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[Buku] Online "Best of 2012" Book Lists

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Post time 12-1-2013 11:36 AM | Show all posts |Read mode ... ine_best_of_11.html

For the fifth straight year, I will be aggregating every online "best of 2012" book lists I find in this post. As the lists appear online, I will add them to this master list, updating daily.
Please feel free to leave a comment or e-mail me with a blog, magazine, newspaper, or other online media list I have missed.
Daily updates to this list.
Revisit the 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, and 2000-2009 (best of the decade) online year-end book list collections.

103.7 Lite FM - Leigh Ann (top books) Magazine (books)
40 Forever (best books)
A.A. Omer (top books)
A.V. Club (best books)
A.V. Club (best graphic novels and art comics)
A.V. Club (best superhero and mainstream comics)
Aaron Franklin (top worship books)
Abby the Librarian (favorite children's nonfiction books) (most disappointing books) (top books made into movies)
Acorn Library's Youth Services Blog (best young adult books)
Add a Pinch (favorite cookbooks)
Adventures in YA Fiction (top books)
Adventures of a Teenage Bookworm (top books)
Aestas Book Blog (favorite books)
Afford Anything (best books)
African/Black America (best books)
Afterchurch (best books)
Al-Monitor (best Mideast books)
Alabama Liberal (best novels)
Aleksandra's Corner (best books)
Alex in Leeds (notable contemporary fiction)
Alex in Leeds (notable older fiction)
Alexandra's Scribblings (top books)
Ali's Bookshelf (best books)
Alisa's Totally Random Blog (best books)
Alive (To the Tips of Her Fingers) (best books)
Alizah Salario (best books)
All Books Considered (top YA/NA books)
All Manner of Thing (favourite books)
All My Loose Ends (favorite books)
All Things Urban Fantasy (best paranormal fiction)
ALPHA Reader (favourite books)
Amara's Eden (favorite books)
Amazon (best arts and photography books)
Amazon (best audiobooks)
Amazon (best biographies and memoirs)
Amazon (best books)
Amazon (best business and investing books)
Amazon (best children's middle grade books)
Amazon (best children's picture books)
Amazon (best comics and graphic novels)
Amazon (best cookbooks)
Amazon (best crafts books)
Amazon (best food lit books)
Amazon (best history books)
Amazon (best home and garden books)
Amazon (best humor and entertainment books)


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 Author| Post time 12-1-2013 11:39 AM | Show all posts
Amazon (best Kindle singles)
Amazon (best literature and fiction books)
Amazon (best mystery, thriller, and suspense books)
Amazon (best nonfiction)
Amazon (best politics and social sciences books)
Amazon (best romance books)
Amazon (best science and math books)
Amazon (best science fiction and fantasy books)
Amazon (best sports and outdoors books)
Amazon (best teens books)
Amazon (top books)
Amazon (top Kindle books)
Amazon CA (best books)
Amazon UK (best biography books)
Amazon UK (best children's books)
Amazon UK (best crime, thrillers, and mystery books)
Amazon UK (best debut fiction)
Amazon UK (best fiction)
Amazon UK (best food and drink books)
Amazon UK (best history books)
Amazon UK (best science fiction and fantasy books)
Amazon UK (best sports books)
Amazon UK (best young adult books)
Amused By Books (favorite books)
Amy's Book Den (best books)
An und fur sich (noteworthy books)
Andrew Lownie (favourite books)
Aneca's World (best books)
Angie Eats Peace (top books)
Anika on Fine Wine and Good Food (best cookbooks)
Animal Literature (best animal books for kids)
anneloughery (top books)
Antibacterial Pope (best books)
ANZ LitLover's Blog (Australian books)
ApeDonkey (best books)
Apollo Magazine (books)
Apply Liberally (favorite books)
Armchair Audience (best books)
Arminian Today (top books)
As the Crowe Flies (And Reads!) (top books)
AshhReads (best YA books)
Asylum (books)
At Home (best books)
At the Scene of the Crime (best books)
Atlanta Journal-Constitution (best books)
The Atlantic (books)
