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20 Gigantic Cats Who Clearly Aren't Kittens Anymore
To get a cat or a dog? That is the question! Some may use the size factor to make their decision because cats are smaller, right? Mostly yes, but not always... These pet cats prove a feline friend can be a handful. They are gigantic! Cats that will be the best squishy cuddle buddy but a tad on the scary side. I would NOT want a scratch from one of these guys! Imagine the fur clean up too! You could probably make a rug during shedding season. Some people sell hypo-allergenic items, you? You could sell hyper-allergenic items, it's an idea. Remember: when it comes time to feed the little ones to follow your vet or the bags' directions and know when too much is too much.
1. You know when cats pitter-patter across the floor? This one just stompin' the floor.

2. And the branch goes snap, crackle, pop! Humongous cute kitties!

3. It is lunch time now?

4. And he huffed and he puffed and still couldn't sit up!

5. I don't need a gym membership, I have Mr. Whiskers.

6. Hey you! Yeah, you, can you pass me that remote?

7. Forget the fox and the hound it's all about the fox and the feline.

8. And the newest 2015 model comes equipped with 20lbs of fur...

9. Magnify x100.

10. *Heavy breathing.

11. When small/regular cat meets big cat who clearly lives up the bean stalk.

12. I smells tuna?

13. Newest romcom: When Shames met Potato, the unlikely couple that could.

14. Belly for days.

15. Breakin' a sweat to move Fluffy.

16. The cat needs THREE food bowls.

17. This cat got fat, then it sat, and that was that.

18. I rested over here, and now Imma stay furever.

19. It's cold out here but I got my yeti coat on.

20. We call this one 'Fat Joe'. "Do the rockaway and lean back, lean back."
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ayoyo semuanya obes.  |
masyaallah beso nyee kucen.... |
Gamba no 7 tu..majestic nya
Tapi semua comel2 minus the obese one  |
no 14... osah mcm pemalas je ko kan meoww kan 
no 10... baek punye landing.. rasa nak tampa2  |
beso beso semua kucing2 tu.....bela seko je cukup dah. |
pic btl ke edit....
besau gilerr...ank rimau pon kecik |
mok mok nye semua.........geraammmmmmm... |
Sesengahnya tu memang baka besar dan yang lain tu jadi besar sebab dah di kasi |
mak...gemuknya korang..... sedap pelok |

gambar no.2 tu, sampai terkencing musang tu kena ligan.... puiii... hahaha.. kucing besar2 ni jenis mancoon kan?
comelnye  |
seems like Ragamuffin breed.. one of the fluffiest besides ragdoll..
mok-mok nye semuaa..omel angat.. |
OMG besonya kuching I suka kuching No 1 & 9 |
super duper cute.... |
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