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RUJUKAN - Sila Rujuk Sini

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Post time 6-3-2004 08:41 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
SN sayz...

Selamat datang ke forum Cari dan terima kasih kerana mendaftar di komuniti ini. Dalam topik ni, korang akan dijelaskan tentang penggunaan fungsi forum ni. Jadi, sila baca sehingga habis agar dapat berforum dengan baik.

Hanya nota yang seringkali disoal akan dimasukkan dalam topik ni. Sekiranya ada persoalan lain, sila mesejkan kepada SAYA


Credits adalah poin atau markah user dalam forum. Cara-cara untuk dapatkan credits :
  • Buka topik baru - 1 credit
  • Membalas topik - 1 credit
  • *Diberi oleh moderator/pengendali - +2, +4, +6, +8, +10, -2, -4, -6, -8

*Pemberian adalah bergantung kepada kualiti posting seseorang user. Jika bernilai negatif bermaksud credits ditolak.


Beggar = Negative
Inactive Member = 0 credits
Newbie = 1 - 50 credits
Member = 51 - 200 credits
Conqueror = 201 - 500 credits
Lord = 501 - 1000 credits
King = 1001 - 3000 credits
Forum Legend = 3001 - Infinite credits

Moderator = Pengendali board tertentu
Super Moderator = Pengendali forum secara umum
Administrator = Pentadbir forum

Posting Rank

Beginner = ***
Poster = ***
Cool Poster = ***
Writer = ***
Excellent Writer = ***

*Belum dipastikan lagi


Gambar profil user yang akan muncul bersama dengan postings. Untuk menggunakan avatar, hendaklah mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya status Member dan paling baik adalah status Lord. Rujuk Usergroup.

Sekiranya status user adalah Member, ikuti prosedur yang berikut:

1) Klik Member CP

2) Klik Edit Profile

3) Klik Board Avatar List

...dan pilih avatar yang disediakan oleh forum Cari.

Manakala jika status user adalah Conqueror dan ke atas, user boleh menggunakan avatar selain avatar yang disediakan oleh forum Cari.

1) Klik Member CP

2) Klik Edit Profile

3) Masukkan URL/link bagi gambar yang dihendaki dalam kotak URL/link di bawah. Contoh URL adalah yang di"highlight"kan.

Contoh untuk mengambil URL/link gambar yang dihendaki:

1) Right click pada gambar:

2) Klik properties:

3) "Highlight"kan pada URL/link, kemudian copy...


Lain-lain maklumat boleh dirujuk di FAQ dan topik INI

[ Last edited by adlismel on 18-6-2004 at 09:53 AM ]

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Post time 3-6-2004 11:38 AM | Show all posts


Freedom to speak and the responsibility

To All Forum Members,

The freedom to speak comes with a responsibility; you are responsible for what you say!

The freedom to speak is NOT to be abused; you must not use it to harass or defame others, or to spread any untruths.

If you use this forum for the wrong purpose and the person files a police report, CARI cannot and will not protect you.

If required by the law and the authorities, your information will be sent to the authorities.

Please use this forum wisely. Thank you.


CARI Forum

[ Last edited by adlismel on 5-6-2004 at 11:16 AM ]

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Post time 3-6-2004 08:54 PM | Show all posts

Voting out troublemaker.

Please note that a forumner maybe banned from this forum by way of voting.

If you found any FORUMNER who deem highly

1. unethical
2. misdemeanour
3. conduct unbecoming
4. instigating hatred
5. repeating malicious post
6. or any other reason that u think that person doesn’t deserve to be part of this forum;

YOU, as a forummer here, have the right to run a vote that seeks other forummers to vote out this troublemaker from this forum for good! However, YOU must sufficiently detail out why you want to ban him and give links to threads that prove your accusation.

Once the username is banned, the username will be locked and prevented from logging into this site. All credits previously earned will be useless.

No appeal is allowed for the action will be justified and UNCOMPRISING.

The following are the rules for the voters only.----------------------------------------------------------------

1) Only those who have more than 500 credits (>500) are allowed to bring up the case and cast their votes.
Please set a credit of 500 when you initiate a vote.
Please ignore the vote that is ran by a Conqueror member (<500 credits) or below.

2) Voting duration is for a period of 2 weeks. No more no less. Any later voter will not be considered.

3) A minimum of 20 votes are needed within that fortnight for the case to be validated, otherwise the action WILL BE ABORTED.

4) The poll is considered VALID or has some effect when two third (of total votes is gained) of the VOTERS voting out the concerned forumner.

5) Please notify ADMIN with the URL as soon as the 2 weeks duration has ended together with the result of the poll.

All decisions are considered final by Admin CARI.

Best regards,

Team of CARI

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Post time 4-6-2004 11:49 AM | Show all posts
Newbie .... How to activate your account!

Salam dan selamat membaca.
Untuk menjadi salah seorang warga CARI FORUM kamu mestilah mendaftar terlebih dahulu di sini Cari Forum >> Register

1. Security Question:..................... do not use security login
2. Answer: .................................. leave it blank

Email: Must be valid, we will send the instructions for activation of your account to this address.

Kamu akan dapat message ini kalau email kamu telah digunakan sebelum ini.

Sorry, your email is already in use, please return.