The Atlantic (YA/middle-grade books)
The Atlantic Wire (books)
Atomic Books (art/coffee table books)
Atomic Books (Baltimore books)
Atomic Books (food and drink books)
Atomic Books (funny books)
Atomic Books (music books)
Atomic Books Blog (favorite comics)
Audible (best audiobooks)
Audobon Magazine (notable books)
Auntie Spinelli Reads (top books)
The Aussie Zombie (top books)
Austenprose (favorite Jane Austen-inspired books)
Austin Chronicle (music books)
Avery's Book Nook (best books)
AwesomeSauce Book Club (favorite books)
An Awful Lot of Reading (top books)

Baby Got Books (favorite books)
Back to the Bookshelf! (best books)
The Bagehot Post (best books)
Bait for Bookworms (overrated books)
Band of Thebes (best LGBT books)
Barnes and Noble (best African American books)
Barnes and Noble (best art, photography, and architecture books)
Barnes and Noble (best biography books)
Barnes and Noble (best books)
Barnes and Noble (best comics and graphic novels)
Barnes and Noble (best computer books)
Barnes and Noble (best cooking, food, and wine books)
Barnes and Noble (best craft, hobby, and antiques books)
Barnes and Noble (best entertainment books)
Barnes and Noble (best fiction and literature)
Barnes and Noble (best history books)
Barnes and Noble (best home, garden, and pet books)
Barnes and Noble (best horror books)
Barnes and Noble (best kids books)
Barnes and Noble (best law books)
Barnes and Noble (best medical and nursing books)
Barnes and Noble (best mystery, crime, and thriller books)
Barnes and Noble (best parenting and family books)
Barnes and Noble (best political and current events books)
Barnes and Noble (best professional and education books)
Barnes and Noble (best reference books)
Barnes and Noble (best romance books)
Barnes and Noble (best science and nature books)
Barnes and Noble (best science fiction and fantasy books)
Barnes and Noble (best self-help books)
Barnes and Noble (best social sciences books)
Barnes and Noble (best sports and adventure books)
Barnes and Noble (best teens books)
Barnes and Noble (best true crime books)
Battle Hymns (books)


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 Author| Post time 12-1-2013 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Bear Cuisine (favorite cookbooks)
Beck Valley Books (top books)
Beck Valley Books (best books)
BeEmbraced (best fiction)
BeEmbraced (best nonfiction books)
BeEmbraced (spiritual books)
Behind the Numbers (best books)
Bemusability (best books)
Ben Fountain (favorite books)
Beneath the Crust (best books)
Beneath the Stains of Time (best books)
Bengal Reads (top books)
Berkeley Center for Diversified Farming Systems (best books)
Berkeleyside (editors' best books)
Beth Fish Reads (best books)
Beth Fish Reads (best cookbooks)
Better Hawaii (favorite books)
The Betty and Boo Chronicles (best nonfiction books and memoirs)
Between the Covers (favorite middle grade books)
BeyondChron (favorite books)
Bibliognome (favorite books)
A Bibliophile at Home (favorite books)
Big Data Big Analytics (favorite books)
Bill Gates (top books)
The Birdbooker Report (best bird books)
Bite the Book (top books)
Bivocational Ministry (top books)
Black Balloon Publishing (strangest books)
Black Balloon Publishing (top books)
Black Belt Workouts (top books)
Black by Popular Demand (best books)
Blackwell's (books)
Blake Butler (books)
Blisstree (favorite healthy cookbooks)
Blog This Rock (poetry books)
Blogging by Liza (top books)
Blogizomai (top books)
Blood Stained Ink (top books)
Bloomberg (best books)
Boiler's Blog (best books)
Book Addiction (favorite adult fiction)
Book Adoration (top books)
Book-A-Holic (favorite books)
The Book Belles (favorite books)
Book Binge (best books)
The Book Blah (top books)
The Book Case (best book jackets)
The Book Catapault (notable books)
Book Diary (best books)
Book Hooked Blog (best speculative fiction)
Book Labyrinth (best books)
The Book Lady's Blog (best books)
Book Light Graveyard (favorite books)
Book Loving Mom (best books)
The Book Maven (top novels)
Book Movement (top book club books)
