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Ciri-ciri keganasan fikiran

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Post time 29-1-2007 11:46 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Ciri-ciri keganasan fikiranOleh PROF. DR. SYED HUSSEIN ALATAS

KEGANASAN (terorisme) yang telah menghantui sejarah manusia sepanjang zaman digerakkan oleh keganasan fikiran, kerana sesuatu perbuatan itu didorong oleh fikiran tertentu. Keganasan fikiran ini adalah latar belakang tindakan-tindakan ganas walaupun ia belum merupakan program bertindak tertentu sebagai pembunuhan, tekad korban diri, letupan bom dan sebagainya.

Ciri-ciri fikiran ganas adalah seperti berikut:
(1) Pihak sendiri sahaja yang benar dan yang lain tidak perlu dihormati atau dianggap penting;
(2) Segala tindakan boleh diambil asal sahaja diperlukan untuk mendatangkan kepuasan;
(3) Permusuhan dan sangka jahat atau tidak baik diterapkan pada golongan luar pihak sendiri;
(4) Sifat estetik dan kehalusan moral dan pekerti tidak diendahkan dalam melaksanakan tujuan atau menyatakan keinginan;
(5) Segala bidang penghidupan dapat diserapi oleh keganasan fikiran termasuk bidang agama dan budaya.

Demikian juga dalam reaksi-reaksi tertentu seperti penilaian terhadap perbuatan jenayah, alat-alat yang terlibat ataupun sifat kagum terhadap perbuatan jahat dan keji itu.

Keluarga Jeffrey Dahmer, seorang pembunuh di Amerika, tidak lama dulu, telah mencuba menjual benda-benda yang terlibat dengan pembunuh keji dan barang-barang kepunyaannya dan semua ini dibeli oleh penduduk yang marah dengan harga AS$400,000. Setelah itu, barang-barang ini dimusnahkan. Dahmer menyimpan keratan badan mangsanya dalam sebuah peti ais.

Jack Ruby, yang menembak mati Lee Harvey Oswald (dianggap pembunuh Presiden Kennedy) pada tahun 1964, pistolnya dibeli pada harga suku juta dolar Amerika beberapa tahun lalu. Ambulans yang membawa mayat Harvey Oswald dijual dengan harga mungkin AS$100,000 (1998).

Pengumpul barang-barang ingatan perbuatan jahat dipengaruhi keganasan fikiran. Sebaliknya mereka yang mengeluarkan AS$400,000 untuk membeli dan memusnahkan barang-barang Jeffrey Dahmer dipengaruhi kesopanan fikiran oleh rasa moral dan murni.

Menghargai dan berasa bangga mempunyai benda-benda yang ada kaitan dengan perbuatan jahat melanggar dasar-dasar moral dan rasa murni manusia bertamadun tinggi. Keganasan fikiran mempelopori sikap ini.

Kebetulan sikap ini tidak melanggar undang-undang kejahatan di Amerika maka ia terus timbul terapung di arus kesedaran. Dalam masyarakat Islam hal ini tidak terjadi dan jika ia muncul patut dicegah dengan undang-undang.

Keganasan fikiran yang terdapat dalam masyarakat Islam berupa penyelewengan ajaran dan penambahan-penambahan yang bersifat ganas walaupun tidak dengan erti tindakan menyerang, membunuh, merosak atau menindas.

Sebagai contoh ada puak-puak Muslim tertentu yang memutuskan hubungan kejiranan dan kemasyarakatan kerana perbezaan fahaman agama dan politik. Mereka tidak mengizinkan kahwin dengan pihak yang dianggap golongan lawan, tidak berjabat tangan atau bersalam, tidak sembahyang di masjid dan imam yang sama, tidak ikut sembahyang jenazah, tidak hadir kenduri bersama, tidak meraikan perkahwinan bersama-sama, pendek kata memutuskan hubungan pergaulan dan persaudaraan masyarakat bersama.

