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Paedophiles will overrun Kelantan if hudud introduced - G25

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Post time 9-2-2015 02:31 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Source : http://www.themalaysianinsider.c ... introduced-says-g25
Paedophiles will overrun Kelantan if it implements hudud as the Islamic law is open to abuse and rejects using scientific evidence to prove crime, says a spokesperson for the group of eminent Malays, or G25.

Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin said since it would be difficult to prove crimes like adultery, rape of children and adults will abound.

"This is the nature of PAS's hudud," she said.

Farida said Kelantan's hudud rejected the use of scientific methods such as DNA testing and fingerprints, instead requiring the evidence of four witnesses of the alleged crime.

"They are using evidence used in the 12th century to prove adultery, pushing out scientific methods.

"They are asserting that is the only way to prove the crime of adultery, which does not make sense," she said, adding that PAS leaders travelled in cars and planes but did not want to accept scientific evidence.

"The problem is that the ustaz in the villages are spreading the message that hudud is God's law which cannot be questioned," she said at a forum on economic freedom and globalisation today.

So not all Malays are stupid. Some actually do understand the hole they will be crawling into IF they implemented Hudud. Good for them.


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Post time 9-2-2015 03:40 PM | Show all posts
Tolak syariah umpama nafi kebijaksaan Allah
byk yg xsokong hudud tp dlm masa yg sama xnk sumbangkan idea cara utk kurangkan jenayah
sokong atau x terpulang pada masing2...kita tgk tahap keberkesanannya di kelantan nanti jika dikuatkuasakan

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 Author| Post time 9-2-2015 04:28 PM | Show all posts
by mdhelmi

Tolak syariah umpama nafi kebijaksaan Allah

Baiki dulu kekurangan sesuatu sistem sebelum nak mengunakannya.

Spt apa yg dikatakan oleh Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin - sememangnya banyak masalah (terutamanya masalah sosial spt child abuse) akan wujud kalau sistem spt Hudud yg tidak menberikan sebarang ruang utk procedure moden dlm menyelesaikan masalah.

Kamu fikir ada perogol yg akan merogol seseorang dgn empat saksi melihat melakukannya kah? Kalau tak ada saksi dan si mangsa itu mati, macam mana? Si pesalah itu dibiarkan bebas kerana hukum hudud kamu tidak menbenarkan bukti saintifik spt DNA, finger-prints dsbnya digunakan dlm makhamah?

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Post time 9-2-2015 07:08 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 9-2-2015 04:28 PM
Baiki dulu kekurangan sesuatu sistem sebelum nak mengunakannya.

Spt apa yg dikatakan oleh Datuk Noor Farida Ariffin - sememangnya banyak masalah (terutamanya masalah sosial spt child abuse) akan wujud kalau sistem spt Hudud yg tidak menberikan sebarang ruang utk procedure moden dlm menyelesaikan masalah.

Kamu fikir ada perogol yg akan merogol seseorang dgn empat saksi melihat melakukannya kah? Kalau tak ada saksi dan si mangsa itu mati, macam mana? Si pesalah itu dibiarkan bebas kerana hukum hudud kamu tidak menbenarkan bukti saintifik spt DNA, finger-prints dsbnya digunakan dlm makhamah?

Nampak benar yang kamu tu kurang cerdik. Kurang membaca.

Hudud adalah hukuman Hadd (bermakna hukuman dari Quran). 4 saksi adalah khas untuk tuduhan zina. Sebagai contoh , 'truth.8' tuduh kamu (meenachi sepiroth) berzina. Ikut kehendak syariah , truth.8 terpaksa kemuka 4 saksi yang nampak kamu 'in the act' dengan partner kamu. Kalau tak ada , buang kes.

Rogol bukan zina lah meenachi. Rogol termaktub dalam 'hirabah' iaitu , 'crimes against the state or community'. Tak perlu 4 saksi , kaedah sains boleh digunakan. Mufti Taqi Usmani :
”I myself had been directly hearing cases registered under Hudood Ordinance, first as a Judge of Federal Shariah Court and then for seventeen years as a member of Shariah Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court. In this long tenure, not once did I come across a case in which a rape victim was awarded punishment simply because she was unable to present four witnesses.

