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Author: NaylaArisha


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Post time 22-5-2024 08:48 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Bekpes dah td

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Post time 22-5-2024 08:50 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 13-5-2024 05:25 PM
yup CC aeon
tu yang ai malas nak upgrade
lepas tu banyak form kena sign

Last year ai apply cc by call. Diorg intv je sbb gj ai mmg msk cimb

Nk sng approved apply bank yg gj msk. So x perlu submit payslip

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Post time 22-5-2024 08:51 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Klu nk increase credit limit. Cth Maybank diorg mtk latest payslip

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Post time 22-5-2024 08:52 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kira aeon agak remeh sbb ade paperwork dan kn attend physically

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Post time 22-5-2024 08:53 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 13-5-2024 05:26 PM
jenis macam Ruhainies kan
tak boleh nak tengok orang lebih

X padan dgn cinonet. Jiwa bsr

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Post time 22-5-2024 08:55 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 13-5-2024 05:26 PM
wah jimat air ke

Tgg next bil pulak. Blk kj pun ai mandi 2x. Cuci bj 2hr sekali mn ade jimat air


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Post time 22-5-2024 08:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 13-5-2024 05:27 PM
beli semua tu untuk apa
bukan boleh nak claim

Entah si pjg. Skrg pokok2 tu tggl nyawa2 ikan.

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Post time 22-5-2024 08:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 13-5-2024 05:27 PM
yer ai saving sikit2
x ada lah banyak

X pe yg penting bermula. Sikit2 lama2 jd bukit

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Post time 22-5-2024 09:45 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 13-5-2024 05:29 PM
mau tak leper ... dah wok u guna tu besar lepas tu u penuhkan satu ruang wok tu dengan telur ke

Dan ade wok tu je. Wok rmh lama yg kecik x bole guna utk dapur skrg

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Post time 22-5-2024 09:46 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 13-5-2024 05:30 PM
baru2 ni muka ai di tumbuhi jerawat

sebaris kat batang hidung

Muka u bkn jns clean ke. Mcm mn bole naik jerawat pulak

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Post time 22-5-2024 09:56 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 17-5-2024 09:00 AM
pergh panjang gila cermin  
okay lah tu nak bawa masuk toilet pon boleh

Ai beli ltk dkt hall. So anak3 ai pun bole guna. Diorg lg tgg dr ai

Toilet ai kecik x sesuai bwk msk cermin tu

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Post time 22-5-2024 09:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 17-5-2024 09:00 AM
pergh panjang gila cermin  
okay lah tu nak bawa masuk toilet pon boleh

Ai je selalu ketinggalan bab viral ni

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Post time 22-5-2024 09:57 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 17-5-2024 09:01 AM
sekarang kan semua orang suka guna
orang yang tengah viral
tak kisah lah viral pasal apa kan

Ade ke legend of the blue sea dkt netflix

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Post time 22-5-2024 10:38 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 22-5-2024 10:39 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 22-5-2024 06:31 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 17-5-2024 09:02 AM
mmber u tu kan pensyarah
dia jadi macam tu
orang sekeliling dia tak tahu kan

Mksd u org sekeliling x tau ape

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Post time 22-5-2024 06:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 17-5-2024 09:03 AM
sama lah ai pon kalau nak keluar mesti  bawa anak2
setakat ni kalau nak keluar malam
bila ada as ...

Weekday ai pulak mls kuar mcm hr ni x kuar x jd cuci kete

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Post time 22-5-2024 06:33 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 17-5-2024 09:04 AM
bagus lah kalau orang tu dah tak kacau u

itu pon sebab u dah block dia kan

A'aa ai dah blocked tp ade je developer tu lepak tgkt bwh. Ai pasan sbb ai perasan ade org duk tgk ai. Rupanya dia

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Post time 22-5-2024 06:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 17-5-2024 09:06 AM
eh orang psyco tak kira
kita layan ke tak layan

Btl gak. Hrp x de org psycho kacau ai

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Post time 22-5-2024 06:34 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
NaylaArisha replied at 17-5-2024 09:06 AM
no 2 tak suka nak belajar
sama macam bapa dia ler

Yg sebaya anak bongsu ai. Dia ckp ke x suka belajar

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