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Author: sfhzuraz

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 Author| Post time 4-1-2015 03:03 PM | Show all posts my day...12.1.2015 is my husband birthday...just wait for another monday...

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Post time 4-1-2015 11:51 PM | Show all posts
5.1..birthday hubby...1 hadiah pun belum beli lagi..

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Post time 5-1-2015 03:40 PM | Show all posts
5.1.. macik2 kat luar sinun tgh sibuk buat bonus

alhamdulillah.. sbb gaji dihujung tanduk banjir2 ni

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Post time 5-1-2015 03:42 PM | Show all posts
Hari ke 5 thn 2015 ....... br dpt online semula

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Post time 6-1-2015 03:16 AM | Show all posts
hari ke 3 kerja malam sebelum cuti 2 hari..

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Post time 6-1-2015 10:35 AM | Show all posts
cintan66 replied at 4-1-2015 12:35 PM
4. 1. 2015...tambah 1 tahun lagi umur

Happy belated birthday,cintan
Syukur Alhamdulillah.

Hari ke 6 br dpt online di thn br 2015.


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Post time 6-1-2015 10:38 AM | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 4-1-2015 03:03 PM my day...12.1.2015 is my husband birthday...just wait for another monday...

Happy belated Birthday

Sama2 smbut birthday b bln 01.2015


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Post time 6-1-2015 10:42 AM | Show all posts
masarju replied at 6-1-2015 10:35 AM
Happy belated birthday,cintan
Syukur Alhamdulillah.

Tk Mas...sekejap masa berlalu, sudah hari ke 6 di tahun 2015


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Post time 6-1-2015 10:52 AM | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 2-1-2015 10:26 AM
dah 1 tahun lebih tak bukak emel...rasanya dah ada 1000 emel kot yg tak baca...

Tudiaa..ambik masa 1 jam kot nk delete,haha.


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Post time 6-1-2015 10:53 AM | Show all posts
nallepooh replied at 6-1-2015 03:16 AM
hari ke 3 kerja malam sebelum cuti 2 hari..

2 hr cuti,kt rmh @ nk kemana2?


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 Author| Post time 6-1-2015 11:27 AM | Show all posts
masarju replied at 6-1-2015 10:38 AM
Happy belated Birthday

terima kasih mas...alhamdulillah masih lg dipanjangkan umur...

sabtu ni baru beli kek nk celebrate sama2...
anak2 lak dah plan nk bg hadiah jam tangan kt abah derang...derang 3 beradik kongsi duit beli hadiah...



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 Author| Post time 6-1-2015 11:29 AM | Show all posts
cintan66 replied at 6-1-2015 10:42 AM
Tk Mas...sekejap masa berlalu, sudah hari ke 6 di tahun 2015

anak k ita dpt berapa A dlm UPSR tahun 2014...?

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 Author| Post time 6-1-2015 11:32 AM | Show all posts
masarju replied at 6-1-2015 10:52 AM
Tudiaa..ambik masa 1 jam kot nk delete,haha.

rasanya lebih dari 1 jam...kalo tak silap bulan feb 2014 last tengok email...lps2 tu bila berpeluang online byk tertumpu kt cari dan fb...

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Post time 6-1-2015 03:08 PM | Show all posts
cintan66 replied at 6-1-2015 10:42 AM
Tk Mas...sekejap masa berlalu, sudah hari ke 6 di tahun 2015

Pejam celik pejam celik..cuti CNY pula..x tau la brapa hari.
Senin dpn sek bermula..7 hr tunda..lama tu cuti.


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Post time 6-1-2015 03:10 PM | Show all posts
sfhzuraz replied at 6-1-2015 11:32 AM
rasanya lebih dari 1 jam...kalo tak silap bulan feb 2014 last tengok email...lps2 tu bila berpelua ...

Kalau masuk CARI mesti leka.
Ni nk offline dh.

Insya-Allah mlm nnti kalau rajin dtg lg.

Ni tgh kunyah2 2 biji badam.


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Post time 6-1-2015 07:14 PM | Show all posts
masarju replied at 6-1-2015 10:53 AM
2 hr cuti,kt rmh @ nk kemana2?

habiskan masa 2 hari dirumah je..

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 Author| Post time 7-1-2015 08:58 AM | Show all posts
masarju replied at 6-1-2015 03:10 PM
Kalau masuk CARI mesti leka.
Ni nk offline dh.

mmg leka bila dah men'CARI'...kadang2 sebelom online dah plan nk gugel itu ini dulu tp selalunya terus lupa dek 'Cari'...
mlm td tidur awal...pagi td pun bangun awal...kul 4++ dah terjaga...pastu tak boleh nk lelap...kul 6++ kejutkan anak2 solat subuh...

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Post time 7-1-2015 10:13 AM | Show all posts
gaji lagi 3 minggu sale 50% di sana sini...heheh

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Post time 8-1-2015 10:34 AM | Show all posts
nallepooh replied at 6-1-2015 07:14 PM
habiskan masa 2 hari dirumah je..

Blh lakukan 1001 mcm keja,haha.


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 Author| Post time 11-1-2015 09:11 PM | Show all posts
dah lama tak pegi shopping kt situ...ptg td redeem point yg 6,000 tu dpt jgk lah voucher rm30.00...jadilah...

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