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abg kandung aku penagih dadah  ...23456..8
pot_pet    |   26-7-2012 02:12 PM    |   View:19911   |   Reply:145    |   Likes: 0
manak¥¥¥¥ 2-2-2013 08:58 AM
perasaan duduk umh mentua..aku menantu perempuan..erh! Newbie Thread agree  ...23456..11
qashacassandra    |   29-9-2012 02:34 PM    |   View:25589   |   Reply:218    |   Likes: 0
BidAnggun13 2-2-2013 07:55 AM
tak hormat abang  ...23
endus    |   26-1-2013 08:11 PM    |   View:6226   |   Reply:40    |   Likes: 0
BidAnggun13 2-2-2013 07:49 AM
Tak bersama tapi serumah. Newbie Thread  ...234
haslidahashim    |   1-8-2012 03:55 PM    |   View:16344   |   Reply:78    |   Likes: 0
izza_sukeri 30-1-2013 08:37 PM
isu semasa - masalah ipar duai / biras
mizkajura    |   30-1-2013 04:11 PM    |   View:3472   |   Reply:5    |   Likes: 0
rospinki 30-1-2013 04:17 PM
Manak pohon...SILA. NJANGAN BUKAK TRED BORAK FD sehingga Nick BLING YANG BUKA  ...23
Manak££    |   30-1-2013 12:23 PM    |   View:4818   |   Reply:43    |   Likes: 0
nuryakmal 30-1-2013 01:26 PM
BORAK2 V77 - Rumah sapa takde air weeh  ...23456..126
Sasha    |   9-1-2013 03:28 PM    |   View:99071   |   Reply:2502    |   Likes: 0
nuryakmal 30-1-2013 12:18 PM
suami benci pada anak tiri. Newbie Thread agree  ...23456..28
utama    |   27-12-2012 11:19 AM    |   View:57811   |   Reply:554    |   Likes: 0
BidAnggun13 30-1-2013 10:16 AM
Syurga Isteri adalah REDHO suami.......... Newbie Thread
Manak££    |   30-1-2013 07:09 AM    |   View:2178   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
sarahmirza 30-1-2013 08:25 AM
Suami tak suka adik ipar tinggal sekali/ tumpang seminggu dua Newbie Thread  ...23
anna_man    |   28-1-2013 04:07 PM    |   View:11524   |   Reply:59    |   Likes: 0
nuryakmal 29-1-2013 04:32 PM
Tidak Mencium bau syurga isteri yang mintak cerai....ONE SIZE FITS ALL???? Newbie Thread
Manak;;;    |   27-1-2013 11:30 AM    |   View:2267   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 0
nuryakmal 27-1-2013 05:31 PM
FENOMENA Isteri Tanggung Keluarga.  ...23456..50
norhasiah82    |   7-9-2012 11:21 AM    |   View:88091   |   Reply:982    |   Likes: 0
Manak;;; 27-1-2013 02:25 AM
Di suruh kurus supaya blh pakai pakaian seksi????  ...23456..13
naie2311    |   24-11-2008 08:08 AM    |   View:34477   |   Reply:245    |   Likes: 0
hellomynameis 26-1-2013 01:29 PM
Aku derhaka ke? Newbie Thread  ...23
kucingputeh    |   16-1-2013 01:23 PM    |   View:6707   |   Reply:48    |   Likes: 0
senduduk 26-1-2013 11:24 AM
medical checkup before dpt offer letter - boleh ke?  ...2
me_xy82    |   31-1-2011 11:12 PM    |   View:30373   |   Reply:32    |   Likes: 0
langit_biru18 25-1-2013 08:50 PM
KAMI masih berbaik ...walau dah bercerai...Lu mau bubble siapa nee???? Newbie Thread
