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Pernah x korang kenal Org yg talam 2 muke??..Mcm mana nak handle?

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Post time 17-6-2011 07:05 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Salam semua....

Hhhmm...saye cume nak kongsi pengalaman...dgn korang..
& nk korang kongsi jgk pengalaman..dgn saye...
Actually lebih bek..kalau korang dpt senarai talam 2 muke ni..
ehehehe..mesti la top 5 ke top 10..list..

Bukan nye ape sgt sejak saye pernah bkenalan dgn org yg 2 face ni...
Mmg la m'gubah..sdikit sbyk...persepsi saye tentang org yg mcm ni....
Tp kkdg dlm situasi tertentu..bile kite dh tau..die 2 face..dh terlambat utk..buat ssuatu..
So cm kena face jgk mcm ni...maybe korang pernah jumpe kat tempat keje ke..
or ade family..member sndiri yg 2 korang ade cerita..yg "menarik"..
& nasihat2..yg bagus..& efektif..utk nk handle org mcm ni...ehehehe....

Thanx guyz...

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Post time 17-6-2011 07:50 PM | Show all posts
pernah seblk ngan talam 2 muke..benci n org2 mcm ni sgt bahaya..dia leh wat hbgn kite ngan kawan2 or fmly porak peranda...benci nak igt...

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 Author| Post time 17-6-2011 08:29 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by watever_0607 at 17-6-2011 20:31
pernah seblk ngan talam 2 muke..benci n org2 mcm ni sgt bahaya..dia leh wat hbgn kite ngan kawan2 or ...
md_nana Post at 17-6-2011 19:50

yea ke?..x nak share pengalaman?..xyah detail2...cume ambik..point form lecturer pulak...

ok..xpe..TT..start dulu...pernah alami..kat kolej...minah ni...masa mula2...sgt kenal...mmg org2 len..
yg baru2 jgk kenal die..semua cm promote..wah..minah ni baik sgt...muke pun bek...lawa..
masa ni TT x kenal tau muke jek la..sbb sekelas...

pastu masa dh kenal..masa baru2...TT pun stuju..wah die ni mmg bek..
btul la..mcm org len semua...kata..uhuhuuh...mcm bek yg 2 good 2 be true punye bek..
and die ni ade karisma..bile ckp tu ...soft spoken...pandai bbual..cmtu la..uhuhuh

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Post time 17-6-2011 09:31 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1# watever_0607

ade je.sbb tu la aku x percayakan kwn 100%.sorry tu say even aku pmpuan tp talam 2 muka ni byk pmpuan.dpn2 cm kwn,blkg2 kutuk segala bagai.

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Post time 17-6-2011 11:51 PM | Show all posts
kenal yg talam beratus muka dah... bkn stakat 2 muka je..... menyampah tahap kalu leh nak cincang je bg hancur....... dr tahun lepas hga skrg semakin ligat dan hebat menabur fitnah dan berpura2 baik d depan..... siap melibatkan bos2..... tapi malas nak layan... wat bodo je... kalu di ategur sbb keja jwb mcm biasa... kalu stakat nak tegur atau borak2 kosong sori la xde masa.... harap2 dia masuk gaung... mampus terus....

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Post time 17-6-2011 11:54 PM | Show all posts
ciri2 yg dkenalpasti....
1.. sentiasa menceritakan keburukan org lain... semua yg org lain wat x betul... di aje betul n tau sume benda....

2... depan org yg dikutuk2 n diburuk2an tu sgt baik lemah gemalai berbual seolah2 dia lah manusia paling baik n peramah dalam dunia....

3... sentiasa mencari peluang n ruang untuk menghasut n api2kan org lain supaya x berkawan dgn mangsa kutukan..... hanya dia je yg layak n sesuai djadikan kawan....

4... sangat pandai menambah2 cerita yg penah dia dgr.... hingga citer yg xde apa2 leh jd kes masuk meeting......

5.. dan lain2...

