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M'sia proposes Asean idol
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KUALA LUMPUR, July 25, 2006 (AFP) - Malaysia has proposed an American Idol-style contest for Southeast Asian countries, saying a crooning competition would help young people bond across the region, a report said Tuesday.
Foreign Minister Syed Hamid Albar said an ASEAN Idol contest would draw on the popularity of the Malaysian spinoffs of international music shows like American Idol and Akademi Fantasia.
"Programmes that have appeal like Akademi Fantasia and Malaysian Idol will definitely generate interest from the young," Syed Hamid was quoted as telling the New Straits Times.
"This will also make it easier for them to work together for ASEAN because they would from an early age be made to feel as a part of the association," he said.
The minister has been urging a closer ties between Southeast Asian citizens since assuming the ASEAN chairmanship a year ago.
And he is no stranger to song-making himself.
The minister has said he writes poems to relax, one of which was set to music and served as the theme song -- called "ASEAN, Our Way" -- for the group's leadership summit in December.
[ Last edited by silverose at 25-7-2006 03:27 PM ] |
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ade bukti ker yg cite ni btul??? |
Reply #3 casper541's post
Err...what do you mean casper?? nak bukti camne?? tak faham lah?? |
yer la...kalu nk gabungkan sume tu mst ade kenytaan pihak luar gak kan...'
takkan only msia jer yg kuar statement...lgpun ape komen pihak stsn tv... |
Reply #5 casper541's post
oh nih baru je proposal daripada Syed Hamid Albar. "Proposal" maksudnya baru dicadangkan, disyorkan. Tunggu je respond dari negeri2 asean. |
| mcm ssh skit jer |
ASEAN IDOL? wah ada orang thai, vietnam, indon... Hmmmm... nak gunakan bahasa apa? BI & BM??? atau BI, BM, BC??
BI, BC?? BI, BM, BC, BT, BV???
[ Last edited by itikganas at 25-7-2006 06:42 PM ] |
Reply #8 itikganas's post
mungkin setiap country tu nyanyi 2 songs
one in their national linga
and one in english.......
interesting gak cam gitu... |
BIARlahrahSIA92 This user has been deleted
hari semalam artikel ni ade kat suratkhabar. |
Kalau jadi siapa agaknya yang akan represent malaysia eh? |
Reply #11 silverose's post
saya rasa untuk pertandingan ni-
tak ambil penyanyi yang dah terkenal -
pilih dari yang registered tu la..
dan mesti yang boleh bawa kedua2 lagi
inggeris dan malay dengan baik..
thats my thots... |
You mean sama macam other talents shows skrang? Kena audition... Kalau macam tu rasa banyak makan masa. kalau ikut macam world idol punya konsep, dia amik dari yang telah menang from each country. |
Kalau tak ada perkataan IDOL tu dah dikirakan copyright Fremantle... |
Reply #14 itikganas's post
there u go..
kalau letak IDOL tu.....
i believe thats what it's gonna take..
takkan nak buat lagi ASEAN singers lawan each other
yang dah ada sekarang pun - bukan pun very well known
asia bagus la - those kat shanghai last time -- and few others
among asia countries ---
kan banyak dah hantar artis popular and stuff...
kalau nak buat DIFFERENT dengan ASEAN IDOL ni...
nevertheless terpaksa la cari bakat baru nampaknya..
banyak makan duit ni --- so i reckon thats why dia baru
PROPOSED dulu - tengok -- make sense ka, boleh execute ka,
dapat profit ka dan yang sewaktu dengannya... |
Reply #15 dexa's post
Yes its gonna be tough. aku rasa pun nak letak muka lama2 dari talent show lama pun bosan gak eh. |
Reply #16 silverose's post
ye la......
kena cari fresh face.........macam silverose ka..
tak nak try ka ?? belum cuba belum try... |
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