The mortal son of the god Zeus embarks on a perilous journey to stop the underworld and its minions from spreading their evil to Earth as well as the heavens.
In this film, the ultimate struggle for power pits men against kings and kings against gods. But the war between the gods themselves could destroy the world. Born of a god but raised as a man, Perseus (Worthington) is helpless to save his family from Hades (Fiennes), vengeful god of the underworld. With nothing left to lose, Perseus volunteers to lead a dangerous mission to defeat Hades before he can seize power from Zeus (Neeson) and unleash hell on Earth. Leading a daring band of warriors, Perseus sets off on a perilous journey deep into forbidden worlds. Battling unholy demons and fearsome beasts, he will only survive if he can accept his power as a god, defy his fate and create his own destiny.
rasa2nya ceta2 hasil cgi byk conquer tahun 2010...cgi titans ni mcm best jer...ntah ler,samada nak tingu ceta nih atau aku dah mula tangkap cintun sama jake sully gara2 avatar..heheee .....
kalau baca cerita Perseus. mano ado dia nk lawan ngan Hades
Siap hades tolong dia lagik, sebelum dia lawan ngan medusa. Hermes bagi pedang dibuat dari adamant, athena bagi shield yg berkilat (sbb berkilat sgt, smpai medusa tertgk muka dia sendiri), hades bagi helmet yg lutsinar.
Kalau tgk dlm trailer, siap perseus tunggang Pegasus lagik. Hero greek yg bleh tunggang pegasus cuma Bellorophone je, itu pun Anthena yg bagi tips kat bellorophone utk tunggan pegasus. Perseus lepas potong kepala Medusa terberanak Pegasus dan babi hutan terbang.
Kalau tgk dia punyer synopsis kater Hades Vs Zeus. Depa dua org tu dewa dari olympians bukannya titans. Sepatutnya filem ni bertajuk Clash of the Olympians. Dewa2 titans takde pun kena mengena ngan filem nih....
Hehehe, walaupun byk bercanggah ngan cerita aku diatas. Aku ttp mau tgk filem ni. Mcm siut punya best.
P/S: Dulu aku dok gila main game Age of Mythology.... siap dia tulis byk cerita dlm game tu. Best best