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Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad turns 83

No other name has been so closely knit into Malaysia's recent history than Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Fondly called Dr M, he was Malaysia's longest serving Prime Minister, occupying that seat from 1981 to 2003. A man of all embracing vision, one can say without a doubt Malaysia's former premier always spoke his mind.
On December 20th, our 'Bapa Pemodenan' turns 83. In celebrating his birthday, we take a look back at the premiership of the much loved and often controversiol Dr M.

The beginning |
selamat hari ulangtahun yang ke 83 tahun Tun.. semoga Tun panjang umur dan sentiasa sihat.. |
i love tun forever -
moga Allah merahmati Tun dunia akhirat - |
Reply #1 redbun's post
dear, dia bukan born 20th december 1925 lah, tp, 14th july 1925
boleh rujuk kat blog ... d-transpo.html#more
Snippets - Birthday, Road Transport, Blocks & M.V. Agusta
Posted by Dr. Mahathir Mohamad at July 14, 2008 6:15 PM | Permalink | Comments (562) | TrackBacks (0) | Previous Blog
1. I would like to thank everyone for the Birthday Greetings on my 83rd Birthday. It is very heartwarming that so many know about my real birthday and remember to send greetings.
2. My official birthday is 20th December 1925. My father registered that date for all his sons so that there would be no hassles when registering for entry into schools. He was a teacher and knew all about the difficulties.
3. So please do forget my official birthday i.e. December 20. My real birthday make me five months older.
[ Last edited by geenie at 20-12-2008 12:57 AM ] |
this old crap used to annoy me.
happy annoying birthday. |
Reply #4 geenie's post
tu father dia saje wat dulu kan ..
anyway .. happy birthday TUN .. |
Reply #4 geenie's post
saya tak tau tarikh lahir Tun bila..tapi baru ambik article nih kat ari nih..katanya birthday Tun ari Sabtu nih..
Malaysia's 'Bapa Pemodenan' Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad turns 83 this Saturday. We take a look at his resign. -
[ Last edited by redbun at 20-12-2008 01:43 AM ] |
Reply #7 hunt_fear's post
kalau ikut tu kata tadi .. birthday Tun jatuh pada hari Sabtu..20 haribulan.. |
happy birthday tun...luv u forever... |
happy birthday tun..  |
Terima kasih Tun, kerana tolongkan flushkan Anwar Ibrahim ke lubang jamban |
selamat harijadi Tun
usia 83 tapi kelihatan seperti usia 60 Tun Det awet muda |
Reply #15 plamsat's post
dia kelihatan muda..sihat dan bersemangat kan.. |
Selamat hari lahir tun  |
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