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Advantages of having foreign language/ 3rd language :
1. Foreign languages are important for the economy. The more languages someone can speak, the more places they can work. Foreign language skills help companies do business with other countries. It is especially important that children whose native language is not widely spoken (e.g. Dutch, Danish) learn other languages. However, it is also important for English-speakers to learn foreign languages, since not everyone speaks English. And it is polite to be able to speak some of another person抯 language. Governments should try to promote economic growth. Since languages are important for the economy, governments should make all young people learn them.
2. Foreign languages are important for the individual pupil. Employers value people who are able to speak more than one language. Learning a language will therefore help students get good jobs when they are older. It will also increase their understanding of other cultures.
3. Pupils cannot decide for themselves what is important. Most do not realise that knowledge of another language will help them in almost any job. For some jobs it is essential. It is hard to learn a language in adulthood, because of time pressures and because the brain becomes less flexible. It is therefore very useful to learn a language when young. Young people are often only concerned with the short term and think little about adulthood. Important choices therefore cannot be left to children. They should be made to learn a language.
4. A pupil may have a hidden talent for languages. If languages are not compulsory, they would never find this hidden talent. All pupils should be made to learn languages, to see if this is something they are good at.
5.In the short term, it might be hard to find teachers. However, modern languages graduates could be given extra money to encourage them to become teachers. In a mobile world, it is also easy to attract teachers from another country to teach their native language abroad. In the long term, making languages compulsory at schools would solve this problem. If languages were compulsory at schools, more people would study them at university and more people would become language teachers. |
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i rasa mmg penting utk kiter blaja 3rd language ni..coz before this i got offer from mercedes benz to work with them, but they prefer someone who has the german basis...huwa!!melepas i...
Sekarang ni, i tgh dlm process blaja german language..sape2 yg tau german language to, share2 la kat sini.. |
i LOVE languages!!! aku dapat keje selalu sbb in d end sembang pasal bab bende2 lain dgn bos, esp culture + linguistic differences.
aku bole la layan italian, spanish, cantonese, mandarin.......
sgt berguna wooo..... |
Reply #3 redsinner's post
waa..bagusnyer red...camne u bleh blaja banyak2 language tu?any tips? |
spidernfly This user has been deleted
i think its good to learn a third language even if its not for working purposes pun
right now, my hubby & i tgh study Mandarin part time kat Uni of Queensland. since company bayarkan, might as well grab the chance. altho i pernah belajar mandarin while in uni, this is my hubby's first exposure to the language.
ambik pun first mmg for self improvement and maybe after our australia post, we might be shipped off (ekekeke) to Hong Kong or Shanghai |
if u had 4th language pun, but u tak practice it everyday..its too hard babe....
i got tagalog as my 3rd language, russian my 4th language, pakistan as 5th language and now im learning how to speak thai... khop khun kappppppp |
Originally posted by mba at 2-5-2007 12:20 AM
if u had 4th language pun, but u tak practice it everyday..its too hard babe....
i got tagalog as my 3rd language, russian my 4th language, pakistan as 5th language and now im learning how to ...
betul apa mba me.....dulu prnh blaja french ms kt uk dulu...but balik msia dh tak skrg ni dh lupa dah aaaa..... |
girl amek spanish...
tapi dek sebab tak prektis,dah main berkarat jer ingatan girl..... |
i'd like to share some of my experience pertaining to foreign language my department, there's one Austria guy yg mana bahasa diorg ni, masa i memula join department ni, banyakla mende2 baru nak kene belaja kan..hehehe..this guy diam jer..tak banyak, 1 day...i saje datang kat dia..and ask whether i can sit next to him and see what's he doing (dia buat design utk circuit)..dia bagi la..
then..masa borak2 ngan dia konon2 sesi pengenalan la ni..dia cite la dia from Austria...then pakai bahasa german..and dia mmg proud la coz banyak teknologi skrg ni from german..although katalog2 supplier kitorg pun banyak yg bahasa german...
then, i cakapla i tau sikit2 bahasa german...then tryla to apply sikit2 kat dia such as einen wonderschonen guten abend...danke, vialen dank...hehehe
and he was so impressed...and from that moment..he treat me very well...every time terserempak, he will greet me in german...coz i think he was so proud coz malaysian boleh cakap bahasa dia...and kalau ada apa2 mende baru yg dia buat, dia selalu update with me...kononnyer utk tambahkan knowledge i la..hehehe
[ Last edited by gilermakeup at 2-5-2007 02:27 PM ] |
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erk..sorila banyak pulak tersalah eja kat atas ni..hehehe..tak perasan masa taip tuh |
Summarised Points:
The teaching of foreign languages is due to be introduced in primary schools, which should benefit our language learning.
Very small children learn their mother tongue purely through saturation - they have no formal lessons in how to communicate their wants and needs.
When children develop an awareness of languages and other cultures, this will enable them to become aware of their position as 'world citizens' later on in life, as well as giving them more of a choice and more opportunities when it comes to choosing a career.
As well as going on foreign holidays, there are many other things that you can do to raise children's awareness of foreign languages and the culture of different countries.
Encourage your children to be aware of languages and other countries as early as possible in their lives.
There are a number of programmes on CBeebies that allow children to experience the culture of other countries - eg. some Teletubbies episodes, Tots TV.
