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adakah benar ia akan membawa kehancuran kepada kaum tertentu...di mana sesuatu bangsa yang terlalu diberi kemudahan, akan mencipta LEMAK-LEMAK atau virus-virus seperti sikap MALAS dan sukakan HIBURAN semata-mata kerana sudah biasa disogok dengan jalan mudah dan hiburan tanpa dapat menyeimbangkan kedua-dua peluang dan hiburan...dikatakan tempat-tempat yang sepatutnya diisi oleh mereka yang benar-benar berkelayakan, rajin dan berusaha ada kalanya diisi oleh pihak yang diberi keistimewaan...jawatan yang sepatutnya diberi kepada mereka yang benar-benar membuat kerja diserah kepada mereka yang hipokrit, bermuka-muka dan pandai menggunakan orang lain menjadi kuli mereka menyelesaikan tugas tetapi akhirnya si hipokrit mendapat nama kerana memegang tampuk di atas, berjawatan berbanding si kuli yang berpenat-lelah...malah pemimpin lebih suka memilih mereka yang mudah berkerjasama YESMAN dari mereka yang melakukan kerja dan biasanya vokal kerana alasan MUDAH BEKERSA BERSAMA individu seperti ini...
inilah antara senario apabila KEISTIMEWAAN diberikan kepada golongan tertentu dan disalahguna untuk kepentingan sendiri... |
Reply #1 seribulan's post
DEB ni in my point of view hanya menguntungkan sesetengah pihak dan tidak membahagi peluang utk maju seadilnye.
as much as kite benci capitalism, dasar2 yg memihak kpd sesuatu kaum (or KRONI) mcm ni yg merendahkan sesuatu kaum itu.
somthing to think about too:
cuba bayangkan kalo takde system quota utk universiti, adakah remaja2 melayu akan berusaha belajar mcm kaum lain?
kalolah takde MARA, agak2 anak melayu pandai2 masih duduk kat kampung menanam padi?
agak2 kalo usahawan melayu skrg ni takde DEB, diaorg masih terkial dok melanguk cari peluang meniaga...
i seemed to contradict my points but in order to achieve Bangsa Malaysia, aku strongly agree that everyone should be given equal opportunities to perform their best in an equal society to be evaluated by an equal measure line in the norm of life. |
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Reply #4 redsinner's post
Equal Society
I would like to pick on this rather intersting subject. Do you, or anyone on this board thinks ours is an equal society in the first place?
It was introduced to help eradicate poverty which at the time almost half of the Malays were categorised as poor. Society then with all it's inequalities was still as much the legacy of a Colonial Society even after more than 12 years of market driven economy. Actually NEP(1971 - 1990) was replaced with NDP after that. While I do not want to turn this forum into an economic forum, my sentiment is while the intention is noble, the implementation .................? I invite you to read the following article. I too am yet to digest it ....iit's written by my schoolmate lor!
[ Last edited by hamizao at 18-3-2008 09:54 AM ] |
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The policy was nicely crafted by the founding father. It meant well for all the citizens if left to the altruistic leaders. As it is now it a merely a ground for pillage by the few political warlords and rent seekers. |
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there's nothing wrong with the system but there something really wrong at the people catered by the system...if it is working well according to plan then we would have seen the outcome... |
Reply #6 thamrong's post
different times bred different kind of politician... |
Reply #6 thamrong's post
different times bred different kind of politician...
Those kind of altruistic politician would never last long today... They will be trampled by those with selfish and ulterior motives. |
sampai bila perlunya budaya suap...spoonfed...if we can see the people are deterioriating due to that...if we are honest, upstanding and strive for success...we shouldn't be scared of our own shadows...when we do things on our own merit...the fruit of that success is juicier than ever... |
Reply #10 seribulan's post
If you are referring to those who have abused the system then they deserve their retribution once it comes around. I would have preferred that there be a better check and balance in the implementation.
However, there are many who also worked very hard at what they get, even with a little help from "God". Some also had to go through "hell" imposd by certain quarters as they think "God" was "unfairly" on the other side. Mind you these are ppl who all this time have had a free hand in their part of "heaven" and had also been abusing the system for their own gain. It is just that we are so far removed (our legacy) that we do not know it.
