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complacent adalah pembunuh bangsa
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Post Last Edit by monashis at 7-10-2009 12:04
Salah satu sifat mazmumah yang boleh menjahanamkan diri dan perniagaan adalah sifat 揷omplacent |
best la baca u punya thread |
complacent=comfortable dgn apa yang ada. |
Saya sokong 200% pandangan anda. Org kita bila dah berada dalam zon selamat, x nak pergi mana2 dah. |
zidlan skrg tgh cuba utk berniaga walaupun msh makan gaji....
tp blom puas ati lg ni.... dlm kamus diri ni takde erti kata selesa dgn apa yg ada... |
pada pandangan aku....
setiap org ade objektif masing.....
kekadang bukan nyer pasal complacent...tapi dah memang stuck kat situ...
for those working...memang dia akan terasa....
either to quit or just stay put there....
if we opt to quit.....there are many questions and answers should be considered...
dan aku rasa kalau opt to quit is selected..then..he has think thoroughly on the consequences....therefore, we have to think wisely.....
on the other hands, to stay put does mean that we are complacent....and not giving opportunity to others ....somehow, we stuck in the middle of promotion and availability of post vacancies...therefore we stuck there......some people tend to find another job....while waiting of has not allow other to feed his/her position....
tidak dinafikan...memang ade org yang memang nak kerja kat tmpt yang sama sampai dia pencen atau other reason....
on the business part....
is true that.....monopoly will only benefit to certain called monopoly because there is only one company who offer the product....until there are new rival in the AirAsia vs MAS.....from the initial setup of KLIA and MAS operation...both company have facing at loss...furthermore, when they get some profit...other factors affect their performance such as economic crisis as well as wrong management.....dia sebab kan wrong management banyak benda yang mungkin "terlepas" pandang....mcm ko kata lah....sepatutnya menggunakan monopoly utnuk menjadi lebih bagus....but on the other hands, new rivals has always give advantage to economic......because sometime people does not realise that there are posssible to do impossible (betul ker statement ni).....macam kita tgk Telekom vs Celcom vs Maxis vs Digi.......sejarah penubuhan celcom maxis dan digi...adalah kerana apa...kerana mengambil kesempatan kelemahan masing2....
betul memang betul.....
daripada berbalah perkara yang bukan2 atau remeh temeh....lebih baik fokus kepada penambahbaikan....strongly agreed.....tetapi berapa ramai pulak org bangsa kita nak membincangkan perkara ini....semuanya mementingkan periuk nasi sendiri....bak kata "org cakap senang...tapi cuba implement"....(statement ni bukan utk ko yer monashis atau sesiapa, jgn salah faham)....kalau ikut kan kita ramai cerdik pandai...tapi kecerdikan kita kekadang tu disekat oleh peraturan yang boleh membunuh bangsa kita sendiri....sekatan demi sekatan.....dibuat....tapi untuk apa.....yang aku tahu untuk menjaga keharmonian negara ini....therefore.....people are focus on other things by targeting a high post in politic supaya dapat membetulkan keadaan...malangnya....susah nak sampai dan banyak hurdle yg perlu the end some people just stay at their cubicle...just fulfil their needs.........
anyway.....if we wish to be successful in life....we should plan for it and strive for it with knowledge+capital and family+peers+friend supports...the most importance, berdoa kepada Allah supaya objektif yang kita setkan tu tak mementingkan duniawi sahaja....
insya-allah.... |
suka sangat perkataan PENAMBAHBAIKAN...thank you!!
lari sikit dari complacent yer, tapi mungkin bole jadikan panduan,
if our business is not doing well, it does not always mean we're doing something wrong..
we just need to do something BETTER, and we need to start doing a few thing WE HAVE BEEN NEGLECTED.
copy and paste ... tak ingat dari mana, tapi i put this on my desk, for my own remembrance, now sharing with u guys.. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi