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anakku kepala leper (belakang kepala)
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anak nad baru masuk 4 bulan...
masalahnya nad prasan kepala dia macam leper sikit la
macam mana nak bg kepala dia jadi bulat balik di bahagia belakang dia?
mayb sbb slalu tido baring kot...
nad jarang bg baby tido ngiring...
tambah pula dia x pndi lg menerap sendiri...
mayb tu yg menyebabkan jadi camtu kot...
kepala dia pon nampak bujur sket...
da 4 bulan klu ngurut leh turun ka?
nad slalu urut atas kepala dia, x nmpk perubahan pon...
please help me |
tak bley da..da trlmbt..pttnya awal lahir da telangkupkn time tdo...disamping tu bley menguatkn leher bayi..terimalah bentuk kapla baby itu seadanya... |
tak bley da..da trlmbt..pttnya awal lahir da telangkupkn time tdo...disamping tu bley menguatkn lehe ...
Search Post at 6-1-2011 12:39 PM 
erk.... kesiannye klo ni jawapannye... hmy3:
telangkupkan tuh meniarapkan baby ke?? abih x kemek depan plak..??
sorry.. concern nak tau sbab blom ade anak... |
mula2 x mau telangkupkan sbb takut anak lemas lak..
tul ka x leh kembali bentuk asal balik?
my baby x la kepala kemik sangat...
cuma x bulat betul2 la kepala dia... |
baby masih 4 bulan kan ?
insyaallah masih sempat lagi saya rasa
lps ni tiap kali dia tidur yg ngiringkan ke kanan...kejap2 tukar ke kiri
amalkan selalu..rasanya boleh lagi coz kepala baby masih lagi lembut
nak kata 100% masih boleh tak tau la
tapi berusaha ok
masa dlm pantang dlu takkan tk de org tua tegur atau ckp
baby tido tak boleh stik mcm tu je...mean kena selalu kita tolong alih-alihkan kepala |
Reply 3# whadda
hahahaha..anak saya tak kemek depan pun...ok jaaaa |
apesal ako rase thread ni sangat lawak
bagus gak persediaan ako nak ade anak bolan 4 nanti..
tapi tatau plak mmg takleh jadi normal
penjelasan dari segi saintifik tadek ke? |
Reply 1# nad_nadia
my kids kepala bulat....sebabnya tak pernah guna bantal masa tido
baby pun akan lenguh bila tido telentang, so iringkan dia...
i dulu beli bantal angin utk mengiringkan baby...
bila dah usia 6 bulan, ajar dia tido telangkup...
masa tu kepala dah kuat utk dia ubah posisi |
reen lak......1st 2wks anak tido mengiring.......kiri n kanan.....kite alih kan la......x penah bagi terlentang langsung....lepas 2wks tu terus tido meniarap........sampai la skang ni dah sethn 8 bln dia lg suka tido meniarap..........elok je bulat......alhamdulillah |
huhu...anak aku dlu kemek bleh kiri..sbb suke tido ngiring blah tu..skrg xde ape2 pon bulat jah kepalanye  |
anak sis i 2 org kepala kemek.nama nadia lak nama experince lak 1st baby tdo meniarap.kepala mmg cantik.ramai yg puji kalo tgk.huhuhu.yg 2nd tdo terlentang.ade senget tak ketara kepala lonjong.mungkin lama dok kat pintu masa nak bersalinkan dia,cam kepala kena si adik dah meninggal pun 2 weeks ago... |
hmmm... masa berpantang dulu.. takde sape2 jaga ke? biasanye mak2 kita ni aware sikit pasal baby kepala leper ni.. tp ada jugak yg tak bagi ngiringkan sbb takut lemas n so on.
tapi pegang 1 perkara je.. posisi mana pon kita tidurkan anak kita.. jgn biarkan terlalu lama.. baby newborn ni kepala masih lembik. klau tidor terlentang aje.. mmg leperla jawabnye. ada anak buah.. premature.. duduk spital 2 bln.. nurse tak alih2kan baby kot.. now muka dia mcm leper sebelah. sbb dia tiarapkan bawah lampu.. tp baby manela kuat nk alih kepala ke kiri ke kanan sendiri kan? sib baik gegirl.. so bila dah rambut panjang tak perasan sangat.
