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[MERGED] Otak Kiri, Otak Kanan

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Post time 1-3-2006 03:56 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
last weekend, p ceramah motivasi.
then dlm ceramah tuh ada sentuh pasal
penggunaan otak kiri, dan otak kanan
dan dia beri contoh, anak dia yang bagus dlm akademik
dan dia jugak terangkan yang anak dia diberi pendedahan yang sama rata
sama ada sukan ker, muzik etc

so, adalah wat research skit pasal otak kiri dan otak kanan ni

moga2 kita dpt manafaat bersama


[ Last edited by  shinky_pinky at 3-10-2006 03:30 AM ]



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 Author| Post time 1-3-2006 03:57 PM | Show all posts
Para pengkaji minda membahagi kan minda kpd dua bahagian utama iaitu otak kanan & otak kiri. Masing-masing mempunyai tugas yg berbeza yg menjadi pelengkap kpd fikiran manusia.

Tugas-tugas otak itu ialah antaranya

Otak kanan - kreativiti, ilham, agama, lukisan, seni, muzik, puisi

Otak kiri - logik, matematik, turutan, sains, fizik, kimia

Manusia biasanya cenderung utk menggunakan sebelah otak sahaja. Misalnya seorang jurutera banyak menggunakan otak kiri utk membuat pengiraan. Pelukis pula cenderung menggunakan otak kanan utk menghasilkan lukisan.

Yg paling baik ialah menggunakan kedua-dua belah otak. Misalnya ulama-ulama Islam lampau menulis buku-buku sains & matematik dlm bentuk puisi. Sains & matematik banyak memakai logik yg tugasnya di buat oleh otak kiri. Mana kala puisi adalah menggunakan otak kanan. Mereka bijak menggabungkan seni & ilmu.

Ini bertentangan dgn fahaman saintis barat yg berpendapat sains & matematik tidak boleh bercampur dgn seni. Cuba baca penulisan mereka, stail penulisan mereka adalah dlm bentuk serius yg menjadikan bidang sains & matematik sesuatu bidang yg membosankan.

Kita perlu mendidik anak-anak kita di sekolah supaya menggunakan kedua-dua belah otak. Misalnya dgn menyuruh mereka membuat puisi, syair & pantun utk matapelajaran sains. Ini menjadikan sains lebih menarik & lebih mudah di hafal ilmunya.

Seorang professor Jepun memberi pendapat yg semua murid boleh menjadi 'matematik wizard' dgn menggunakan lagu.

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 Author| Post time 1-3-2006 03:58 PM | Show all posts

OTAK manusia terbahagi kepada dua bahagian iaitu Otak Kanan dan Otak Kiri. Di antara ciri-ciri yang terdapat pada otak kiri dan kanan adalah seperti berikut:

Otak Kanan

Emosi, imaginasi, kreativiti, perasaan, angan-angan, sintesis (gabungan beberapa perkara dijadikan satu)

Otak Kiri

Logik, sebab, fakta, analisis, tindakan, pembacaan, penulisan dan bahasa.

Bagi aktiviti-aktiviti yang melibatkan kreativiti, penggunaan otak kanan adalah amat ketara. Ini kerana otak kanan berfungsi sebagai pemikir bagi perkara-perkara yang subjektif dalam bentuk bayangan dan imaginasi.

Otak kiri pula berperanan dalam perkara-perkara objektif iaitu fakta atau logik dan perkara-perkara kebiasaan adalah merupakan fungsinya (sebagai contoh : bernafas

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 Author| Post time 1-3-2006 04:11 PM | Show all posts
dulu kan masa kekecik
selalu ditekan ke akademik
orang2 tua ckp
tak boleh main sukan, muzik etc
nanti lalai
tak leh tumpu pelajaran

bila dah besar nih baru lah tahu
benda2 tuh pun penting gak
biar otak kita seimbang

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Post time 1-3-2006 04:19 PM | Show all posts
tak tauler anak dewi guna otak kanan ker kiri ker... masa darjah 5 & 6 dia kata dia minat math. sebab cikgu yg ajar tu best. masuk form 1 ni cikgu math tak best . kurang minat dah.