Perbezaan fahaman agama dan politik tidak semestinya menyebabkan sifat permusuhan yang demikian. Hal ini berlaku jika yang terlibat sudah memang berwatak ganas fikiran. Tuduhan murtad selamanya hendak melompat daripada bibirnya. Jika terus ditahan mereka berasa gelisah. Yang terus dilepaskan dengan hembusan kuat kata-kata sesat.

Masalah yang timbul sebenarnya keganasan fikiran. Inilah yang membawa sesat. Saya teringat pada suatu pendapat bahawa menjual Quran pada seorang bukan Islam itu salah. Ini terdapat dalam kitab Umdat al-Salik oleh Ahmad Ibn Naqib al-Misri, yang meninggal dunia pada tahun 1368 Masihi.

Sheikh Abdul Wakil Durubi dari Syria, lahir pada tahun 1914 Masihi, memperluas larangan ini pada kitab-kitab hadis dan lainnya tentang ucapan dan tindakan orang Islam yang awal.

Sheikh Umar Barakat pula, meninggal sekitar tahun 1890 Masihi, memasukkan kitab-kitab riwayat orang Islam seperti karangan Abdul Wahab Sha'arani, meninggal tahun 1565 Masihi di Kaherah. Beliau juga mengatakan menjual dan menghadiahkan Quran kepada yang bukan Islam diizinkan oleh mazhab Hanafi.

Larangan menjual atau menghadiahkan Quran kepada yang bukan Islam mengandungi unsur keganasan fikiran. Ia menakutkan umat Islam supaya tidak berbuat demikian. Daripada Quran diterjemahkan dan dijualbelikan oleh pihak bukan Islam, lebih baik kita sendiri yang menterjemahkannya dan menjualnya supaya tidak ada kesalahan dan penyelewengan.
Bagaimana pula dengan penyebaran Islam jika yang ingin mengetahui tentang Islam dipersulit mendapatkan Quran dan terjemahannya dalam pelbagai bahasa? Di manakah terjadi bahawa Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. enggan membaca ayat Quran di hadapan orang bukan Islam? Malahan dakwah awal Nabi s.a.w. adalah terhadap golongan jahiliah.

Unsur keganasan fikiran di sini adalah dalam menyangka tidak baik terhadap golongan bukan Islam sehingga sanggup menyekat penyebaran Quran di kalangan mereka. Selain daripada itu, macam mana kita boleh menahan daripada tersebarnya Quran di kalangan mereka?

Jika sebabnya takut Quran tidak diperlakukan dengan hormat dan baik, maka itu boleh dikemukakan dalam perjanjian penjualan. Langkah yang demikian ini menunjukkan juga unsur kusut fikiran. Inilah juga salah satu sifat keganasan fikiran. Mengapa Quran sekarang boleh dicetak di Jepun tetapi tidak boleh pula kita menjualnya kepada orang Jepun yang mencetak Quran itu?

Kalau dikatakan Quran itu nanti digunakan untuk menyerang umat Islam, isinya dikritik, itu mesti menjadi kewajipan umat Islam untuk mempertahankannya, bukan menyembunyikan supaya tidak dibaca oleh orang yang mengkritik. Mana pula semangat jihad mempertahankan kebenaran?

Ada lagi keganasan fikiran yang menentang faham Islam terdapat meluas di kalangan umat Islam, yakni sikap kita terhadap binatang, terutama anjing. Oleh kerana ludah anjing dianggap najis, sesetengah orang Islam bersifat ganas terhadap anjing. Padahal Nabi s.a.w. menarik perhatian dunia dengan sifat kasihannya terhadap anjing. Jasa anjing terhadap manusia sangat besar, seperti menunjuk jalan bagi orang buta, menyelamatkan nyawa dalam kebakaran dan kemalangan, menjaga rumah, menunjukkan kasih dan taat pada pembelanya.

Kerana kusut fikiran, mereka yang bersikap ganas terhadap anjing lupa bahawa ludah manusia pun najis. Kenapa tidak ganas fikiran terhadap manusia? Yang kita perlu buat hanya elakkan najis, bukan benci terhadap yang mengeluarkannya oleh kerana keadaan semula jadi. Tahi ayam najis tetapi jangan benci pada ayam.