The teaching of foreign languages is due to be introduced in primary schools, which should benefit our language learning. Very small children learn their mother tongue purely through saturation - they have no formal lessons in how to communicate their wants and needs. This is because, as their brains develop, they are in a perpetual search for knowledge and the more they can learn the better. This, as well as a small child's penchant for mimicking and copying, helps them learn language structures very quickly. They may not exactly know why they are saying what they are saying, but they can say it.
Think of it like singing along with a tune on the radio, and after a while you can't get the words out of your head. This is an ideal basis, and later on a child can take part in formal schooling in a language with a reasonable amount of background knowledge already there, and will consequently perform better because it will be revisiting material it is familiar with already.
I am a teacher of foreign languages but I also have a much more personal interest in language learning. I have two daughters, four year-old Eleanor and nineteen month-old Rosie. I love it when my girls develop an awareness of languages and other cultures, as this will enable them to become aware of their position as 'world citizens' later on in life, as well as giving them more of a choice and more opportunities when it comes to choosing a career.
What you can do
There are a number of 'easy' ways in which parents can raise their children's awareness of foreign languages and the culture of different countries - taking more holidays abroad, for instance. Of course there is the problem that not everyone is in the position, be it financial or geographical (we ourselves live 200 miles from Dover), that they can easily have holidays in France. So what other ways are there in which we can help our children to become aware of languages and culture?
Sometimes parents ask me what it is that they can do to encourage their young people to embrace the language and culture of another country, and I think that this is great, as they could in theory be questioning the relevance of language skills in this rural community. I tell those who ask me that the most important thing that we can all do, whether as teachers or parents (and in this instance I am thinking as a parent), is to encourage our children to be aware of languages and other countries as early as possible in their lives. |
Originally posted by <i>gilermakeup</i> at 30-4-2007 08:27 PM<br />
i rasa mmg penting utk kiter blaja 3rd language ni..coz before this i got offer from mercedes benz to work with them, but they prefer someone who has the german basis...huwa!!melepas i...<br />
<br />
Seka ... <br />
nice topic!
bole u bgtau tak offer apa yang u dapat from mercedes benz? i mmg tgh cari company utk apply kerja and kalau bole nak cari german companies jugak since i can speak german.
thanks for the help..and have a nice day! |
Reply #12 maverick55's post
Hihi.. memula i dapat offer for management trainee...then pergi test..macam2 test arr..IQ test la...Math test la..mechanical test la..ada drawing2 la...
and after pass that stage.. kene panggil utk presentation kat Kuantan, pahang.. day org from merc ni give me a call and ask whether i want to join them...dlm bahagian management la..and she asked me whether i have a german basis ke, i cakap la tak..then dia cakap kene tunggu dulu la coz diorg prefer somebody with german, sementara tggu offer diorg tu, i dapat another offer...quite, i take that offer and start dari situ, i berusaha nak belaja german...
eh..i have contact number org kat merc tu since i slalu contact dia..u pm i ok?
[ Last edited by gilermakeup at 2-5-2007 08:33 PM ] |
aku leh cakap selain malay, chinese and of course english......
fluent french, moderately deutch and fluent swedish/norwegian............summer akan amik danish, which quite similiar to swedish... ;) |
Reply #4 gilermakeup's post
1st i'd like to thank my mum, who had learnt bazillions other languages.
2nd, i believe when u dah ada kick, insya allah u can terus menerus ingat bende tu.
3rd, above of all, mesti ada minat, walaupun tak banyak tapi ada sedikit sbb cara tu paling cepat nak pick up new things in your life. because i am so interested in everything so i dont mind learning any language.
4th, learn basic linguistic traits....mcm spanish, italian n portuguese falls into the same family and so on...
tapi u have to have priority so that u can set goal. as for me now, 1st and 2nd sudah tentu malay and english. 3rd and 4th would be spanish and italian. next 5th and 6th would be mandarin and korean.
as they all say, the only constraints u can have is YOU |
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belajar bahasa tamil tak nak ker? |
Reply #9 gilermakeup's post
Germans always think that they are the best!!!
tapi ape2pun hone dulu english skill. kalo english berterabur cam org jepun nak belajar bahasa lain baik takyah. pasal ape2pun mesti balik ke english gak. lagipun bukan mudah nak menguasai satu bahasa baru, nak belajar senang tapi nak bagi fluent tu yang susah. melainkan kite duduk kat negara tersebut lama. kalo setakat belajar jerman kat cni tapi jerman pun xpenah jejak kaki susah le nak pandai. utk menguasai sesuatu bahasa baru, kite kene becakap ngan native speaker die hehari baru jadi.
[ Last edited by abangbikerz at 7-5-2007 05:22 AM ] |
he..he...syok woo bila boleh cakap dlm foreign language nih..
masa elementary school, akak belajar & spoke swedish dgn friends w/pun belajar kat intl school, pastu belajar dgn my parents' friends, m'sian yg tiggal kat sana....
masa kat sek men. time school holidays belajar mandarin pulak kat taiwan...yg bestnya boleh paham bila tgk cerita-cerita kat tv...he..he..
pastu bila dah keja, belajar japanese plak & sharpened it bila kerja kat japan...
lepas ni bahasa apa pulak ye..? spanish la kot ekk...nampak cam interesting je.. |
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