rasanya tajuk thread ni dah menjelaskan apa yg aku nak tanyakan...
sblm ni kat ofis lama aku takde firewall segala...
so boleh je aku nak upload folder ke hosting aku guna ftp software (filezilla)
tp skrg ni, kat ofis baru aku.. ada firewall la..
so takleh nak guna filezilla tu
aku dah contact admin webhosting aku...
dia suruh aku login ke cpanel aku guna proxy... aku berjaya la login
masalahnya ialah : kalau kita nak upload guna cpanel (web), kena upload satu2 kan...
boleh ke upload satu folder sekaligus?
dan satu lagik...
if aku nak gak guna filezilla tu
apakah port yg aku perlu guna?
Originally posted by athlon_crazy at 18-4-2007 05:53 PM
port 21 la ftp.. mungkin firewall tu block port tu.. tanya hosting provider, ftp dia ada pakai port lain x
aku cuba gak guna port 2082 (hosting provider sebut ni dlm emel dia)
tapik still takleh gak....
kalau macam tu (kalau proxy lepas when using web browser), configure your ftp client to use proxy. kalau tak de option untuk configure proxy, cari ftp client yang lain. your firewall probably close all ports except those that require to do office work. if this related to work, your admin probably can give you exception or probably can help you work around this.
kalau macam tu (kalau proxy lepas when using web browser), configure your ftp client to use proxy. kalau tak de option untuk configure proxy, cari ftp client yang lain. your firewall probably c ...
1. camner nak configure kat ftp untuk guna proxy? (aku guna filezilla)
2. katalah filezilla takleh configure untuk guna proxy, tau tak apa2 ftp sofwer lain?
i never use filezilla. if you used to it, check under configuration, option or preferences - there should an option to configure proxy just like the web browser.
i never use filezilla. if you used to it, check under configuration, option or preferences - there should an option to configure proxy just like the web browser.
aku dah cek...
memang ada pun untuk kita setting proxy tu.
misalnya, kalau under tab "proxy settings", dia ada options (radio button untuk kita pilih) macam:
i never use filezilla. if you used to it, check under configuration, option or preferences - there should an option to configure proxy just like the web browser.
ko pakai ftp sofwer apa?
camner ko setting proxy dia tu?
Originally posted by tictactoe at 19-4-2007 10:21 AM
misalnya, kalau under tab "proxy settings", dia ada options (radio button untuk kita pilih) macam:
biasanya sekarang, most proxy server use socks5. kalau tak boleh, try satu-satu except for http 1.1. for http 1.1, you need to setup the proxy within the web browser (no need to set it up in the ftp client). whenever you make a connection, the ftp client will automatically follow the proxy setting in the web browser.
Originally posted by tictactoe at 19-4-2007 10:21 AM
pastu bila kita dah pilih tu... dia mintak pulak kita masukkan "host" dan "port"...
host and port; these are the proxy address and port of the proxy server that you use - you mentioned in your first post that you use proxy, put that address and port number here.
Originally posted by tictactoe at 19-4-2007 10:21 AM
under tab "FTP proxy setting" plak... dia mintak kita masukkan "proxy host", "port", "user" dan "password"
pastu ada lak kena pilih "proxy type" (radio button) macam, "SITE hostname", "USER after logon", "PROXY open" dan bebarapa lagi......
for user and password, just ignore it if you don't have one (refer to the proxy address that you use in your first post). otherwise, put that username and password, here.
Originally posted by tictactoe at 19-4-2007 10:23 AM
ko pakai ftp sofwer apa?
camner ko setting proxy dia tu?
i use winscp. i always use sftp (ftp with ssh - port 22 instead of port 21).
to setup proxy:
- click on Preferences menu on the left column
- click on Preferences button
- when Preferences window opens up, click on Updates on the left column
- under Connection, check Use proxy server box and enter your proxy server address and port
hello, tumpang thread yer tictactoe, aku ada satu soalan berkaitan jugak.
aku ada satu account kat dlm server cpanel. dan baru2 ni aku ada beli lagi satu account kat dlm server lain, guna directadmin. possible tak kalau aku nak pindahkan semua data (aku ada satu blog dlm tu) dari account cpanel tu ke server directadmin ni?
memang possible. but, direct transfer, tak sure (unless you can run ftp client - or something like it - from one of the servers), but ask your webhost provider.
kalau tak, download those data to your computer and re-upload to new server.
salam..ni soklan aku..
aku ni tak penah nak upload2 website ni..skali keje baru ni aku kene wat..
soklan aku..cane nak upload updating file org website kat server..kene upload kat aner..
nk tanye sikit..im new in cp nie..harap dpt tunjuk ajar I sikir.. thanx in advance
1) I ade dpt free template dkt 1 website tu (http://www.freewebsitetemplates.com/) thenI want to place the template into my website using cp..camne nak upload ye?..which area shoud I go?
2) pastu bile dh upload,I nak edit link link yg ade dkt template tadi..I nk change links dari free template tu kepada links website I..camne ye..dkt mane nak gi?
cukup 2 soalan dulu..hihihii..nanti akan menyusul solan berikutnye.. (jgn marah yee?)