Book Munchies (best books)
The Book Nympho (best books)
The Book Rat (best books)
Book Review Club (best books)
Book Riot (best books)
Book Riot (book boxed sets)
Book Riot (most overlooked books)
Book Riot (readers' top books)
Book Riot - The Well-Readheads (favorite books)
The Book Smugglers (author's favorite books)
Book Snob (best books)
Book Snob (books)
Book to the Future (books)
Book-A-Day (staff picks for best books)
Bookalicious (best books)
Booked on a Feeling (top books)
BookGeeksRule (favorite novels)
Bookie-Looker (favorite books)
Bookingly Yours (best books)
Bookish (best books)
A Bookish Affair (best books)
Bookish Comforts (best books)
Bookish Nonsense (favorite books)
Bookkittyblog (top books)
BookLikes (best books)
Booklist (best crime novels)
Booklist (great graphic novels for teens)
Booklist (notable books)
Booklist (top arts books)
Booklist (top arts books for youth)
Booklist (top biographies)
Booklist (top biographies for youth)
Booklist (top black history nonfiction)
Booklist (top books on the environment)
Booklist (top books on the environment for youth)
Booklist (top business books)
Booklist (top crime fiction audiobooks)
Booklist (top crime fiction for youth)
Booklist (top debut novels)
Booklist (top debut novels for youth)
Booklist (top food books)
Booklist (top graphic novels)
Booklist (top graphic novels for youth)
Booklist (top historical fiction)
Booklist (top literary travel books)
Booklist (top romance fiction)
Booklist (top romance fiction for youth)
Booklist (top science fiction/fantasy books)
Booklist (top science fiction/fantasy books for youth)
Booklist (top sports books)
Booklist (top sports books for youth)
Booklist (top Westerns)
Booklist (top Westerns for youth)
BookPage (best books)
BookPage (top cookbooks)
BookPeople (best fiction)
BookPeople (best nonfiction)
BookPeople (best young readers books)
Bookpuddle (best books)
BookPeople - Bruce (top books)
BookPeople's Blog - Jenn (top books)
Bookreporter (reviewers' book lists)
Books and Beans (best books)
Books and Culture (favorite books)
Books and Reviews (best books)
Books and Sensibility (best books)
Books, Belles and Beaux (favorite paranormal fiction)
Books, Bones, and Buffy (top books)
Books, Bones and Buffy (top indie books)
Books for Breakfast (top books)


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 Author| Post time 12-1-2013 11:41 AM | Show all posts
Books from Boxes (favourite books)
Books in Bloom (favorite children's picture books)
Books in Bloom (top teen novels)
Books in Bloom (favorite nonfiction books)
Books in the City (top books)
Books, Nooks, and Tea (top books)
Books to Brighten Your Mood (best books)
Books to the Ceiling (best crime fiction)
Booktopia (best books)
Bookworm (best books)
Bookworm (top books)
Bookworm Dreams (top books)
A Bookworm's Life (best books)
BookYAReview (top books)
The Border Mail (best books)
Borrowed Light (top books)
Boston Bibliophile (books)
Boston Public Radio (best cookbooks)
Bound 2 Astound (top lesser-known YA books)
BPS Research Digest (best psychology books)
The Brain Lair (top middle grade fiction)
Brain Nuggets (top books)
Brain Pickings (best art books)
Brain Pickings (best design books)
Brain Pickings (best food books)
Brain Pickings(best graphic novels and graphic nonfiction)
Brain Pickings (best illustrated children's books and picturebooks)
Brain Pickings (best history books)
Brain Pickings (best music books)
Brain Pickings (best psychology and philosophy books)
Brain Pickings (best science books)
The Brazen Bookworm (favorite books)
Bree's Books (best books)
Brent Abell (favorite books)
Brent Libraries (favorite books)
Brian Evinou (best comics)
Brian Keene (top books)
Brian Virtue (best books)
Brian's Books (best books)
Bring Me the Books (top books)
Bring More Books (favorite books)
British Comic Awards (comics)
Broken Bows, Shattered Spears (favorite books)
The Broken Shelf (best books)
Browser's Corner (favorite books)
The Bucket List (best books)
buenogato (best books)
The Buffalo News (books)
Burbank Library Blog (best books)