In fact it was not possible to do so. First, according to the Hudood Ordinance, the condition of four witnesses only applied to enforcing the hadd for rape. Clause 10(3), which awarded the ta’zeer punishment, did not have this requirement; the crime could be proven through one witness, medical reports, and chemical analysis report. Consequently most rape criminals were awarded punishment as per this clause.

Further, a woman claiming rape could not be punished under Qazf (false accusation of zina) since Exemption 2 in Qazf Ordinance Clause 3 clearly stated that if someone approaches the legal authorities with a rape complaint, she could not be punished in case she was unable to present four witnesses.”

Pada zaman Nabi Muhammad saw) pun tak ada syarat 4 saksi untuk kes rogol : Sunan Abu Dawud 4366
Narrated Wa'il ibn Hujr: When a woman went out in the time of the Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) for prayer, a man attacked her and overpowered (raped) her. She shouted and he went off, and when a man came by, she said: That (man) did such and such to me. And when a company of the Emigrants came by, she said: That man did such and such to me. They went and seized the man whom they thought had had intercourse with her and brought him to her. She said: Yes, this is he. Then they brought him to the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him). When he (the Prophet) was about to pass sentence, the man who (actually) had assaulted her stood up and said: Apostle of Allah, I am the man who did it to her. He (the Prophet) said to her: Go away, for Allah has forgiven you. But he told the man some good words (AbuDawud said: meaning the man who was seized), and of the man who had had intercourse with her, he said: Stone him to death. He also said: He has repented to such an extent that if the people of Medina had repented similarly, it would have been accepted from them.

Dari kuil Hindu mana yang kamu belajar mengikut Hudud , tuduhan rogol memerlukan 4 saksi?

Apa dia kononnya 'child abuse' kalau hudud dilaksanakan? Kawin bawah umur? Ia tak termaktub dalam Hudud. Setiap negara ada undang undang tentang umur perkahwinan. Kalau di India , umur minima utk kaum perempuan adalah 18 tahun tapi :
According to UNICEF, 47% of girls are married by 18 years of age, and 18% are married by 15 years of age. These marriages are often performed without the consent of the girls involved in the marriage.

Nak kawin tu kena lah ada persetujuan pihak perempuan. Kamu nak ke mak bapak kamu kawinkan kamu tanpa persetujuan kamu?


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 Author| Post time 10-2-2015 09:19 AM | Show all posts
Facts about Hudud which Muslims AND non-Muslims must not forget :-

1. THere are NO SPECIFY BOOKS OR GUIDELINES which have been created for Hudud Laws specifically. Muslims have to refer to Al Quran and Al Hadith for reference and we all know that these two books can be misinterpreted and misunderstood by many.

2. You cannot interprete, modify or change the laws of Hudud. Muslims must have Ustaz status and even then, it is not necessarily means that their views will be accepted. And non-Muslims will have NO SAY in this matter and yet Muslims will push for non-Muslims to accept it BLINDLY.

3. Hudud makes a perfect tool to control the masses. It is possible for political parties to create their own "bar council" filled with ustazs which they have brought or have the same ideals as the party does and control the masses. The masses have no choice but to follow what this bar council says and any attempt to question it could be considered questioning "Allah" which no one can prove exist. In another word, because of Hudud, Malaysia will likely be like China.

4. A proper law must be impartial to everyone regardless of their status. Even the Yang Dipertuan Agong, Sultans and the Royals have their own laws which they must follow. Therefore, no one is above the laws. However that is not the case with Hudud. While Muslims parade around saying that Hudud is impartial to everyone and therefore everyone is the same under this 7th century Arabic laws, the fact speaks otherwise. For example, when Brunei started Hudud middle of last year, an Austrian woman stepped forth and claim that she had committed adultery with the brother of Sultan Brunei. To this day, there is no case being filled, which shows that certain group of (powerful) people CAN AND WILL control the Hudud Laws for their own benefit.

