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Author: awan_kelabu

~~~hari-hari hari raya hanya di @PP~~~

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Post time 2-8-2013 10:09 AM | Show all posts
awan_kelabu posted on 2-8-2013 09:21 AM
hot issue gak TPPA kat opis ni

org gomen yg involve ngn meeting neh pn x telus

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Post time 2-8-2013 10:09 AM | Show all posts
awan_kelabu posted on 2-8-2013 09:59 AM
x balik mana pun, kita orang urban

bestlaa uols, xyah hadap jln jem balik raya~

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 Author| Post time 2-8-2013 10:14 AM | Show all posts
hafieza posted on 2-8-2013 10:06 AM
ok..baru balik dr toilet muntah...

mebi paru goreng kot bli kt param..

still puasa ke
mcm x best jek boleh rasa muntah tapi xleh minum air nak hilangkan muntah

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Post time 2-8-2013 10:14 AM | Show all posts
hafieza posted on 2-8-2013 10:06 AM
ok..baru balik dr toilet muntah...

mebi paru goreng kot bli kt param..

pegi clinic la kaka pijah..
mintak mc

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 Author| Post time 2-8-2013 10:14 AM | Show all posts
sjnkishka posted on 2-8-2013 10:09 AM
org gomen yg involve ngn meeting neh pn x telus

x telus camne tu

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 Author| Post time 2-8-2013 10:14 AM | Show all posts
mitnick posted on 2-8-2013 10:09 AM
bestlaa uols, xyah hadap jln jem balik raya~

nak beraya pun kena tempuh jem jugak

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Post time 2-8-2013 10:17 AM | Show all posts
awan_kelabu posted on 2-8-2013 10:14 AM
still puasa ke
mcm x best jek boleh rasa muntah tapi xleh minum air nak hilangkan muntah :funk ...

posa sbb bukn iols jolok muntah dgn sengaja..
mmg x besh pon..tekak pedih2..

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Post time 2-8-2013 10:18 AM | Show all posts
awan_kelabu posted on 2-8-2013 10:14 AM
x telus camne tu

bnd neh kantoi sbb ada org yg leak kn

kt blog che det pn dia ada tulis sket2 psl tppa neh

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Post time 2-8-2013 10:18 AM | Show all posts
baby_pingu posted on 2-8-2013 10:14 AM
pegi clinic la kaka pijah..
mintak mc

iols baru je mc isnin baru2 ni sbb sakit mata..

dh la setahun mc x bole lbih dr 5...ampehhhh...

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Post time 2-8-2013 10:19 AM | Show all posts
awan_kelabu posted on 2-8-2013 10:14 AM
nak beraya pun kena tempuh jem jugak

uols beraya kt sini kan..
jom lepak same2..

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 Author| Post time 2-8-2013 10:20 AM | Show all posts
sjnkishka posted on 2-8-2013 10:18 AM
bnd neh kantoi sbb ada org yg leak kn

benda ni mmg supposedly a secret ke pun
public patut tau kan

bak kata org lama, ni sume penjajahan secara halus

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Post time 2-8-2013 10:21 AM | Show all posts
hafieza posted on 2-8-2013 10:18 AM
iols baru je mc isnin baru2 ni sbb sakit mata..

dh la setahun mc x bole lbih dr 5...ampehhhh. ...

sikitnya mc uols 5 hari setahun

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 Author| Post time 2-8-2013 10:22 AM | Show all posts
hafieza posted on 2-8-2013 10:19 AM
uols beraya kt sini kan..
jom lepak same2..

boleh je

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Post time 2-8-2013 10:26 AM | Show all posts
rs sakit ati follow trid pasal syiah tu haa kat CI...

pe bengap sgt berhujah panjang lebar mcm duduk kat timor tengah jah sekor2...

sedangkan org2 yg aku kenal yg mmg dudok mesir..jordan dgn syria pun xde laaa lahap sgt mcm dorg ni...

cara bercakap mcm poyo2 sgt...mcmlaa mmg tinggal kat sana kann?..yg nak menyatukan syiah dgn sunni ni mcm dlm mimpi je...

dah nabi ckp..akhir zmn nnt umat aku akan berpecah kpd 73 golong....dan 72 drpd nyer akan masok neraka...manakala 1 golongan di jamin syurga...sapa golongan tu??..golongan yg mengikuti jalan yg aku lalui dan sahabat2 aku lalui...

