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Author: ayushuhada04

[SBS] Jang Ok-Jung, Live In Love ~ Kim Tae Hee, Yoo Ah In, Jae Hee - Ver. 2

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 Author| Post time 29-6-2013 09:41 AM | Show all posts
mushroomsup posted on 28-6-2013 09:48 PM
mana ayu dapat stori nih..
tpi mushroom pun rasa JOJ tu tak jahat pun sebenarnya
memang dia jadi ... ayu dr internet ler..

kajian dibuat oleh student2 U...
so ayu copy paste je ler....

ayu pun terfikir juga ada betulnya tu...
psl isu racun tu....ermmm..ada betulnya juga...
perasaan marah or dengki tu ttp ada....
tk leh nk salahkan sesapa...

psl ending tu..mmg sgt2 sdey le kan..
ayu bengkak mata tau...menangis tersedu2...

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Post time 29-6-2013 11:41 AM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 29-6-2013 09:41 AM ayu dr internet ler..

kajian dibuat oleh student2 U...

sedihhhh sangat kan.. tuhla susah betol nak survive dlm istana
king pon kuasa tak kuat, kena ikut undang2 gak
dahla zaman dulu sennag je nak fitnah2 nih
kalo kena seksa trok mcm tu mmgla ngaku kan


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 Author| Post time 29-6-2013 05:53 PM | Show all posts
mushroomsup posted on 29-6-2013 11:41 AM
sedihhhh sangat kan.. tuhla susah betol nak survive dlm istana
king pon kuasa tak kuat, kena ik ...

mmg sedey sbb mati tu sia2 jer...
hanya kerana nk buat mcm mana..
zaman dlu bila dh ada bahan bukti..mmg dh terus terkena...
so King tk leh nk buat apa lagi...
dia tau..dia mmg tk leh nk back up OJ...
tp sanggup juga tu..suruh CS bawa lri...

ye ler mushroom..maid tu dh tk sanggup lagi agaknya...
terus jer buat pengakuan yg OJ mmg guna bomoh tuk bunuh IH...

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Post time 29-6-2013 08:06 PM | Show all posts
dauswq posted on 28-6-2013 10:43 AM
yup buat points sekali mcm forumer sblm ni buat...


1. Cerita  (8.5/10)

* sangat teruja awal2 cerita sbb menggambarkan JOJ seorg yg baik, bijak, cekap & bersungguh2 dalam kerjanya untuk menjadi seorg pereka fesyen.
*  Cinta bermula seawal usia kanak2 lagik...... . di pertemuan kali akhir tue, (masing2 xjangka bahwa itulah kali akhir jumpa , janji hanya tinggal janji) crown prince lee soon telah berjanji jumpa lagik untuk beri 1 harapan yg JOJ inginkan, tapi........, hal yg xdapat dielakkan, tggulah JOJ hingga pengasan..... .

* masa berlalu + tahun bertambah dgn pelbagai masalah maka menjadikan lee soon seorang yang hencem ,bijak, baik, matang & keras hati {kalu nak yg tue, tue jela}. dalam menggalas tanggungjawab sebagai KING . Dalam masa yg sama JOJ menjadi seorang pereka fesyen yg terkenal....... sempat la bt 1 show tp kena ban dengan majikan mak OJ, .

* mereka bertemu bt kali pertama pada dewasa neh iaitu kesilapan penghantar surat , JOJ diminta bt ukuran baju dibadan CP lee soon, . padahal tuh untuk prince DY...... .

* cerita makin rancak bila king lee soon mula menunjukkan kuasa veto dia sebagai KING dengan bijak , contohnya dalam pemilihan permaisuri, tukaran wang, & lain2............ xder sapa pun boleh lawan cakap dia, skali ngn lord min tuh yg banyk songehnya nk boikot sbb xikut plan dia yg macam king terdahulu . nampaknya parti  jugak mainkan peranan bilamana king yg berusaha untuk mengubah kerajaan dia sendiri supaya lebih baik......