sekarang minat BI pulak sebab cikgu BI tu best giler. hehehe

tapi apa pun minat dia dlm pelajaran yg asik berubah2 mengikut "kebestan" cikgu yg mengajar dia tetap minat aktiviti luar macam kebudayaan ( masuk tunas budaya peringkat kebangsaan ) dia minat sukan ( main bola baling, bola jaring ( wakil daerah je) silat pun dia ambil gak. kadet polis pun dia join. Catur pun dia sapu gak wakil sekolah. Letih pulak kita yg tgk jer ni. Nasib baik pelajaran OK.

so kira balance gak tu... tapi ader org kata IQ tak penting EQ lagi penting. cam ner lak tu?

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 Author| Post time 1-3-2006 04:43 PM | Show all posts
ada satu ibu nih
dia tunjukkan jadual waktu yang dia wat tuk anak2 dia

pagi sekolah
petang sek agama
then ada p renang
ada hari2 yang p kelas muzik etc

penuh time table anak dia

aku rasa dia usaha sungguh2 nak balancekan otak kiri ngan otak kanan anak dia lah

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Post time 1-3-2006 10:43 PM | Show all posts

cuba gi website ni..ada ujian utk penggunaan otka kiri kanan kita..tka tua le ketepatannye...

tp,saya dah cuba dah.

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Post time 2-3-2006 08:57 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Syd at 1-3-2006 04:43 PM
ada satu ibu nih
dia tunjukkan jadual waktu yang dia wat tuk anak2 dia

pagi sekolah
petang sek agama
then ada p renang
ada hari2 yang p kelas muzik etc

penuh time table anak dia

aku ra ...

reaksi anak dia macam mana syd?  anak dia tak rasa pressured atau terbeban ke dengan jadual yang packed tu?

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Post time 2-3-2006 09:07 AM | Show all posts
ada sesaper nak share tips to boost the brain function???

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Post time 2-3-2006 09:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KakFie at 2-3-2006 08:57 AM

reaksi anak dia macam mana syd?  anak dia tak rasa pressured atau terbeban ke dengan jadual yang packed tu?

ha'ah ler...zue baru nak tanya same question dgn kak fie..

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2006 09:09 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by KakFie at 2-3-2006 08:57 AM

reaksi anak dia macam mana syd?  anak dia tak rasa pressured atau terbeban ke dengan jadual yang packed tu?

anak dia pun menurut kata.
yelah, mungkin dorang pk betul dan logik
dgn alasan2 yang mak dorang kasik.

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Post time 2-3-2006 09:21 AM | Show all posts
I see...mungkin dia dah bincang dululah dengan anak dia aktiviti2 yang sesuai dan ikut minat diorang jugak.

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2006 09:46 AM | Show all posts
dua2 laki bini ni ada phd
agaknya itu kelebihan dia
ada fakta dan cara utk terangkan dgn lebih berkesan dan logik utk diterima oleh anak2 dia

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2006 09:56 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tina^^ at 2-3-2006 09:07 AM
ada sesaper nak share tips to boost the brain function???

Creativity is not easy to define. Creativity itself is no means linear and therefore defining it in a logical way betrays the very essence of creativity.

There could be no specific definition of how to be a creative people often strive to dispel any definition and actively thwart attempts to be pigeonholed. Thus, we often look with a good bit of justified cynicism, if not out right contempt for any system of creativity. The very notion that someone can concoat a recipe to follow on how to become cretive is paradoxical.

But some people says, there are some rules that we could follow, or at lest choose certain elements to try.



Some people like to wait for creative inspiration. But that's not often productive. It becomes too easy to slip into laziness and creative athrophy.

Inspiration does strike, but however too often it is merely a chance. Exercising your brain in uninspired times helps generate new ideas that may never have developed otherwise.

Setting a scheduled hour of the day (or day of the week) to actively work on a creative project seems to be very linear. The part of the brain that deals with schedules and time is not the creative side.

But sitting down at a set time does force you work. It doesn't take long for the right side of your brain to kick in. Even if every scheduled session doesn't produce excellent work, it does get you working.


Do not copy, but emulate. Every great artist had someone who inspired them. There must have been something that inspired you. Figure out who inspired and do some research. What is their creative process like? How do they go about producing their creative work? What or who inspired them? Found out why they were inspired.

This shouldn't apply only to music or painting. In what ever field that you are interested in, found out who are the best and the heroes. Study on what did that person do to become so good? Emulate them.

Learn by the media

Do you know that the lead song writers of the best rock-n-roll band, The Beatles actually could not read or write music?

If you are doing something as analytical as desingning websites, your creativity can only be enhanced by learning the techniques or even programming.

Picasso made himself famous with cubism, a form of art that is often criticized as being too primitive. The fact of the matter is he was one of the best drawers of all time. He could draw incredibly realistic drawings like no one else, and the incredible skill that he possessed in no way hampered his creativity.

The diversity of sklill that you learn will help gain more creativity energy.


Some experts say that a children learns what they played while asleep. The fact is, the mind needs sleep. You can think more clearly if you feel rested. Good ideas can come in your dream or when you wake-up fresh from a good sleep.

Keep notes

Keep a notebook handy, at all times, even when you go to bed. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. But you never know when an idea may strike, and you need to keep a record of it. Most likely you don't have time to pursue your idea right at this moment, but if you don't have time. If there is no record, you run the risk of forgetting it.

A lot of creativity is random. The thing is, when you start recording all your thoughts and ideas, they start to combine with each other.

Combination synthesis is the core of all creativity.

The equipment

It does help to have good tools such good musical instruments, cameras, computers or whatever equipment you need for your work, but don't expect them to do the work for you.

Your talent is what should be on display and your hard work is what is natable.

Idea quota

Typically, problem solving involves thinking about what has worked in the past. Method of thinking usually results in the same mediocre ideas over and over again. It's better to let your imagination run wild, and to do that, you should set an idea quota.

Force yourself to come up with as many as 250 ideas. You will have stretch to meet that quota, and as a result, you won't censor any of the thoughts you have at this stage. Self-censorship is a big turn-off to creative thinking. Creativity works like a water faucet. What comes out first is brown and murky. Later, it becomes crystal clear. That's the way creative thinking.

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Post time 2-3-2006 10:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tina^^ at 2-3-2006 09:07 AM
ada sesaper nak share tips to boost the brain function???


lagi satu kalau rajin membaca cari buku ni "The Endangered Minds: Why children dont think and what we can do about it" by Jane M Healy.  

Personally akak suka buku tu.

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2006 10:41 AM | Show all posts
saya search tajuk yang akak ckp kat atas tuh, antaranya saya jupe yang nih:

Media On Our Minds

[Adapted from Endangered Minds: Why Children Don抰 Think and What We Can Do About It by Jane M. Healy, Ph.D., New York: Simon & Schuster, 1990.]

Using research from cognitive neuroscience, Dr. Healy argues that several hours of playing video games and watching TV programs, from ages two to six, alters the brain抯 physical structure and consequently change the way children think and learn. By emphasizing fast-paced visual images over person-to-person interactions, these media overstimulate certain parts of the brain and fail to provide necessary stimulation to other parts. The areas of the brain responsible for organizing data, critical analysis, creative thinking, and language construction weaken with disuse. The result is a generation of children who have trouble concentrating for extended periods, expressing their thoughts clearly, and interacting in social settings.

Changing Brains? The idea kept returning as I taught and watched students at different grade levels. I began to observe more carefully; these youngsters did seem different from those we used to teach. Today抯 students looked and acted differently, of course, and they talked about different things, but I became increasingly convinced that changes ran deeper than that - to the very ways in which they were absorbing and processing information.

"Of course, large doses of any experience have shaping power over the brain," I was told again and again. If children抯 experiences change significantly, so will their brains. Part of the brain抯 physical structure comes from the way it is used.

What does the Research Say?