5. Non-Muslims already have Common Laws to govern their daily lives. We do not need a 7th Century law based on a political system called Islam. ANY ATTEMPT TO PUSH THESE OUTDATED AND RIDICULOUS LAWS DOWN OUT THROAT WILL BE VIEWED AS DECLARATION OF WAR. Be forewarned.

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Post time 10-2-2015 10:20 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 9-2-2015 07:08 PM
Nampak benar yang kamu tu kurang cerdik. Kurang membaca.

Hudud adalah hukuman Hadd (bermakna  ...
Rogol bukan zina lah meenachi. Rogol termaktub dalam 'hirabah' iaitu , 'crimes against the state or community'. Tak perlu 4 saksi , kaedah sains boleh digunakan. Mufti Taqi Usmani :

in the case rape, huduh is not necessary with 4 witness since we have dna  others ...some of the huduh is no suitable at present time living in modern system...huduh is outdated suitable during prophets times....
secondly,  i dont think is from God


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Post time 10-2-2015 10:48 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 10-2-2015 10:53 AM
Truth.8 replied at 10-2-2015 10:20 AM
in the case rape, huduh is not necessary with 4 witness since we have dna  others ...some of the huduh is no suitable at present time living in modern system...huduh is outdated suitable during prophets times....
secondly,  i dont think is from God

With regards to Hudud , for the crime of rape there is not a need for the so called 4 witnesses as explained , my post#4. However the Hadd penalty for a person convicted of rape is severe , usually death. Berani buat berani tanggung lah.

If you say hudud is outdated , can you provide examples and why it is outdated? If you say cutting off the hands or death penalty , Malaysian secular law has the death penalty for drug dealers , murderers etc. What is the issue here?

Do not try to change the topic like you always do.

To you , the bible is the word of God. Do you know what is the biblical injunction for a rapist? He is fined 50 shekels and marry his victim. Deut22:29-29
28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered,
29 he shall pay her father fifty shekels[c] of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

Where is the justice here? He can't divorce her but it doesn't say he cannot go for another. So much so for the word of the Christian God.

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Post time 10-2-2015 11:05 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 10-2-2015 11:07 AM
Sephiroth replied at 10-2-2015 09:19 AM
Facts about Hudud which Muslims AND non-Muslims must not forget :-

1. THere are NO SPECIFY BOOKS OR GUIDELINES which have been created for Hudud Laws specifically. Muslims have to refer to Al Quran and Al Hadith for reference and we all know that these two books can be misinterpreted and misunderstood by many.

2. You cannot interprete, modify or change the laws of Hudud. Muslims must have Ustaz status and even then, it is not necessarily means that their views will be accepted. And non-Muslims will have NO SAY in this matter and yet Muslims will push for non-Muslims to accept it BLINDLY.

3. Hudud makes a perfect tool to control the masses. It is possible for political parties to create their own "bar council" filled with ustazs which they have brought or have the same ideals as the party does and control the masses. The masses have no choice but to follow what this bar council says and any attempt to question it could be considered questioning "Allah" which no one can prove exist. In another word, because of Hudud, Malaysia will likely be like China.

4. A proper law must be impartial to everyone regardless of their status. Even the Yang Dipertuan Agong, Sultans and the Royals have their own laws which they must follow. Therefore, no one is above the laws. However that is not the case with Hudud. While Muslims parade around saying that Hudud is impartial to everyone and therefore everyone is the same under this 7th century Arabic laws, the fact speaks otherwise. For example, when Brunei started Hudud middle of last year, an Austrian woman stepped forth and claim that she had committed adultery with the brother of Sultan Brunei. To this day, there is no case being filled, which shows that certain group of (powerful) people CAN AND WILL control the Hudud Laws for their own benefit.

5. Non-Muslims already have Common Laws to govern their daily lives. We do not need a 7th Century law based on a political system called Islam. ANY ATTEMPT TO PUSH THESE OUTDATED AND RIDICULOUS LAWS DOWN OUT THROAT WILL BE VIEWED AS DECLARATION OF WAR. Be forewarned.