* cinta berkembang balik tanpa disedari & tanpa di ingati kisah kacil2 dulu, iaitu selepas JOJ balik dr kem rahsia PC lee soon, yg lee soon terpaksa balik awal sbb bapaknya mangkat, tau lah JOJ yg dia mula suka lee soon dulu......masa macam lee soon jugak........  .

* jalan cerita makin sulit sgt bila mak lee soon xsetuju yg lee soon cinta sama JOJ sbb keturunan JOJ sebagi kelas bawahan, mak lee soon nak menantu 1 parti dengan dia, dan dari keturunan baik2. pelbagai kerja jahat mak lee soon untuk halau JOJ kuar istana, + an bantuan dari lord min.

* akhrinya ending memang ikut sejarah yg termaktub itu...... , pasrah dah redho jugak la....... huhuhu, cerita sejarah yg mengambarkan JOJ cuba bangun dari dek kejahatan sekelilingnya.......... + kekuatan cintanya hanya untuk king lee soon............... . cuma lebih rasa bahagia bila tonton cerita ini sbb kesweetan JOJ & KING LEE SOON, pairing yg mengena .


2. Keberkesanan Lakonan (9.7/10)

* Kim Tae Hee ~ memang superb arr menjadi giler dari seorang yg innocent bertukar kpd kejam ckit tuk kepentingan cintanya pada king lee soon & YOon anaknya,

* Yoo Ah In ~
of course la superb jugak, king yang muda n bijak dalam mengendalikan hal ehwal istana dgn bermacam ragam pembesar2 yg xsuka dengannya.............

* Lee Jea Hee ~ haaaaa..... sbb paling2 utama dia neh la, . seorang pencinta yg x kesampaian bertukar menjadi kejam ckit....... . org kaya dr CHina datg nk bals dendm atas kematian mak angkatnya............  

IS bawa masuk skali tuk last kali

* Lee Sang Yeob ~ seoarng lagik pencinta yg kesampaian jugak , tapi memang cun la watak dia neh ......, setia hingga akhirnya ngn king lee soon.... , igtkan nk khianat dah bila tau JOJ tuh king suka......huhuhu. paling tourching skali bila dia sanggup bagik sendiri racun kat OJ .

~ lain2 watak memg menjadi arr

BAKI DARI (9,7/10) TUE SBB CHOI SUK BIN !!!!!   

3. Aspek teknikal (Lakon layar, teknik pengarahan, sinematografi)   (9/10)

* sangat cantek...... & puas hati la...............

4. Skor muzik (5/5)

* semua ost2 nya best dengan lirik2 yg shadu ,

- paling suka ost part 1 . SORROW SONG, part 2 ZIA, arrgghhh...... semua la suka

5. Kebarangkalian untuk tontonan semula (4/5)

* wajib nak tonton balik untuk 12 epi. yg awal sahaja


Last edited by ismaha on 29-6-2013 08:10 PM


TOTAL = 8.5 + 9.7+ 9+ 5 + 4 = 36.2/40 * 10 = 9.05 Terima Kasih atas review Nomination:Kim Tae Hee & Yoo Ah In   Post time 15-8-2013 07:08 PM



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Post time 29-6-2013 09:04 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 29-6-2013 05:53 PM
mmg sedey sbb mati tu sia2 jer...
hanya kerana nk buat mcm mana..
zaman dlu bila d ...

yelah org siasat nak bongkar pesalah
tp cara siksa drang nih mmg paksa org ngaku
dahlaaa sgt kejam kan cara siksanya

teringat cara bunuh ikat ngan  beberapa ekor kuda bagi bekecai bdn dalam citer princess man.. serammm

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2013 08:51 AM | Show all posts
mushroomsup posted on 29-6-2013 09:04 PM
yelah org siasat nak bongkar pesalah
tp cara siksa drang nih mmg paksa org ngaku
dahlaaa sgt kej ...

aah...tu jer yg dorang leh buat...
utk nk siasat lebih lanjut mmg tkder...
bila dh seksa tu..lama2 tk tahan terus je ngaku...
tu yg tk adil...sbb ada org yg tk bersalah...terus je bersalah...

