Genre : Horror Thriller
Director : Upi (Hi5teria, Serigala Terakhir, Realita Cinta Rock n Roll, , Radit dan Jani, Perempuan Punya Cerita)
World Premiere : July 2012 (Punchon International Fantastic Film Festival, Korea)
Cast :
- Abimana Aryasatya (Sang Pialang, Keumala, Dilema, Republik Twitter)
Elang, who lived in the flat, is often haunted by imagesof bizarre murders involving a killer with a rabbit costume. His efforts tosolve the mistery and save the lives of the people he presumed in danger, hasin turn trapped him in a downward spiral and he became a suspect himself. Elangbelieves the mysterious rabbit figure was the key to unsolve the murder mystery. Unfortunately, no one believes him. In provinghis innocence, he will be forced to unveil a horrible and long-buried secret.