4 bln, taktaula bole ubah lagi ke tak. bole kot.. cuba je.. now ngiringkan dia kiri kanan n tiarap. jgn tido telentang lagi. klau newborn.. n ngiringkan dia.. sendal belakang dia dgn bolster. tp make sure takde kain2 ke selimut ke bersepah2 sane sini. kang dia gerak2.. tertutup muka pulak. newborn pon mmg tak elok baring terlentang aje.. risiko utk tertelan muntah n seterusnya tercekik amat tinggi. |
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What should I do if my baby's head seems to be developing a flat spot?
In many cases, even a serious-looking flat area will round out on its own as a baby starts crawling and sitting up (especially if you follow our repositioning tips below). But to be safe, it's a good idea to insist on a referral to a pediatric neurosurgeon or craniofacial specialist as soon as you notice the flattening.
A specialist should be able to tell whether your baby's situation is severe enough to warrant treatment and what your options are. Get the referral and make an appointment right away because you may still have to wait weeks or even months to see a specialist for a diagnosis, and the earlier you catch a severe case, the easier it will be to correct.
What's involved in getting a diagnosis?
In most cases, the specialist will need only an X-ray to distinguish plagiocephaly from craniosynostosis (which requires a different treatment). But some doctors may also recommend a special kind of CT scan.
In certain cases, a very experienced specialist may be able to tell just by looking at your baby's head what's causing the deformity. He will want to know whether your baby was born with the flat area or whether it developed several weeks after birth. If you can't remember when you first noticed the flattening, go back and carefully examine any pictures you have of your newborn.
If the doctor determines that your baby has plagiocephaly, he'll most likely recommend repositional therapy first — that is, ways you can reposition your child to avoid putting pressure on the flattened areas. This kind of therapy is most likely to be successful if you try it before your baby reaches 6 months of age. After that it's much harder to control the position your baby sleeps in.
If repositional therapy doesn't correct the problem, your doctor may recommend cranial orthotic therapy, a band (or sometimes a helmet) custom molded to fit your child's skull. (Reconstructive surgery is no longer recommended except in the most severe cases or in the case of craniosynostosis.)
If your baby has torticollis, he'll have to have physical therapy as well to treat this condition. |
What does repositional therapy involve?
If your baby's case isn't severe, your practitioner will probably tell you to try several things at home to help your baby's head round out. First, try to make sure your child spends plenty of time on his tummy (while supervised and awake) during the day to strengthen his neck muscles.
You may start out trying this for only a minute or two at a time. Stronger neck muscles will allow him to move his head around more during sleep, so that it doesn't always rest in the same position.
Your baby's doctor may also recommend alternating your baby's sleeping position from back to side. You can keep him from rolling onto the side where the flattening is by placing a rolled-up towel or blanket behind his head or by placing crib toys on the opposite side of the flat area to entice him to look in that direction.
You might also try putting him down to sleep in his crib with his head pointing in the opposite-from-usual direction. He'll want to look out into the room and will probably flip his head over to do so, giving the flat side of his head a break from the mattress.
Also be sure to alternate his position from one side to the other when bottle- or breastfeeding.
Finally, try to be aware of how much time your baby spends in a car seat, stroller, infant carrier, bouncy seat, or infant swing in which he may be leaning back and putting pressure on his flat spot. Make sure you take him out of these devices for a good part of each day and hold him and give him plenty of tummy time instead.
What does cranial orthotic therapy involve?
If your baby's plagiocephaly is severe, he'll probably have to wear a special custom-fitted headband (called a cranial orthotic) for 23 or 24 hours a day to correct the shape of his skull. This treatment generally lasts from two to six months, depending on how early you start and how severe the problem is.