Businessweek (business people's favorite books)
The Busy Bibliophile (best books)
Buttons and Blossoms (favorite books)
BuzzFeed (best books)
BuzzFeed (best cookbooks)
By Singing Light (fiction)
C. Jane Reid (favorite books)
CA Conrad (best small press poetry books)
The Cait Files (best books)
Cakes, Tea, and Dreams (favorite books)
Cameron Diaz (favorite books)
Candy Apple Books (best books)
The Cantankerous Mustache (best anarchist books)
Capital Area District Library (favorite kids books)
Caponomics (best books)
The Captive Reader (top books)
Caribousmom (best books)
Carina's Books (best books)
Carl Gregg (best books)
Carol Lanham (books)
Carol's Notebook (favorite books)
Cascadia Weekly (favorite books)
Cat Wisdom 101 (top cat books)
Catallaxy Files (best books on liberalism)
Cate Root (books)
The Catholic World Report (best books)
Cavalcade of Awesome (best books)
CCLaP (best books)
CCLaP - Karl Wolff (books)
A Certain Slant of Light (favorite cookbooks)
Chad Harbach (favorite books)
Challies (top books)Challies
Chamber Four (best books)
Change the Word (top books)
Chapman/Chapman (favorite books)
Chatter Matter (top books)
The Cheap Reader (favorite books)
Chicago Tribune (best cookbooks)
Chicago Tribune (best small press poetry books)
Chicago Tribune (favorite books)
Chicken Spaghetti (year-end children's book lists)
China Daily (richest Chinese writers)
Christ and Pop Culture (favorite graphic novels)
Christian Chick's Thoughts (best books)
Christian Science Monitor (best fiction)
Christian Science Monitor (best nonfiction books)
Christchurch City Libraries (best books)
Christchurch City Libraries (best books for 13 to 18 year olds)
Christchurch City Library (best children's and young adult books)
Christchurch City Library (best children's picture books)
Christchurch City Libraries (best children's books for older readers)
Christchurch City Libraries (best children's books for young readers)
Christchurch City Libraries (best information books, poetry, fairy tale books)
Christchurch City Libraries (best New Zealand book covers)
Christi the Teen Librarian (books)
Christian Fiction Addiction (favorite books)
Christine Sturgeon (top "new to me" authors)
Christy Strick (books)
Christy's Book Basket (favorite books)
Chuck Roberts (favorite books)
Church Leader Insights (top books for church leaders)
Cilip Carnegie and Kate Greenaway Medals (children's books)
City of Tongues (best books)
Claire Hennessy (favourite YA books)
Clifford Garstang (literary magazine rankings)
Co.Create (coolest original digital comics)
Cocktail Party Physics (best science books)
Colleen's Green Grass (favourite books)
The College Minister (top books)
Columbus Dispatch (top children's books)
Comic Book Resources (top comics)
Comic Book Resources (top comics)
The Comics Journal (best comics)
The Comics Reporter (best comics)
Commonweal (books)
Compass Book Ratings (best children's books)
Complex (books)
Confessions of a Science Librarian (lists of best science books)
Confessions of a Vi3tBabe (best books)
Confessions of an Avid Reader (top books)
Conversational Reading (favorite books)
Cook In / Dine Out (best books)
Cornell Daily Sun (books)
A Corner of the Library (best books)
Courtney Schafer (favorite books)
The Cozy Armchair (favorite books)
Cranberry Corner (favorite books)
Credo Magazine (favorite books)
Crime Always Pays (best books)
Crimespree Magazine (favorite books)
Critical Margins (favorite books)
The Critiquing Critica (best books)
Crooked Fences (books)
Crosses and Catwalks (favorite books)
Cryptomundo (best cryptozoology books)
Cult MTL (best books)
The Cultural Gutter (comics)
Culturedmagazine (best books)
CultureLab (top science books)
The Curious Reader (best books)
Curled Up with a Good Book and a Cup of Tea (best books)
Cuyahoga Public Library (children's books)
Cybils (children's and young adult books)
Cynthia Luhrs (books)


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 Author| Post time 12-1-2013 11:42 AM | Show all posts
D Jordan Redhawk (favorite books)
d20 Dark Ages (top books)
The Daily Beast (best coffee table books)