contoh mcm 1 cerita pasal abu jahal kot xsalah aku...yg mana setiap kali selepas nabi berjumpe sesiapa sahaja...pasti si jahal ni akan ketemu dgn org yg dier bertemu utk bertanya ttg apa yg nabi beritau...dan dier akan mendustai nya....pastu Tuhan berfirman..abu jahal tidak akan masok islam walau 10 thn akan dtg....dan mmg ape yg ALLAH tu kata betol..abu jahal xmasok islam pun selama 10 thn tu..padahal ayat tu sebelum 10 thn lagi firmannyer da turun...

so xyahlaa pepoyo sgt nak menangkan ke hapa....betolkan je diri sendiri...betolkan je iman didada....

jgn ckp mcm dok kat timor tgh je layaknyer...

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Post time 2-8-2013 10:28 AM | Show all posts
baby_pingu posted on 2-8-2013 10:21 AM
sikitnya mc uols 5 hari setahun

haa tu la pslll...iols mmg sound kaw2 hari tu dgn HR..
pedulik la Director dgr ke x..x logik kot..


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Post time 2-8-2013 10:29 AM | Show all posts
hunny_bunny posted on 2-8-2013 10:26 AM
rs sakit ati follow trid pasal syiah tu haa kat CI...

pe bengap sgt berhujah panjang lebar mcm du ...

kalo uols nk tau org2 CI tu byk yg bengap dr yg pndai...
full stop...

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Post time 2-8-2013 10:31 AM | Show all posts
awan_kelabu posted on 2-8-2013 10:20 AM
benda ni mmg supposedly a secret ke pun
public patut tau kan

klu public tau lepas perjanjian yg merugikan dh dibuat apa telus nya lg


An edited version of this article appeared in the New Straits Times of July 12, 2013

1. The secretary to the Ministry of Trade and Industry avers that trade negations must be done in secret, I suppose by the officers concerned. There should apparently be no public debate or even within the Government.

2. I don’t think it is such a good practice, if indeed that is the practice. Let us see the record of trade and other agreements negotiated by the Malaysian Government. They do not seem to favour Malaysia much. In fact they seem to result in Malaysia accepting unfavourable terms.

3. Firstly let us look at the water agreement with Singapore. Malaysia agreed to sell raw water at 3 cents per 1000 gallons. In return Malaysia can buy 12 per cent or less of the treated water for 50 cents. If the rates are to be revised both countries must agree.

4. If Malaysia raises the rate to 6 cent per 1000 gallons (i.e. 100 per cent) then Singapore can raise by the same factor to 1 dollar per 1000 gallons of treated water. This is not going to benefit Malaysia. And so we never tried to renegotiate the prices.

5. The first agreement lapsed in 2011 and we did not renegotiate at all. The next agreement will lapse in 2060. So we will be getting 3 cents per 1000 gallons of raw water when the cost of living has probably gone up many-many times.

6. To avoid Singapore revising the price of water if we raise the price of raw water, Johor was given enough money to build its own treatment plant. Not having to depend on supply from Singapore, we could raise the price of raw water without Singapore raising the price of treated water.

7. I am told that Johor still needs to buy treated water from Singapore. I really do not know why. So the price has not been renegotiated and I suppose will not be renegotiated until 2060.

8. Today the Singapore Dollar is 2 ½ times the value of the Malaysian Ringgit. At the time of the agreement it was one to one. Are we receiving payment in Singapore Dollar or Malaysian Ringgit? Or is this a secret also?

9. Frankly I don’t think we thought very carefully when we negotiated. Incidentally Johor sells water at 30 cent per 1000 gallons to Melaka, i.e. 1000 per cent higher than for Singapore.

10. Then there is the purchase of the F/A-18 fighter aircraft. Actually the Government wanted the MIG-29. Somehow part of the fund was used to purchase the F/A-18. I suppose the people who made this decision know why they must have the F/A-18.

11. Unfortunately the agreement to purchase did not include the source code. Without the source code the F/A-18 can only fly on missions approved by the United States. Until then these very expensive fighter planes can only be used for show at LIMA. Very expensive toys.

