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AlMaunah - pemberontakan bersenjata?

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Post time 22-6-2007 12:34 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
saja je bukak topik ni... tak perasan pulak dah ada ke takde topik pasal ni... kalau ada encik ecnik momod sila merge ya..

apa yang berlaku sebenarnya? adakah benar benar ianya satu pemberontakan bersenjata? latihan silat? konspirasi?

saya ada baca buku mengenai almaunah yang ditulis oleh peguambela yang membela salah seorang daripada orang orang kanan encik Amin (pengasas persatuan ilmu dalam almaunah)
iaitu Encik Zabidi Mohamed (penulis buku Alarqam tersungkur dipintu syurga).. sempat la beberapa kali khatam sebelum pak sedara saya ambik buat harta.. ahaks..

meh kita kongsi apa yang kita tahu...

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Post time 22-6-2007 01:44 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1 benign's post

kebetulan sy penah baca buku 'tersungkur di pintu syurga' hasil tulisan Zabidi Mohamed ni... ayah sy yg beli...
Zabidi Mohamed ni bukan org sebarangan....
dia ni kiranya org penting dlm Al-Maunah gak la... (tp sy lupa apa pangkat dia dlm kump tersebut)...
kini beliau sudah bertaubat & sudah meninggalkan kump Al-Maunah utk menjalani kehidupan biasa...

sy rasa isi kandungan buku tu adalah betul sbb kalo buku tu ditulis oleh Zabidi Mohamed, bekas org penting dlm kump Al-Maunah sendiri, so x mungkin la Zabidi nk tulis benda2 yg x betul dlm buku tu ttg Al-Maunah sedangkan beliau sendiri pernah setia pd kump tu dulu...

kalo ikut isi kandungan buku tu, sy rasa mmg al-maunah ni dh tersasar jauh dari Islam...
pengasas al-maunah (sy lupa namanya) penah kata bahawa akan muncul sorg imam mahdi dari kalangan gay... ada ke ptt???
kemudian zabidi membongkarkan ttg al-maunah yg bercita2 utk mewujudkan sebuah daulah islamiyah (negara islam) yg meliputi M'sia, Indonesia, Selatan Filipina, Brunei dan Singapura...
cita2 mereka begitu besar tp cara mereka nk mewujudkan daulah islamiyah tu salah sama sekali...

sbnrnya byk lg isi2 penting dlm buku tu yg membuktikn al-maunah ni dh tersasar jauh dari Islam...
sy xtau mana sy dh letak buku tuh...
nnt sy cuba cari balik utk tatapn forumer yg lain k...

[ Last edited by  ijad_adiputera at 22-6-2007 01:49 AM ]

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Post time 22-6-2007 08:11 AM | Show all posts
rase cam silap je?? buku tersungkur di pintu syurga tu pasal al arqam kan???
al maunah ni kalu x silap diorg lancarkan perang thadap yg dipertuan agong.
bertimbun-timbun senjata di "mampatkan" dalam 1 pajero.. kreatif yg amat..

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silvermuse This user has been deleted
Post time 22-6-2007 09:10 AM | Show all posts
kes almaunah ni dkt je ngan kmpng aku, GRIK.yg dorg curi senjata tu dari kem askar grik la.apa yg aku tau psl Al-Maunah ni,dorg ni adalah pertubuhan silat.amalan dorg kira cam selndang merah nyer line la.yg jenis ble2 hilang tu.tapi disebabkan niat dorg nk gulingkan kerajaan coz xpuas ati ngan kerajaan masa tu, niat dorg dh terpesong.dats y la dorg xtau la citer ni benar ke x.

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Post time 22-6-2007 10:58 AM | Show all posts
dah lama dah citer ni...dulu ada orang kata konspirasi

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Post time 22-6-2007 01:29 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by homer_simpson at 22-6-2007 08:11 AM
rase cam silap je?? buku tersungkur di pintu syurga tu pasal al arqam kan???
al maunah ni kalu x silap diorg lancarkan perang thadap yg dipertuan agong.
bertimbun-timbun senjata di "mampatkan" dalam 1 pajero.. kreatif yg amat..

pembetulan, mereka melancarkan perang terhadap kerajaan yg memerintah pada masa tu... BUKAN YDP Agong...
syg sekali... mereka kreatif tp mereka salurkan kekreatifan mereka pd jln yg salah...

a'ah la... bila aku pkirkan balik, buku 'tersungkur di pintu syurga' tu pasal al arqam la...
bukan al-maunah.... adoiiiiiiii!!!!
ni sumer benign punya psl la nih.... (jgn mrh benign... )
yg aku ni plak mana ingat psl buku tu sgt sbb last skali aku baca pon 3 thn lps.... <--- gelak kt diri sendiri...