This therapy is most successful when started before the age of 6 months. Some experts think the headgear offers little help after 10 months, but others say it can be used as late as 18 months.
Your doctor can tell you where you can get a band made. You'll probably want to research the comparative success rates of several devices before you choose one. Once you do, they'll need to take a casting (or a scan) of your child's head to custom-fit the device.
While casting isn't fun for a baby, it's painless and takes only a few minutes. As frightening as the headgear may sound and look, it's lightweight and most babies are not bothered by it or quickly get used to it.
Treatment can cost up to $3,000. Some insurance companies will cover it under their orthotic benefits, but others consider it cosmetic or investigational and won't pay for it. However, many parents have successfully appealed their insurance company's rejection and received payment in the end.
The success rates for this kind of therapy are high when it's started early. If you're starting treatment late, you should know that your baby's skull may not become perfectly symmetrical again, but you can take heart that when your child's hair grows in fully, it will most likely hide any remaining flatness. |
saya tak faham la.nape tak elok ke kalau baby kepala leper.leper & kemek lain kan....kalau leper tu maksudnya lurus kat belakang.kalau kemek tu maksudnya sengetkan.tak elok ke kalau baby kepala leper? |
cuba guna bantal mcm ni..
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Sab rasa bila besar nanti yg kawasan yg leper tu akan jadik bulat balik lah.. mcm adik sepupu Sab.. masa baby nampak leper kepala dia.. ni dah 5 tahun ok je bulat.. tapi tak tahulah apa mak dia buat.. hehehe
Sab mmg tak tidokan baby meniarap.. takut jadik SIDS.. Dah banyak kes mcm ni.. and it happen to one of my neighbour's son. Bleh tgk link kat sini.. Tapi anak Sab pulak sejak masuk umur 7-8 bulan ni gasak dia suka tido meniarap.. risau kita dibuatnya.. tapi bila kita terlentangkan balik.. sure dia mrah.. nak gak tido meniarap... |
baby saye pun kepala die agak leper kat sebelah kiri... padahal selalu gak saya tukar2 position die tidur... |
Reply 15# miszlala
saya da tya paed.... alhamdullillah... da setengah baby mmg jenis kepala baby, boy... paed ckp elok baby boy kepala leper sket....rambut nnti turun elok jer.... wallahualam,,.,my son bukan blakang kepala dia flat trus... cuma klu kita tgk dr sisi, nmpk la kepala dia x bulat betul2....i pon tya klu 4 bulan+++ leh ubah lg ka x kepala nya, klu kita slalu urut... dia cakap,yes. tapi kena wat selalu la... mcm fisioterapi... klu kita always buat, insyaAllah ia leh kembali kepada bentuk yg kita inginkan.... anyway thank kawan2 atas suma info... |
Sab rasa bila besar nanti yg kawasan yg leper tu akan jadik bulat balik lah.. mcm adik sepupu Sab.. ...
enasabrina Post at 7-1-2011 11:50 
saya mula2 dulu sbb "sindrome mati mengejut" la yg saya x brani nak menerapkan baby time tido... ngiring pon sy buat time siang jer... takut mlm kita tido x sedar, baby lemas my baby ni masalahnya, klu kita tido ngiringkan dia, sekejap ja da kembali kpd keadaan terlentang cuz dia suka sungguh ngeliat time tido... saya juga time lahir dulu x bg gak guna bantal... just guna kain tuala ja.... tapi ttp kepala bentuk cmtu... i think mayb mmg kepala dia camtu kot patternnya... uhu... apapun i redha dgn suma ni...x penah pon dihati nad rasa x elok or something like that... nad syukur sgt dapat baby boy yg sgt kiut....jenuh nk bw g mana2 pon... org reja perati dia ja berbanding mama dia yg kiut gak nih... hehe... apa pon thank pd kawan2 yg share pendapat... nad menghargainya... |
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