Your argument again displays your ignorance. Looks like ignorance is bliss for you.

(1) Hudud is only a specific small part of the laws that is set in the Quran and given the practical application in the Hadith. It only deal with religious crimes.

(2) Dey meenachi , the penalty for Hudud is already set in the Quran. Nobody has any say to change it. The question here , do you understand what Hudud entails? Lets say a murderer gets the death penalty , why do you want to change the law?

(3) LOL , this is a very uneducated comment. Since when can an Ustaz become a shariah lawyer? Why are you constantly displaying your stupidity just because you hate Islam?

(4) Any law has got to be fair. Is the current law fair per your argument?

(5) Nobody is pushing for Hudud to be for non muslims. LOL this comment from you is really funny :

Like I stated , Hindus like you are the violent ones. Anything that you don't agree , violence is yoru answer. However in your argument in this thread , post #19
you stated :
And this, folks is why Paris shooting had occurred. Because Muslims then and now have no problem using violence even against those who criticize in non-violence way as did those poets.

Looks like you , a Hindoo , is the one with such behavior. You should mirror yourself before arguing. LOL

Why display your ignorance and stupidity? Your hatred for Islam and muslims is messing up your brains.

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Post time 10-2-2015 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 10-2-2015 12:29 PM
sam1528 replied at 10-2-2015 10:48 AM
With regards to Hudud , for the crime of rape there is not a need for the so called 4 witnesses as ...
With regards to Hudud , for the crime of rape there is not a need for the so called 4 witnesses as explained , my post#4. However the Hadd penalty for a person convicted of rape is severe , usually death. Berani buat berani tanggung lah.

If you say hudud is outdated , can you provide examples and why it is outdated? If you say cutting off the hands or death penalty , Malaysian secular law has the death penalty for drug dealers , murderers etc. What is the issue here?

Do not try to change the topic like you always do.

ok, harsh penalty for death is agreed if commited raped...there is not issue, we can depend on the DNA and others sophisticated device and system at present time.

To you , the bible is the word of God. Do you know what is the biblical injunction for a rapist? He is fined 50 shekels and marry his victim. Deut22:29-29
28 If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered,
29 he shall pay her father fifty shekels[c] of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

it was meant for  ancient times or  prophets  times.........of   course if  rape case happened.. penanty is dead


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Post time 10-2-2015 11:57 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Truth.8 at 10-2-2015 12:03 PM
sam1528 replied at 10-2-2015 10:48 AM
With regards to Hudud , for the crime of rape there is not a need for the so called 4 witnesses as ...
If you say hudud is outdated , can you provide examples and why it is outdated? If you say cutting off the hands or death penalty , Malaysian secular law has the death penalty for drug dealers , murderers etc. What is the issue here?

yes is outdated...if you put the person in lock up for  crime commited....he/she will changed ....later he/she can work  or do postivie things to achieve his goal in life...let says if huduh is implemented ...than hand chop he/she going support his life because he /she become 'cacat'... in another words...huduh is outdated is not suitable at present time..

sometimes peoples seal because many reason....I seal roti long time ago when i was broke  because need to survie and hungry ....that  many year ago ...if huduh implemented during that time...both hand chop off....I wont be able to support myself now....but now...I grateful that i m bless with good business  and whatever negative thing I have done before like stealing roti.....i pay back     in form of charity....

so, peoples do things has reason ...harsh  punishment like huduh is not relevant at present time

you see the differences



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 Author| Post time 10-2-2015 02:23 PM | Show all posts
by Snake.8

yes is outdated...if you put the person in lock up for  crime commited....he/she will changed ....later he/she can work  or do postivie things to achieve his goal in life...let says if huduh is implemented ...than hand chop he/she going support his life because he /she become 'cacat'... in another words...huduh is outdated is not suitable at present time..

I kinda agree with Snake ... ahem ... Truth on this one.