Manak;    |   24-1-2013 12:34 PM    |   View:2150   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
NURMIMIE 24-1-2013 02:01 PM
anak teruna nak kwin janda anak 2  ...23456..8
mekma    |   22-2-2012 02:18 PM    |   View:20741   |   Reply:148    |   Likes: 0
neeria 24-1-2013 12:14 AM
Suami Isteri buat overtime malam  ...2345
ctturquoise    |   22-1-2013 01:37 PM    |   View:10290   |   Reply:92    |   Likes: 0
NURMIMIE 23-1-2013 06:00 PM
matabelalang    |   20-12-2012 09:10 AM    |   View:24766   |   Reply:172    |   Likes: 0
manak((( 23-1-2013 01:01 AM
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Mertua Yang Sangat Baik dan Ipar Duai yang tip top....  ...23
redd_07    |   29-5-2012 12:39 PM    |   View:11433   |   Reply:59    |   Likes: 0
sheely 22-1-2013 04:11 PM
disaat aku diceraikan hari ni....  ...23456..7
gurl80    |   7-11-2012 01:06 AM    |   View:20426   |   Reply:123    |   Likes: 0
syue86 22-1-2013 09:32 AM
Tika anda merasakan hidup anda tak bernasib baik seperti orang lain  ...23456
natelover    |   27-11-2012 06:57 PM    |   View:13679   |   Reply:112    |   Likes: 0
naina 22-1-2013 02:05 AM
[Belanja] Kos Belanja Anak dan Kos Pengasuh Anak  ...23456..10
rubiha    |   6-10-2010 11:33 PM    |   View:32412   |   Reply:199    |   Likes: 0
Manak( 20-1-2013 10:54 AM
Bertemu Bakal Mertua  ...23456..10
besties    |   23-6-2012 08:29 PM    |   View:37224   |   Reply:187    |   Likes: 0
Manak( 20-1-2013 02:02 AM
Cop HALAL tapi Ada daging oink oink..........apa cer?????? Newbie Thread  ...23456
Manaktau!    |   1-1-2013 10:37 AM    |   View:10957   |   Reply:105    |   Likes: 0
Manak: 19-1-2013 12:24 AM
Maid kirim belikan make up..wajarkah aku halang?  ...23456..11
lalala_lola    |   16-1-2013 04:17 PM    |   View:17170   |   Reply:200    |   Likes: 0
NURMIMIE 18-1-2013 04:07 PM
fashasandal    |   16-12-2012 05:22 PM    |   View:16722   |   Reply:171    |   Likes: 0
gorjescat 17-1-2013 08:36 PM
Minum Petang - Masihkah anda amalkan sebagai acara penting setiap hari?  ...23456..8
cmf_blingblings    |   16-1-2013 12:14 AM    |   View:12661   |   Reply:154    |   Likes: 0
Sasha 17-1-2013 01:39 AM
vss lagi......maner nak carik kojo  ...2345
langau    |   8-1-2013 11:46 AM    |   View:10621   |   Reply:87    |   Likes: 0
fadzyjemi 16-1-2013 10:57 PM
kecewa suami masih menyintai bekas janda walaupun bekas janda sudah bernikah ... Newbie Thread  ...23456..15
ina_na    |   2-11-2012 09:23 AM    |   View:40115   |   Reply:290    |   Likes: 0
meya 16-1-2013 05:55 PM
nafkah untuk isteri
TaWaR    |   16-1-2013 10:04 AM    |   View:2431   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
nuryakmal 16-1-2013 11:07 AM
khas utk lelaki yg nk tambah cawangan... silalah woi..
