10 Reasons to NEVER Smoke Weed
If you find yourself confused by the debate over cannabis, let’s take a second to clear things up for you: Weed is bad. How is weed bad? It just is, according to the US government, and you can’t have it. Period. The End. Why is it bad? Well Look at all this fancy research:
It’s clearly dangerous…It kills, umm…no one.Clearly there is no medical benefit.It makes you dumb.It destroys your brain.It effects your lungs.Again, it is deadly.It ruins lives.It makes you act a fool.If you thought this article was simply ridiculous, think about how dumb it is to criminalize a drug that has serious medical benefits, hurts no one, and is 100% natural and free-growing.

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Justin GammillWriter at iheartintelligence.com
As a full-time Texan and a part-time mountain man, Justin believes that a man does not grow a beard, but that a beard grows a man...whatever that means.
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