Under Hudud, punishing someone with harsh punishment on the first crime by itself gives the criminal no time or oppurtunity to fix his or her own mistakes. Matter a fact, it will seal the fate of the person for the rest of his life.

If a thief was caught and punished by cutting off his head, how will he support himself? How will he "repent" from his evil ways and become a proper citizen? IF Hudud want to scare people from stealing from others, it can do that by implement other punishment such as whipping in public square where the thief is whipped in front of others. At least that way, people will be scared to steal and the thief will still have his hands and choice whether or not to continue his criminal ways in the future.

However, some crime does fit the punishment - such as rape and child abuse which leads to the death of the victim should be punished with capital punishment - which is death.

...I seal roti long time ago when i was broke  because need to survie and hungry ....that  many year ago ...

So you are a thief ... I thought so.

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 Author| Post time 10-2-2015 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Source : http://azlyrahman-illuminations. ... lem-with-hudud.html

A valid argument by the blogger, Azly Rahman. Very good post.
If he does not mind, I could take some of his points.

Sharia law is fundamentally cultural and the hudud is a cultural image of dehumanisation and one associated with failed ‘Islamic states’ that aspire to be models of a ‘good Islamic state’ of which none has ever existed.

First point - there is NO "good Islamic state" as some Muslims could like to daydream. Even country like Saudi Arabia, there are a large number of human right abuse cases which had been reported there. For example, women are not allowed to drive or go anywhere unsupervised or alone without a male relative.

WHY? Cos Muhammad's youngest concubine, Aisyah had caught ALONE with a male companion and in order for Muhammad to save his own face and probably save Aisyah from being stoned to death, he came out with this law which have been targeting women for the past 1,400 years. THAT IS ISLAM.

In Malaysia, if even the idea of wishing a person who has passed away “Rest in Peace” is a subject of heated debate and a reason to produce a fatwa, what else should Malaysians, and even Muslims, expect if Sharia law and hudud is implemented?

Sharia Laws WILL cause more problems than it could solve. As the blogger had said, IF a simple thing like wishing a person "Rest in Peace" or petting a dog could cause a fatwa race among Muslims, imagine what could happen if they started to henpeck every issue in the country.

the process of ‘Islamisation’ that began in the 1980s as a political response to the inability of the Malay-Muslim mind to come to terms with the “pains and pitfalls of modernisation and next, hyper-modernity” has created the need for fundamentalist Muslims to retreat to a safer zone of religious comfort by finding the renewed power to call for the imposition of such cultural laws as Sharia and its instrument of control i.e. hudud.

The blogger seems to imply that the call to implement Sharia comes from inability to cope with modernization in the country, since 1980s. In some way, I could agree. I did see a wide call for Muslims to discard everything "Malay" and embrace the scope of "Muslim" by mid-1990s. Why is that?

While Chinese and Indians quickly embrace modernization brought to Malaysia in 1990s (partially to blame is Doctor Mahathir), Malays were unable to do so. Chinese quickly adopted the modernization into their business while Indians adopted it into their social structure, creating IT-based companies and infrastructures, investment and economic sectors. Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying Malays did not try but it was ISLAM which pushed them down everytime they tried something new.

I remember how great Malays were in term of arts - especially by embracing 3D arts in mid-1990s. Many of them could able to produce graphical movies and ads which could put Westerners to shame. The Malay mindset were expending as they found a new canvas to express themselves. But out come Islam and its fatwa stating that producing 3D graphics was against Islam cos it was like producing "dolls" and "patung". Seriously, did Muhammad even know about computers, much less 3D graphics?

At this time, secular law based on the constitution as the supreme law of the land is good enough, safe enough, and appealing enough.

In a country which has multi-racial background like Malaysia, a secular law based on the Constitution is good enough for everyone. The laws did not come from any god, so therefore, we as humans can adapt it, modify it with changes of time and even throw it away and bring in a new law as time passes. Can we say the same with the Sharia laws?

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Post time 10-2-2015 05:08 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 10-2-2015 11:52 AM
ok, harsh penalty for death is agreed if commited raped...there is not issue, we can depend on the DNA and others sophisticated device and system at present time.