hijab112    |   15-1-2013 08:04 PM    |   View:3112   |   Reply:19    |   Likes: 0
NURMIMIE 16-1-2013 08:12 AM
Peliklah......hahahaha  ...23
mentimun    |   6-11-2012 05:11 PM    |   View:9060   |   Reply:50    |   Likes: 0
Lalajack 15-1-2013 08:13 PM
Delete  ...234
shida81    |   7-1-2013 11:26 AM    |   View:12135   |   Reply:79    |   Likes: 0
tipuware 15-1-2013 09:20 AM
MIL yg suke sgt menelepon n mesej.ape pendapat anda? Newbie Thread  ...2
Sut    |   28-12-2012 08:37 PM    |   View:5746   |   Reply:38    |   Likes: 0
ruffleen 15-1-2013 09:08 AM
sapa penah join portal myjodoh dot net  ...23456..27
endus    |   19-7-2012 02:24 PM    |   View:58374   |   Reply:528    |   Likes: 0
BingkaUbi 15-1-2013 08:20 AM
suami tidak mampu beri nafkah batin secukupnya Newbie Thread  ...23456..13
afroza    |   7-1-2013 04:05 PM    |   View:41842   |   Reply:241    |   Likes: 0
nuryakmal 10-1-2013 02:16 PM
Mencari Cinta di Luar agree  ...23456..12
aiva    |   1-4-2008 04:12 PM    |   View:33498   |   Reply:225    |   Likes: 0
aiva 10-1-2013 12:59 PM
Housewife Duk Serumah Ngan Mertua, Selalu Dirunguti..  ...23456
qasehsucey    |   19-7-2011 02:12 PM    |   View:24093   |   Reply:101    |   Likes: 0
cikkittydiva 10-1-2013 08:39 AM
dua tiket penerbangan ke KK buat WARGA FD yang bertuah........ Newbie Thread
Manakbarutau    |   10-1-2013 01:29 AM    |   View:2016   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
nuryakmal 10-1-2013 08:29 AM
Suami Minta Pulang dan Kerja Di Negerinya  ...23456..18
adehla    |   24-11-2009 02:49 PM    |   View:45852   |   Reply:349    |   Likes: 0
addamnor 9-1-2013 10:21 PM
THREAD LUAHAN VOL 3, NO QUOTE /REPLY dalam Terang atau Gelap, { penalty -497! }  ...23456..124
cmf_blingblings    |   12-9-2012 06:25 PM    |   View:142115   |   Reply:2478    |   Likes: 0
nuryakmal 9-1-2013 06:58 PM
tinggal serumah dgn mertua  ...23456
arianie_s    |   5-9-2007 09:37 AM    |   View:22224   |   Reply:114    |   Likes: 0
cikkittydiva 9-1-2013 04:27 PM
SEMBANG FD V76 .. I m going in :- JLO  ...23456..125
NURMIMIE    |   5-12-2012 12:31 AM    |   View:112515   |   Reply:2496    |   Likes: 0
Sasha 9-1-2013 03:18 PM
patut ke aku risau bila jd macam ni  ...2345
ina_na    |   8-11-2012 02:07 PM    |   View:10961   |   Reply:92    |   Likes: 0
ina_na 8-1-2013 01:50 PM
adik beradik kahwin bersama  ...234
siti23    |   26-12-2012 09:14 AM    |   View:11097   |   Reply:70    |   Likes: 0
ParinAmat 7-1-2013 09:32 AM
Something your parents did that you do for your kids  ...2345
natelover    |   28-12-2012 09:00 PM    |   View:9231   |   Reply:88    |   Likes: 0
ParinAmat 7-1-2013 08:40 AM
TRED AZAM serta UCAP TAHUN BARU 2013 WARGA FD............ Newbie Thread  ...23
manaktau??    |   28-12-2012 03:50 PM    |   View:6014   |   Reply:54    |   Likes: 0
nuryakmal 7-1-2013 08:35 AM
PIL yang suka paksa gi ziarah sedara/member dia..  ...2
pisangtanduk    |   18-8-2012 10:08 AM    |   View:7037   |   Reply:26    |   Likes: 0
slipargetah 4-1-2013 02:08 PM
Macamana nak memotivasi suami yg berat badan tahap kronik utk exercise ? agree  ...2345
Calla lily    |   16-10-2012 03:02 PM    |   View:10816   |   Reply:92    |   Likes: 0
ajinomotonosuga 29-12-2012 07:31 PM
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