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Kemelut Diraja Kelantan: PRK Tengku Faris vs TTK Tengku Fakhry

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Post time 17-12-2009 07:18 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by amazed at 27-3-2010 08:35

Wednesday December 16, 2009
Kelantan princes in succession flap

KUALA LUMPUR: The Tengku Temenggong of Kelantan Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra is challenging the decision of his eldest brother, the Regent of Kelantan, in removing his membership in the Kelantan Council of Succession on Sept 16.

The Council is responsible for confirming the succession to the Throne and Sovereignty of Kelantan and for determining whether there is a vacancy in the throne by reason of the prolonged absence from the state of the reigning Sovereign.

Tengku Muhammad Fakhry, 31, is the third son of the Sultan of Kelantan and another heir to the throne and sovereignty of Kelantan.

He was duly appointed to the Council by his father the Sultan on or about 2001.

on Wednesday, his lead counsel K. Shanmuga submitted that the Regent’s action amounted to a usurpation of the Sultan’s powers in the circumstances of the case.

“With a proper interpretation of the Kelantan State Constitution, it is only the Sultan of Kelantan who can alter the composition of the Council.

“The Regent holds office only for so long as the Sultan is incapacitated,” he submitted in asking the High Court to grant leave for a judicial review application.

In a statement filed for the judicial review application, he stated that Sultan has been critically ill since May and as such the Regent was appointed effective May 25. The Sultan has been in hospital in Singapore since May but now appears to be recovering from his illness.

Shanmuga further said that “the Regent is the first in line to succeed to the Throne of Kelantan but his succession is not automatic -- His Royal Highness must first be confirmed as the reigning Sovereign by the Council.

“If he is not confirmed, his younger brother, the Tengku Bendahara as the second heir, is entitled to be confirmed by the Council.

“If that is not done, the applicant, Tengku Temenggong as an other heir is next in line to succeed,” he argued.

The prince had named the Regent Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra, 35, the Kelantan government, the Council’s secretary and five others as respondents in the application filed on Dec 1.

The five were appointed as Council members by the Regent on May 24.

In his statement, the prince claimed that the Regent was appointed by the Council pursuant to Article 22A of the Kelantan Constitution during the time Kelantan Sultan is incapacitated from attending to the state affairs.

In his statement, the prince said he had written a letter dated Oct 25 to the Council secretary asking for the grounds for the revocation of the appointment. He stated that the secretary in a letter dated Oct 26 merely replied that the revocation was by order of the Regent.

Among others, the prince is asking the court to remove the decision by Regent or alternatively to declare that the revocation is inconsistent with Kelantan Constitution.

Shanmuga argued that allowing the Regent to alter the composition of the Council effectively allows the Regent to create a tribunal that is to be his “judge”, as it were, in determing his fitness to succeed to the throne.

He contended that the decision of the Regent is justiciable and that the prince has an arguable case that the Regent was not empowered to make the impugned decision.

Shanmuga submitted that there was an important distinction involved where the Regent is appointed by the Sultan or by the Council, a lesser authority.

He said it is of utmost importance for this court to ensure that constitutional mechanisms designed to protect the dignity of the succession operate in accordance with the law.

In objecting the leave application, Senior Federal Council Datin Azizah Nawawi, who acted for the respondents, argued that the Regent has absolute discretion to revoke the appointment of any Council member.

She submitted that the decision could not be questioned by an ordinary court of law as it was it was a royal prerogative and non-justiciable.

Judge Justice Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof will deliver his decision on the leave application on Dec 31.

by right TMK ler yg akan gantikan as-soltan kelantan...  aku pun tak paham camana dia bley nak removekan ttk tu.. tapi mungkin gak sebab banyak sangat citer pasal fakhry nih.... apa pun... pasal nak berkoser... sumer nak bantah ke hulu... bantah ke hilir..... bincang baik2 dah ler... ni tak.. nak gak sensasi citer2 camni yg hanya nampak sangat mcm giler koser ajer.... apa pun... nak gak aku baca apa kata faris ekkkk!!!