Faham najis sekarang makin diperluas sehingga diadakan lorong pembayaran halal di pasar raya. Nanti pula di bas pun tempat duduk berasingan. Macam mana pula di jalan-jalan?

Akhir sekali saya ingin sertakan di sini masalah keganasan fikiran tentang pengertian Islam. Segolongan pihak penganjur pengetahuan Islam berpendapat bahawa hanya merekalah yang faham tentang Islam dan patut memimpin pemikiran umat tentang agama.

Yang tidak menerima pendidikan agama menurut tradisi lama dianggap buta huruf tentang agama. Direndahkan darjat mereka dengan tuduhan mereka dibentuk oleh didikan Barat yang dicemuh dengan tuduhan sekular. Kalau sudah beratus tahun alim ulama Islam membahaskan tentang hadis yang sah dan palsu, kenapa pula kalau ada yang ikut serta sekarang terus dicurigai dan dianggap pengganggu ketenteraman agama? Ini adalah satu reaksi keganasan.

Sepatutnya bukan hak membahaskan hadis yang digugat tetapi keahlian yang berbahas tentang hadis. Kalau ini yang menjadi keberatan, ini bukan keganasan fikiran. Tetapi kalau hak membangkitkan perbahasan yang digugat, ini merupakan keganasan fikiran.

Selain daripada isu di atas perlu juga kita berhati-hati dalam mengeluarkan pendapat tentang perisitwa keganasan sekitar kita. Jika tindakan kerajaan sekitar peristiwa perampasan senjata oleh Al-Maunah dianggap sandiwara ini bererti kita membantu mereka yang sudah dijatuhkan hukuman kerana mereka sudah menjadi mangsa sandiwara.

Andai kata ini bukan maksud Pas, tetapi pendirian Pas tentang sandiwara merupakan satu keganasan fikiran kerana akibatnya dapat membangkitkan ketakutan terhadap kerajaan dan membendung usaha menyatukan faham kebenaran. Sebagaimana dinyatakan oleh junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad s.a.w., barangsiapa yang menakutkan seorang Muslim, tidak akan dibela oleh Allah daripada ketakutan hari kiamat sebagai balasan yang tepat.



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Post time 15-4-2007 08:47 PM | Show all posts
Untuk menghilangkan ciri-ciri keganasan fikiran... maka iman dan ilmu perlu ada... fikiran yang tidak terkawal hanya dipandu oleh nafsu...

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Post time 19-4-2007 02:46 AM | Show all posts
Kalau macam tu boleh tak Cho, yang bunuh 30+ orang kat Virginia Tech tu dikategori keganasan fikiran...?

Mungkin jugak golongan macam ni kita dah boleh nampak ciri2 dia : tak bergaul dengan orang, suka buat keje pelik2, tulis benda bukan2, suka duduk sorang2...
Tapi boleh ke kita letakkan kesalahan tu sepenuhnya kat diri dia...sedangkan kita sendiri tak pernah amik inisiatif untuk bertegur dengan orang2 macam ni..

Kalau keganasan fikiran ni mendatangkan kepuasan...kepuasan dari segi apa si Cho ni dapat..? ALih2 dia bunuh diri sendiri apa motif 'kepuasan' dia...?



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Post time 19-4-2007 06:39 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ~boolean at 19-4-2007 01:46 AM
Kalau macam tu boleh tak Cho, yang bunuh 30+ orang kat Virginia Tech tu dikategori keganasan fikiran...?

Mungkin jugak golongan macam ni kita dah boleh nampak ciri2 dia : tak bergaul dengan or ...

Itu    dah       dah  ganas  dah  .....
Keganasan  pemikiran   ni  adalah   hanya    menganggapkan   kepala  otak kita  aje  yg  betul   ...pendapat  org  lain  tu   takleh  diterima   sama  sekali ...
lebih  kurang pemikiran    yg  selari .... dan     taksud  pada   diri   sendiri  .....  jika  org  lain   enggan   menurut   pendapat   atau  kehendak  kita  maka  ia  menimbulkan   reaksi negatif  dari    kita   ..... contoh   kat   forum   ni   pun   ada   ....   bila   kita    takleh   berhujah   baik   dgn  lawan  kita   ...  maka   kita ke  hilir   ke hulu  memakinya   ....



