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Edited by borne at 28-1-2025 12:32 AM
Singer Avery has told of her shock at discovering she has a debilitating bone-thinning disease after taking Ozempic for just a year.
In a tearful video posted to Instagram, the 30-year-old from Pheonix, Arizona admitted she took the weight-loss drug after struggling with an eating disorder.
Admitting in another video she was 'dropped' by her record label 'for being too fat' she added: 'I thought I needed Ozempic to be beautiful and successful'.
Now, tests have now revealed she has osteoporosis — a condition that puts sufferers at high risk of deadly fractures — after 'losing too much weight' on the jab.
In a desperate plea to her 250,000 followers, she urged them to not 'make the same mistake' and take a medication 'you do not need'.
The injections are designed to help type 2 diabetes patients and obese people control their blood sugar levels and lose weight.
But research has suggested the jabs could lead to brittle bones with experts urging people who are vulnerable to fractures against using them.
Around half a million Britons are now thought to be using the medication, which can help them lose up to 20 per cent of their bodyweight in just a few months.
It comes as a Mail on Sunday investigation last week revealed almost 400 Brits had been hospitalised — some with life-threatening complications — since the rollout of jabs such as Wegovy, Mounjaro and Saxenda.
In an Instagram video, the 'Let Me Go' hitmaker said she had visited her doctor for a check-up after coming off Ozempic two months earlier.
She added: 'I'm kind of in shock right now because I wasn't expecting this.
'Ozempic can cause bone density loss and I didn't think that would happen to me because I was only on it for a year.
'But I have significant bone loss, I have osteoporosis and osteopenia.
'That's what happens if you use Ozempic for weight loss and you lose too much weight.
'I know some of you might not relate or some of you might think I'm being annoying or overdramatic but I'm really sharing this to say please don't take this drug if you don't need it.
'Please use me as an example. I just want to be an example of why you need to be careful. |
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Hoho...nk kesian pun tak Dapek, maap lah yer. Ramai yah celebs yg ambik ozempic ni. Lagi 1 yg ambik ozempic ni Ade org point out deorg akan nampak tua, I tgk xtina tu example mmg bethol terus nampak kertu. Apa guna kuruih laju tapi tulang hg rosak pastu muka n body terus transform jadi tua. |

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Post time 28-1-2025 07:04 AM
From the mobile phone
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allshares replied at 28-1-2025 01:06 AM
Hoho...nk kesian pun tak Dapek, maap lah yer. Ramai yah celebs yg ambik ozempic ni. Lagi 1 yg ambik ...
Jin betina dalam botol ke tu? |
Patut la nicole kidman dgn Rebel wilson nampak bongkok and x sihat |
Bukan ke malaysian celebs pun ramai amek nih... contoh nya si sendat tu
Duta2 beryshit? Kecuali shungai gundu tp claim xxs la kot |
2 years ago masa buat medical check up Doc kata meols ada osteopenia, 2 weeks lagi nak buat medical check up, hope belum jadi osteoporosis... |

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Post time 28-1-2025 09:39 AM
From the mobile phone
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berusjamban replied at 28-1-2025 07:32 AM
Patut la nicole kidman dgn Rebel wilson nampak bongkok and x sihat
Oh dorang pun cucuk ke? |

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Post time 28-1-2025 09:40 AM
From the mobile phone
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berusjamban replied at 28-1-2025 07:32 AM
Patut la nicole kidman dgn Rebel wilson nampak bongkok and x sihat
Oh dorang pun cucuk ke? |
midori888 replied at 28-1-2025 07:53 AM
2 years ago masa buat medical check up Doc kata meols ada osteopenia, 2 weeks lagi nak buat medical ...
Apa tanda2 osteopenia tu uols? |
Eh salah, acik nicole amik ubat lain:
She said: 'Her backless dress, which looked stunning, did reveal some loose skin. This loose skin could be due to aging, but it’s more likely a direct result of rapid weight loss from GLP-1 medication.' Ms Kidman has always been thin, but looser skin around her upper arms signaled to Dr Schimpf that she has lost significant fat in that area and possibly muscle.
Meanwhile kak Rebel: Rebel Wilson is getting candid about her weight loss journey. During her interview with [color=var(--hyperlink-resting-color)]The Sunday Times, the "Pitch Perfect" star shared she has tried weight loss drug Ozempic as one of the methods to help maintain her size.
berusjamban replied at 28-1-2025 07:32 AM
Patut la nicole kidman dgn Rebel wilson nampak bongkok and x sihat
Nicole kidman dh kurus apsal nk suntik2 lg |
Edited by midori888 at 28-1-2025 10:04 AM
takde tanda cuols, just losing the bone density
- Osteopenia (low bone mass) is not a disease. A person may have low bone mass at any age but not develop osteoporosis. However, if a person has low bone mass and continues to lose bone density, this may lead to osteoporosis. A combination of low bone mass and a risk factor for fracture may increase your risk for broken bones, too.
Dokumentary kata ozempic ni extract dari sejenis biawak cicak gurun yg boleh bertahan lama tnpa makanan |
X perlu dah ubat kurus2 ni skrg dah ada water fasting,fat fasting,intermittent fasting etc...
Berpuasa dan sekaligus merawat segala sakit yg sedia anda...
midori888 replied at 28-1-2025 10:00 AM
takde tanda cuols, just losing the bone density
Meaning kalau uols tak buat medical checkup tu..mmg takde perasan apa2 yg berbezalah bila kehilangan bone density ni? |
Edited by slavehunter at 28-1-2025 10:36 AM
bpbbppbp replied at 28-1-2025 10:13 AM
Dokumentary kata ozempic ni extract dari sejenis biawak cicak gurun yg boleh bertahan lama tnpa maka ...
Good morning.
Yes nama dia Gila monster cicak kubing. Cicak kubing kat America. Dia extract peptides dari cicak tu, its actually meant for binatang not for human. To suppress type 2 diabetis.
Kejab i cari articles tu. ... te-saves-lives.html
gigih ekkkk pastu nyesal... amik kau |
slavehunter replied at 28-1-2025 10:33 AM
Good morning.
Yes nama dia Gila monster cicak kubing. Cicak kubing kat America. Dia extract peptid ...
Tq info nya Tpi tulah sbb drug tu kira baru lagi kan 2017 cmtu approved by FDA. Jdi side effect long term user tu mcm samar2 lagi. Ni baru tau kalau btullah sbb ozempic |
bpbbppbp replied at 28-1-2025 10:48 AM
Tq info nya Tpi tulah sbb drug tu kira baru lagi kan 2017 cmtu approved by FDA. Jdi side effect ...
Welcome ,banyak lagi side effect dia, thyroid cancer, usus paralyzed , vomitting, baru2 ni i baca this lady kena buang usus lepas ambil ozempic. |
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