Post Last Edit by renhayashi at 14-2-2012 13:14
Hai semua,
Penah dengar tak pasal Pulau Lankayan ni? Ren ade berbincang2 dengan kengkawan pasal tempat2 percutian then tetibe ade one of my colleague cakap pasal pulau ni. Then, ren terus google nak tgk tempat ni macam mane. Agak menarik tempatnye, pulau pon tak berape luas. ni ade sikit info pasal pulau ni.
Ade sesape yang penah pegi ke pulau ni? cerite sikit..
p/s: mod, kalau dah ade pasal ni tolong merge kan. dah search pasal pulau ni tak jumpe plak. |
Pulau Lankayan
Lankayan Island, which is located in the Sulu Sea north west of Sandakan, on the north east coast of Sabah, Malaysia, offers a fantastic variety of muck diving ,several spectacular wrecks and stunning coral reef diving; an amazing combination offered little place else. Situated nearby Pulau Selingan, home to Sabah’s Turtle Sanctuary, Lankayan is also a nesting place for the Hawksbill and Green Turtles. Therefore, visitors will have a chance to see the turtles nesting as well as being able to release baby turtles back into the Sulu Sea.
In 2003 the state government of Sabah, Malaysia declared Lankayan Island as part of the Sugud Islands Marine Conservation Area (SIMCA). With this protection, no fishing is allowed within the park and, as a result of this, larger marine creatures such as leopard sharks, schools of hump head parrotfish, marbled stingray, and giant grouper are in abundance, and from March to May it is possible to see the immense whale shark. The macro diving offers you the opportunity to glimpse seahorses, jawfish, dragonets, shrimp and porcelain crab, among many others. The two recommended wrecks would be the Mosquito and the Jawfish that will leave your head spinning by the abundance of critters to be found.
The small unpopulated paradise island of Lankayan is home to only one resort, Lankayan Dive Resort, this guarantees tourists peacefulness and serenity. The accommodation is comprised of 16 double occupancy beachfront chalets, as well as 2 standard bungalows consisting of 4 -5 rooms are well sought after, so book early!
A visit to the Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre or the Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey Sanctuary in Sandakan are highly recommended if you have some spare time before or after your stay on Lankayan.
Depth: 5-30m
Visibility: 5-25m
Currents: Moderate
Experience Level: Beginner-Advanced |
Pulau Lankayan
Lankayan Island, which is located in the Sulu Sea north west of Sandakan, on the n ...
lil_sparky Post at 14-2-2012 11:02
Hi lil,
lil ade experience pegi pulau ni ke? |
Reply 3# renhayashi
erk...lil xsmp lg
lil copy n paste info dr wbst yg TT bg je |
Reply renhayashi
erk...lil xsmp lg
lil copy n paste info dr wbst yg TT bg je
lil_sparky Post at 14-2-2012 12:00
tempat ni kan di katekan antara tempat tercantik n mesti di lawati...tapi terhad dalam satu2 mase...cube tgk ni..
cantiknya betul ke ada pulau mcm ni// |
cantiknya betul ke ada pulau mcm ni//
zeeha77 Post at 14-2-2012 12:33
memang ade...pulau ni dekat dengan sandakan...lebih cantik dari sipadan.. |
Reply 7# renhayashi
ada permit ea nk masuk pulau ni?
blh bermalam?
lawa sungguh |
Reply renhayashi
ada permit ea nk masuk pulau ni?
blh bermalam?
lawa sungguh
lil_sparky Post at 14-2-2012 19:03
takde..sebab stil dalam malaysia lagi... mmg boleh bermalam n ade byk activiti kat sane |
tempat ni kan di katekan antara tempat tercantik n mesti di lawati...tapi terhad dalam satu ...
renhayashi Post at 14-2-2012 12:18
wahh cantiknya... takde ke sapa2 dah sampai pulau ni? |
wahh cantiknya... takde ke sapa2 dah sampai pulau ni?
iss^ Post at 15-2-2012 12:19
cantik kan...tu yang nak tau sape la yang penah sampai ke situ... |
kena local people yg jwb ni.. msuk la org sabah |
silap2 org sabah pun taktau pulau ni wujud... hehehhe |
hahaha... memang betul saya sendiri orang sabah tidak tahu pun pulau ini wujud.. |
Adoi..ndatau pla pulau ni wujud n d tempat aku...malu2...huhuuu |
mohon diberitahu, ada tak cheap accomodation di sini? semua offer dive package kalau non diver pun rm12++ jugak |
mmg last year ada reky nak pi sana tp mahal sgt,so kami masuk Samporna dan ke Mabul dan Kapalau...Tak silap resort ni dah sempadan sgt dengan Indonesia |
mmg last year ada reky nak pi sana tp mahal sgt,so kami masuk Samporna dan ke Mabul dan Kapalau...Ta ...
cmf_blingblings Post at 17-2-2012 11:27
owh yeke...tapi kalau tengok maps dia pulau ni dekat gak la ngan sandakan..view kat sini
http://www.divetheworldmalaysia.com/map-of-sabah.htm |
macam tak ramai yang tau tentang pulau ni... tapi sape2 yang ade info menarik pasal pulau ni mohon share ye... |
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