If you think you do not have to work for it then it is an issue of attitude. Why and how to address it is a topic for another research. Perhaps it is the inequalities in community/culture or then again amongst men that give rise to different outlook or perspectives...............Do feel free to comment.
[ Last edited by hamizao at 19-3-2008 02:27 PM ] |
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DEB...masih kena bantu esp org2 kpg yg blum terdedah dgn peluang cam org bandar
pd org bandar plak...shame on us, kalo masih mengharapkan DEB to make ur life better |
If i were alive back when we gain our independence, i'd agree wholeheartedly to NEP. However, there should be a limitations in implementation and the period of application. However, our leaders didn't think about it and only created it after the superficial 1969.
The policy should not last forever. To create a competitive bumiputera, they must not be pampered. It is ok to give them the head start, but not to carry them to the finish. Otherwise, they have no idea how to race themselves.
My humble suggestion is to declare that the policy will last only for the next 20 years. However, gradually some benefits will be revoked before the time is up. This way, the people will prepare for a competitive world and train their kids not to rely on subsidies. It is up to the wisdom (if there is any left) of the national leaders to decide how. Do PM me if you have trouble using your head. Sorry, i mean your brain. Stop banging your head against the monitor.
Imagine if you pick up a newly hatched baby turtle. If you help it to the shore, it would never be able to swim. Simply because the baby never use its legs. Same goes to the butterfly. It must break the shell to gain the strength to fly. Go figure UMNOputra. |
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DEB masih relevan dipraktikkan..
peluang maish diberikan kepada semua kaum, secara tidak langsungnya..
dengan menolak DEB ibarat menidakkan keistimewaan yang diberikan kpd golongan bumiputera
bukan bermakna adanya DEB golongan ini perlu disuapkan..
tapi secara amnya manfaat memang diperoleh secara bersama..
cuma DEB perlu ditersukan kerana inilah hasil dr idea yang perlu dihormati oleh pemimpin terdahulu |
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DEB itu sebenarnya polisi yang murni kalau betul cara dan implementasinya. Cuma masalahnya sekarang; implementasinya yang dicurigai. Menguntungkan puak-puak tertentu atau individu-individu yang berkepentingan atau individu yang bergayut dengan pemimpin-pemimpin tertentu [pemimpin partai dominan berteraskan ras, misalnya], TIDAK kiralah dari bangsa apa sekalipun.
Bagi orang Melayu sendiri, tanyalah sesiapa yang pernah berurusan dengan MARA misalnya. |
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Reply #16 blackpurple's post
As long as there is politics ...............macam itulah. Whatever it is there has to be a plan for sure........... |
Reply #1 seribulan's post
DEB dah cantik dh kalo diikut bebetul but...
as usual:
yg merancang orang..
yg beri arahan orang..
yg terima arahan orang..
yg implement orang..
yg merasa/xmerasa pon orang..
yg perlu berusaha pon orang gak
dan disemua peringkat di atas dijalankan oleh individu yg berlainan..with diffrent attitude..some btul2 work on it..n some just bole la tu..n most of the time nobody yg monitor implementation..n most of the action ~
reactive~just tunggu arahan/complain.
to me persoalannya sekarang...adakah DEB tu betul2 telah dapat dilaksanakan...?
rasanya belom..sbb yg malas masih malas, yg alpa masih lena, yg lembam masih belom cerdik, minyak, baja, benih subsidi masih dijual~ladang sendiri penuh lalang..TAPI...yg kaya tambah kaya..
anything yg invoved mentality,attitude, ego...payah...sbb ramai yg masih belom sedar akan pentingnya menjalankan tugas sebagai mereka sebagai RAKYAT Malaysia... |
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Reply #17 hamizao's post
i find that disturbing.
kalau semua bende nak dipolitikkan, apa lagi yg ada yg tulus?
in malaysia, i find the following is being politicized for their own personal benefits:
- kepentingan rakyat
- management
- gomen
- tender projek
hmm...any other things to add? i bet there is definitely more but i dont think we are oblivious to them, so kite taula gak. |
Reply #19 redsinner's post
I agree with you totally but that is the reality. The principle of survival of the community or country has been exchanged with survival of a few "warlords". Those who studied politics would know that afterall it is about acquisition and application of power. Even private Corporations and GLAs have their politics. If it involves the public sector, then the Nation suffers in the end. |
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