12. Then there is the AFTA, the Asean Free Trade Area. We agreed that cars with 40 per cent local contents qualify as national and tax-free entry into ASEAN markets. Forty per cent local contents are easily achieved by cars from outside ASEAN. This means the Japanese, Korean, Chinese and European cars can get ASEAN countries’ national status merely by being assembled in ASEAN countries together with batteries, tyres and a few other components.

13. We produce the Proton in Malaysia with 90% local contents. Naturally our costs are higher and cannot compete with non-ASEAN cars assembled in ASEAN countries. While these cars flood the Malaysian market, hardly any Proton is seen in ASEAN countries.

14. The negotiators may think they negotiated a good deal but I just don’t think so. We are simply opening our markets to countries with closed markets.

15. But to make matters worse, while Proton must comply with Malaysian safety and other standards, the imported cars are given exemptions from most of these. If Proton wishes to export to the countries of the manufacturers, it must comply with all their standards. So far we cannot export to Japan, Korea and the European countries. This is how good the agreements we have entered into.

16. We lost Pulau Batu Puteh but we cannot build the bridge or remove the causeway, or settle the provident fund issue. But we have given up our railway land worth billions to Singapore for practically nothing. And now we must ask Singapore’s permission to build our high speed train.

17. Look at all the agreements we have entered into and you will find practically none of them favours us.

18. Now we want to swallow the American conceived TPP, Trans Pacific Partnership. This is another attempt by America to let their huge corporations penetrate the domestic markets of the small countries, in particular Government procurements.

19. When the GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariff) failed they invented WTO (World Trade Organisation) for the same purpose. That also failed. They then invented APEC. Still they cannot achieve their objective. They introduced bilateral free trade agreements. Then they promoted a Globalised World, a world without borders in which their money can go anywhere, destroy economies and then pull out. In case we have forgotten they did this in 1997 – 8.

20. Still they cannot get at Government procurement. And now they invented TPP, a partnership of unequal, of the strong to take advantage of the weak.

21. This is going to be legally binding. If we breach the agreement, their corporations can sue the Government for billions. I have my doubts about our ability to convince the international arbitrators or courts. We cannot even convince the World Court over Pulau Batu Puteh.

22. They will have the best lawyers, lots of them. We will exhaust all our funds to pay our less experienced lawyers. At the end we will lose and pay indemnities and fees running into billions. And we will continue to pay until we comply. And when we comply we will lose more money.

23. We have a domestic problem and we have to solve this problem. They don’t care. Anyone who talks about the New Economic Policy (NEP) is labelled racist by our officials. When the currency rogues attacked us the purpose was to gain control over our economy. We resisted that because we were still free then. But after we sign the TPP we will be bound hand and foot. No more capital control. We will be colonised again. President Sukarno was right about neo-colonialism.

24. I know MITI is already set to agree to the TPP. It will not entertain any counter arguments. It wants to do this secretly. We don’t punish people who make agreements detrimental to the interest of this country. So what is there to lose.

25. This is my country as much as it is the country of the officials and politicians. If people secretly do harm to my country I have a right to complain.

26. We talk a lot about transparency. Let us see transparency regarding the TPP negotiation. The October 2013 ultimatum should be ignored. And let China also be included.


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Post time 2-8-2013 10:36 AM | Show all posts
hafieza posted on 2-8-2013 10:29 AM
kalo uols nk tau org2 CI tu byk yg bengap dr yg pndai...
full stop...

cube baca psotin namirulmukminin...mcm pe je...

tulaa namanya manusia munafiq..kat sini jadi ahlul sunnah...kat sana jadi syiah..

alasan nak cari titik pertemuan...utk menyatukan...

betolla Sabda Nabi s.a.w yang maksudnya:
Ada empat perkara, sesiapa yang melakukannya maka ia adalah seorang munafik tulen. Sesiapa yang melakukan satu daripada empat perkara itu, maka ia mempunyai salah satu daripada sifat munafik, hingga dia meninggalkannya . (Empat sifat itu ialah) apabila dipercayai ia khianat, apabila bercakap ia berdusta, apabila berjanji ia mungkir dan apabila bertengkar ia mengenepikan kebenaran. (Menegakkan benang basah )

riwayat Ahmad

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 Author| Post time 2-8-2013 10:37 AM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 2-8-2013 10:37 AM | Show all posts
tahape2 url the star nih

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