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Sayap Hamas Di Sinai Berjaya Membunuh 30 Askar Mesir. (14pics)
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The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.

The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.

The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.

The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.

The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.

The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.

The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.

The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.

The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.

The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.

The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.

The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.

The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.

The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.

The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.
The bodies of those killed in the Sinai arrived, after being targeted by terrorist groups in Rafah, killing nearly 30 recruits and officer, after targeting a number of security personnel and the headquarters of security operations.
Submitted by Mohamed KamalGiza, Egypt, Middle East
+ More stories from Mohamed Kamal
aku ramal gaza akan diserang mesir di ambil kembali menjadi wilayah mereka...sebab gaza sebelum perang arab-israel adalah wilayah naungan mesir..gaza sekarang dah diberi perintah autonomi dari israel tapi dah jadi lubuk pengganas dunia eluklah mesir cepat2 campur tangan.
berapa lama mesir nak diam beribu2 askar dan polisnya di bunuh?
kalau gaza nak serang je..yg confirm confirm israel mengganas tu kenapa tak serang.... |
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