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Author: ayushuhada04

[SBS] Jang Ok-Jung, Live In Love ~ Kim Tae Hee, Yoo Ah In, Jae Hee - Ver. 2

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2013 08:36 AM | Show all posts
WeAiNe posted on 30-6-2013 08:59 PM
penulisan menarik tetapi utk kesahihan 100% tu susah nak di akui
benda berlaku beratus tahun dahu ...

aah aine...ayu pun agree dgn aine..

ayu hanya share jer apa yg ada tu...
sbb nk kata semua tu betul...susah ler..sbb dia tk berada pada masa tu..
hanya cite dari mulut ke mulut......
hanya disebbkan JOJ dan CSB tu jadi pilihan utama king..maka nama2 mereka ni
ler jadi sebutan.....hakikat sebenar kita sendiri tk tau kan....

mmg kisah mereka ni leh jadi iktibar buat semua..........

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2013 08:39 AM | Show all posts
WeAiNe posted on 30-6-2013 09:02 PM
rajinnya ayu.....memang peminat tegar OJ ni....
aine follow cite ni kat tibi.....
da ...

ahaks....yes..mmg peminat tegar JOJ..
dari cite ni...secara tk langsung...ayu tau sapa tu JOJ...DY...
ermm...mmg sblm ni tk amik kisah pun....disebbkan cite JOJ ler..ayu dpt tau cite DY...
ayu sanggup tu follow 60 ep DY..semata2 nk tau karaktor JOJ tu mcm mana...

yer ayu mmg follow juga kat TV...sbb ayu peminat KTH..juga peminat YAI...
now ada lak ulangan cite Fashion King kan...leh tgk lagi..semata2 kerana YAI...

ayu mmg rekomen ler cite ni pd sapa2 yg nk tgk..
wpun endingnya kita semua dh kita ttp nk tgk..
utk ayu ulang lagi cite ni..mmg pasti ayu akan buat..
terutama bila OneHD akan buat ulangannya....

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2013 08:41 AM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 30-6-2013 09:27 PM
nampaknya 2 org dh bg review over 9/10 wlpn rating below 10%
tht means you should conside ...

rating rendah...sbb org dh tau cite tu mcm mana kan..
endingnya yg pasti JOJ tu mati..
tp kena tgk part ending yg mmg sedey giler woo..
ayu mmg tersedu2 menangis..

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Post time 1-7-2013 09:20 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 1-7-2013 08:28 AM
aah le limau...
mmg dlm DY ada tunjuk scene ni...
tp tu ler...sejak ada cite JOJ ni...mcm byk sg ...

kan..tetap tersimpan rapi...

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2013 09:37 AM | Show all posts
limau posted on 1-7-2013 09:20 AM
kan..tetap tersimpan rapi...

tu le pasal..
byk rahsia yg tersimpan..tetiba ada lak yg semakin minat nk bongkar yer...
padahal cite JOJ ni mula difilemkan tahun 1961...

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Post time 1-7-2013 10:28 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 1-7-2013 09:37 AM
tu le pasal..
byk rahsia yg tersimpan..tetiba ada lak yg semakin minat nk bongkar yer...
padahal ...

masuk benang ni baru tau asal usul cite ni..

JOJ tu mati ke nak layan jugak la sebab penghayatan watak sgt meninggalkan kesan pada emosi..

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2013 10:32 AM | Show all posts
mash311 posted on 1-7-2013 10:28 AM
masuk benang ni baru tau asal usul cite ni..

JOJ tu mati ke nak layan jugak l ...

yele mash...mmg dlm sejarah dh begitu...endingnya OJ tu mati..
tp part ending le paling berkesan....sedey segalanya.
ayu rekomen kat mash tuk tgk cite ni...
now dh main kat OneHD kan....

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Post time 1-7-2013 11:01 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 1-7-2013 10:32 AM
yele mash...mmg dlm sejarah dh begitu...endingnya OJ tu mati..
tp part ending le paling berkesan. ...

sekarang mmg layan kat OneHD dgn KBSW jer...sebab dah x sempat nak tgk online mcm dedulu dah...hoho..tu yg kadang malas nak  masuk benang dlm ni sbb takot jd spoiler plak nak layan..hihi

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2013 11:15 AM | Show all posts
mash311 posted on 1-7-2013 11:01 AM
sekarang mmg layan kat OneHD dgn KBSW jer...sebab dah x sempat nak tgk online mcm dedulu dah...hoh ...

now kat OneHD...dah semakin menarik kan..
pergh....ayu ni..wpun dh tgk sampai habis..
tp tiap2 minggu ayu ttp follow kat tv juga........