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Post time 19-4-2007 06:46 PM | Show all posts
Keganasan fikiran ada kaitan dengan kromosom jugak.   Dikatakan lelaki yang mempunyai kromosom Y yang lebih iaitu XYY didapati lebih bertindak ganas apa bila ianya tidak dapat mengawal pemikiran.

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Post time 19-4-2007 08:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ct_og at 19-4-2007 05:46 PM
Keganasan fikiran ada kaitan dengan kromosom jugak.   Dikatakan lelaki yang mempunyai kromosom Y yang lebih iaitu XYY didapati lebih bertindak ganas apa bila ianya tidak dapat mengawal pemikiran.

Kelebihan   kromoson      tak  menjadi kan   lelaki   itu   sebagai    ganas,  sungguhpun   lelaki    sering    dikaitkan    dgn  keganasan ....
keganasan       sering   dikaitkan    dgn  pergolakan   jiwa  dan  emosi    .....   
wanita  gak  sering    dikaitkan    dgn  kegagalan     mengawal  emosi    .....
itu  tak    menjadikan   wanita  itu     lebih   ganas   berbanding    lelaki   ......

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Post time 20-4-2007 01:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mahathirGX at 19-4-2007 08:26 PM

Kelebihan   kromoson      tak  menjadi kan   lelaki   itu   sebagai    ganas,  sungguhpun   lelaki    sering    dikaitkan    dgn  keganasan ....
keganasan       sering   dikaitkan    dgn  perg ...

Kajian sains dah buktikan... memang semua dalam tubuh badan kita ni saling berkait samada dari segi rohani maupun jasmani.....



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Post time 20-4-2007 10:03 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ct_og at 20-4-2007 12:47 AM

Kajian sains dah buktikan... memang semua dalam tubuh badan kita ni saling berkait samada dari segi rohani maupun jasmani.....

Kajian  sains  boleh  berubah    ....  kerana   manusia    mempunyai    emosi  dan  perasaan   ....   perasaan   harus  dikawal   ...  emosi  harus   ditenangkan   ......   kata  pepatah   beramal   bertahun-tahun   boleh   berubah  hanya   dgn  menjadi  syaitan   sehari ........

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Post time 20-4-2007 10:08 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mahathirGX at 20-4-2007 10:03 AM

Kajian  sains  boleh  berubah    ....  kerana   manusia    mempunyai    emosi  dan  perasaan   ....   perasaan   harus  dikawal   ...  emosi  harus   ditenangkan   ......   kata  pepatah   be ...

emosi dan perasaan ni pun termasuk dalam elemen manusia dan ia boleh diuji secara sains... kerana itu sekarang ada ilmu sains tentang psikologi, khas membincangkan tentang emosi dan perasaan... bagaimana ianya berperanan mempengaruhi tingkah laku...

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Post time 20-4-2007 09:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ct_og at 20-4-2007 10:08 AM

emosi dan perasaan ni pun termasuk dalam elemen manusia dan ia boleh diuji secara sains... kerana itu sekarang ada ilmu sains tentang psikologi, khas membincangkan tentang emosi dan perasaan ...

telus ker ujian scientifik nie? sedangkan kita sendiri tidak tahu

mungkin ia boleh menggupas sesuatu persoalan tp perasaan tu kan, bercampur baur

can we trust the outcome?

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Post time 21-4-2007 12:02 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ct_og at 20-4-2007 10:08 AM

emosi dan perasaan ni pun termasuk dalam elemen manusia dan ia boleh diuji secara sains... kerana itu sekarang ada ilmu sains tentang psikologi, khas membincangkan tentang emosi dan perasaan ...

Physical scientist always regards psychology as pseudo-science.

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Post time 21-4-2007 12:05 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by ct_og at 20-4-2007 01:47 AM

Kajian sains dah buktikan... memang semua dalam tubuh badan kita ni saling berkait samada dari segi rohani maupun jasmani.....