This has been explained so many times yet people like you keep on insisting that in shariah law , 4 witnesses are needed for rape. Where do you get this nonsense from and why are you unable to learn when being corrected? Is there something wrong with you and people like you?

it was meant for  ancient times or  prophets  times.........of   course if  rape case happened.. penanty is dead

Are you now saying that the bible is outdated. Where in the bible that the penalty for rape is death for the rapist? LOL , you mean the 50 shekels fine and marry his victim is what is being practiced by the bibical prophets? This mean that the bible is not the word of God. No God can be so unfair.


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Post time 10-2-2015 05:22 PM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 10-2-2015 11:57 AM
yes is outdated...if you put the person in lock up for  crime commited....he/she will changed ....later he/she can work  or do postivie things to achieve his goal in life...let says if huduh is implemented ...than hand chop he/she going support his life because he /she become 'cacat'... in another words...huduh is outdated is not suitable at present time..

sometimes peoples seal because many reason....I seal roti long time ago when i was broke  because need to survie and hungry ....that  many year ago ...if huduh implemented during that time...both hand chop off....I wont be able to support myself now....but now...I grateful that i m bless with good business  and whatever negative thing I have done before like stealing roti.....i pay back     in form of charity....

so, peoples do things has reason ...harsh  punishment like huduh is not relevant at present time

you see the differences

Statistics do not support your argument.
Please note that the majority of crime in America is not reported and the majority of reported crime does not result in an arrest and in many jurisdictions, a significant minority of crimes are not prosecuted. Thus if you reach the stage where the criminal justice system is prosecuting you for a felony, either you have done something very wrong or the system is tired of seeing you back in court.

77 percent of felony defendants have at least one prior arrest and 69 percent have multiple prior arrests. 61 percent have at least one conviction and 49 percent have multiple convictions.

This is a fair representation of what is happening coupled with the fact that a majority of crime is not reported and many of the reported ones got away. Therefore Hudud Law is much cleaner. You do the crime , you pay the price.

Aay tambi , you do not get your hands chopped off because you steal bread to eat. This is a problem with our welfare as we do not take care of the needy. LOL , in your perverted mind , a person who steal an egg would get his / her hands chopped off? Why are you unable to be logical? Did you bother to find out what are the conditions for the person hands to be chopped off? As it stands , your argument again stems from ignorance.
According to Islamic law, the maximum penalty for professional theft is the cutting of hands. It should be understood that this policy does not mean that for every theft there is a hand to be cut. The judge exercises other forms of penalties such as imprisonments or fines. With the mere existence of the hand-cutting rule, theft in Muslim societies has never grown to the level of proficiency and organized crime. The severe effect of hand cutting as a punishment for theft and the shameful impact on it carries, has almost completely eliminated this social disease in the Muslim societies.
The maximum sentence of any violation of law is not applied in every case. In the robbery and theft cases for example, the maximum penalty of hand-cutting applies after the consideration of many factors such as track record and whether the theft was made for profit. In some cases, such as stealing food because of severe hunger or to prevent death, there may not be a penalty. An actual example that took place during the Rule of Caliph Umar can be helpful to illustrate this fact. A master brought his servant to Caliph Umar to cut his hand for stealing. Umar asked the defendant whether he stole from his master’s property. When the servant did not deny the accusation, Umar asked him why he did it. The servant explained that he did it because his family had nothing to eat. Upon this, the plaintiff concurred that the defendant’s claim was true. Further questioning of the plaintiff led Umar to determine that the plaintiff was at fault for not providing his servant enough food, labor and shelter. Then Umar ordered the plaintiff to adequately provide his servant’s needs and the case that was against the servant turned out to be a case against his master. This example asserts that Shari’ah is a community law based on fairness and justice.

LOL , don't you ever read on issues that you don't know about or you just get your information from 'answering islam' and / or 'faith freedom'. Then you are just another lembu in a herd of lembus.

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Post time 10-2-2015 05:41 PM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 10-2-2015 03:04 PM
Source :

A val ...

