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Leaving Neverland ~ #MichaelJackson #WadeRobson #JimmySafechuck

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Post time 6-12-2019 02:11 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

Aku dah lama cuak dengan dia ni.  Habes juri sume jadi bahlol pegi lepaskan dia aritu.  Siap dengan aku pon tepok tangan sekali macam berok..



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Post time 6-12-2019 04:53 PM | Show all posts
masa zaman kanak2 dulu mmg x tahu psl pedo ke ape mmg blur la psl sisi gelap MJ ni

tp manja mmg x pernah minat dgn MJ atau lagu2 x peduli..

bile dah kluar dokumentari2 mcm ni..baru la nk ambik kisah...yg i x bleh hadam bile mak pak budak2 biarkan support lg anak2 sndiri slumber party beramai2 kat rumah MJ ni...

mmg media masa ni cukup hebat utk brainwash kite2 ni..utk jadi pemuja idola2 mcm MJ..sampai x bleh beza baik buruk ssrg retis or celebrity..
x kira la kat Hollywood ke...Bollywood ke..K-Pop semua same je...tool CIA nak pengaruh & kawal minda public...

yg manja terkejut tu ade 1 dokumentari psl Latoya Jackson..skali..yg die & adik prempuan die kena sexually abuse dgn Dad they all. Masa kecik2 dulu semua bros & sisters MJ JJ semua duk serumah...

Mak Latoya pulak tahu psl perbuatan jijik si buat x tahu je...keji kan?...Last2 adik Latoya tu lari dari rumah...

Yg i pelik tu baru2 ni kluar Reality Show psl travel dgn team & Mak though nothing happend????????

Kalau mak u all buat u mcm tu..sanggup ke?


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Post time 6-12-2019 05:58 PM | Show all posts
Minat lagu2 Mj , dulu siap wat benang tribute lagi. Susah nk caya , ai tot mendiang mmg ske budak.

Lelaki gatal senang ja cari bahan , ada website porn , vid porn etc.  Tapi pedo kena sorok2. Kebanyakkannya mesti save picci lucah etc. Tp Mj ni takda langsung. Brp ramai polis gi siasat , tp tak jumpa apa.

Jimmy & Wade gi saman 1 billion , lg nmpk mcm motif duit ja. Ramai syak deyol menipu coz byk kantoi. Ntahlah , ai benci pedo. Betul ke Mj pedo huhu.


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Post time 6-12-2019 10:30 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 7-12-2019 09:15 AM | Show all posts

Konfem Pedo

Edited by tumpanglalu74 at 7-12-2019 09:16 AM
borrow replied at 6-12-2019 05:58 PM
Minat lagu2 Mj , dulu siap wat benang tribute lagi. Susah nk caya , ai tot mendiang mmg ske budak.
Yang pegi buat estate macam playground tu awat?  Those things are not for him.  They are for the kids.

I watched Leaving Neverland without ever knowing that Wade was suing this pedo.  So I got no preconceived notions that he had any ulterior motives and it was smoothsailing thruout for me with no signs of lying on their part.

The guys were juz telling the truth.  Acik Oprah pon terpempan ko:


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Post time 7-12-2019 10:27 AM | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 7-12-2019 09:15 AM
Yang pegi buat estate macam playground tu awat?  Those things are not for him.  They are for the kid ...

amboi kompem trus

Dh tgk docu ai tepek kat atas?

4:13 investigator journalist - charles thompson "beza kes mj ngan kes pedo lain"
7:00 Psikologi
8:00 Anak sedara Mj nafi tuduhan Jim Climente

pastu stori kes 1st accuser

1:09:15 : saksi dgr 1st accuser pun tak caya

Ai still ragu , wat to du. Tunggu je la trial deyols nanti. If terbukti salah , ai pun join kutuk.


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 Author| Post time 7-12-2019 11:56 AM | Show all posts

Ko Pulak

Edited by tumpanglalu74 at 7-12-2019 12:01 PM
borrow replied at 7-12-2019 10:27 AM
amboi kompem trus

Dh tgk docu ai tepek kat atas?

Dah tengok ke yang aku tepek kat atas tu?  Aku dah tengok yang ko punye tu 1/2 way.

Okay ini BBC interview yang Michael bengang tu:

Coz he said they tried to incriminate him instead of working with him.  Part "Why can't U share your bed?"  

Haha.  Busted!

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Post time 7-12-2019 12:12 PM | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 7-12-2019 11:56 AM
Dah tengok ke yang aku tepek kat atas tu?  Aku dah tengok yang ko punye tu 1/2 way.

Okay ini BB ...

idok , sbb katanya byk lubang. Malas nk tgk.