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Post time 22-6-2007 02:16 PM | Show all posts
yup, pemberontakan bersenjata sbb mereka gumakan senjata/.....

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Post time 22-6-2007 02:36 PM | Show all posts
From Wikipedia

Al-Mau'nah was a militant group in Malaysia made famous by their audacious raid on 2 July 2000 on a Rejimen Askar Wataniah camp in the small hours of the morning and stealing weapons from the armoury. The group was later cornered in the village of Sauk, Perak and involved in a stand-off the Malaysian Army and Royal Malaysian Police forces.

[edit] The Group

The group's full name was Persaudaraan Ilmu Dalam Al-Ma抲nah. The group had a website [1] which explained that (Brotherhood of Al-Ma抲nah Inner Power) or Al-Ma抲nah in short, was an organisation involved in the teaching of martial arts particularly the development of one抯 inner power and the practice of Islamic traditional medicine. The term "Ma抲nah" supposedly means something extraordinary that happens to an ordinary Muslim individual (paranormal). The group claimed membership of 1000 ikhwan spread throughout Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.

[edit] Sauk Siege

Mohamed Amin Mohamed Razali led a band of 29 Al-Mau'nah men in a mission to overthrow the Malaysian government. The group, included a serving Mejar in the Malaysian Army. They dressed up in uniforms of senior army officers and claimed to be making a surprise inspection of the Battalion 304 Rejimen Askar Wataniah camp at the Temenggor Dam in Gerik, Perak. The group tricked their way and raided the armouries. [2]

They had previously obtained military fatigues from various outlets and securing three units of Pajero four-wheel-drive vehicles. The Pajero, of similar make to that used by the Malaysian Army was painted green and given false number plate at a house rented in Kati, for the specific use as a transit point for the group.

In the early hours of July 2, 2000, 20 members of the Al-Maunah group got into three Pajero 4WD vehicles and proceeded to Post 2 Kuala Rhui Camp at 2.50 a.m. and then to Camp Bn 304 Rejimen Askar Wataniah at 4.15 a.m.

They talked their way into the Camps by feigning a surprise inspection, to conduct emergency spot checks of all the ammunitions stored at both camps. Impressed by the manner in Amin and the others conducted themselves and assured by the presence of the three Pajero vehicles bearing the military registration numbers beginning with the alphabet 'Z', the military personnel at the two army camps were duped into allowing the group to take possession of all but one of the various army weapons, ammunitions and other army equipments including communication equipments and some even helped the group to carry the weapons into the three Pajeros. They took away a huge cache of firearms and ammunition, including 97 M16 assault rifles, four GPMGs, five grenade launchers, 9,095 rounds of 5.56mm and 60 rounds of 40mm ammunition.

27 of them hid themselves in the jungle in Bukit Jenalik, Sauk, in Perak. Amin then distributed the seized arms to his members for practice. The unusual sounds of firearms alerted local inhabitants who alerted the Police. The group made preparations for the operation, including collecting food supplies and taking them to their base in Bukit Jenalek, near Sauk in Kuala Kangsar. The food dumps were to keep the base going for about three weeks. They had obtained military fatigues from various outlets and securing three units of Pajero four-wheel-drive vehicles. They also collected weapons such as parang, cross bows for the purpose of their mission.

Police threw a containment cordon of Bukit Jenalik. A number of security personnel were deployed to penetrate the Al-Maunah's camp. Two of the police personnel Sarjan Mohd Shah Ahmad (PW44) and Detective Korporal Sanghadevan, as well as civilian Jaafar Puteh and an army personnel, Trooper Matthews anak Medan, were taken hostage by the Al-Maunah group. In a radio communication with the authorities, the group stated their intention to cordon off Kuala Lumpur if their demand for Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad to resign in 24 hours was unmet. Jaafar Puteh was a civilian who wandered into their camp while looking for durian.