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Post time 18-6-2011 12:23 AM | Show all posts
orang yang talam 2 muka ni banyak kat ofis!

lg2 kalau ofis yg berbilang bangsa..

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Post time 18-6-2011 01:26 AM | Show all posts
i know a few, not 2....tapi talam 3...4 muka

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Post time 18-6-2011 09:32 AM | Show all posts
Kalo aku...lempang je muka ngan talam kat kedua-dua muka makhluk tu.

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Post time 18-6-2011 10:29 PM | Show all posts
dulu ada gak member mcm ni.. depan kita dia kutuk bos.. depan bos dia kutuk kita pulak... sampai la sume orang pulaukan tmasuk la anak2 bos yg join kitorg..

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 Author| Post time 19-6-2011 11:58 AM | Show all posts
i know a few, not 2....tapi talam 3...4 muka
tokmanting Post at 18-6-2011 01:26

hi gguyz..

thanx lot..sbb sudi..bposting kat sini...
suke la dpt bc cerita2 korang yg lebih bpengalaman...uhuhuhuh 1st time dengar cite psl..talam..berbilang muka??..ahahaha...
pe bezannye die org ni dgn org talam 2 muke??...

yaa...actually...saye pun..x tahan org mcm ni...
skrg ni pun ngah handle..ngan org yg 2 faced ni..baru jek..tersedar..tu yg tsentap!!..ahaha.. la.. cmni..dh sedar bile terlambat..pe2..pun ni antara cerita lepas..yg saye pernah alami..

masa ni time keje kat senior..opismate la..
die jenis gi clubbing...bile just kenal2..mcm tu..ingat die ok la..
tp lame2..muke 2 faced die..muncul jgk..uhuhhu
pernah die cerita..kat saye..die pernah jumpe..spesis gay kat club..
gay guyz ni..bile jumpe die kata..wah...awak ni cantik la..biar la kite make up kan muke awak..
wah2...bbual mesra la..kan??...die pun layan guyz ni..
pastu die kata..kat la org2 gay ni semua..die siap kutuk gile2..bagai la..spesis ni..

dlm ati saye..ingat..kalu u x suke org mcm tu..yg u pegi layan die org tu in t 1st place nape??
What t HELL kan?...Bagus..contoh terbaik...!! 2 faced ni...
FAKE tahap MAX!!!.....

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 Author| Post time 19-6-2011 12:13 PM | Show all posts
How to Handle a Two-Faced Person

At some point in our lives we all encounter people having two faces or surfaces who make us believe they are genuine in their dealing with us or they care about us. But sadly enough, the opposite is true. I have few suggestions on how to handle a two-faced person who is already in your life right now or yet

a two-faced person is not your friend. He may try to act as one but in reality, he is just pretending just to get something from you. Don't expect him to help you in times of need or be at your side when you need someone to be there for you.


Never share any personal information that is important to you to this person. He will only use that to harm or manipulate you to his advantage without thinking twice.


Keep your ideas away from this person. If you share your ideas with a two-faced person, he will only steal them, use them to his advantage and hurt you in the end.


Be nice and kind to this person even if you can't stand him. As we know, a two-faced person can abuse his friends. Can you ever imagine what he is capable of doing to his enemies?


Try to stay away from an unhealthy environment where this person hangs out. If it is a working place, see if you can find a different place of work or limit your interaction with this person. The farther you are from him, the safer you are and the less stress you will go thru.


Sometimes it is not possible to avoid a two-faced person especially if he is your relative or someone you work with everyday. In this case, keep your cool, be aware of everything you said and still treat him with kindness and respect.


A two-faced person can tell if you are not interested in establishing close friendship with him and most often they will stop bugging you. However, if they are still persistent, be very careful because this person may want something so bad from you that may harm you in the future. Find better people that you can trust without doubt and let this person see that you have confidence in them better than you have in him and pray that he will leave you alone.

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Post time 19-6-2011 12:46 PM | Show all posts
cara terbaik hdpi org cami.... anggap je diia x ujud... lama2 org akan tau sdri sikap dia tu.. xperlu susah2 kita citer kat org pun apa dia wat... coz dia akan wat kat sume org wpon kawan karib dia sendiri...

