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Author: ResellerMaxis

[Tempatan] Masyarakat Bidayuh Korban Babi Meraikan kemenangan Melawan Kerajaan

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Post time 19-12-2014 10:45 AM | Show all posts
keno lah hormat hak meke...ganti rugi ...adat resam manusia

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Post time 19-12-2014 11:09 AM | Show all posts
kelakar la pulak aku baca kome sensorg.. hahahaa...

aku org semenanjung, tp aku ramai kawan ngn org bidayuh n iban.. and aku suka cara diorg.. mmg compare melayu ngn diorg ni, jauh sungguh dr pemikiran melayu. melayu penyakitnya judgemental dan xreti hormat budaya agama org lain. asal ja x sama ngn resam melayu yg diorg hadap dr kecik, mulalah nk sindir sinis. hal makan babi ja pun.. india xde pulak keji kita makan lembu eventho agama diorg xbg makan lembu.

aku tgk rata-rata melayu yg aku kenal merepek sket bab babi hanjeng dan sebagainya. psiko tlebih. heheehe... tp bukan sume... cuma kata, nk cr melayu yg respect org lain punya  resam ni, ntah mana dalam satu2 kelompok ja.

aku simpati sungguh pada non-melayu

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Post time 19-12-2014 11:34 AM | Show all posts
diaitu posted on 19-12-2014 11:09 AM
kelakar la pulak aku baca kome sensorg.. hahahaa...

aku org semenanjung, tp aku ramai kawan ngn o ...

Setuju. Sebab kat tempat dorang bergaul berlainan bangsa & agama tu perkara biasa. Tak pernah nak compare sesama sendiri. More to “Appreciate similarities and Respect differences”.

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Post time 19-12-2014 11:45 AM | Show all posts
Chesire_Epilog posted on 19-12-2014 11:34 AM
Setuju. Sebab kat tempat dorang bergaul berlainan bangsa & agama tu perkara biasa. Tak pernah nak  ...

Setuju ngan korang berdua.. Kita yang hidup dalam masyarakat yang majmuk jangan cuba utk mencari perbezaan sesama sendiri, tetapi perlulah belajar bertoleransi, bertolak ansur dan tak mengeji adat resam org lain..

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Post time 19-12-2014 12:03 PM | Show all posts
pooh~key posted on 19-12-2014 07:26 AM
Wahh... Ingat lagi ya pasal lirik tu?

ingat ja ..
sebab tu lagu pembukaan bila kita nak mendj online
ON jer lagu tu .. kengkawan tau hehe adik dier rang ni nak mendj la tu


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Post time 19-12-2014 12:06 PM | Show all posts
dondangdendang posted on 19-12-2014 08:30 AM
krismas ni byk la babi yg bakal histeria......

tergelak bacer komen ni
sebab teringat ayat
histeria lah lembu bila rayer haji

tapi christmas babi tak histeria sangat
histeria giler2 maser chinese new year - babi cina / pelihara
histeria masa Gawai - babi hutan / liar


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Post time 19-12-2014 12:12 PM | Show all posts
namirulmukminin posted on 19-12-2014 08:36 AM
Amboi suke nye dia...

suka lah bang walaupun bukan dari kampung adik yang dapat bayaran tu
sebab ni hak dier rang
NCR land
Native Customary Right


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Post time 19-12-2014 12:13 PM | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 19-12-2014 12:06 PM
tergelak bacer komen ni
sebab teringat ayat

Hahaha lawak lak.

Betul, babi tak femes masa Krismas. Ko pi la mana2 jamuan dekat gereja sempena Krismas - takda babi punya. Ayam yang berlambak sebab murah. Di Borneo, urang buat open house biasanya katering halal food sebab nak panggey sedara atau kawan2 Muslim datang makan. Kalau ada babi masak kicap tu, tuan rumah simpan dalam rumah pehtu bisik2 suroh sedara mara pi dapo kalau nak makan.

CNY - Yeeeeezzzaaaa babi sangat wajib.