Strangely, there are very few studies on how television, video tapes, and computerized games affect children抯 mental development. However,we know that children between ages two and six -- at the height of the brain抯 cognitive and language development -- spend an average of twenty-eight hours per week viewing various TV programs (more time than other other activity except sleeping). This replaces active playtime and family conversation that builds language and listening skills, reading aloud, and games and activities in which adults show children how to solve problems, talk out future plans, or deal with their own emotions. When parents try to redirect their children away from TV, they find the children so 'addicted' to viewing that they are hostile to alternatives.

Appropriate, non-harmful technologies for studying the brain in action have become increasingly accessible. Neurological research suggests that television viewing affects the learning abilities in the following ways:

1. Television forces the brain to pay attention by eliciting instinctive responses. Some television and videotape programming artificially manipulate the brain into paying attention by violating certain of its natural defenses with frequent visual and auditory changes. Sudden close-ups, quick movements, bright colors, and sudden noises get attention because our brains are biologically programmed to be extremely sensitive to such changes that might signal danger. The brain registers specific changes after a camera zoom, for example, responding as if to real danger. Yet the impulse has no outlet. Researchers suggest that children thus stimulated, without natural physical outlets for the pent-up energy, might develop hyperactivity, frustration, irritability or aggression.

2. Television induces neural passivity and reduces 憇tick-to-it-iveness

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Post time 2-3-2006 10:45 AM | Show all posts
rajin awak syd, tenkiu.  Kalau akak nak menaip excerpt dari buku tu penat jugak tuh..

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 Author| Post time 2-3-2006 10:49 AM | Show all posts
ada banyak lagi

kang saya paste
penting dan bernas sekali pandangan dr nih

esp budak2 yang terlalu leka dgn tv, games etc

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Post time 2-3-2006 10:50 AM | Show all posts
By the way nak re-order our school tu yang susah nak buat tu.  Kena overhaul exam oriented sistem kat Malaysia ni.  Alamak..provocative statement ke ni??:cak:

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Post time 2-5-2006 01:45 PM | Show all posts

Tip melatih anak kecil menggunakan konsep otak kanan

zue tak tau artikel nie dah ader ker blum...kalu dah, mod sasha mergedkan kay..

Tip melatih anak kecil menggunakan konsep otak kanan

Konsep ini sudah lama di amalkan pendidik di jepun dan china kerana otak kanan di katakan lebih efektif berbanding dengan otak kiri.

Antara latihan dan panduan itu ialah:

1. Ketika anak mahu tidur atau tidur2 ayam, bisik di telingnya dengan sepenuh hati yang kita sayangnya contonhya dengan berkata, dia budak baik, dia anak soleh dan dia budak pandai.

2. Ajar menggunakan kad iaitu abjad A-Z, insya-Allah dalam seminggu anak kecil sudah boleh mengenal huruf dan boleh mengeja perkataan yg pendek.

3. Gerak kerja tangan hasil daripada otak kanan. Jadi didik anak kecil anda bermain dengan tanah liat, cat air, melukis dan menguting kertas. Malah makan menggunakan penyepit juga aktiviti kerja tangan untuk menggerakkan otak kanan.

4. Ceritakan apa sahaja yang menarik seperti sang kancil menipu buaya. Kemudian minta anak kecil anda menyambung cerita itu. Jika jalan cerita anak kecil anda merapu pun tidak apa kerana itu teknik menggerakkan otak kanan.

5. Main teka-teki. Simpan sesuatu dalam kotak tisu dan minta anak kecil anda teka paa barang itu. Pertama kali boleh beri bayangan seperti warna/ buni lama-kelamaan anak kecil boleh mengembangkan enam deria di tubuh untuk mengaktifkan otak kanan.

6.  Ketika melakukan panduan atau latihan buat sekurang-kurangnya setengah jam sehari kerana anak kecil memang tidak gemar sesuatu benda untuk tempoh yg lama.

7. Sebelum melakukan latihan itu, tarik nafas dan buat dengan ikhlas dan merendah diri, Insya-Allah berjaya.

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