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Post time 1-7-2013 11:43 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 1-7-2013 11:15 AM
now kat OneHD...dah semakin menarik kan..
pergh....ayu ni..wpun dh tgk sampai habis..
tp tiap2 m ...

wahh...sungguh fanatik la kamu...hihi..brp episod ek drama ni?

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2013 11:56 AM | Show all posts
mash311 posted on 1-7-2013 11:43 AM
wahh...sungguh fanatik la kamu...hihi..brp episod ek drama ni?

aah ler..mmg fanatik pun..
jln cite menarik...tu sbb ayu ttp follow lagi...
ada 24 ep semua sekali Last edited by ayushuhada04 on 1-7-2013 04:34 PM


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Post time 1-7-2013 01:04 PM | Show all posts
aku pun folo citer ni kat OneHD...
nak tgk kat tenet mmg x larat la nunggu buffering nye...
bertabah jelah nengok 2 x seminggu...
aku jes nak tanya...
ending dia sapa mati dulu JOJ ke baginda raja?

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Post time 1-7-2013 01:14 PM | Show all posts
monreyes posted on 1-7-2013 01:04 PM
aku pun folo citer ni kat OneHD...
nak tgk kat tenet mmg x larat la nunggu buffering nye...
bertab ...

JOJ , berkorban demi cinta pd king lee soon......

dah habis ko tgk nnt bt review tau, boleh la drama neh masuk award kdrama cari neh nnt..............

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2013 02:06 PM | Show all posts
monreyes posted on 1-7-2013 01:04 PM
aku pun folo citer ni kat OneHD...
nak tgk kat tenet mmg x larat la nunggu buffering nye...
bertab ...

ish...tkder le buffer nya..
kena pandai cari link..

tp tk per...follow tv pun okay...janji tgk  yer...

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Post time 1-7-2013 11:09 PM | Show all posts
petikan dari FB JOJ.......

It was said that Lady Choi Sukbin, after the death of Queen Inhyeon and Lady Jang Heebin in 1701, got sick and decided to stay and lived on her private residence, outside the palace.

Other says that in 1702, Lady Choi Sukbin was evicted out of the palace by King Sukjong. Rumors was that Lady Choi tried to kill Lady Park Myeongbin (another concubine of King Sukjong) and her son, Prince Yeonryeong.

Lady Choi never lived to enjoy her greatest glory as she lived outside the palace for 16 years, after the death of Queen Inhyeon and Lady Jang.

*********siyes kalu benar .....tapi kalu benar kenapa tak hukum mati pula? sekadar buang istana je....tapi itulah....tak tentu lagi kesahihan dia.....

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Post time 1-7-2013 11:11 PM | Show all posts
Lagi petikan dari FB JOJ....utk bacaan kita semua

Difference between History and Jang Ok Jung 장옥정.

1. King Sukjong only have 2 concubines, Lady Jang Heebin and Lady Choi Sukwon.
2. King Sukjong only have 1 son, Crown Prince Yoon (by Lady Jang Heebin).
1. King Sukjong had 10 wives; 3 Queen and 7 concubines (Queen Inkyung, Queen Inhyeon, Lady Jang Heebin, Lady Kim Yeongbin, Lady Choi Sukbin, Lady Park Myeongbin, Queen Inwon, Lady Kim Gwi-In, Lady Yu So-ui and Lady Choi So-Ui).
3. King Sukjong had 3 sons, Crown Prince Yoon (by Lady Jang Heebin), Prince Yeoning (Yi Geum, by Lady Choi Sukbin) and Prince Yeonryeong (Yi Hwon, by Lady Park Myeongbin).

1. King Sukjong married Min Inkyung at around the age of 19.
2. Queen Inkyung doesn't have any child with King Sukjong.
1. King Sukjong (then Crown Prince Myeongbo) married Min Inkyung at the age of 10.
2. Queen Inkyung gave birth to King Sukjong's 2 daughter, died young.