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Post time 19-12-2014 12:17 PM | Show all posts
missdara posted on 19-12-2014 11:45 AM
Setuju ngan korang berdua.. Kita yang hidup dalam masyarakat yang majmuk jangan cuba utk mencari p ...

Yup. Member rapat Ches terdiri daripada bangsa bidayuh, kenyah, lumbawang, kayan, melayu & dusun. Tak pernah ada isu perkauman bahkan kita org respect sensitiviti masing-masing. Seronok tau bergaul berlainan bangsa ni. Meriah

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Post time 19-12-2014 12:20 PM | Show all posts
neotoxin posted on 19-12-2014 07:23 AM
kat sarawak pun ada tanah adat ek?

ada ja

under Native Customary Right

Basically, the creation of Native Customary Right Land is based on the custom and common practice of that particular community.

For an Iban, it has the customary concept of Tusun Tunggu whereby NCR could be acquired by two modes,namely, clearing untitled virgin jungle reroute to the creation of what is locally described as Temuda  (cleared/farmed land) and the other by receiving the Temuda as a gift or inheritance.

For the first mode, the common thread is that the acquisition of NCR land starts with the clearance of the untitled virgin land or jungle by a native, followed by the occupation of the cleared land and thereafter not allowing the land to be abandoned. Once abandoned, whatever NCR was created or acquired previously over that land would be lost.

The decision of the Federal Court was based on Native Custom relating to the only two modes whereby NCR over land may be created or acquired. Lands over which NCR have been created or acquired are known as Temuda.

There is no mention of Pemangkai Manua (communal land) nor Pulau Galau (reserved forests area) at all. Therefore, there is no recognition by the highest court that Pemakai Menua and Pulau Galau is part of the definition of Native Customary Rights.
State government is inclined to agree that the claim should not be extended to areas where they used to roam to forage for their livelihood in accordance with their tradition.

Otherwise, it may mean vast areas of land could be under native customary right simply through assertions by some natives that their ancestors had roamed or foraged the areas in search for food.

Therefore, the rights of the natives in Sarawak to land are confined to Temuda, which is land where the natives have farmed and occupied continuously. It does not extend to the forest areas where they roamed and foraged for their livelihood.

If they could claim land for which they had roamed and foraged, then there would be a lot of conflicts within the country.
Tan Sri Adenan says the State government will adhere to the pronouncement by the Federal Court that there are only two modes by which the NCR land can be created or acquired or inherited by natives.

The first mode requires the felling of the virgin jungle, cultivation and continuous occupation of land to create and acquire rights of such land which is known as Temuda. The present law must remain until a new legislation can passed by the State Legislative Assembly to annul it.

A Federal Court ruling that NCR land cannot be transferred to another party by Sale and Purchase Agreement is based on the tradition of Tungkus Asi, which is regarded to be the essential features of native customary land.

It is not by act of the State Legislative Assembly  or any Government.  There is no law by Government to say that NCR land cannot be transferred.  

If the law is considered to be too restrictive to such an extent that it is considered as “a disservice or unfairness to the natives”, it is based on the custom of Tungkus Asi.

Any court ruling on this only reflects what the custom is. It is not decision based on any statutory provision.

The rationale behind Tungkus Asi that NCR land cannot be transferred to another person outside the community or village or longhouse is based on the fact that untitled land is for the use or benefit of a particular native longhouse or village community.

Its usage is under the control of Tuai Rumah, who may allocate the use of any portion thereof to the person who needs it most at that time.

The owner can pass it on to relatives or any other person in the community by a payment of a token sum known as Tungkus Asi. Whatever it is, the land will be kept within the community.  

If there is any sale or transfer for such land for value in accordance with native custom, it shall be among persons belonging to the community in that particular longhouse or village.

Credit To:


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Post time 19-12-2014 12:32 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 19-12-2014 12:13 PM
Hahaha lawak lak.

Betul, babi tak femes masa Krismas. Ko pi la mana2 jamuan dekat gereja sempen ...

malam new year pun
hehehe ciken wings ja pemes untuk BBQ

hahahaha pasal bisik2 memang betul tu
dier rang yang jadi segan bila berdepan dengan family muslim / kengkawan muslim


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Post time 19-12-2014 12:35 PM | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 19-12-2014 12:32 PM
malam new year pun
hehehe ciken wings ja pemes untuk BBQ

Ho yeah. New Year wajib BBQ ciken wings.