There were many other points of contention in The Lies of Leaving Neverland that the video points out:
  • Why one of MJ’s closest young friends, Macaulay Culkin of Home Alone fame, was never contacted to speak in Leaving Neverland. Culkin said he was never abused by Jackson;
  • Why no one from the Jackson family was ever given the opportunity to speak on the matter;
  • How Safechuck could tell of being abused on the train at Neverland in 1988 or 1989 when the train was reportedly not built until years later;
  • How Robson said he was abused when he was alone with Jackson while the family went to the Grand Canyon, but that the mother testified that the entire family  was in Arizona together;
  • That Robson claimed he burnt most of Jackson’s stuff, but failed to mention that he had already sold most of the items that had monetary value back in 2011;
  • Emanuel Lewis, a close friend of MJ’s at the time when Thriller hijacked popular culture and owned the Billboard pop charts, was also never contacted. He also said he was never abused by Jackson.
Bryan Freedman, an attorney for the Jackson Estate, told The Blast that “the consideration of Leaving Neverland for an Emmy in any category other than one based on fiction is preposterous. A documentary is commonly defined as a film or video examining an event or person based on facts.” ... es-of-mjs-accusers/

Leaving Neverland 'LIES' blasted by man who REPLACED Wade Robson in Michael Jackson's lifeLEAVING NEVERLAND "liar" Wade Robson has been blasted by Brett Barnes, who replaced him in Michael's affections when they were boys and who says the allegations in the HBO film are "lies."
Barnes posted a message online: "Not only do we have to deal with these lies, but we’ve also got to deal with people perpetuating these lies. The fact that they fail to do the small amount of research it takes to prove these are lies, by choice or not, makes it even worse."

Terpulanglah nak caya sapa. Ai tunggu trial baru wat keputusan.


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Post time 7-12-2019 12:24 PM | Show all posts
“Why can’t you share your bed? That’s the most loving thing to do, to share your bed with someone. You say, ‘You can have my bed if you want it. Sleep in it. I’ll sleep on the floor. It’s yours’.”

yg ni kew? Gi tgk vid ai tpk tu 14:38 . Culkin ckp psal bedroom


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 Author| Post time 7-12-2019 01:53 PM | Show all posts

Ade Tengok Pasal Tu

Edited by tumpanglalu74 at 7-12-2019 04:39 PM
borrow replied at 7-12-2019 12:24 PM
“Why can’t you share your bed? That’s the most loving thing to do, to share your bed with someone ...
So how can it be that loving if sorang tido tingkat atas sorang tido bawah?  That his bedroom bertingkat kata si Macaulay kan..

The thing was he played them all.  Bila nak pakai.  Bila taknak boleh blah..  Cube cari sorang laki femes yang suke berkawan dengan boys macam si dia ni.  Aku rase dia sorang..  Every person has his own kind of sexual urges.  So what was his outlet?  Up until the point he married Lisa Marie he was still with these boys.  Kawen pon dia terpakse explain kat salah sorang budak ni dalam docu tu.  That it was time for him to throw all these perception away.

Honestly, aku sendiri nampak train station tu way before 1994.  Kat Pancaindera ke tv ke.  Bace sini:

Michael Jackson Leaving Neverland evidence TWIST 'proves James Safechuck WAS telling the truth'

ANOTHER JACKO TWIST Bombshell Michael Jackson evidence ‘proves’ train station sex abuse took place when James Safechuck said it did

The municipality probably wanted him to pay for the permit later on.  Nak peras duit le katekan.  I mean point yang kata tarikh permit tu was 1993.  Aku pon dulu kat UK tak dapat main SEGA console aku yang ade tv tu sebab matron asrama kata "U need a tv license for that".  True story.  But I never bought the lesen la.  Aku kata aku nak kasi kawan aku pinjam.  Babi punye matron.

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Post time 7-12-2019 04:05 PM | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 7-12-2019 01:53 PM
So how can it be that loving if sorang tido tingkat atas sorang tido bawah?  That his bedroom bert ...

Kat sini plak kata picci diambil ogos 1993 , tada apa2 lgi. ... on-james-safechuck/

adoi fening. Ada ke idok? For now ai stop dgr lagu MJ. Takut kang tersupport pedo plak.

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 Author| Post time 7-12-2019 04:18 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 7-12-2019 05:32 PM | Show all posts
tumpanglalu74 replied at 7-12-2019 04:18 PM
HOUSE OF HORRORS How Michael Jackson rigged Neverland ranch as his paedo lair with ‘abuse roo ...

One book found in Jacko’s mansion, titled The Fourth Sex, by British artists the Chapman Brothers and Tracey Emin, contains erotic photos.
Police also found images of nude children or showing youngsters wearing swimwear.

Satu perkara yg buat ai doubt katanya tak jumpa apa2 bukti. Org normal vley tgk tv , selak2 mag tgk sexy gurl. Pastu dh gatal vley beli porn vid Pedo mesti gatal jugak nk tgk benda2 utk puaskan nafsu. Sgt pelik if deyols tak simpan apa2 like nude children picci.

Ai terlepas  news ni . After baca ,yes , ni sgt creepy. Pedo style.