[ Click here to go to previous page ]  

Kamu akan dapat message ini kalau pendaftaran kamu berjaya

Cari Forum Message

An email including instructions for activation of your account has been dispatched. If you can not receive the email, please click "Re-verify My Email" in Member's CP Home for more attampts, or changing another email address. Note: You could only visit our forums as "Inactive Member" before your activation, the state of being restricted will be over after you activated successfully.

[ Last edited by adlismel on 14-6-2004 at 10:00 AM ]

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Post time 4-6-2004 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Newbie .... How to activate your account!

Kamu akan dapat message ini kalau pendaftaran kamu berjaya

Cari Forum Message

An email including instructions for activation of your account has been dispatched. If you can not receive the email, please click "Re-verify My Email" in Member's CP Home for more attampts, or changing another email address. Note: You could only visit our forums as "Inactive Member" before your activation, the state of being restricted will be over after you activated successfully.

Check you email folder (yahoo, hotmail etc) :- cari email ini Cari Forum [Discuz!] Email Validate  

Inbox <-------------------------------- Disini
Bulk   <---------------------------------- atau disini

click dekat link yang di beri contoh:

To activate your account, simply click on the following link: ... ;uid=xxxxxx=xxxxxxx

(AOL Email users may need to cut and paste the link into your web

Thank you for visiting and enjoy your stay!

Lepas tu kamu akan dapat message ini

Cari Forum Message
Hi, xxxxx, Your account was activated, now will foward you to the home

Kalau dapat message ini:

Cari Forum Message

Sorry, specified ID does not exist or you are not an inactive member.

just click ---> [ Cari Forum

Use magic Report

Post time 4-6-2004 11:54 AM | Show all posts
Sending post

First sekali kenalah login. Kalau tidak kamu tidak akan nampak icon ini:

Untuk menghantar reply just click button ini:-

Untuk buat thread baru gunakan button ini:-

Untuk quote mana mana reply yang kamu tak setuju atau setuju click button ini:-

Cara nak posting klik kat bawah

Cara nak letak avatar, posting , ranking

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Follow Us
Post time 4-6-2004 12:08 PM | Show all posts

Edit, POLL and Report

  • Button [Edit] digunakan untuk membetulkan post yang telah kita hantar (jika terdapat kesalah ejaan atau sebagainya).
  • Button [Rating] hanya untuk para Moderators. (Di gunakan untuk memberi credits keatas reply & thread bermutu)
  • Button [Report] digunakan untuk membuat aduan kepada moderar terhadap post atau thread yang melanggar undang undang Forum CARI.
  • Button [New Poll] digunakan bila kita hendak membuat sebarang poll.

    Contoh macam ini: Sumbangan Th

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Post time 5-6-2004 11:17 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 14-6-2004 10:32 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 18-6-2004 09:57 AM | Show all posts

PENGUMUMAN - Pemberian Kredit

Sila baca dan fahami beberapa panduan yang telah ditetapkan kepada forumer tentang pemberian kredit dan penolakan kredit

Originally posted by Presa1200 at 15-6-04 11:14 PM:
i still wondering how the credits and number of posts are connected. why there are some people's credits far outweight than it's posts, while some are minor differences? how the ratio being counted ...  

Post from me Darsita
Selalunya macam JunkMail sedia maklum juga berdasarkan ''kalau'' kalau di bawah ini:

1. Kalau dia Moderator baru bolehlah dia bagilah credits dekat members board yang ucapkan taniah. (Tak ada tulis dalam undang undang .. tapi tak salah rasanya sebab bukan selalu)

2. Kalau dia jaga board yang tak perlu bukti bukti utk menyokong post, Moderator tersebut akan bagi credits dkt thread thread baru yang di buka oleh pengunjung board untuk bagi semangat mereka datang kembali.
(Selalunya dkt board Regional)

3. Kalau dalam satu board tu ramai Moderators dan credits dia hari itu tak habis kota lagi, bolehlah dia donatekan dekat mana mana forumers yang dia rasa layak dapat credits. (Misc & Borak)

4. Kalau board tu tak ada moderators bolehlah Mod board lain sedekahkan credits dekat mana mana thread yang dia rasa layak utk dpt credit.

Post dari Mod Ninoz
kalau saya lah kan dar..[dgn sasha sekali laa ]

utk bod kitorang..kita bagi credit berdasarkan ciri2 di bawah :
pembuka thread [provided dat thread tu tak merapu]

- first thread utk first timer  
- kat our bod yg tolong bagi jawapan utk thread2 yg berbentuk soklan jawapan yg berinformatif

- posting yg bagi reference2 yg berguna lain2 postingyg dirasakan sesuai..
- forumner biasa pun digalakkan inform kami kalau ade posting yg dirasakan wajar bagi credit

By Mod Ninoz

soalan yg diajukan tu interesting n topik dapat sambutan
informative posting..ade originality
helpful posting even if just cut n paste [ni kene pandai timbang2 kan]
posting yg bantu menjawab persoalan forumer lain or tolong jawab on behalf of mod
posting yg berbentuk constructive criticism
posting2 kebajikan  cth: tolong buat index, tolong buat list, tolong buat analisis, tolong inform bout something

:dia: sumbangan DARSITA

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Post time 18-6-2004 09:59 AM | Show all posts
Kalau di Board Cari New Members ni pemberian kredit adalah berdasarkan kepada



adlismel ----> kalau ada masalah PM me

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