Sarjan Mohd Shah Ahmad related during the trial that over the 4 days, the security forces personnel were abused and tortured. They were made to dig trenches along the sides of Bukit Jenalik to serve as a defence in the event of an attack on the camp. At night they were tied to a durian tree. It was that Mohd Shah Ahmad and Sanghadevan buried Trooper Matthews in one of these trenches. Trooper Matthews was apprehended by Jemari Jusoh and when the Amin realized the identity of Trooper Matthews, Amin tortured Matthews by shooting his leg. Amin then ordered the Jemari Jusoh to shoot Trooper Matthews in cold blood.

On the morning of 5 July 2000, a member of Al Mau'nah' Abu Bakar Ismail was shot by the security forces. In retaliation, the Amin and his his followers returned fire against the security forces. During this cross fire, Sanghadevan was shot dead. Sanghadevan was buried next to Trooper Matthews by Mohd Shah and Jaafar Puteh. Ahmad[3]

[edit] Surrender

The Al-Mau'nah group later surrendered, and the leaders brought to trial for "waging war upon the King". The Malaysian Government acted against the Al-Mau'nah group only after giving it every chance to surrender and retained public support by giving the Al-Mau'nah members fair trials and re-integrating them into society. (Dr Tony Tan) [4]

Mohamed Amin Mohamed Razali was the last to surrender. Just before doing so he grabbed the Malaysian Army Corps Commander Lt. Gen Zaini Mohamad Said by his shirt and tried to shoot him at point-blank range. The Jeneral flicked the barrel of Amin's assault rifle and the bullet hit one of the militants. Leftenan General Zaini was later awarded the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa (S.P.) award for his bravery and contribution in ending the siege without further loss of life. [5]

Lt. Gen Zaini Mohamad Said went up the hill with 43 Commando personnel in four armoured personnel carriers followed by 16 infantrymen after Asisten Supritendan Polis Abdul Razak Mohd. Yusof and his personnel persuaded Amin and contacted the Jeneral. Asisten Supritendan Polis Abdul Razak Mohd. Yusof informed Lt. Gen Zaini Mohamad Said that the Al-Mau'nah group's leader has agreed to surrender. When they reached there, about 15 Al Mau'nah members surrendered the stolen weapons but refused to give up their parangs which they claimed to be inscribed with Quran verses but later relented. Mediator Asisten Supritendan Polis Abdul Razak Mohd. Yusof was also awarded the Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa for his role in the incident. Abdul Razak was the officer-in-charge of the Parachute Branch, Pasukan Gerakan Khas, Royal Malaysian Police.

[edit] Deaths

Three people were killed before the group finally surrendered. Detective Corporal R. Segadevan of the Special Branch was killed, some claimed executed, during the siege. The group also killed an Army commando, Trooper Mathew anak Medan, who was shot by Jemari Jusoh. Both were tortured before they were killed. The third person killed was a group member who was shot and killed when he refused to retreat. [6]

Some people still believe that the siege, which resulted in the death of a Special Branch officer and a commando, was stage-managed by a government wanting to show the dangers of Islamic extremism. (Zabidi Mohamad)

[edit] Other Attacks

Mohamed Amin Mohamed Razali also sent members to bomb the Anchor and Carlsberg breweries in Petaling Jaya near Kuala Lumpur and the Hindu temple in Batu Caves. Only minor damage was done. Shahidi and Khairul Anuar later admitted to attacking the Carlsberg brewery on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur with grenade launchers stolen from the army camps. [7]

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Post time 22-6-2007 02:41 PM | Show all posts
[edit] Trial and Sentence

Mohamed Amin Mohamed Razali and his group were brought to trial for charges of "waging war against the King", and became the first people convicted of such charges in Malaysia. Mohamed Amin Mohamed Razali and his two lieutenants, Zahit Muslim and Jamaluddin Darus, were sentenced to death. Sixteen others were given life sentences. [8] In June 2003, the Federal Court turned down Mohamed Amin Mohamed Razali's appeal for life imprisonment and confirmed the death sentence on him for waging war against the King.

Megat Mohamed Hanafi Ilias, Muhamad Nukhshah Bandi Che Mansor, Riduan Berahim, Azlan Abdul Ghani, Shahidi Ali and Khairul Anuar Mohamed Ariffin, were sentenced by the High Court to ten years in jail after pleading guilty to treason after they pleaded guilty Monday to the lesser charge. They were originally charged with waging war against the King, an offence that carries the death penalty or life imprisonment. [9] Instead, they accepted a guilty plea in a reduced charge of preparing to wage war against the King, which refers to collecting or attempting to collect men, arms or ammunition with the intention of waging war.