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Post time 20-6-2011 03:07 AM | Show all posts
pernah alami benda macam ni. kawan baik sendiri yang tikam belakang. depan sy bukan main baik lagi .... tapi dalam hati Tuhan sahaja yang tahu. tak sangka dalam diam dia menyampah dengan sy  dan buruk-burukkan sy depan orang lain. maybe sebab sy terlalu dependent dengan dia.... maklumlah, as a bestfriend... kalau boleh suka duka nak dikongsi bersama. memang x sangka la dalam dia memberi kata-kata semangat, gelak dan tawa bersama tu... dia leh kutuk-kutuk saya.

selama ni, saya perasan gak kawan saya ni jenis suka mengata orang. ayat trademark dia, "ala. dia memang macam tu. kau tak tahu ke?"... so, berhati-hatilah nak kawan dengan orang yang semua benda dia nak kutuk dan tak puas hati. nanti kita dikutuknya. maybe depan kita dia baik.... tapi, kalau perhati betul-betul cara orang jenis bermuka-muka ni cakap... kita leh nilai sendiri.

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2011 05:07 PM | Show all posts
pernah alami benda macam ni. kawan baik sendiri yang tikam belakang. depan sy bukan main baik lagi . ...
warisputerijawa Post at 20-6-2011 03:07

tu la..yg x best tu...bile org 2 faced yg paling rapat dgn kite..pastu kite pulak x tahu menahu perangai die..
yg "split personality" kite ni..bile dh tau belang die..semuanye cm dh terlambat..
& kite nye "saham" terasa mcm low la sgt..lepas tu...

ape kes ah?..selama ni yg kite duk luangkan masa, kite ni dgn die, die bleh buang kite cmtuh jek..
cm kite ni "alat" die utk die capai agenda idup die..haaa..lebih kurang cmtu la..

yg TT amat kecewa & sedih ni sbb org 2 faced ni org yg paling rapat dgn mmber lg..
tu yg bile dpt tahu....tu rs mcm life TT..dh  jd cm mimpi ngeri...selama ni kite ingat..
life ni cm bmakna la..kan..ttiber....benda yg bmakna tu..rupe2nye FAKE je...mcm tin sadin..
yg kite ingat de isi..rupenye2 kosong..jek...

kalu friend at least bleh lari dari die & cari family mmber x leh lari dari die..& xde pengganti..

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Post time 20-6-2011 08:06 PM | Show all posts
cerita tak jelas.... tapi saya pun pernah alami... depan2 boleh je gurau dengan dia rupenya dia ngadu kat BF saya. konon perangai saya ni teruk lah..nasib baik bf saya tak percaya...sedih je cm ni...

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Post time 20-6-2011 08:16 PM | Show all posts
  "ala. dia memang macam tu. kau tak tahu ke?" . ...
warisputerijawa Post at 20-6-2011 03:07

setuju weh..memng org talm 2 muka nie suka guna ayat nie..
pahtue konon2 dialah yg tau everything..huh..

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Post time 20-6-2011 08:25 PM | Show all posts
org two-faced ni zi tkde nak care/concern/share ape2 dgn dia except strictly for work...Klu dia nak share latest dev in her life,dengar jerla...semoga dia bahagia...

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Post time 20-6-2011 08:53 PM | Show all posts
orang talam dua muka ni kadang2 kita tak dapat detect for the 1st time kenal.
lame2 kenal lagi la teserlah ketalaman mukenye tu

aku kadang2 taktau ape motif orang talam dua muka ni.
dorang ni jenis pendengki, penjeles, tak suke tengok orang lain hepy, & macam2 lagi..

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Post time 20-6-2011 08:57 PM | Show all posts
Reply 11# watever_0607

yang sebenarnye dia nak cakap yang dia tu hot. tapi nak ngaku kat ko takkan lah kan.
so si gay yang ngorat die jadi mangse.

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