Merujuk kepada 'hypochondriac illness' dan 'placebo effect'?

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Post time 21-4-2007 08:51 AM | Show all posts
Predestined Serial Killers

Annabella Rutigliano
serial killer: a person who commits a series of murders, often with no apparent motive and usually following a similar, characteristic pattern of behavior.

As participants in today's information obsessed society we are constantly being bombarded with the brutal actions that mankind is capable of. One watches the news and hears about a murder, or reads a book about a mysterious killer. The only time that the New York Daily News has ever outsold the New York Times was when the headline claimed the letters that proved the 'real' identity of Jack the Ripper. As you wade through these bits and pieces of reality, one can't help but be struck by the thought-- what causes a person to actively commit such horrendous acts? There have been many different studies done in hopes of finding an answer.

For a crime such as serial killing there are two main schools of thought. The first idea is that serial killing is caused by an abnormality in the frontal lobe region of the brain. Another theory is that serial killers are bred by circumstance. However, I believe that with some analysis the evidence for both theories can serve to prove that serial killers are genetically different. Thus demonstrating that serial killing can find its origins in genetics.  A startling amount of criminals on death row have been clinically diagnosed with brain disorders.

A recent study has demonstrated that 20 out of 31 confessed killers are diagnosed as mentally ill. Out of that 20, 64% have frontal lobe abnormalities. A thorough study of the profiles of many serial killers shows that many of them had suffered sever head injuries (to the frontal lobe) when they were children. To discover why damage to the frontal lobe could be a cause of serial killing, one must look at the function of the frontal lobe of the brain.  The frontal lobe is located in the most anterior part of the brain hemispheres.

It is considered responsible for much of the behavior that makes possible stable and adequate social relations. Self-control, planning, judgment, the balance of individual versus social needs, and many other essential functions underlying effective social intercourse are mediated by the frontal structures of the brain. Antonio and Anna Damasio, two noted Portuguese neurologists and researchers working in the University of Iowa, have been investigating in the last decade the neurological basis of psychopathy. They have shown that individuals who had undergone damage to the ventromedial frontal cortex (and who had normal personalities before the damage) developed abnormal social conduct, leading to negative personal consequences. Among other things, they presented inadequate decision-making and planning abilities, which are known to be processed by the frontal lobe of the brain.

For a long time now, neuroscientists have known that lesions to this part of the brain lead to severe deficits in all these behaviors. The inordinate use of prefrontal lobotomy as a therapeutic tool by surgeons for many mental diseases in the 40s and 50s, provided researchers with enough data to implicate the frontal brain in the genesis of dissocial and antisocial personalities. Through this information one can posit that the frontal lobe acts as a conscience.  

An example of a serial killer that had suffered sever injury to his frontal lobe is Albert Fish, better known as the Brooklyn Vampire. At the age of seven he had a severe fall off a cherry tree which caused a head injury from which he would have permanent problems with, such as headaches and dizzy spells. After his fall he began to display many violent tendencies, including an interest in sadomasochistic activities. At the age of twenty he killed his fist victim, a twelve-year-old neighbor by the name of Gracie whom he cannibalized. It would appear that a damaged frontal lobe is a prime suspect in the causation of serial killing. However, if you look closer this argument flows over to prove that genetics is the main cause of serial killing. Could it be the case that we are all genetically encoded to become serial killers, and the frontal lobe is the proverbial muzzle that stops us from acting on our tendencies?

All of us have at one point or another imagined killing a person because they displayed tendencies that we did not like. None of us went out and killed them in a ritualized manner.  The idea that the frontal lobe is a stop button, or acts as a conscience that stops a 'normal' human from acting on their more violent tendencies, is not a new one. Evolutionary biologists point that the frontal lobe evolved in tandem with the evolution of man from a beast to purveyor of civilization. The trademark of all social primates is a highly developed frontal brain, and human beings have the largest one of all. It is a simple jump in reason to understand that, like a dog without its muzzle, the human animal without a frontal lobe is more likely to 'bite.'  Continued below.