Harus segan nok. Takut family/kengkawan Moslem terasa gitew. Mak aku sampai tahap asing sudu pinggan gelas garfu cawan ok.

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Post time 19-12-2014 12:37 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
nour2001 posted on 18-12-2014 02:27 PM
org bukan islam, lantaklah dia nak sembelih babi ke, gajah ke, monyet ka....apa2pun tahniah sbb mena ...

Babi x de hal.. tp gajah dan monyet tu bukan ke lindungan hiduoan liar? X kira la muslim je x.. mana boleh sembelih sesuka hati.

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Post time 19-12-2014 12:37 PM | Show all posts
Vellfire posted on 19-12-2014 08:36 AM
tumpang tahniah jugak

makaseh deng

happy juak cdak dapat bayaran


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Post time 19-12-2014 12:38 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ResellerMaxis posted on 18-12-2014 02:33 PM
kes macam ni..menang saman ke atas government..government bayar saman tu pakai duit saper..duit ra ...

Teringat film erin brokovich.. diorg mng saman jota2 sbb kes pencemaran oleh sebuah kilang...

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Post time 19-12-2014 12:40 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
FanTasyCreaTioN posted on 18-12-2014 03:04 PM
bila terbiasa lena dalam kelompok melayu sahaja
sering kita anggap bangsa2 lain tu bukan Islam  ...

Dari segi fizikal.. ada oerbezaan x antara melayu dan bidayuh?

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Post time 19-12-2014 12:44 PM | Show all posts
chazey posted on 19-12-2014 12:35 PM
Ho yeah. New Year wajib BBQ ciken wings.

Harus segan nok. Takut family/kengkawan M ...

send my regards kat mak yer
terharu gak sebab ader ja tak tahu pasal ni kan
susah payah non muslim menghormati family / kengkawan muslim
tapi kita anggap dier rang tak tau ja
sebab cuma kat Sabah Sarawak ja bercampur2 aduk camni
tapi aman2 ja

macam kes jiran sebelah
aritu befday anak dia
dia punya la susah hati tak leh jemput
siap terangkan mengapa dengan muka merah malu
kita bagitau takpa .. faham
malam tu lepas parti
tu dia!~
hantar seketul kek befday
siap beria2 bagitau .. takde sentuh apa2 pun
dier rang ader 4 kek

saling menghormati .. tu ja sebenar nya kena amal kan


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Post time 19-12-2014 12:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
CrowneGlory posted on 18-12-2014 03:38 PM
Dah makanan dia.. Selayaknyalah makan babi... Harusla sensasi ttiba dorg sembelih korban lembu ajak  ...

Ibarat klu mlysia ni negara hindu.. tetiba kampung minoriti org islam melayu mng saman tanah adat.. oastu decide nk sembelih lembu buat kenduri khennn

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Post time 19-12-2014 12:45 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
ResellerMaxis posted on 18-12-2014 03:51 PM
sebab pemerintah sarawak bukan umno.. umno sampai sabah jer..sarawak xder

Tp kenapa PAU baru2 ni ada jualan kek lapis serawak ? Hehee

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Post time 19-12-2014 12:49 PM | Show all posts
sepitsiput posted on 19-12-2014 12:40 PM
Dari segi fizikal.. ada oerbezaan x antara melayu dan bidayuh?

susah nak beza kan kalau bidayuh dengan melayu
cuma bila bercakap ja
gelap cerah tinggi rendah .. sama ja
dari muka pun takde beza sangat

kalau melayu dengan melanau tengok tang mata
melanau more kepada mata chinese .. agak sepet

kalau melayu dengan iban susah juga nak beza
dan iban kat ulu2 ni .. siyes cantik2

kalau melayu dengan Orang Ulu (bangsa) boleh tengok muka
segi muka Orang Ulu ( Kanyan Kenyah Kelabit) senang nak detect


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