1. Queen Inhyeon was the daughter of Min Yoo-Jong by his 1st wife.
2. Queen Inhyeon adopted Crown Prince Yoon.
3. Queen Inhyeon is allied with Lady Choi Sukwon (later Lady Choi Sukbin).
1. Queen Inhyeon was the daughter of Min Yoo-Jung by his 2nd wife, Lady Song.
2. Queen Inhyeon refused to adopt Crown Prince Yoon, which is one of the protocols at that time (Queen should adopt all the sons/daughters of the King by his concubines). Another reason for her deposition as Queen of Joseon was when she celebrates her birthday during the mourning period of Grand Queen Dowager Jo Jangryeol's death.
3. Queen Inhyeon bring Lady Kim Yeongbin to the palace as King Sukjong's concubine, this happened during the time when King Sukjong only have Lady Jang Heebin as his concubine.

1. The first time that King Sukjong and Lady Jang Heebin met was when they were young.
2. Lady Jang Heebin died and Crown Prince Yoon was at the age of around 3-4.
1. The first time that King Sukjong and Lady Jang Heebin met was when he saw her during his visitation to Grand Queen Dowager Jo Jangryeol.
2. When Jang Heebin died, her son Crown Prince Yun was already 13 years old.

1. Lady Choi Sukbin started as Queen Inhyeon's personal maid and later entered the palace as maid in laundry department.
2. Lady Choi was elevated to Sukwon. When the series ended, she was still in her Sukwon rank. (Sukwon - 4th rank junior concubine).
3 Lady Choi don't have a child with King Sukjong.
4. Lady Choi, after the death of Lady Jang, stayed at the palace.
1. Lady Choi Sukbin was a water bearer/maid (Misuri) to the palace of Queen Inhyeon.
2. Lady Choi was 1st elevated to Sukwon (year 1693) to Suk-Ui (year 1694) to Gwi-In (year 1695) and finally to Bin (year 1699).
3. Lady Choi gave birth to Prince Yeoning (Yi Geum) in 1694. And her son was already 7 years old when Lady Jang Heebin was sentenced to death by Sayak.
4. Lady Choi, after the death of Lady Jang, lived outside the palace, in her private residence.

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Post time 1-7-2013 11:14 PM | Show all posts

ada yg mcm dlm cite DY kan......bab anak dia dah besar tu masa dia mati

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Post time 1-7-2013 11:18 PM | Show all posts
Baca yang ini pulak....lagi menarik....kupasan cerita CSB dari sudut berlainan

The fate of Choi Suk-bin

Choi Suk-bin was one of Sukjong’s concubines and the mother of Yeongjo, the twenty-first king of the Joseon Dynasty. In Jang Ok Jung, Lives in Love, we never actually get to see Choi Suk-bin receive her title of “bin," (the highest position as a concubine) and instead, she’s known as Choi Suk-won until the very end.

I know that we never got a scene between Lee Soon and Choi Suk-won where justice is served. I would have wanted to watch her plans of becoming queen be foiled, but no such scene was made. However, we all know that Choi Suk-won was never able to become queen. In the original novel, Choi Suk-bin asks Lee Soon to make her the queen after Queen Inhyeon and Jang Ok Jung, but Sukjong refuses and lays down a new decree.

That decree was made in 1701, after the death of Ok Jung (Jang Hee Bin), stating that “no concubines shall ever become the queen." Since that time, there have been no cases where the concubines became queen. In fact, Jang Hee Bin was the first and last concubine to ever ascend to the position of queen.

Now, whether or not Choi Suk-bin had her eyes set out for the queen’s position in real life, I do not know for sure. I don’t think anyone knows, actually. However, if you think about the situation that Choi Suk-bin was in, it’s very plausible. Why? Choi Suk-bin was the victor in history and the only survivor between her, Jang Hee Bin, and Queen Inhyeon. She also had her son, Prince Yeoning (future King Yeongjo). She had enough reason to dream of becoming the queen. However, Choi Suk-bin was never able to become the queen because of the law that Sukjong created.

The law was created because of Jang Hee Bin, and Sukjong most likely didn’t want another situation like Jang Hee Bin ever occuring again. So, in some ways, I guess it was a precautionary measure. He learnt his lesson and he would protect the future inheritors of the throne from facing this sort of situation.

Jang Hee Bin was executed for cursing Queen Inhyeon to death because of her jealously and greed for the queen’s position. During this time, they said that there were rumours going around about it. Choi Suk-bin was the one that told Sukjong about these rumours, saying that Jang Hee Bin cursed Inhyeon. Thus, Jang Hee Bin was sentenced to death. However, her death was not only simply that she cursed the queen. There were many political factors to it as well. In some ways, since Jang Hee Bin was from a Southerner faction background; in order to suppress their power, Sukjong made the decision to kill off Ok Jung. He might have also worried that Jang Hee Bin would try to gain more power when her son, Lee Yoon, rose to the throne. Either way, Jang Ok Jung can be seen as a sacrificial lamb of the politics during her time.