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 Author| Post time 30-6-2013 09:21 AM | Show all posts
1. Cerita (9/10)

Mengisahkan tentang seorang wanita yg bernama JOJ...seorang yg sangat2 cantek dan mempunyai semangat yg kental
utk mengharungi hidup...minat yg mendalam dlm dunia fesyen..ingin menjadi pereka fesyen yg terkenal...yang akhirnya berjaya memikat hati King Joseon iaitu King SukJong aka Lee Soon...

Perkenalan diusia remaja...telah mula ada bibit2 tak kesampaian bila LS dan JOJ berpisah juga....tahun berganti tahun...
mereka berjumpa kembali secara tidak sengaja...namun tiada apa2 yg berlaku....pertemuan LS dan JOJ ni byk secara kebetulan...pertemuan di istana pada pertama kalinya LS telah salah anggap...kononnya selama ni mmg JOJ nak goda dia...LS menjadi benci kepada JOJ juga sebenarnya tk ada simpan apa2 perasaan pada LS....namun cinta itu buta...akhirnya LS kalah dan mengaku yg dia benar2 jatuh cinta pada JOJ...

Maka bermula ler kisah cinta agung antara JOJ dan LS...namum mendapat tentangan hebat dari mak LS....permaisuri IH dan juga menteri Lord Min.....Lee Soon sbg King mmg tegas dan ttp pertahankan JOJ...dan akhirnya berjaya menjadikan JOJ sbg permaisuri Joseon....

Tp hanya sekejap saja zaman kegemilangan JOJ...bila rahsia terbongkar ttg isu racun....dan akhirnya turun takhta....seterusnya kisah hidup JOJ menjadi bertambah sedey...bila dia dituduh menjadi punca kematian queen IH...yg akhirnya dia dihukum bunuh....JOJ mengambil keputusan untuk minum racun....wpun LS cuba sedaya upaya utk selamatkan demi cinta...JOJ berkorban....yg penting LS tidak akn dipersalahkahn....

2. Keberkesana Lakonan (9.9/10)

Kim Tae Hee - mmg seorang yg sangat berbakat...dan watak dia sbg JOJ tu mmg betul2 best superb....dia begitu menghayati watak....dari seorang wanita yg hidupnya biasa2 saja menjadi seorang yg kuat dan bersemangat.....demi cinta pada LS...mempertahankan anaknya Yoon...sanggup mengambil risiko...yang penting kedudukan dia disamping LS ttp tk berubah...menjadi kesayangan LS hingga ke akhir hayatnya...

Yoo Ah In - watak sbg King SukJong aka LS....mmg sesuai...gaya seorang raja yg percaya pada diri sendiri...bertindak mengikut naluri hati.....berjaya menangani byk isu dari menteri2 yg mmg nak menentang dia....

Jae Hee - watak sbg Chi Soo....kawan kepada JOJ...menaruh hati pada JOJ dan akhirnya menjadi musuh JOJ...sungguh berkesan...berkorban demi JOJ....akhirnya akur .....

Secara keseluruhan watak2 dlm drama JOJ mmg superb ler........berjaya membuatkan kita semua marah...suka dan sebagainya..

3. Aspek Teknikal (Lakonlayar, Teknik Pengarahan, Sinematografi) (9/10)

Sangat2 menarik.....mmg puas hati.............

4. Skor Muzik (8/10)

OST yg sangat menarik.....wpun tk terasa best je bila mendengarnya....

5. Kebarangkalian Untuk Tonton Semula...(5/5)

Walaupun endingnya menyedihkan....dan kita pun dh tau jalan cite tu mcm klu ada masa..mmg pasti akan tgk semula...jadi....ianya adalah WAJIB TONTON..