[ Last edited by  free2rhyme at 21-4-2007 08:56 AM ]

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Post time 21-4-2007 08:52 AM | Show all posts
Brain damage cannot be the motivator for all serial killing. 46% of all confessed serial killers have no frontal or general brain damage. The majority admits that they were perfectly aware of what they were doing before, during, and after the crime. Some even confess that they know that what they were doing was wrong, and contemplated 'giving up' after the first time. The thrill derived from murder is a temporary fix. Like any other powerful narcotic, homicidal violence satisfies the senses for a time, but the effect soon fades. And when it does, a predator goes hunting.

Caroll Edward Cole commented that after his first kill " I thought my life was going to improve, I was sadly mistaken. Neither at home or at school. I was getting meaner and meaner, fighting all the time in a way to hurt or maim, and my thoughts were not the ideas of an innocent child, believe me." By the end of his career Cole had killed so many people that he could not even remember the names of his victims. At one point during his testimony he remembered a new victim, "This one is almost a complete blank," Cole said of the victim. He didn't know the woman's name, but Cole remembered finding pieces of her body scattered from the bathroom to the kitchen of his small apartment. "Evidently I had done some cooking the night before," he testified. "There was some meat on the stove in a frying pan and part that I hadn't eaten on a plate, on the table." Caroll Edward Cole had no mental illnesses, and was aware that he was committing morally abhorrent acts.  

Circumstance is another argument that is proposed as a cause of serial killing. As the study of the profiles of serial killers progresses many similarities in their pasts, and in their recurring actions become eerily apparent. As children many suffered through traumatic childhoods, usually being physically or mentally abused. From this fact, it emerges that all reported cases of abuse committed against serial killers was done by their mothers.

Most serial killers kill either for personal gain (revenge, money etc...) or pleasure (usually sexual). Many serial killers have above average intelligence, and are well employed in high wage jobs (engineers, doctors, lawyers etc...). The majority came from middle to high-income families. They are usually handsome/ beautiful, very articulate, and sexually promiscuous. As killers they have a specific trait that they look for in the victims that they ritually kill. In interviews, many serial killers admitted that the people they killed fulfilled some aspect of a person that abused or taunted them.

Caroll Edward Cole killed little boys that reminded him of a schoolyard bully that taunted him for having a girl's name. He later expanded his modus operandi to include young brown haired females that looked like his abusive mother. Under oath, he told a story of childhood abuse inflicted by his sadistic, adulterous mother, giving rise to a morbid obsession with women who betrayed their husbands or lovers. "I think," he told the jury, "I've been killing her through them."  Do these disquieting threads of commonality among serial killers make a strong case towards the idea that serial killers are caused by circumstance? It would appear to be true, until you take into consideration the distribution curve.

If serial killers give the impression of being linked by similar circumstance it is because the genetic traits of serial killing are all found at one end of the distribution curve (which by chance could be the same end in which a higher probability of certain circumstances occurs). The normal distribution curve is one of the most commonly observed and is the starting point for modeling many natural processes. There are also cases of serial killers that break the thread of commonality.

For example, one pair of killers, killed as a form of earning income. In the 1800's William Burke and William Hare poisoned over 200 people, and sold their corpses to medical universities so that medical students could learn how to autopsy cadavers.  If there is no commonality of experience between serial killers, then serial killing must be genetic.  An interesting idea comes forward when discussing the commonality of serial killers. Many genetic diseases are carried by a female and become active in their male offspring.

For example, the most common form of color blindness, affects about 7 percent of men and less than 1 percent of women. It is identified as a sex-linked hereditary characteristic, passed from the mother to her son. Can the same be said for serial killing? It is observed that their mother abused the majority of serial killers. Following this with the thought that serial killing is caused by genetics, could the mother be passing the genetic trait down to her son? This would account for the reason that serial killers are predominantly male.  In this paper the question has been raised: are serial killers genetically different? This question spawned the idea that serial killing is genetic. To prove this the two main arguments against genetics were looked at, and disproved. The first argument proposed that serial killing was caused by mental illness, or more specifically that serial killing was caused by trauma to the frontal lobe. If you look closely at this argument it actually turns to prove that serial killing can be genetic. The argument generates the idea that we are all genetically encoded to become serial killers, and the frontal lobe (acting as a conscience) stops us from doing so. The argument does not refute the idea that serial killing is genetic. The next major argument towards the causation of serial killing supposes that a serial killer is created by circumstance. To oppose this one can simply say that the apparent commonality of experience among serial killers only demonstrates that since serial killers are genetically different, in general they are at one end of the distribution curve. If there is no commonality of experience, then serial killing must be genetically caused. Maybe our founding fathers claims of manifest destiny and predestination were accurate after all.