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 Author| Post time 8-12-2019 01:16 PM | Show all posts


manjalara_01 replied at 6-12-2019 04:53 PM
masa zaman kanak2 dulu mmg x tahu psl pedo ke ape mmg blur la psl sisi gelap MJ ni

tp m ...

The maid's suspicions:


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Post time 8-1-2020 07:07 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 6-12-2019 04:53 PM
masa zaman kanak2 dulu mmg x tahu psl pedo ke ape mmg blur la psl sisi gelap MJ ni

tp m ...

mmg evil ye joe jackson tu.dia bukan saje mendera seksual tapi  teruk dera fizikal anak2 dia.dulu masa trail kes tu tak percaya .bila dah kertu neh tambah pulak tgk leaving neverland  dah boleh menilai dan berfikir.michael mmg ada simpton2 utk mendera.teringat pulak oprah datang neverland  interview michael masa kes tu kecoh2  dulu...michael kata dia tidur dgn  budak2 tu dia tak buat apa2,no harm..tapi oprah mcm tak suka..berkali2 ckp org dewasa tak sepatutnya tidur sekatil dgn budak2..michael  pulak lepas tu konar baring ntah hape2

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Post time 8-1-2020 07:50 PM | Show all posts
alesandra replied at 8-1-2020 07:07 PM
mmg evil ye joe jackson tu.dia bukan saje mendera seksual tapi  teruk dera fizikal anak2 dia.dulu  ...

tu la pasal...just because die MJ semua org buta x nampak yg
MJ = 40 year old MAN (at that time) + SLUMBER PARTY/Tidur Same2 dgn BUDAK2, Boys 6,7,8 yold = PEDO

(kalau MJ ni org biase2....xde sape yg nk bg anak2 kecik masing tido dgn LAKI 40 tahun!!)


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Post time 8-1-2020 07:55 PM | Show all posts
alesandra replied at 8-1-2020 07:07 PM
mmg evil ye joe jackson tu.dia bukan saje mendera seksual tapi  teruk dera fizikal anak2 dia.dulu  ...

terang2 dah kan...hollywood retis pelakon penyanyi...yg bwh umur ramai yg sexual abuse...
yg kes paling teruk dgn bapak, mak / caretaker sndiri..mcm pelakon tu Amanda Bynes tu..Bapak sndiri sexual abuse die..then campakkan pd Bos Nikelodeon also a PEDO....mcm mana AB x jadi mental??..

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Post time 9-1-2020 09:10 AM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 8-1-2020 07:50 PM
tu la pasal...just because die MJ semua org buta x nampak yg
MJ = 40 year old MAN (at that time) ...

pedo ni sexually attracted pd bebudak. Cinta hewan sampai tido sesama tak semestinya bernafsu pd hewan. Makcit umo 40an pun ske titon ngan bebudak jugak , tp tada nafsu. Ada rakaman bapa 1st accuser saja nak buat stori . Accuser seterusnya kantoi menipu.Bebudak yg masuk neverland ckp budak tu ada ngan deyols time kejadian.  B4 finding neverland ni ramai expert pk MJ  just lelaki yg lost zaman kekanak.

Stori finding neverland pun byk lubang. But since memory victim kkdg bercelaru , adalah tak adil utk terus ketepikan tuduhan victim. Ai jumpa bbrp pedo victim jugak. Ada yg mcm indenial , kejap iya kena rogol, kejap tarik balik.


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Post time 9-1-2020 01:19 PM | Show all posts
borrow replied at 9-1-2020 09:10 AM
pedo ni sexually attracted pd bebudak. Cinta hewan sampai tido sesama tak semestinya bernafsu pd h ...

Kalau mj kena sexualy abuse dgn dad die masa keck..mostlikely mj pun pedo..

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Post time 9-1-2020 10:56 PM | Show all posts
manjalara_01 replied at 8-1-2020 07:55 PM
terang2 dah kan...hollywood retis pelakon penyanyi...yg bwh umur ramai yg sexual abuse...
yg kes  ...

apekehei  of all people.. bos nickelodeon pedo??psl latoya jackson ...agaknya forgiveness is part of therapy.uols familiar tak dgn  kes the menendez brothers?si erik tu sendiri bunuh parents diorg tapi dia pulak yg maafkan mak diorg  n still love her.mak diorg tau yg anak2 dia kena rape tapi senyap je sama gak mcm katherine jackson.mak erik neh masa kecik2 penah kena yg penah kena dera mempunyai kecenderungan mendera tapi tak semestinya.jadi mungkin latoya ni jumpa psychiatrist kalo nak let go atau mungkin x mau berulang,atau berdendam kena memaafkan.jimmy safechuck dlm aftermath leaving neverland pun ngaku kat oprah yg dia belum bersedia nak maafkan mak dia.padahal mak dia sendiri pun taktau ,terkejut anak dia kena molest.

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