TOTAL = 9 + 9.9 + 9 + 4 + 5 = 36.9/40 * 10 = 9.23 Terima Kasih atas review Nomination:Kim Tae Hee   Post time 15-8-2013 07:09 PM



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 Author| Post time 30-6-2013 12:53 PM | Show all posts
The fate of Choi Suk-bin

Choi Suk-bin was one of Sukjong’s concubines and the mother of Yeongjo, the twenty-first king of the Joseon Dynasty. In Jang Ok Jung, Lives in Love, we never actually get to see Choi Suk-bin receive her title of “bin," (the highest position as a concubine) and instead, she’s known as Choi Suk-won until the very end.

I know that we never got a scene between Lee Soon and Choi Suk-won where justice is served. I would have wanted to watch her plans of becoming queen be foiled, but no such scene was made. However, we all know that Choi Suk-won was never able to become queen. In the original novel, Choi Suk-bin asks Lee Soon to make her the queen after Queen Inhyeon and Jang Ok Jung, but Sukjong refuses and lays down a new decree.

That decree was made in 1701, after the death of Ok Jung (Jang Hee Bin), stating that “no concubines shall ever become the queen." Since that time, there have been no cases where the concubines became queen. In fact, Jang Hee Bin was the first and last concubine to ever ascend to the position of queen.

Now, whether or not Choi Suk-bin had her eyes set out for the queen’s position in real life, I do not know for sure. I don’t think anyone knows, actually. However, if you think about the situation that Choi Suk-bin was in, it’s very plausible. Why? Choi Suk-bin was the victor in history and the only survivor between her, Jang Hee Bin, and Queen Inhyeon. She also had her son, Prince Yeoning (future King Yeongjo). She had enough reason to dream of becoming the queen. However, Choi Suk-bin was never able to become the queen because of the law that Sukjong created.

The law was created because of Jang Hee Bin, and Sukjong most likely didn’t want another situation like Jang Hee Bin ever occuring again. So, in some ways, I guess it was a precautionary measure. He learnt his lesson and he would protect the future inheritors of the throne from facing this sort of situation.

Jang Hee Bin was executed for cursing Queen Inhyeon to death because of her jealously and greed for the queen’s position. During this time, they said that there were rumours going around about it. Choi Suk-bin was the one that told Sukjong about these rumours, saying that Jang Hee Bin cursed Inhyeon. Thus, Jang Hee Bin was sentenced to death. However, her death was not only simply that she cursed the queen. There were many political factors to it as well. In some ways, since Jang Hee Bin was from a Southerner faction background; in order to suppress their power, Sukjong made the decision to kill off Ok Jung. He might have also worried that Jang Hee Bin would try to gain more power when her son, Lee Yoon, rose to the throne. Either way, Jang Ok Jung can be seen as a sacrificial lamb of the politics during her time.

Anyways, that’s not the main point. I know in the drama Dong Yi, the love story  between Sukjong and Dong Yi is wonderful and heart-warming, but we must remember that that was a drama and there are many fictional aspects to it as well. I do not personally think that Sukjong and Choi Suk-bin’s love was that great, but I do not deny the fact that Sukjong really did like Choi Suk-bin.

Choi Suk-bin was a palace maid from a very low social status (lower than Jang Hee Bin’s). To be specific, she’s well known as being a musuri (lit. water maid). There are also some sources that she was a palace maid in the tailor’s department. However, they say that she entered the palace at the age of 7. She received the favor of Sukjong after Jang Ok Jung was made queen, around 1694.

The relationship between Jang Hee Bin and Choi Suk-bin was bad from the start, and Choi Suk-bin sided with the Western faction. Sukjong knew this and he used Choi Suk-bin to pave the way for a hwan-guk (lit. change of political state), known as the Gap-sul Hwan-guk, to bring back the Western faction and suppress the Southern faction. In that same year, Queen Inhyeon was reinstated as queen and Jang Ok Jung was demoted back to Hee Bin.