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Post time 17-12-2009 07:20 AM | Show all posts
Psl ni...~Pernah gak dulu dgr diorg cam nak berebut je...~

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Post time 17-12-2009 07:29 AM | Show all posts
Hidup TMK.....:pompom:

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 Author| Post time 17-12-2009 07:45 AM | Show all posts
Rabu Disember 16, 2009
Dari Krisis Rumah Tangga ke Krisis Perebutan Takhta

KUALA LUMPUR: Isu sensasi yang menyelubungi Istana Kelantan ekoran pergolakan rumah tangga Tengku Temenggong Kelantan, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra dan model Indonesia, Manohara Odelio Pinot kini beralih ke satu episod baru apabila Tengku Fakhry mencabar kekandanya di mahkamah pula.

Dan tindakan Tengku Temenggong Kelantan itu bakal mencetuskan krisis baru dalam pergolakan dalaman istana di negeri Serambi Mekah itu.

Hari ini, Tengku Fakhry mencabar keputusan kekandanya, Pemangku Sultan Kelantan yang membatalkan kedudukan beliau sebagai Ahli Majlis Perajaan negeri itu di Mahkamah Tinggi di sini.

Hakim Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof hari ini menetapkan 31 Disember ini bagi keputusan permohonan yang dikemukakan oleh Tengku Temenggong.

Majlis Perajaan merupakan badan yang bertanggungjawab mengesahkan penabalan waris dan kedaulatan kerajaan negeri itu selain menentukan kekosongan takhta jika sultan tidak dapat menjalankan tugasnya dalam tempoh masa yang lama atas sebab-sebab tertentu.

Tengku Muhammad Fakhry, 31, merupakan anakanda ketiga Sultan Kelantan dan merupakan seorang lagi waris bagi takhta di istana negeri.

Beliau dipilih oleh ayahandanya menganggotai majlis berkenaan kira-kira lapan tahun lalu.

Sementara itu, ketua peguamnya K. Shanmuga berkata, tindakan Tengku Mahkota, Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra, 35, itu dilihat dalam keadaan tertentu sebagai cuba merampas kuasa sultan.

“Perlembagan Negeri Kelantan jelas menyatakan, hanya sultan yang berhak mengubah kedudukan ahli di dalam majlis tersebut.

“Tengku Mahkota hanya memangku takhta selama mana sultan uzur," katanya selepas menyerahkan permohonan semakan kehakiman berhubung keputusan pemangku Sultan Kelantan itu.

Dalam kenyataan permohonan semakan berkenaan menyebut, Sultan Kelantan gering sejak Mei yang menyebabkan Tengku Mahkota dilantik sebagai pemangku pada 25 Mei.

Baginda dimasukkan ke hospital di Singapura sejak bulan itu tetapi baginda dilaporkan semakin pulih.

Shanmuga berkata, memang Tengku Mahkota merupakan pewaris utama takhta Kelantan. Bagaimanapun pelantikannya bukan secara automatik sebaliknya perlu disahkan kedaulatan pemerintahannya oleh Majlis Perajaan.

“Jika beliau tidak disahkan, maka adiknya Tengku Bendahara sebagai pewaris kedua berhak disahkan oleh majlis berkenaan dan jika itu tidak berlaku maka pewaris seterusnya iaitu Tengku Temenggong berhak mewarisi takhta,” jelasnya.

Dalam permohonannya yang difailkan pada 1 Disember lalu, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry menamakan kekandanya, Tengku Mahkota; kerajaan negeri, setiausaha Majlis Perajaan dan lima yang lain iaitu ahli majlis terbabit yang dilantik oleh pemangku sultan pada 24 Mei lalu sebagai responden.

Dalam kenyatannya, Tengku Fakhry ketika itu mendakwa bahawa Tengku Mahkota dipilih oleh majlis berdasarkan Artikel 22A Perlembagaan Kelantan semasa sultan tidak berupaya menghadiri hal ehwal kerajaan negeri.

Beliau mendakwa pernah menulis surat pada 25 Oktober kepada setiausana majlis bagi mendapat penjelasan mengenai tindakan melucutkan kedudukannya dalam majlis dan surat itu dijawab pada 26 Oktober dengan menyebut bahawa ia adalah perintah Tengku Mahkota.

Selain itu, putera sultan berkenaan meminta mahkamah membatalkan keputusan tersebut atau mengisytiharkan bahawa pembatalan pelantikan adalah bertentangan dengan perlembagaan negeri.