The Daily Beast - Lucas Wittman (favorite books)
Daily Candy (best books)
A Daily Dose of Architecture (favorite books)
The Daily Meal (best cookbooks)
Dan Wilbur (favorite books)
Dana Delamar (favorite books)
Dana Stewart (best books)
Daniel B. Roberts (best books)
Danielle Hearts Books (best books)
David Prestidge (top books)
David R. Godine (staff favorite books)
Dawn Waters Baker (top books)
Daydreaming Bookworm (best books)
Dayton Hartman (top books)
Daytona News-Journal (best books)
Dazzling Reads (best books)
Dear Brighton (best books)
Den of Geek - Robert Bernstein (best comic books)
Denver Post (business books)
Desert Canyon Living (books)
Design Boom (architecture books)
Design Gossip (favorite children's picture books)
Designers and Books (notable design books)
Desiring God (best books)
Detroit Metro Times (Detroit books)
Devourer of Books (books)
Devourer of Books (best books)
Diary of a Word Nerd (favorite books)
Diary of an Eccentric (best books)
diaryofKM (favorite books)
Digital Library Blog (best books)
Digital Photography School (most popular digital photography books)
Dine and Dish (favorite books)
The Dirt (best books)
Disciple Magazine (top books)
Discover (best science art books)
Disoriented. Reoriented. (best books)
The Divergent Bookworm (best books)
Dizzy with Words (favorite books)
Do Gummi Bears Dream of Rubber Passion Fruit? (favorite books)
Do Not Talk About Book Club (favourite books)
Don't Eat Off the Sidewalk (vegan cookbooks)
Don't Read Too Fast (best books)
Don't Waste Your Wedding (favorite books)
Doodle's Book Blog (best books)
Dorks in Wonderland (top books)
Doug Johnstone (top non-fiction books)
Drawn (favourite comics, art books, and more)
Drawn and Quarterly - Julian (best books)
Dropout Nation (top books for school reformers)
Dusie (best Canadian poetry collections)
The Dust JACKet (best books)
dustinbagby (best books)
EarlyWord (librarians' favorite books)
EarlyWord (spreadsheet of adult fiction book lists)
EarlyWord (spreadsheet of best children's and young adult book lists)
Earth's Mightiest Blog (best comic books)
Easons Blog (best books)
East Bay Express (books)
The Eastons (best books)
Eater (aggregation of best cookbook lists)
Eater (essential cookbooks and food books)
Eater (worst, unhealthiest cookbooks)
Economist (best books)
Ed Kurtz (best books)
The Edmonton Tourist (favorite books)
Edutopia (favorite books for parents and educators)
Edwidge Danticat (favorite books)
Eimer Debris (top books)
El estante para libros (favorite books)
Elettravelle (best books)
Eleventh Stack (best books)
Eleventh Stack (favorite cookbooks)
Elizabeth Caulfield Felt's Blog (best books)
Elizabeth Norris (best books)
Elliott Holt (books)
Ellipsis Books and More (favorite books)
Emilie's Book World (top books)
Emily's Crammed Bookshelf (top books)
Emily's Photo Blog (best books)
The Empire Chronicles (top books)
Engine 145 (best music books)
Entertainment Weekly (best fiction)
The Epic, the Awesome, and the Random (top books)
Epic (Chocolate) Fantasy (top book villains)
Epic (Chocolate) Fantasy (top books)
Epic Reads (best YA novels for guys)
Epic Reads (best YA standalone novels)
Epicurious (best cookbooks)
Eric Forbes's Book Addict's Guide to Good Books (favourite books)
Eric Shanfield (best books)
Erin Morgenstern (books)
Esquire (best books)
Ethics for Everyone (top books)
Everett Potter's Travel Report (best travel books)
Examiner (best books)
Examiner - Linda White (best books)
ExecRank (business books)
Exotic and Irrational Entertainment (favorite books)
Eye on Comics (best comics series and graphic novels)
Eyes on the Pages (best books)


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Fabulous But Evil (top books)
Fallen Into Knowledge (best books)
Falling for YA (top books)
Falling in Love with Romance (best books)
Family of Bookworms (best books)
Farm Lane Books Blog (best debuts)
Fashionista (best fashion books)
Fast Company (best business books)
Ferret with a Strobe Light (best books)
The Fiction Femme Fatale - Stefanie (favorite books)
