Gretel & Hansel (also known as Gretel & Hansel: A Grim Fairy Tale) is a 2020 dark fantasy horror film based on the German folklore tale Hansel and Gretel by the Brothers Grimm. The film is directed by Oz Perkins, produced by Fred Berger, Brian Kavanaugh-Jones, and Dan Kagan, and the screenplay is by Rob Hayes. Sophia Lillis and Sam Leakey portray the main characters, alongside Charles Babalola, Jessica De Gouw and Alice Krige. Gretel and Hansel enter a dark wood in order to find work and food to assist their poor parents, where they stumble upon the home of an evil witch.
Post time 6-2-2020 11:44 AMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 6-2-2020 11:23 AM
style trailer mcm filem James Wan...also ade satanic vibes yg ketara.
I wonder knape gretel & hansel dan bukannya hansel & gretel.... ada isu copyright dgn film2 sblm ni ka? Tpi apsal rating film ni kat imdb rendah yaamat... 5.5 ja