15 Al-Mau'nah detainees were released from the detention of the Internal Security Act (ISA) on 24 November 2003, however the release came with a string of conditions which included restricted residence to a particular district, the need to report to police weekly and a 9pm

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Post time 22-6-2007 03:27 PM | Show all posts
aku lak penah terbaca kat forum mane ntah....tuduhan yg di buat kat al-maunah tu adalah konspirasi orang2 umno.mane satu yg betul pun aku tak tau la.....

kira macam peristiwa memaling tu la....

[ Last edited by  orens at 22-6-2007 03:28 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 22-6-2007 03:35 PM | Show all posts
hehehe... actually Zabidi Mohammed juga ada menulis satu buku mengenai almaunah yang bertajuk Almaunah: Rahsia dalam Rahsia jika tidak silap saya.

saya hanya sebut sahaja Zabidi tu juga terkenal dengan buku tersungkur tu.. hehehe jangan salah faham ye..

buku almaunah rahsia dalam rahsia tu bercerita secara detail mengenai apa yang berlaku didalam kumpulan almaunah. bagaimana kekeliruan mula berlaku sewaktu rompakan dilakukan untuk mendapatkan senjata tersebut.

zabidi ni peguam kepada salah seorang orang kanan Amin Razali.. jadi dia dapat tahu secara lebih detail.. saya tak tahu samada ada reprint ke tak kerana susah nak jumpa buku tu skarang..

terkejut gak tengok ada reply kata zabidi masuk almaunah.. sekali tersilap ngan al arqam daaa... hahaha

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Post time 28-6-2007 03:39 PM | Show all posts

Reply #11 benign's post

Kisah benar dari penjara sg. buluh

Malam tadi bertempat di Surau Jenaris aku telah menghadiri satu forum perdana sempena Maulidur Rasul. Ahli panel terdiri dari Uts Halim Din, Ust. Raihan & Ustazah Dr. Sharifah Noor Hayati. Memang menarik kupasan ketiga3 ahli panel yg bijaksana tu. Ttg keperibadian rasulullah yg mulia itu yg menjadi ikutan kita semua.

Di penghujung rancangan tersebut salah seorang utz kalau tak silap aku utz halim din telah menceritakan sebuah kisah yg berlaku di penjara sg. buloh. Sebuah kisah benar. Mengikut cerita beliau, semasa beliau habis memberi ceramah agama pd banduan2 di sana , Pengarah Penjara telah berjumpa dgn beliau
dan menceritakan pd beliau ttg seorang banduan yg bernama AMIN iaitu ketua kumpulan Al-Mau'una yg didapati bersalah kerana melancarkan perang kepada Yg Dipertua Agong. Amin dijatuhi hukuman gantung sampai mati.

Apa yg manarik ialah peribadi si Amin ini. Beliau seorang yg berdisplin,kuat beramal, mengaji quran, solat malam dan baik dikalangan sesama banduan lain. Pendek kata banduan yg tiada bermasalah.

Seminggu sebelum dia digantung, pengarah penjara telah menziarahi sel beliau dan terkejut kerana terdapat bau yg harum. Bau itu tak hilang walaupun beliau telah pulang ke rumah bau harum itu masih melekat pd pakaiannya.

Mengikut ceritanya lagi, pd mlm sebelum dia digantung, dia berpesan supaya dikejutkan pada jam 4.00 pagi. Dia digantung pada subuh pagi jumaat. Pada mlm sebelum dia digantung, didapati Si Amin ini tidur begitu lena sekali seolah2 tiada apa2 akan berlaku pd pg esoknya sedangkan dia akan dihukum gantung pada pg esok. Bayangkan kalau org nak kena gantung pg esok, mesti
gelisah dan mesti tak boleh tidur punya.

Bila tepat jam 4.00 pg, Amin ini pun dikejutkan, dia terus beramal, solat taubat, tahajud, mengaji dan sujud syukur dan dia berpesan supaya dibawa ke tali gantung ketika dia sedang sujud syukur.

Ketika Amin sedang sujud pd masa itulah dia dibawa ke tali gantung. Bila tiba masa hendak digantung, tiba2 Amin ini pengsan dan tidak sedarkan diri. Masa semakin suntuk dan Amin harus digantung ketika itu juga, maka kepala dia ditutup dgn kain hitam dan hukuman pun dijalankan.

