Truth.8 posted on 1-8-2013 07:53 PM
I heard long time ago my muslim friend says that the dog bark at Muhammad. probably he says dogs i ...
As Islamic hatred of dogs are criticized in the West, some people are trying to say that Allah didn't command to hate dogs, but it comes from hadiths. In fact, Muhammad's commands in hadiths regarding dogs do not necessarily differ from Allah's; and if they do, it's perfectly within the power Allah has ordained upon Muhammad as His equal partner in setting Islamic laws. Dogs are a wonderful creature. Dogs easily bond with humans, they protect them, and have likely served them since man appeared on the earth. Dogs are being kept as loving pets by non-Muslim people all over the world.
Yet, dogs have a dark place in Islamic society. Dogs are considered unclean, and Islamic angels do not enter a house that has a dog. Islam also recognizes certain types of dogs as "devil", and orders that Muslims must kill such dogs. Dogs are, thus, a despised creature in the Islamic world? Islamic traditions prohibit petting of dogs in Muslim homes. Even a "Muslim" taxi driver in America would not allow a blind person and his guide dog into his cab. The question is: Does it make any sense that Islam would despise this lovely, faithful and friendly animal? Does it make sense that Allah would create this wonderful animal only to be hated so intensely by the followers of His "only true and prefect" religion? These are questions that would baffle non-Muslims. And the Islamic hatred of dogs has often come for criticism by people in the West. Under this situation, some moderate Muslims are claiming that the Islamic hatred of dogs originate exclusively from hadiths, i.e. from the traditions of the prophet of Islam, which may have been fabricated or, at least, are not divine commandments of Allah. Here are a few such hadiths concerning dogs. Dogs in the eyes of Prophet Muhammad click here