[ Last edited by  free2rhyme at 21-4-2007 08:55 AM ]

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Post time 21-4-2007 09:15 AM | Show all posts
I disagree that serial killers are predestined to kill. They just choose to follow their lust and anger, thats all. They are not unable but actually unwilling to control their desire to kill . Like what happened in Virginia Tech. Cho was bullied and abused mentally . Yes some people who are put in such distressed condition will choose to retaliate violently but not all . Can Cho be considered as serial killers? Well , he killed many victims all at once and serial killers also kill many victims but one at a time . I don't see that much different between them. they still killers . The life of one innocent human is as valuable as the life of all innocent humans on earth.

[ Last edited by  free2rhyme at 21-4-2007 09:17 AM ]



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Post time 21-4-2007 10:00 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by dutchy at 20-4-2007 09:33 PM

telus ker ujian scientifik nie? sedangkan kita sendiri tidak tahu

mungkin ia boleh menggupas sesuatu persoalan tp perasaan tu kan, bercampur baur

can we trust the outcome?  

Ilmu ni tak habis kat sini aje... ia sentiasa dicabar dan diperbaharui... kerana itu ilmu psilkologi ni makin meluas bila manusia makin mengenali dirinya melalui penemuan kajian yang dilakukan...

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Post time 21-4-2007 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 21-4-2007 12:02 AM

Physical scientist always regards psychology as pseudo-science.

Ye ke... maaf le saya kalau fasal istilah ni lemah sikit....

[ Last edited by  ct_og at 21-4-2007 08:12 PM ]

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Post time 21-4-2007 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Agul at 21-4-2007 12:05 AM

Merujuk kepada 'hypochondriac illness' dan 'placebo effect'?

Maaf le saya pun tak pakar dalam bidang ni... tapi saya merujuk pada psikologi secara umum... mungkin Agul lebih arif lagi tentang hal ni...

Saya terbaca tentang kajian yang dilakukan oleh Doktor Jepun mendapati bahawa orang yang mempunyai tekanan perasaan akan mudah mendapat penyakit barah usus perut... begitu juga beberapa doktor pakar mengatakan banyak penyakit sekarang umpamanya migrin dan gastrik adalah berpunca dari emosi yang tak stabil... sori le istilah sains perubatan saya tak geti....

[ Last edited by  ct_og at 21-4-2007 07:03 PM ]

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Post time 21-4-2007 10:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by <i>ct_og</i> at 21-4-2007 10:07 AM<br />

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Maaf le saya pun tak pakar dalam bidang ni... tapi saya merujuk pada psikologi secara umum... mungkin Agul lebih arif lagi tentang hal ni... <img src="images/smilies/loveliness.gif" smilieid="79" border="0" alt="" /><br />
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Saya terbaca tentang kajian yang牋...
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Dulu ada term psychosomatic illness merujuk kepada masalah kesihatan yang berpunca atau menjadi semakin teruk sebab keadaan mental dan emosi.

Sekarang ni diorang panggil psycological factor je...

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Post time 21-4-2007 10:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by <i>ct_og</i> at 21-4-2007 10:01 AM<br />

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Ye ke... maaf le saya kalau fasal istilah ni lemah sikit.... <img src="images/smilies/loveliness.gif" smilieid="79" border="0" alt="" />
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Konon2nya beg ahli fizik, matematik kimia dll psikologi ni sebenarnya subjek sastera yang menyamar sebagai sains... Tapi tu pendapat diorang la... mungkin diorang bias...

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