Anyways, that’s not the main point. I know in the drama Dong Yi, the love story  between Sukjong and Dong Yi is wonderful and heart-warming, but we must remember that that was a drama and there are many fictional aspects to it as well. I do not personally think that Sukjong and Choi Suk-bin’s love was that great, but I do not deny the fact that Sukjong really did like Choi Suk-bin.

Choi Suk-bin was a palace maid from a very low social status (lower than Jang Hee Bin’s). To be specific, she’s well known as being a musuri (lit. water maid). There are also some sources that she was a palace maid in the tailor’s department. However, they say that she entered the palace at the age of 7. She received the favor of Sukjong after Jang Ok Jung was made queen, around 1694.

The relationship between Jang Hee Bin and Choi Suk-bin was bad from the start, and Choi Suk-bin sided with the Western faction. Sukjong knew this and he used Choi Suk-bin to pave the way for a hwan-guk (lit. change of political state), known as the Gap-sul Hwan-guk, to bring back the Western faction and suppress the Southern faction. In that same year, Queen Inhyeon was reinstated as queen and Jang Ok Jung was demoted back to Hee Bin.

Anyways, in 1701, after the death of Jang Ok Jung and Inhyeon, Choi Suk-bin was a likely candidate to become the queen, but she never did. The following year, in 1702, another queen was selected, Queen Inwon. However, in that year, Choi Suk-bin was ordered to be evicted from the palace by Sukjong.

This is a very unusual thing. It is a rule that the king’s concubines were not allowed to leave the palace until after the king had died. However, Choi Suk-bin was ordered to do so. This is could be for several reasons: a) he wanted to protect Choi Suk-bin or b) Choi Suk-bin was greatly ill and was sent away. For the latter though, if she was ill, she should have returned after she gotten better. Instead, she lived outside of the palace for nearly 20 years.

What’s more is that when she left the palace when her son was quite young. Why did Sukjong send her away when her son was not even of age? She was unable to see her son for nine years. When her son, Prince Yeoning, got married in 1711, she thought she might be able to see him now, but Sukjong did not allow it (*note: it is law for princes that are not the crown prince to leave the palace once they get married). The fact that he separated mother and son suggests that Choi Suk-bin might have made a big mistake that caused Sukjong to be greatly angry with her. However, finally, Sukjong allowed her to live with her son and his wife in E-hyun-goong (이현궁).

Choi Suk-bin lived nearly twenty years outside of the palace and Sukjong never acted in a way that he would ever bring her back to the palace. He never looked for her. Choi Suk-bin was abandoned by Sukjong. She died at the age of 48 in 1718. He did not show much emotion; if he loved her as much as Sukjong loved Dong Yi in that drama, then he wouldn’t have been so cold.

So, that was the fate of Choi Suk-bin. She might’ve once been loved by the king, but she was abandoned towards the end. Who knows if she did something wrong that caused Sukjong to be angry? We’re not sure. However, we cannot deny that she was an amazing woman that made her son into a king. King Yeongjo is considered to be a great king as he started the Korean Renaissance in Joseon and had the longest reign.

King Yeongjo gave his mother, Choi Suk-bin, the title of “Hwang Kyeong Suk-bin" after her death.

ini link dia.....http://raindropsfallingup.tumblr ... ate-of-choi-suk-bin

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Post time 1-7-2013 11:23 PM | Show all posts
seperti biasa baca boleh....percaya bulat- tidak hehehe.....tapi bila baca yg ini, setidaknya aine dapat agak sebab CSB duduk luar istana, dan aine rasa mungkin king tahu perbuatan CSB berkaitan OJ jadi jatuhkan hukuman duduk luar istana.....berlainan betul yg diceritakan dalam DY pulak....seperti biasa......10 penulis 10 jugalah cerita berlainan......

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 Author| Post time 2-7-2013 08:32 AM | Show all posts
WeAiNe posted on 1-7-2013 11:18 PM
Baca yang ini pulak....lagi menarik....kupasan cerita CSB dari sudut berlainan

The fate of Choi S ...

yang ni ayu dh pun tepek sblm ni...


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