Agak pelik ketika itu kerana hukuman gantung tersebut seperti
menggantung anak patung yg tidak bernyawa, tiada pergerakan, tiada jeritan. Didapati juga selipar jepun yg dipakai oleh Amin masih melekat pd kakinya, begitu juga tasbih
masih tidak terlepas dari tangan.

Apabila janazah Amin dibuka penutup muka didapati lidah tidak terjelir keluar spt kebiasaan mereka yg digantung. Tangan spt org dlm solat dgn jari telunjuk spt membaca tahiyat akhir. Subhanallah. ......... mungkin Allah sudah mengambil
nyawanya dulu sebelum digantung... ...

Begitulah kebesaran Allah yg memberi Rahmat kepada hamba2 nya soleh dan sentiasa bertaubat. Mungkin ini satu petunjuk dari ALLAH kpd kita semua.

Inilah kisah yg diceritakan semula oleh Ustaz tersebut.


Forum Perdana tamat lebih kurang jam 11.15 mlm......

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Post time 30-6-2007 10:37 PM | Show all posts

Reply #12 cikguhani's post

Nak kena tengok kat TV dulu baru aku percaya cite nih..

Anyway kalau orang tu betul bertaubat...pengakhiran hidupnya akan baik...tengok arwah Saddam masa nak digantung.

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Post time 1-7-2007 09:57 AM | Show all posts
tapi aku rasa kalau ustaz citer tentang amin ni mati macam dlm iman
le bagus,aku tv akan potong bab ustaz citer tu,ataupun forum
perdana tu tak disiarkan terus dlm tv.nanti takut orang kata almaunah
ni betul,sebelum ni diistiharkan almaunah ni penderhaka kepada

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Post time 2-7-2007 07:07 PM | Show all posts

Reply #14 ulartedung's post

yezza....terpulanglah kepada keyakinan sendiri akan kebenaran cerita ustaz tu. jangan lupa janji Allah, sebesar gunung pun dosa manusia, kalau bertaubat, pasti akan dapat keampunan.

kalau tengok balik background arwah Amin, dia ni memang alim orangnya. kat situ dah ada kredit untuk dia. kebenaran peristiwa pemberontakan tu, kita serah kepada Allah dan orang-orang yang tau jalan cerita sebenarnya...

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Post time 2-7-2007 07:41 PM | Show all posts
yer betol..
anak sedara Ust Amin ni aku kenal sgt, dia satu tmpt keje ngan aku kat puchong.
die mmg baik, staff2 penjara ramai yg ikut pengajian ust amin kat penjara.
dier berdakwah dlm penjara.

ttg tuduhan tu, wallahua'lam..kwn aku pun tak cite. die pun tak tau betol ke tak.
saat2 sblm digantung tu, mak die kat mekah wat umrah, so postpone gantung until mak dia blk..
tapi zaman hidupnya berakhir juga ditali gantung..
sebak aku dgr citer kwn aku tu..ermmm

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Post time 2-7-2007 08:43 PM | Show all posts

Reply #14 ulartedung's post

al-maunah betul,yang dipertuan agong salah....
habihlah kerajaan mesia....bunuh pejuang Allah...patutlah negara kita dapat bala....

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Post time 3-7-2007 11:41 PM | Show all posts
...Al-fatihah kpd roh2 mereka ini.

...sedih dgn pengakhiran hidup Arwah Zahit Muslim(ex-PGK,PDRM) & Arwah Jamaludin Darus(TUDM in-service)...sbg anggota skuad,peluru adalah lebih bermaruah...namun kpd ketentuan Allah kita berserah pasrah. Amin Ya Rabbul'Alamin.

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Post time 4-7-2007 10:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #14 ulartedung's post

Allahyarham Mokthar Komando perompak yang setaraf dengan Botak Chin pun meninggal dalam keadaan yang baik. Allahyarham Amin mungkin sempat bertaubat. Tetapi tidak bermakna ilmunya dulu betul. So, jangan salah faham lak.... hehehehe

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Post time 6-1-2008 02:15 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ijad_adiputera at 22-6-2007 01:44 AM
kebetulan sy penah baca buku 'tersungkur di pintu syurga' hasil tulisan Zabidi Mohamed ni... ayah sy yg beli...
Zabidi Mohamed ni bukan org sebarangan....
dia ni kiranya org penting dlm Al-Maun ...

Bila masa pulak Zabidi Mohamed ni orang penting dalam Al-Maunah itu sendiri?

Zabidi hanya pernah berjinak-jinak dengan Al-Arqam (pun yg tersungkur di pintu surga jugak).

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