LOL , what shallow and hypocritical argument you have brought forth. Suadi Arabia has never been a model Islamic country. It is just on technical reason as its constitution is based on the Quran. In the first place , there is no such thing as a monarchy system by a certain tribe in Islamic governance. The leader is to be elected by the masses.

Aishah(ra) was Prophet Muhammad(saw) concubine? Which Hindoo temple taught this? When was she ever caught alone with a male companion? Stoning , was there ever any evidence that Aishah(ra) committed adulltry? This is what a Hindoo supremacist like you do ..... revise history to your liking. This is so poor devoid of historical facts. In short you are just a hater , nothing more.

The issues you presented has got nothing to do with Hudud. To wish another 'peace' and patting a dog is never and will never be in the scope of Hudud. What is wrong wishing another 'peace' or 'salam' and pat a dog? Nobody sees a problem , even the scholars do not see any problem.

What BS is this from you that a 3D image is 'patung'. Another learning from the Hindoo temple?

You still have not respond to me , what is your problem with Hudud? Are you advocating to free rapists and murderers? Oops , the better question is what do you understand of Hudud? Based on your arguments ..... little or none .... it appears


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Post time 11-2-2015 10:05 AM | Show all posts
So you are a thief ... I thought so.
stealing bread to survive  thief to you?
How about Krishnan stealing butter and peep womens taking bath in river

now which is better?


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Post time 11-2-2015 10:11 AM | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 10-2-2015 05:22 PM
Statistics do not support your argument.

This is a fair representation of what is happening cou ...
Aay tambi , you do not get your hands chopped off because you steal bread to eat. This is a problem with our welfare as we do not take care of the needy. LOL , in your perverted mind , a person who steal an egg would get his / her hands chopped off? Why are you unable to be logical? Did you bother to find out what are the conditions for the person hands to be chopped off? As it stands , your argument again stems from ignorance.
so, you saying if anyone commite crime such  as  stealing hand need to chop off according to huduh??


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 Author| Post time 11-2-2015 11:06 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 11-2-2015 10:05 AM
stealing bread to survive  thief to you?
How about Krishnan stealing butter and peep womens takin ...

First of all, you are no Krishna. Secondly, He is God (Incarnated), you are just a snake.

Furthermore, unless you live in Africa when you are small, I don't see how you should steal to survive in Malaysia. Even orphans here eat 3 times a day.
So, stop making excuses for your crimes.

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Post time 11-2-2015 11:18 AM | Show all posts
Sephiroth replied at 11-2-2015 11:06 AM
First of all, you are no Krishna. Secondly, He is God (Incarnated), you are just a snake.

Furth ...
First of all, you are no Krishna. Secondly, He is God (Incarnated), you are just a snake.

did i claim myself krishna???? all i ask what the differences me stealing roti for survive and krishan stealing butter and peep womens taking bath in river?

what kind moral of  this stories???

Furthermore, unless you live in Africa when you are small, I don't see how you should steal to survive in Malaysia. Even orphans here eat 3 times a day.
So, stop making excuses for your crimes.
so, u saying never done any crime in your life?? pure clean??
as for me stealing to eat because of situation...and now i pay back in form who are you to judge me??


Use magic Report

Post time 11-2-2015 11:52 AM | Show all posts
Truth.8 replied at 11-2-2015 10:11 AM
so, you saying if anyone commite crime such  as  stealing hand need to chop off according to huduh ...

Don't ever read what has been posted? Oops , the proper question , do you know how to read?

My post #14 , reproducing bit part of it
According to Islamic law, the maximum penalty for professional theft is the cutting of hands. It should be understood that this policy does not mean that for every theft there is a hand to be cut. The judge exercises other forms of penalties such as imprisonments or fines. With the mere existence of the hand-cutting rule, theft in Muslim societies has never grown to the level of proficiency and organized crime. The severe effect of hand cutting as a punishment for theft and the shameful impact on it carries, has almost completely eliminated this social disease in the Muslim societies.

What do you understand by the underlined?


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