Hi friends ! Today’s topic is about the endometrium, which is the innermost lining layer of the uterus and functions as the adhesion wall for foetus implantation. Due to that, it is important to test your endometrium. Here are some of the fertility tests to check the endometrium health:
Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA) test: evaluate the endometrial receptivity of a woman and determine the optimal window of embryo implantation during IVF Endometrial Microbiome Metagenomic Analysis (EMMA) test: captures a clearer picture of the endometrium's microbial environment, hence, providing an analysis of the composition of bacteria present in your uterine lining Analysis of Infectious Chronic Endometriosis (ALICE) test: helps detect the presence and quantity of pathogenic (harmful) bacteria in the uterine lining that could cause chronic endometriosis
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Hai kawan-kawan ! Topik hari ini ialah endometrium, iaitu lapisan uterus paling dalam yang berfungsi sebagai tempat implantasi janin. Oleh yang demikian, amatlah penting bagi anda untuk menjalankan pemeriksaan endometrium. Berikut ialah antara jenis ujian kesuburan yang anda boleh ambil bagi memeriksa kesihatan endometrium anda:
Ujian Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA): penilaian respons endometrium seseorang wanita dan penentuan waktu yang sesuai untuk implantasi IVF Ujian Endometrial Microbiome Metagenomic Analysis (EMMA): memberi gambaran yang lebih jelas bagi persekitaran mikrob endometrium dengan memberi analisis komposisi bakteria di dalam lapisan rahim anda Ujian Analysis of Infectious Chronic Endometriosis (ALICE): mengesan jumlah bakteria patogenik (bakteria buruk) di lapisan rahim yang boleh menyebabkan endometriosis yang teruk
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