Fiction State of Mind (top books)
Fiction Uncovered (fiction)
Film vs. Book (books)
Financial Times (best books)
Finding the Write Way (best books)
Five by Five (top books)
Flavorwire (best art books)
Flavorwire (best books)
Flavorwire (best debut novels)
Flavorwire (top design books)
Flipside Publishing (authors' favorite books)
Flood of Books, etc. (best books)
Flowering Minds (best children's picture books)
Flying Over a Forest (favorite books)
A Foodie Bibliophile in Wanderlust (favorite books)
For the Love of All Things Sparkly (best books)
For What It's Worth (favorite books)
Forbidden Planet (comic creators' best comics)
Foreign Policy (books by global thinkers)
Forever 17 Books (best books)
Forever 17 (best tear-inducing books)
Fork in the Road (best food books)
Fortune (must-read business books)
Framed in Words (best books)
Frankly (best crafts books)
The French Exit (best books)
The Fresh 20 (top cookbooks)
Fresh Fiction (top books)
Fresh from the... (favorite books)
From Book to Book (books)
From L.A. to LA (top books)
Frontier Psychiatrist (best books)
Frontier Psychiatrist (best poetry books)
Full Stop (best books)
A Fuse #8 Production (children's books)
Future of Music Coalition (favorite music books)
GalleyCat (most overlooked books)
Gamezebo (best interactive fiction)
Garden Design Online (gardening books)
Gareth's Art Blog (books)
Gaskella (best books)
The Gates Are Open (best books)
GeekDad (best books)
GeekMom (children's books)
Gently Read Literature (top fiction)
George Messo's Blog (best books)
Gillian Flynn (favorite books)
Girl from the North Country (best books)
A Girl Named Michael Reads a Book (favorite books)
Girl Seeks Place (favorite books)
Girlfriends Book Club (best books)
Girls *Heart* Books (top indie authors)
A Glass of Wine (top books)
Globe and Mail (best cookbooks)
Globe and Mail (graphic novels and poetry)
Globe and Mail (non-fiction books)
Globe and Mail (readers' best books)
Globe and Mail (top Canadian fiction)
Globe and Mail (top international fiction)
Glorified Love Letters (underrated books)
Going for Goldilocks (favorite books)
Good Food (top cookbooks)
Good Morning America (favorite coffee table books)
Goodreads (best children's picture books)
Goodreads (best fantasy books)
Goodreads (best fiction)
Goodreads (best food books and cookbooks)
Goodreads (best graphic novels and comics)
Goodreads (best history and biography books)
Goodreads (best historical fiction)
Goodreads (best horror books)
Goodreads (best humor books)
Goodreads (best memoir and autobiography books)
Goodreads (best middle grade and children's books)
Goodreads (best mystery and thriller books)
Goodreads (best nonfiction books)
Goodreads (best paranormal fantasy books)
Goodreads (best poetry books)
Goodreads (best romance books)
Goodreads (best science fiction books)
Goodreads (best young adult fantasy books)
Goodreads (best young adult fiction)
Goodtoknow Recipes (top cookbooks)
Goop (books)
The Gospel Coalition (best books)
Gourmet Traveller (favourite cookbooks)
Grand Forks Herald (best books)
Graphic Policy (best books)
Gransnet (best children's books)
Great Thoughts (top books)
Green-eyed Jacksons (top books)
Greenwoman (favorite books)
GReeps Through the Shelves (best books)
Grift (favorite books)
Guardian (authors' favorite books)
Guardian (best architecture books)
Guardian (best art books)
Guardian (best audiobooks)
Guardian (best biographies)
Guardian (best children's books)
Guardian (best crime and thriller books)
Guardian (best fiction)
Guardian (best food books)
Guardian (best graphic novels)
Guardian (best history books)
Guardian (best music books)
Guardian (best poetry books)
Guardian (best psychology books)
Guardian (best science books)
Guardian (best science fiction)
Guardian (best stocking-filler books)
Guardian (best sport books)
Guardian (best wildlife books)
Guardian (books)
Gudrun's Tights (favorite books)
Guilty Conscience (top books)
The Gutter Bookshop (books)
A Guy, a Girl, and a Teen Book Blog (best books)
Gwendolyn Gage (top books)


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