Palestine, but he did so only in passing, in the wider context of the terror Muslims face around the world.

In substance, they believe that liberating Palestine is irrelevant without the establishment of the caliphate in the countries surrounding Palestine first.Before him, in the time of the late leader of al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden, the jihadi attitude on Palestine was also controversial. Why have the jihadis never declared Palestine an arena for their jihad?

In effect, the leader of global jihadism Sheikh Ayman al-Zawahiri had an interesting position, approaching the issue from the angle of priorities on the basis of “Dar al-Kufr and Dar al-Islam,” or the abode of disbelief and the abode of belief in jihadi lore. Zawahiri argues that fighting in Palestine should be on the basis that it is an abode of Islam, and that therefore, liberating it is a duty for every Muslim, as stated in his speech “truths about the conflict between Islam and infidelity” in 2007. But despite this, Palestine remains at the bottom of the list of priorities for most jihadis.

In form, most adherents of Salafi-Jihadism believe that “Shias are more dangerous than Jews.” In substance, they believe that liberating Palestine is irrelevant without the establishment of the caliphate in the countries surrounding Palestine first.

Sources linked to IS told Al-Akhbar, “The final war that will liberate Palestine will be led by the caliphate, preceded by the establishment of this state in the Levant and Iraq,” on the basis of sayings they attribute to Prophet Mohammad. The sources add, “Allah alone knows just how much the soldiers of the caliphate yearn for skipping the necessary stages and battle the Jews in Palestine, but he who rushes something before its time comes shall be punished by being denied it.”

The sources, who are based in the Raqqa province of Syria, enumerate these necessary stages, saying, “The priority is to liberate Baghdad, then head to Damascus and liberate all of the Levant, before liberating Palestine.”

This is the principle that IS soldiers follow: “Fighting nearby apostates is more important than fighting faraway infidels.” To justify this, they rely on the Wars of Apostasy initiated by the Caliph Abu Bakr (against Muslims who renounced their religion following the death of the Prophet), who made it a priority over fighting infidels and Muslim conquests.

According to IS fighters, the adherents of all Islamic sects who do not submit to their “caliph” are either “apostates or misguided folk, who should be fought and killed, forced to repent and let themselves be guided, or be liberated from apostate rule.” A jihadi adds here, “We the followers of this path follow sharia not the whims of men,” adding that the Prophet had fought Quraysh first before moving on to fight the Jews of Banu Qurayza.

These sharia-based arguments are “reinforced” by the reality on the ground. A jihadi argues, “No one can initiate a battle against Israel except through the [direct] borders.” The jihadi then adds sarcastically, “Certainly, the mujahideen will not be able to bomb Israel by air,” before he said, “IS is still far from Israel. If it reaches Jordan and southern Syria (the Golan and Quneitra), then things would be different.”

The jihadis base their vision on their perception that “Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan all collaborate with Israel,” and argue that any attack they initiate would be stopped by what they call the “idolatry” regimes in the name of security. A jihadi opines, “Since the countries adjacent to Israel do not fire a single bullet at it, this means they do not want a confrontation with Israel. Any attempt to use their territories to target Israel means automatically a confrontation with these regimes. Therefore, we must first purge these countries to get to Israel.”

The IS-affiliated jihadis conclude that “the enmity the Arab countries and Arab groups have with Israel are in words not deeds, that is, only in politics and slogans. As long as this is the case, any group that wants to operate will confront these regimes.” As proof of their point, the jihadis give the example of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades’ operations out of South Lebanon, and the subsequent crackdown on the group’s members after they fired rockets into Israel. For this reason, these jihadis believe that the priority is for their “state” to expand gradually, and that everything else is meaningless and illogical.

With regards to suicide operations, the jihadis said, “This is on the table, but the time for it has not yet come."



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Post time 18-11-2015 09:51 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Makan popcorn je mlm ni kesian jari no no...xmo jd keyboard warrior..

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