Sementara itu, Peguam Kanan Persekutuan, Datin Azizah Nawawi yang mewakili responden dalam bantahannya berkata bahawa Tengku Mahkota mempunyai kuasa mutlak untuk melucut keahlian mana-mana ahli majlis.

Beliau berkata, keputusan itu tidak boleh dipersoalkan oleh mahkamah kerana tindakan itu merupakan prerogatif diraja yang tidak boleh dibicarakan.

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 Author| Post time 17-12-2009 07:59 AM | Show all posts
Tengku Fakhry tak boleh cabar abang

KUALA LUMPUR: Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra Sultan Ismail Petra tidak boleh mencabar keputusan abang sulungnya, Tengku Muhammad Faris Petra, sebagai Pemangku Raja Kelantan, untuk membatalkan pelantikannya sebagai ahli Majlis Perajaan Negeri.

Peguam Kanan Persekutuan, Datin Azizah Nawawi, dalam hujahnya berkata mahkamah tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk memberi kebenaran mendengar permohonan itu kerana keputusan yang dibuat Tengku Muhammad Faris itu adalah muktamad dan tidak boleh dipersoalkan.

“Kami menggesa mahkamah menolak permohonan kebenaran untuk memulakan prosiding semakan kehakiman ini dengan alasan kuasa budi bicara Pemangku Raja Kelantan mengikut Perkara 5 Undang-Undang Tubuh Perlembagaan Kerajaan Negeri Kelantan bagi pelantikan dan pembatalan ahli Majlis Perajaan Negeri adalah tidak boleh dicabar,” katanya.

dah ler personal pun pilih pompuan tak semenggah... ni nak cabar ke hulu.. cabar ke hilir ler pulok!!!

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Post time 17-12-2009 08:07 AM | Show all posts
Adik beradik pun nak bergaduh

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Post time 17-12-2009 08:22 AM | Show all posts
apak tgh sakit.. anak2 dok gaduh2

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Post time 17-12-2009 08:37 AM | Show all posts
apa ke nih

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Post time 17-12-2009 08:44 AM | Show all posts
yg kekandanya nak gugurkan adindanya tu kenapa?
bukan ke memang confirm kekanda akan naik takhta sekiranya ayahndanya mangkat?

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Post time 17-12-2009 08:49 AM | Show all posts
macam2 hal...adek beradek punye hal sampe nak ke mahkamah....

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Post time 17-12-2009 08:57 AM | Show all posts
adik dia mmg kacau...
kalau dapat kat adik dia, mau tergadai negeri kelantan ni...

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Post time 17-12-2009 09:00 AM | Show all posts
apak tgh sakit.. anak2 dok gaduh2
addicted Post at 17-12-2009 08:22

sejibik macam tiga abdul....

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Post time 17-12-2009 09:03 AM | Show all posts
sejibik macam tiga abdul....
skymania Post at 17-12-2009 09:00

ada tengku bendahara eks?
tak pernah nampak pun
so low profile kaedahnya

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Post time 17-12-2009 09:05 AM | Show all posts
so.. gusip kat bod kenamaan tu betul la..
satu pro bapak.. satu pro emak..

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Post time 17-12-2009 09:05 AM | Show all posts
ada tengku bendahara eks?
tak pernah nampak pun
so low profile kaedahnya
songeh_jer Post at 17-12-2009 09:03

takde la 3 bradik..kekdahnyer..konsep berebut macam pelem p ramlee tuh jeh..

bapak sakit2 anak keje rebut rete ..:kant:

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Post time 17-12-2009 09:07 AM | Show all posts
kuasa punya pasal...adik beradik pun sanggup bergaduh

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Post time 17-12-2009 09:35 AM | Show all posts
susah2 sangat rebut kuasa, jadikan shj kelantan sbg republik
hapuskan monarki
abih citer

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Post time 17-12-2009 09:46 AM | Show all posts
belum apa2 lagi...dah berebut kuasa.

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Post time 17-12-2009 09:57 AM | Show all posts
aku tengok adik dia nie lain macam tul...tengok pun dah tau bongkak giler...orang sebok kuatkan organisasi diraja macam sultan selangor n Nazrin dia aper bende la dia buat...giler glamour ker per...

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Post time 17-12-2009 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Bapak belum lagi mati anak dah berebut takhta~

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