Anyways, in 1701, after the death of Jang Ok Jung and Inhyeon, Choi Suk-bin was a likely candidate to become the queen, but she never did. The following year, in 1702, another queen was selected, Queen Inwon. However, in that year, Choi Suk-bin was ordered to be evicted from the palace by Sukjong.

This is a very unusual thing. It is a rule that the king’s concubines were not allowed to leave the palace until after the king had died. However, Choi Suk-bin was ordered to do so. This is could be for several reasons: a) he wanted to protect Choi Suk-bin or b) Choi Suk-bin was greatly ill and was sent away. For the latter though, if she was ill, she should have returned after she gotten better. Instead, she lived outside of the palace for nearly 20 years.

What’s more is that when she left the palace when her son was quite young. Why did Sukjong send her away when her son was not even of age? She was unable to see her son for nine years. When her son, Prince Yeoning, got married in 1711, she thought she might be able to see him now, but Sukjong did not allow it (*note: it is law for princes that are not the crown prince to leave the palace once they get married). The fact that he separated mother and son suggests that Choi Suk-bin might have made a big mistake that caused Sukjong to be greatly angry with her. However, finally, Sukjong allowed her to live with her son and his wife in E-hyun-goong (이현궁).

Choi Suk-bin lived nearly twenty years outside of the palace and Sukjong never acted in a way that he would ever bring her back to the palace. He never lookes for her. Choi Suk-bin was abandoned by Sukjong. She died at the age of 48 in 1718. He did not show much emotion; if he loved her as much as Sukjong loved Dong Yi in that drama, then he wouldn’t have been so cold.

So, that was the fate of Choi Suk-bin. She might’ve once been loved by the king, but she was abandoned towards the end. Who knows if she did something wrong that caused Sukjong to be angry? We’re not sure. However, we cannot deny that she was an amazing woman that made her son into a king. King Yeongjo is considered to be a great king as he started the Korean Renaissance in Joseon and had the longest reign.

@limau @WeAiNe @makdik2301 @azmira81 @mushroomsup @ismaha @camrey  

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Post time 30-6-2013 02:36 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 30-6-2013 12:53 PM
The fate of Choi Suk-bin

yg dia kena keluar istana mmg betul...sebab dlm DY pon ada tunjuk ...mmg sampai anak dia besar...baru king suk jong benarkan balik ISTANA....reason sebenar kita pon tak tahu...mcm yg org tu tulis  maybe king nk protect dia or tu mmg permintaan CSB...

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Post time 30-6-2013 07:41 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 30-6-2013 12:53 PM
The fate of Choi Suk-bin

Either way, Jang Ok Jung can be seen as a sacrificial lamb of the politics during her time.
terang, jelas dan nyata.. mcm mushroom jangkakan.. sian JOJ..

kalo dr artikel ni, Suk Won lagi gila kuasa tp tak kesampaian.. lastly kena buang istana jek.. anak pon tak bleh jupe..
agaknya king geram pasal kes JOJ kot.. tp takleh bunuh sebab mak pada anak dia gak.. takkan nak bunuh semua gundik kot..


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Post time 30-6-2013 07:42 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 30-6-2013 09:21 AM
1. Cerita (9/10)

Mengisahkan tentang seorang wanita yg bernama JOJ...seorang yg sangat2 cantek da ...

watak suk won tanak ulas ke ayu.. jelingan matanya sangat gerammmm

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Post time 30-6-2013 08:59 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 30-6-2013 12:53 PM
The fate of Choi Suk-bin

penulisan menarik tetapi utk kesahihan 100% tu susah nak di akui
benda berlaku beratus tahun dahulu
dan hasil penulisan pun tak tentu bernas atau sahih
mcm2 boleh berlaku, pertukaran cerita, watak, tempat, masa dsbnya....
lumrahlah sama juga dgn peristiwa yg berlaku skrg pun banyak twist dia.....

apapun nama-nama wanita yg tertulis tu sangat menarik pada aine
sejarah mereka, kisah hidup dan mati wajar dijadikan contoh pada generasi akan datang
dan aine sebagai wanita bangga sebab benarlah kata pepatah
tangan yang menghayun buaian itu boleh menggegarkan dunia


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Post time 30-6-2013 09:02 PM | Show all posts
ayushuhada04 posted on 30-6-2013 09:21 AM
1. Cerita (9/10)

Mengisahkan tentang seorang wanita yg bernama JOJ...seorang yg sangat2 cantek da ...

rajinnya ayu.....memang peminat tegar OJ ni....
aine follow cite ni kat tibi.....
dah tahu ending dia tapi tak puas nak tatap wajah king n OJ
kat tenet aine repeat selected ep je.....

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Post time 30-6-2013 09:27 PM | Show all posts
nampaknya 2 org dh bg review over 9/10 wlpn rating below 10%
tht means you should consider this one too... Last edited by dauswq on 1-7-2013 11:33 AM


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Post time 30-6-2013 09:48 PM | Show all posts
WeAiNe posted on 30-6-2013 09:02 PM
rajinnya ayu.....memang peminat tegar OJ ni....
aine follow cite ni kat tibi.....
da ...

waaa.... lamanya xnampk ko..... cbuk ker....??

cepat arr kasi review tuk citer neh nnt boleh arr masuk list untuk award kdrama 2013

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Post time 30-6-2013 10:21 PM | Show all posts
ismaha posted on 30-6-2013 09:48 PM
waaa.... lamanya xnampk ko..... cbuk ker....??

cepat arr kasi review tuk citer neh nnt bole ...

cbuklah dear .....kalu aine MIA maknanya kebizian kemalandaanlah tu....

review?...hehehe 2 ep terakhir tak tengok lagilah...aine baca komen korang je.....

insyaALLAH....cite feberet ICHYV n MTH pun baru sempat rempit mlm tadi....


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Post time 30-6-2013 10:28 PM | Show all posts
WeAiNe posted on 30-6-2013 10:21 PM
cbuklah dear .....kalu aine MIA maknanya kebizian kemalandaanlah tu....

review?...h ...

ooookkkk.... paham2 ,

xper2.... nnt jgn lupa tau kasi review

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2013 08:28 AM | Show all posts
limau posted on 30-6-2013 02:36 PM
yg dia kena keluar istana mmg betul...sebab dlm DY pon ada tunjuk ...mmg sampai anak dia besar...b ...

aah le limau...
mmg dlm DY ada tunjuk scene ni...
tp tu ler...sejak ada cite JOJ ni...mcm byk sgt ler bnda yg kuar...
semakin ramai lak yg buat reseach yer...

cuma tu ler..sama yg limau katakan....mmg kita sendiri tk pasti..
mana satu yg benar...cuma dh tertulis dlm sejarah...yg JOJ ni jahat tu jer...

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2013 08:32 AM | Show all posts
mushroomsup posted on 30-6-2013 07:41 PM
terang, jelas dan nyata.. mcm mushroom jangkakan.. sian JOJ..

ermm...tu semua research  yg dibuat...
kita sendiri tk pasti pun ...samada betul atau tk kan..
tp dlm DY mmg ada scene yg DY kena duduk luar istana..
maybe sbb nk protect dia...juga sbb dia mmg gila kuasa..

mcm2 leh jadi kan...

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 Author| Post time 1-7-2013 08:33 AM | Show all posts
mushroomsup posted on 30-6-2013 07:42 PM
watak suk won tanak ulas ke ayu.. jelingan matanya sangat gerammmm

ahaksssss...watak lain2 tu..ayu tau mmg bagus2 belaka..
termasuk mak king kan...juga lord min..mmg menjadi belaka mereka tu..
tp ayu hanya tumpukan pada tu je ler.........

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